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Rated: 13+ · Book · Paranormal · #2099675
The Mausoleum: Discussions on All Things Horror...
Greetings, Friend- and welcome to The Mausoleum! Please watch your step, the stairs into the tombs are narrow, and it will take your eyes a few moments to adjust to the darkness. Take my hand, if you wish. I wouldn't let you fall...

Halloween is nearly upon us, and I hope you'll take a few minutes to read my upcoming short story "The People Upstairs." It seems grandma has a poltergeist- and who doesn't love a ghost-story to go with their tricks and their treats?

According to the Facebook page of the master of modern horror (Stephen King, in case you were born on Mars) his son Joe Hill's new short novel is being published in Cemetery Dance Magazine this month. Again, just in time for Halloween!

Well, thanks for visiting, Friend, and I hope you return to the Mausoleum very soon! No..no, not like that! I meant alive and well, and ready to talk horror!

Hope you enjoy "The People Upstairs," which I will post in the next few days!

All the Best- to the living, and the undead,

J. Robert Kane

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December 4, 2016 at 12:02am
December 4, 2016 at 12:02am
Hello once again, friends. Living, dead, and undead, I love you all, and hope you have been well...

First, please forgive my long and inexcusable absence from the mausoleum. I could tell you that I've been especially busy the past month- and there is some truth in that- but aren't we all very busy?

It will not happen again.

Now, I would like to thank the EVERYONE'S GOT A HALLOWEEN STORY contest for awarding my short story "The People Upstairs" second place! This was the first time I've entered a story in a WDC contest, and am thrilled to have been selected. Please give the story a read, if you haven't yet, and make sure to check out the other entries in the EVERYONE'S GOT A HALLOWEEN (and, upcoming, CHRISTMAS) Contest!

Again, please forgive my absence from the blog. May all the joy and peace (and hidden subtext of delicious horror buried just beneath the merry facade) of the holiday season be with you, my friends!

As always, All the Best to You!
J. Robert Kane
October 25, 2016 at 5:59pm
October 25, 2016 at 5:59pm
Once again, in full awareness that no one is reading this, I welcome you to the Mausoleum!
I would like to thank everyone who read and reviewed "The Visitor in the Shower." I am so pleased that so many of you read it, and that it put a little scare in you ;) The reviews were truly gratifying and encouraging.

I know that time is a precious commodity these days, but if you enjoy a good ghost story please check out "The People Upstairs," which I posted yesterday. It is longer than "The Visitor in the Shower," but I believe you'll enjoy it. And, as always, I need- and value greatly- any and all of your suggestions for improvement!

Enjoy this last week before every horror writer's favorite holiday!

As always, I wish you All of the Best...

J. Robert Kane
October 23, 2016 at 12:19am
October 23, 2016 at 12:19am
Welcome back, friend! I'm so glad to have you back in the Mausoleum!
Okay, so my new short-story "The People Upstairs," about an old woman plagued with a poltergeist, is still coming before Halloween. Would a man who holds the keys to the crypt you are locked inside lie to you?
In the meantime, please check out "The Visitor in the Shower," a "Creepshow"-esque super-short (well, for me it is) story. I had fun writing this one, and hope you have fun reading it. Please let me know what you think!
All the Best, as always, dear Friend. I hope to have you back on the slab very soon indeed!
Stay Scary,
J. Robert Kane

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