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Rated: XGC · Book · Other · #2020667
blog of a person who seems to be invisible...
ok.. so I'm taking a next step in my life. I'm improving on myself. I'm going down this path i am on, thanks to God. I now attend a church regularly, and I like its small confines in a church building i attended nearly 40 years ago. To me it is surreal.

Do i know whats ahead, or even where I am going? no, not at all. to be honest it scares me, but I need to step out of my fear and take charge of my life, and live it the way I and God want me to be. where ever this path goes, I'm sticking it out to the end. I feel it is a testament to who I am.
I am learning more and more everyday about myself. and improving, also trying to make amends for past mistakes.
But one can only make amends for mistakes where there was mistakes to begin with, if people don't want to listen then that is their fault, and their loss. I wont go where im not wanted and I know I am a good man, if you don't.. well that's too bad so sad for you...
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May 4, 2016 at 11:51am
May 4, 2016 at 11:51am
DAY 1267: May 4, 2016
Prompt: Let this Latin phrase or its translation inspire you. “Ad impossibilia nemo tenetur.” “No one is expected to do the impossible.”

I like this phrase, as it really reminds me of my past. This phrase was always held to me, as a U.S.Marine, as a child,and as a civilian man. Although I loathe terms like this, I understand its necessity to have it be ever present in ones life to remind one that all they have to do is to try to do the best and you will be ok. I just cringe at the faulty logic, in today's society, that is inherent in today's society for terms like this.

I was always held and pushed to it by parents, teachers, lovers, and friends. Normally pushing ones self isn't a bad thing, but there is a limit for this and I have been pushed way beyond those limits, relentlessly pushed. And when I would fail I would never live it down. pity that it has to be this way.

My writing helps me with this stress. within my pages, I have killed the world several times, and saved it twice as much. Started many fights and won half as many, with people twice my size, only to pull an ace out of my sleeve only to win the fight but loose the war. And it looks like there is no stopping this anywhere in sight. but after all it is just my writing I am doing all this with.... Isn't it?

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May 3, 2016 at 2:26pm
May 3, 2016 at 2:26pm

Day 1267 May 3, 2016

Prompt: What does "Fraying at the Edges" mean to you? It's your story, your blog and I am looking forward to your response.
I have never heard of "fraying the edges" but I have heard of having frayed edges, which I understand is something akin to being very angry and upset at someone or something.

due to work this is going to be a short entry today ... as I am completely swamped .
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April 29, 2016 at 9:46am
April 29, 2016 at 9:46am
DAY 1262 April 29, 2016

Bragging is not cool, but how does someone let another know they are doing awesome with boasting. Is there a way to harvest the reputational benefits of self-promotion while avoiding its cost?

the difference between bragging and self-promotion is a very fine line. this line is not an easy one to walk. But if you do it respectfully and carefully one can reap the benefits of it. what do I mean by this? It is simple really, first off downplay everything about it, not completely but take it down on or two notches when you talk about your self. And don't over exaggerate it.

Secondly, know when to stop talking about this thing, and let others talk as well. by including others you make them feel like their input is valuable, and if its valuable to them you become less of a bragger.

I believe, whole heartedly,that there are ways to harvest the self-promotion but it is something that needs to be taken in small doses and carefully. At least that is my humble opinion.

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April 27, 2016 at 11:40am
April 27, 2016 at 11:40am
Day 1260: April 27, 2016

Day 1260: April 27, 2016. April 27 is National Tell a Story Day. Tell me a story. Be creative and have fun.

There once was a boy named Jack, he was a youthful energetic little boy who ran around like other boys in his town, without a care in the world. Him and his friends played with out caring what other people thought about him. As he grew older, the friends stayed together and spent most of their lives together, never spending too much time apart from one another, the three boys grew into their teenage years, then onward to adulthood.

As they began to go off to colleges to become who they were going to become, they began to change. Sean and Jarrod, grew into completely normal adults, however gained a girl crazy attitude. While Jack hit the books in school and eventually graduated with a doctors degree.

Finally there was John, he didn't go girl crazy, but liked girls; he didn't go to college, but was very smart. What John did was play sports, and lift weights. As John began to get bigger and bigger in size due to weightlifting, and more interested in sports, the problem is that he became a bully towards the other weaker friends, as he termed it. Basically John did as John wanted meaning that if Sean or Jarrod got a girlfriend that he wanted he would proceed to steal her from them, use them and then discard them. Of course when the girls would go back to Sean and Jarrod to ask for forgiveness, they were told no in no uncertain terms what so ever.

Eventually Jack made some money, a lot of it. And as usual when John heard about this run of luck Jack had with his business, John wanted it. So John did what john always does and tries to force his to give it to him. But now Jack, is a different kind of person than he was as a child, he was no longer a push over, so he meets with his other friends , Sean and Jarod , to discuss johns actions.

In a short meeting they decide that they had to do something. Jack called John to set up the meet for the money to be given to him. John threatens Jack before the call ends that he had better be at the meeting spot with his money or else, Jack assured him he will be there with bells on. then jack ended the call confident that Jack was going to do what the three of them had always done, give in.

As the time for the meeting came close, John got excited because he was going to get what he was entitled to get, which in his mind was everything they had and everything he wanted. Finally the time for john to leave had arrived. He carefully made sure he was ready, even going so far as to put a gun in the car just incase that little sniveling squirt tried something stupid.

The meeting place was a place they used to play in as kids. A small field next to the swamp, which has a pond in it. It was as memory served an isolated place and when John pulled into the field and found jack standing by his car over near the edge of the swamp. So he pulled his car over there parked it and got out.

Now their discussion was quiet and no one, but them, heard it. and the discussion was relatively calm. When John reached out to take the case, the other two hit John over the head and then dragged him away, towards the swamp. You see John didn't know Jack bought the swampy area and found out that the pond there was bottomless. It was so deep that divers couldn't go down that deep, and now Jack had the last laugh on John as he got to test it. to see how deep it actually went. Truthfully John found out.

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April 6, 2016 at 8:29am
April 6, 2016 at 8:29am

DAY 1239: April 6, 2016

Prompt: "Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again." Joseph Campbell Where is your sacred space?

lately, I find my sacred spot is sitting at my local Panera bread.... its where I can think, write, its where I feel the most me. I am there but no there. Im really at peace there. I really don't know why, I just am.

but over all I am the type of person who is more comfortable by myself then in a group. Although I can be in a group, at times, mostly I am best by myself.... its how I am wired. what more can I say?

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April 5, 2016 at 11:32am
April 5, 2016 at 11:32am
DAY 1238 April 5, 2016

Prompt: Oops, Let's talk about a toy you broke as a child.

Well, as far back as I can remember, I was a rough child to deal with. My mother put it correctly when I started Kindergarden, she went up to the teacher and said I'm sorry." and simply left. I was a holy terror as a child.... but as far as I know I wasn't rough on toys.... just people.*Devilish*.

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April 4, 2016 at 8:57am
April 4, 2016 at 8:57am
DAY 1237: April 4, 2016

Prompt: Water Balloons. Take this prompt anywhere you want.

A young female crept out onto the dimly lit stage towards a single chair and what looked like a balloon sitting up on it. She crawled slowly and carefully, while trying to make herself look as sexy as possible. After all this is her first time she had been on this stage and she wanted this to be fun and enjoyable for her.

The musical beats thumped through the air. Her body swayed and moved to the music as it wove its tapestry through the air. She liked this song, so it made it easier for her to do what she came here to do. The sounds emanating from the darkness of the room told her that everyone was enjoying her gyrations around the stage. The crowd really seemed to like her more than all the others before or after her.

The song began to wain as it progressed through, she knew it and the problem she had with it was that she was having too much fun as she danced around the stage, sometime getting closer to the crowd in the blackness, and sometimes choosing to stay further away.

At a certain point in the song, she grabbed what looked like the water balloon off of the chair, and used that to dance around the stage. She used moves she had seen others use to seduce the crown into giving up the things they had. as the last line of the song began she got into position to give the crowd what they wanted. All her moves built up to the final note of the song, when she was on the chair. and as the final note struck she burst the bubble she had been carrying around waiting for this moment.

The music finally stopped and all that was left up on the stage was her wet body, and a puddle of water, and a chair. the room went silent. she picked herself up and moved off stage, to make room for the next performer to do her thing as well. She had a smile on her face as she came off the stage to thunderous applause rising out of the darkness, and she was very pleased with herself....

Such is the life of an ant and a drop of water!!!!! so what did you think it was?

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March 31, 2016 at 7:33am
March 31, 2016 at 7:33am

day 1233: March 31,2016

Fear makes people do crazy, stupid, and sometimes dangerous things. Write me something about your fears.

Fear is, at least I feel it is, a powerful force in all our lives. From a scientific stand point, the emotion of fear produces a physiological change in our bodies which effects different people differently. For example, some people it causes them to freeze up, or faint, while others it could make them shake uncontrollably for hours, while still others, it could make them want to run away. then, of course, there is the part about scaring someone to death.

Having fear is not always a bad thing.... fear can keep us from harming ourselves, or others.

and in rare occasions there are some people who don't have any fear to them... mostly this is in children. if you ever watched young children play around with each other, eventually you will hear " that boy/girl has no fear" as they run headlong into something that you know you wouldn't do yourself.

But what ever your feelings about fear.... just know that fear is real.... very real..... and even though it is only an emotion... it can kill.

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March 29, 2016 at 8:51am
March 29, 2016 at 8:51am

DAY 1231 March 29, 2016

Prompt for DAY 1231 : Just one more signature, that was all he needed... write a story, a poem or a rant. It's your blog have a good time.

He looked at the paper in his hand with excitement. It was the paper he had been waiting for 4 long years. It was his final exit checklist, and it marked the end of the hardest time in Michaels life, the end of his military contract. And he needed just one more signature, and a few handshakes till he was done.

It was a beautiful summer day at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, the sun was shining, the sky crystal clear blue, without a cloud in sight. Michael made his way from building to building getting the required signatures, from the appropriate people, then moving on to the next one. After about four stops he came out of the supply building and paused as he saw a bunch of new Marines arriving for their first assignment, the school of infantry. Michaels mind drifted back to the time when he was one of those new ones just arriving , like them.

As he watched the group interest, he was the passion for the Marine corps that he once possessed. In fact, deep inside he still possessed it, but thanks to a worthless platoon officer, he had to let the passion go. As he watched them getting to know one another, a single tear ran down his cheek as he realized the real truth. that it wasn't the officers fault for not signing the reenlistment papers for him, it was his. And since he was in the final checklist phase of leaving, there was no stopping it now. the end wasn't coming , it was already here.

Wiping the tear away, he looked at his watch, which read 10 o'clock. He silently continued to proceed, along with others that were also leaving the corps with him.For the next few hours the base was alive with theses 'old dogs' doing the same thing as Michael. And he is relatively sure that some, maybe one, or more, felt the same way he did.

Shortly there after, Michael received the coveted manila envelope which marked the beginning of his new life, as a civilian. Following which, he exited his barracks room for the last time, sea bag in hand, blue jeans and a tee shirt on. With a quick motion he threw his whole life onto his back. the he began to walk to the on base cab stand to find one to whisk him to the airport and then home.

As the plane pushed away from the airside, Michael saw that airport for the last time, filled with hope for the future. It moved slowly to the runway, within a few minutes the plane was airborne and he caught sight of the Marine corps based and smiled as it glistened in the setting sun. It was his way of saying goodbye to old, dear friends, and the place he called home for a few years.

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March 24, 2016 at 11:54am
March 24, 2016 at 11:54am
DAY 2226: March 24, 2016

prompt: how important are your dreams? do they serve a purpose? do you dream each and every night? and if you do why don't you always remember them? how about a story, poem, rant or rave about this.

I do believe dreams are important to us being sane, or rather what society deems is sanity, by its faulty definition of sanity. I believe dreams are the minds way of relaxing and unwinding from the days data input. If you really thought about how much data you mind and brain has to get through during a normal day, I think you would find that it is a staggering amount of data, most of which we never even realize is happening.

Everything from the feeling of you clothes on your skin, to every last bit of things you see , hear , and feel. and what about the data that isn't from the physical senses? such as learning, reading, watching television, or even listening to the news and weather for tomorrow; it is all data which must be processed and appropriately filed in order for it to become useful at some time in the future.

Do I believe dreams are, or rather can, tell the future? no, unfortunately I do not believe that is really possible. what I believe what is happening with dreams is basically your mind anticipating what will happen on a specific time, based on what has gone on before this, in other words, it guesses based on the information it already has. Is this scientific fact... no. but it is what I believe it to be.

But I have been known to be wrong in the past.

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