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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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October 28, 2015 at 4:13am
October 28, 2015 at 4:13am
Day 3 - Halloween Memories - What is your favorite memory of Halloween when you were young?

I don't really have a lot of Halloween memories as a youngster. I do remember a few times dressing up over a snowsuit as it was already snowing by then (living in northern Michigan will bring snow that early). I also vaguely remember being in a Halloween parade at school, where everyone dressed up and marched around either the gym or the hallways of the high school.

Now when my children were young, we lived in Louisiana. still not too cold in October, so no snowsuits...LOL...but I remember dressing them up and taking them to the church for Halloween activities, although I think they called it Harvest time rather than Halloween.

And here I go with my grandson (living in Lubbock, Texas) Last year he was a big furry black and red spider and his mom and I took him to the mall for trick or treating. I imagine we will do the same thing this weekend.

Those are my memories of Halloween.

October 27, 2015 at 7:29am
October 27, 2015 at 7:29am
What is your opinion, is Halloween pure evil?

This is one of those questions, where no matter what you answer, somebody is not going to be happy with you. Be it Christian, pagan, Wicca, non-religion or any other that I've forgotten (my apologies).

All Hallow's Eve is the evening before All Saint's Day. This day is a time for honoring saints that have gone on before.
The reason for the costumes dates back to the wearing of masks to hide one's identity from evil spirits.
It is supposed to be the High Event for satanists.
It marks the end of the harvest time, and now the fallow-ness of winter is here.
Carved pumpkins make pretty cool, albeit temporary night lights.
It marks the start of the holiday "candy" and "retail" season that goes on until Valentine's Day and Easter (and Mother's day...don't get me started! *Facepalm*
Malls and some churches offer alternative places to trick or treat or have harvest parties in lieu of traditional door to door trick or treating.
Kids (and some adults) enjoy dressing up, and scaring people, and partying, and getting "booty" (aka candy - keep it PG, folks)!

Whatever Halloween means to you, celebrate. Or don't celebrate. Just quit looking to judge others by what they do (or don't do!)

If it offends you that people celebrate by dressing up in ridiculous or funny or scary costumes, then don't participate. Politely decline and say you have other plans. You don't have to be militant or defensive about it.

If someone declines to get involved, don't belittle them. They have their reasons and it is their right to not participate. Again, no need for being militant or defensive.

I personally don't see the harm in dressing my grandson up in a costume and letting him trick or treat at the mall. It is fun to see the different kinds of costumes people's imaginations come up with. Supervised, it is a safe and fun activity. And I don't have to give him all of the candy at once!

Do I plan to dress up? I have in the past, but I usually don't. That in itself doesn't make me a good or bad person.

So, I guess it's time to get off my soap-box and let someone else have a turn *Smile*

~Just saying....
October 26, 2015 at 9:18pm
October 26, 2015 at 9:18pm
Chocolate, indulgence
Creamy, whipped delight
Dark covered cake with nuts
It takes more than just my might

To resist such flavors
I don't know where to begin
To want each of them
I know must be a sin

Belgium, Spain, France
each has it's own sweet fare
Though I live in Texas
With no one would I want to share

Hershey, Mars, Lindt and
Ghirardelli are on the list
If chocolate cake was outlawed
It would surely be most missed.

October 26, 2015 at 8:40am
October 26, 2015 at 8:40am
Halloween prompt - Day One...how might Halloween look where I am...

Panda - That typing font killed my eyes for a second...LOL

I live in a good sized city, and in an apartment complex. I see scattered pumpkins about and a few Halloween decorations. I will take my grandson to the mall (which is only a couple of blocks from where we live ) that hosts trick or treating from 6 pm to 8 pm. There we will see activities for the kids and store fronts with employees that dress up and hand out candy to the crowds of children that go by. The kids will be dressed up and accompanied by a parent or adult. We will make the loop that is the mall so that my grandson will be able to have his little "haul" of goodies.

It is fun to see the kids in costume, but I really don't "get into" Halloween much myself. I am more of a "harvest" kind of person.
October 25, 2015 at 1:25am
October 25, 2015 at 1:25am
Are you tired of the same old cliches? Me too!
Write a whole bunch of new ones for your "Sunday News Blog"
Cliche bomb everybody's comments section. Have some fun.
I'll be checking in, and Merit Badging the best new cliche and the most new cliches.
Don't forget to write.

To be cliche is cliche....just don't be blase or passe! Or a frappe *Glass5* ...unless you are sharing! *Pthb*

I don't want to be a "domestic goddess" - I want to be an "ultra uber domestic super goddess" *Rolling* Now, does that come with a pay raise? *Headbang*

Sugar and spice and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of - well, HANG THAT! (keeping it PG here folks)

A rose by any other name.... would be a daisy, or a sunflower, or a tulip...but maybe not as expensive *Sick*

I'm getting as tired as a one-armed paper hanger....and as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room of rocking chairs. *Cat*

My "some-timers" is turning out to be "more-often-than-not-imers" *Gears*

And so on, and so forth, ad fineum, ad nauseum, Yada, Yada, Yada...

Ok, seriously now:

This was an entertaining post. To be honest, I don't really think about cliches all that much. Although I did like the cliche, blase, passe, frappe one *FacePalm*. But what can I say? I'm a riot? Not really...but having a sense of humor is much better than being a whiny-pants. Besides, we aren't suppose to "sweat the small stuff" and it IS all small stuff...in the scheme of things....right?

just saying.....

October 24, 2015 at 4:24am
October 24, 2015 at 4:24am
You've been given a free trip to a remote resort. It's five star all the way, the only catch is... It's completely technology free. You have turn in all of your devises, there is no internet or satellite signal. Not even a pay phone. You're there for a week - Is a week of bliss or a week of hell?

A free trip huh? Nothing is completely free....you've added a catch! LOL...And to be honest, I could go without technology for a week. I'd curl up with a book or four, and if I had a pen and paper, I'd be in hog heaven. I couldn't say that I'd be happy about being away from Writing.com, especially since I've been on probably close to non-stop since I joined, what...? Sept 4th of this year? LOL...

I'm not a big fan of my cell phone, either; the only reason I keep the darn "electronic leash" is so to give my children peace of mind that they can get in touch with me. If I could go without it for a week?....I'd be giddy as a child on Christmas morning!

For me, mostly....I'd say 95% bliss....I suppose you couldn't get much better than that. I would miss not talking to my grandchildren....so they'd have to come with me....LOL. And I'd miss Writing.Com....so they'd have to come, too....going to be a crowded resort....

just saying.
October 23, 2015 at 7:50am
October 23, 2015 at 7:50am
We're coming to a short end now. Since it's Funny Friday, it must be fish or pasta. Close, but no bananas. It seems someone made off with them. However, there is a sale on banana daiquiris at The Blogging Banana Bar .

Let's hear your opinion of one of the funniest things we have to put up with in life: advertising! Is it worth it? Can you believe it? Does it even matter any more because we are flooded with it? Can you even recall the product from an ad that you liked? How do you advertise yourself and your writing?

It's funny this post challenge is about advertising. My daughter and I caught the first Christmas ad on TV the other day...And it isn't even Halloween. Christmas is already up in most stores as well. I don't pay that much attention to commercials or ads unless something like the season changing catches my eye. I couldn't even tell you what the ad was about, all I know was it centered around a Christmas theme.

I try not to overly post on WdC as I don't want to be accused of "spamming". But if something funny happened, or something I read or watched catches my eye, I don't mind sharing. Same with the writing. I only do it occasionally, and with the Inquiring Minds group, I get a little excited and email the group LOL...Otherwise I try to keep it to once or twice a week. I may advertise a contest that is coming up, or coming to a close to remind people to get their entries in...

And I may do a "Christmas Countdown" just to aggravate my friends...LOL...but I try to be polite otherwise.
October 22, 2015 at 8:08am
October 22, 2015 at 8:08am
I'm not sure that I have a favorite memory as a child when it comes to Halloween. I got to go trick or treating, and I remember Halloween parades in elementary school where we went around the school as a class dressed up in our costumes. Since we lived in northern Michigan, I also remember having to wear a snowsuit under my costume as there were times that we had snow for Halloween.

I guess as far as memories go, Halloween wasn't that meaningful. I mean, sure, who doesn't enjoy candy? Or dressing up? But I enjoyed the family time of Thanksgiving and Christmas so much better.

I appreciate it more now as an adult. But more along the lines of gardening and Harvest time. Putting away goods for the winter months. Even jack-o-lanterns are painted instead of carved, as I use the pumpkin for baking bread and pies. So I guess this might be a disappointment as far as Halloween memories are concerned.

October 22, 2015 at 6:18am
October 22, 2015 at 6:18am
Day Four:

Yesterday's prompt lied. Money isn't evil - politics are evil! Tell us how do you
escape the political situations and what you think about political correctness,
politicians, government, office/school/church/neighborhood politics and how you can escape
them - if you do

Hang onto your hats, boys and girls...the ride is about to get bumpy!

Political Correctness (PC) is nothing more than a 'fraidy cat's way around a situation. Several things come to mind - and at the risk of being labeled racist or bigot or any other un-endearing term:

Why should the Southern States remove the Rebel Flag? It is part of their heritage. It doesn't condone slavery, but it is equated with it by those who have nothing better to do than whine.

Washington Redskins? Seriously? I would think that the only embarrassment here would be being associated with Washington, DC, not by being a "red skin".

German-American, African-American, Asian-American, etc....-why? I thought America was the "great melting pot"? Why can't we be just "American"? Is that such an embarrassment? If it is, why are the embarrassed one's still here?

America used to be the land of opportunity, the land where you had personal freedom and the land where you could make your dreams come true.

Now it has become of land of finger-pointing, a land of erasing history, and a land where if you say the wrong thing, you are anathema. We used to say, "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Now if we do say it, we are considered a "fringe element" or a "whack-job".

I used to be afraid of talking politics - it wasn't a "polite" conversation topic, but like religion and sex, it has come to the forefront of people's minds. Perhaps it's because the election process is gearing up in it's old behemoth, lumbering way. Perhaps it's time to quit tippy-toeing around, and actually take a stand- Popular or Unpopular.

As for those who would erase history? The Civil War wasn't originally about slavery. Hell, even Abraham Lincoln was said to have wanted to offer the Africans passage back to Africa. It was about STATES RIGHTS and the right to SECEDE! The abolition of slavery was a political "stunt" in order to garner Northern support - as the Civil War was very unpopular in the North.

The HOLOCAUST did happen. There were too many witnesses and pictures and lives lost to think otherwise.

American Indians were corralled and cheated out of their lands in the name of Western Expansion.
History happened: Taking it out of the history books, or watering it down doesn't make it less true. There are some pretty ugly things in the world's history. What was that quote? “Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.”
― Edmund Burke.

And even today:

GUNS don't kill people - People kill people. I'm not against responsible gun ownership, but why in the world does someone need an AK-47 or other automatic gun? Those guns were designed for one purpose: to kill people.

Since I've already gone off about money and education, I'll not repeat that here. I guess I had a few things to rant about. *Whistle*

That's it for now...I've already lost my reputation for being a "sweetheart".

October 21, 2015 at 6:24am
October 21, 2015 at 6:24am
It's the root of all evil, so they say. Tell us what you think about money. For years,
people survived by bartering. Every country has its own currency, and people make more
money out of exchanging it when you buy there. Let's not forget those people who
manipulate trade stocks. Or is it bankers? But the big question may be, Do you have
enough or need it at all? What's your escape plan - the lottery, marriage, bitcoin ?

Actually, it's the love of money that is the root of all evil...if you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Pardon the pun!

Whether a person has enough money or not, I guess depends on what you want it for. If your goal is to swim in silos of money (aka...Scrooge McDuck), then one could always want more. If you are making minimum wage, and trying to raise a family, then more would be welcome. Opposite ends of the spectrum, I know. But it depends on your attitude about money. It's a WANT vs Need situation.

Do I want things? Who doesn't? Do I need things? If I am honest, I really don't need anything at the moment that isn't taken care of. Food, housing, clothing, medicine, outlet for writing. I am one of the blessed (or lucky) ones. There are many who aren't so fortunate. So to harp on "what I want" would be a bit selfish, wouldn't it?

My escape plan is simple. Be content with what I have. Treat extras as just that: extras.

Just saying.....

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