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Rated: 13+ · Book · Adult · #948720
Whew! Life! It's time to get down and let her rip!
It's time to get SERIOUS. I haven't been writing due to life but I know now if I let life stand in the way of my talent I will loose it. I have to write or read about writing. I have to hand write in journals. I have to be active on this sight. I need to read the literature I want to write! We all have to get with the program or get off the speed boat of life.
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October 27, 2016 at 9:26pm
October 27, 2016 at 9:26pm
I scrolled down and saw the many BLOGS I wrote about my great friend, Bonnie who stirred me away from writing.com, the best thing I’ve done since I have been alive. She is a religious fanatic including Christianity, Buddha, Zen, and the Tao. Bonnie had enough to lead me through losing friends and my time on this site I’ve been a member of forever. Thank God those friendships don’t last forever and I can move on. I’m just behind on my writing but I will catch up someway.

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October 26, 2016 at 1:47am
October 26, 2016 at 1:47am
I had a friend on writing.com and thought she was the light of my life. Eventually after hanging on to every word she ever said to me she had me convince that writing.com wasn’t a good place for us. Because she didn’t want to write on a subject someone suggested or because it didn’t have religious ideas she thought it was bad. I moved us to Facebook and discontinued my writing with this site that I’ve loved so very long. She was from California, yet she had no friends there just in Alabama. She reaked havoc on my life telling this or that person that I had said bad things. I sent her Xmas presents and spent more on her than my own family. She dropped me like a hot potato but she did me a favor because I am back where I need to be. Some people just don’t get the idea that even stopping by here and reviewing someone’s work can make you a better writer. I AM WRITING YOU THIS SO YOU WON’T FALL IN THE SAME TRAP!! TAKE THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED IT WILL MAKE ALL THE WORLD TO YOU AND YOU CAN SAVE MONEY.

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October 16, 2016 at 6:11am
October 16, 2016 at 6:11am
I still wonder about being good in this world. My friend, dear as she is had breast cancer and was living in a mobile home falling in. I decided to let her live rent free in my home my aunt had left me. A nice big home. After doing so I have heard that what plants she did was worth money I quickly said I didn’t expect her to landscape the yard because it was good enough. Her sister’s husband passed at the age of 55 and the company he worked for was good enough to give her sister a great used truck. She said, “No one does anything for me.” Again, in helping I’ve made a big mistake.

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July 9, 2015 at 3:29am
July 9, 2015 at 3:29am
My son, Chis is at it again. The good thing is that my dear sister-in-law thought she could do a better job rearing my 35 year old son. It isn’t going to happen. Everyone is welcome to try and get a drug addict, lying, jailbird to do better but I doubt it’s going to take place. Does it break my heart? Yes! Is my whole world wrapped around “fixing him”---not any more because I am codependent no more.

July 4, 2015 at 10:10pm
July 4, 2015 at 10:10pm
Losing my Father-in-Law a couple of weeks ago made me feel very different for awhile. It’s through this that you realize death can happen to us at any time. We all thought his wife would go first but it doesn’t happen the way we expect it happens in God’s time not our own.
It’s made me see a little bit of light. Things differently. Getting things done.
June 22, 2015 at 4:56pm
June 22, 2015 at 4:56pm
I can’t imagine that I would every absolutely love attending meetings where we share our problems openly and with love. I look forward to Monday nights when I can share with others who feel the pain that I have endured for so long. I’m finally ready to let go and let God. For anyone who thinks ALANON group meetings can’t help I’ve been a disbeliever for so long. Probably ever since the name of the meeting rolled off my tongue and now I’m a firm believer in them. I can’t even wait for 8 p.m. when I will see my friends. Read aloud the steps and say the serenity prayer. Then on Thursday nights I go to a Celebrate Recovery meeting at my church. All of these things help and I believe it is the community in them. We all have something to share and it is in this sharing that we heal--one day at a time.
June 16, 2015 at 10:13am
June 16, 2015 at 10:13am
Some people may think when I say I have a detached love for my 35 year old, drug addicted son that in some ways I don’t love him anymore. This thinking is what I call stinking thinking because if you haven’t lived a lifetime in my shoes you have no idea what you do to make it “one day at a time.” I’ve caught myself working outside in my flowers singing that song my son never far from my thoughts.

It is now that I am giving Chris an opportunity to hit rock bottom at his age it is time. Either he stands up and makes it or he fails. After fussing with him this last time on his recovery I told him not to sell his car. He knew what he had but if he got another one he wouldn’t know what he was getting but it was his car and his life. Chris’ girlfriend bought him a nice little used sports car but the big difference is that the car wasn’t in his name until he paid her for it and let’s face it that’s fair. Soon Chris was leaving us to go live with my husband’s side of the family. This is the ones that didn’t know how it was to live with someone addicted to drugs but they came to know. Chris faced the judge one day in cut off pants, drugs in his pants and took the drugs in front of the judge and said put me in jail. They did exactly that---once again Chris was in the revolving door of the jail. He’s been in there so long I think he likes the way things are always the same in jail. The truth is that he would be there alone because no one was willing to go visit him with the episodes he caused before getting placed in the small time jail.

When Chris gets out he will have no car. His girlfriend sold his car for a mere $400 after she had paid $1500 for and just had put in a back glass that in his anger he broke. He doesn’t call us Mom or Dad in front of people and acts very disrespectful toward us behind our back. In front of us there is no better people than us. It’s a hard call but it’s one we live with. All I can do is let go and let God. Sometimes, I think, we interfere with God’s plan. I know I have so many times but in order for me to be well I have to do this: separate myself from him, enjoy my life, and realize that I am just as sick as the addict.

June 15, 2015 at 11:31am
June 15, 2015 at 11:31am
I’m still on the road to recovery. I attend ALANON meetings on Monday nights and I so look forward to them. Yes! I read codependent everyday. After I get done with Mondays I still stay in the word Bible and Codependent no more are the two books which helps so much during the rest of the time. On Thursdays I go to meetings named: Celebrate Recovery. I encourage anyone to go to these meetings because honestly they work for everyone in any kind of situation. Get as much as your body can handle in these situations because they are so helpful. I think I will still go even if my life is going perfectly. The time for us is NOW!

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May 27, 2015 at 6:25am
May 27, 2015 at 6:25am
So tried of being sick and tired. This week my son oded on nerve meds in care of my sister in law who is preventing his sobriety. She needs to go to ANON meetings and other ways to try and keep saving him. I’ve been trying to save him since he was 14 and he’s 35 now. Like my daughter says he needs to learn to pay rent, utilities, and live on his own. He’s always going to try the easy way out. He needs to move from this area and go to a mental place in order to straighten himself out. In the meantime my writing gets put on hold while I read Codependent no more books. I suggest you read these in order to keep yourself sane. I added an insurance policy just in case. A friend of mine suggested I do the same thing she did with her 50 year old son who has went the same way. I guess this is the only way at this point of the game. I hate to bury him or cremate him but if it takes it I will be as prepared as I can get.
May 21, 2015 at 9:30pm
May 21, 2015 at 9:30pm
I have forgiven my son so I don’t have such hate in my life. It’s so hard on your heart when you hold so much hate and say and write things which you would never say. I have to realize as my son was in the same jail where Martin Luther King was that he hated it so bad and began to be mad at God for such a long stay. Finally he realized the Lord will take care of me and as he looked out the jail barred windows he looked to the sky and began to pray: Lord, please make a decision in my life either let me get out or leave me in here with a great frame of mind. He begged God and was out in court the next day. They didn’t have anything on him so the female judge let him sign his own bond and Chris was out. He has to live a drug free life completely or he will fall. I am now glad he is at my sister-in-law’s home where they are more discipline. My brother-in-law is a discipline person because he’s in the National Guard. I pray this works. He has been clean for 35 days.

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