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Rated: 18+ · Book · Food/Cooking · #952447
Journalism/ Hisstory 2005. BLOG revamp Mar '16 Book CLOSED


Address: Junebugs Central
Lamborghiniville, USA
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Oh yes, greetings darlings, all whom might swim surfable, world wide web.

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Freedom of speech is alive and well on ALL MY blogs --- JUNEBUGS STYLE!!!


Please: Just ignore chip on the shoulder writes. JUNEBUGS IS TEFFs First Bloggeroo< Viva, JUNEBUGS & ELDERBERRY WINE!

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November 12, 2006 at 4:02pm
NOV 12 2006 Dear Readers --- this is a blue blog. Junebugs c / yesterday, today and tomorrow about to reveal all and go all the way since 2K4. JUNEBUGS is mine, yours, ours. I speak to the person on the line, the guy at the end of the block raking leaves, the kid on a bike, the passers by admiring my style and my Lamborghini. Please read on & welcome guests.... [Read more]
1,516 Views; up from 1,494 Gloat ON!!
November 13, 2006 at 12:33pm
Nov 10, 2K6 Something to gloat about lies outside your windowsill alongside the newspaper you probably don't always read but buy for the coupons. While sports pages get devoured thru & thru. Life as it should be. This week's headlines prove once more the world is sane. WE WON!!!! The House of Representatives has been regained. There's a Democratic Majority in the US Senate!!! Despite all the worries, odds stacked against (R) Repug senators has come to pass.... [Read more]
November 2, 2006 at 11:59pm
AN OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER .. THE AUTHOR HONORS YOUR FINAL DECISION ON HOW YOU VOTE. Entitlement claims YOU for any private vote. Plus you're welcome to state your views to me in comments or on MF3. Thus it begins, the countdown. Get folks to the polls. In 2004 ... clock in as blue states. In 2004, NO spin intended to the easily offended ... truth! PA, NJ, NY were blue states. Let it rock, let it roll. For anything I wish to keep off this airway a new oddity may ar... [Read more]
Below: 50/50 Sent, S. King Sent
November 3, 2006 at 12:09am
Nov 2, 2K6 50/50 Raffle sent me a wonderful wintery sig which needs more info. So bear with this gal on the move, on the make and pumped. Tue NOV 7 --- most polls close @ 8 pm here in the states. Be willing to make it to show the world what they forgive in the present administration worldwide, sometimes. Or our media makes no covert mention of, namely the unpopularity tag in Europe. So we regain Congress --- US, the people. A senator from Fla on record calls the Repug majo... [Read more]
Sabbatical Over
November 2, 2006 at 11:04pm
Testing T.Teffom jpg Dear Me. Ho hum. Not much besides Nov 7 to gather the hordes who will so what my letter from Stepehn King Suggests. Vote Democrat.. VOTE!!! "I know scary. Two more yrs of this congress is scary." Stephen King. For the past two weekends in the cold 48 hrs of wintery Maine, Mr King is phoning those who are apt not to vote. Can't you imagine a phone call where he asks "Teff to round up seniors in a Lamborghini? Can you? Are you Teffite... [Read more]
NEW Advertisement
October 24, 2006 at 5:52am
Oct 24, 2006 Hello Friends, is in full swing again this year. All readers, writers, poets welcome. And here for your reading pleasure, dear guests. So don't delay, let's see those stories unfold. Hey! Come on down. There's Teffom Street for you, always going in all directions. And Happy Halloween. Cordially, Teff... [Read more]
News News News News News
September 18, 2006 at 5:51am
New Entry... [Read more]
September 9, 2006 at 9:21pm
Beware dog, Lamborghini in overdrive TITLE: GOING PRO, going once, going twice, sold America by Mary Moffett. Yes, help me. Help me help you. Cost, here ..... e-mail me for password and info on price list. Short Stories will remain free, some not all. Links included to please the thirsty who visit Self publishing at its finest hour. News, book reports, fiction, submissions please query first. Advertisers, please be my guest. Website builders, cartoonis... [Read more]
September 5, 2006 at 8:32am
That's right, the crime scene. Entering the crime scene at the end of a very long drive, a road trip involving I-95 and the states of NC, VA, Maryland and PA there lay below the grand mountain's blue horizon a vacant warehouse. Flapping yellow crime scene tape shines eerily in the dark and dreary, storm cloud laden early night sky. Dawn rises to the east, red and rambunctious, strong like us. Detective Paxatawny, can't now recall his first name, to give him credit, a r... [Read more]
Well it wasn't so bad
September 4, 2006 at 2:22am
IT WASN'T SO BAD (for me)* it was terrible. DO AS I SAY (NOT AS I DO) BY Peter Schweizer (appears to me)* as a classical awful example of where one finds nasty idiosyncrasies of untruths media moguls spin so well, ad nauseum infact. Refer to blog 108 below. First of all, Teffy really wishes the words liberal, conservative and politics were stricken from the English language but sadly enough one must deal with these labels day to day. They seem to crop up more often in elec... [Read more]
September 1, 2006 at 9:11am
REASONS NOT TO RELOCATE TO THE CRYSTAL COAST? go home, go away, uh uh HURRICANE ERNESTO KEEP OUT!!! on all the taped windows. INCOMING!!! Look out!!! Gotta run, phone call time. ps -- revisions on luggage biz ... slight eds. TO NC, hold onto my island, your hats, your boats, your screen doors and may God Bless you all each and everyone. NC, ladies and gentlemen presently taking the first hit of the season. Hurricane season: June 1 to Dec 1. ... [Read more]
Billy Joel reads Melvin Aviary!!!
September 1, 2006 at 9:01am
Oh no tearing all the buildings down ... living here in Allentown! SSSSSS sssssss QQQQQEEUEEUUUUUEEEESING IN SPRAWLING MALLS!!!! THE LEHIGH RIVER GETTING HIGH!!!! chorus. Quietly sang MISS TEFF!!! llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Please step away from the Lamborghini, sir. No, kid dont you palm print the roof. How much? $$$$$$$$950.000 POUNDS STERLING $$$$$$$ OR BEST OFFER. take it or leave it. Goin... [Read more]
August 31, 2006 at 6:40am
Really must finish tons of my writing, those pesky works in progress while not all my stuff is here, lots is under wraps inside the Smithsonian of muse-city or on file elsewhere, published elsewhere. Hard to put a bead on myself, all these setting, sorry. Please don't aim your slingshots at me. Meantime more on TEFFOMISM on where convos also in progress. So bugger on down, mates. Why not go for that perpetual lucky Thursday. Oh good, thank gawd, coff... [Read more]
August 31, 2006 at 3:52am
EVEN A TRIP TO THE LIBRARY CAN .... seriously piss one off. VERY tempting to answer some of the trite questions so far read in the intro for: "Do As I Say (Not As I Do) Subtitle: Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy) by Peter Schweizer Doubleday publisher, 2005 Peter is streaming sideways with credentials, being a "fellow at the Hoover Institute." The book has a biblio and I'll try to read some of it, if at all possible. Sometimes a slight nauseating look thru books ... [Read more]
September 1, 2006 at 2:49pm
Ya know when we see talent challenged and insomniacal boooorrrring items including both stories and poems from writers with yellow cases and their work and their lousy reviews making the word phlegmy appealing in microsecond winks of ... say how come if I win contests, get awards WC keeps me in black? Is it due to If so items of this sort do settle here with cobwebs and dustmen sweep everything up at night. Teff's known to generate a few gp here and there from... [Read more]
August 29, 2006 at 1:45am
The good news is particularly about that wishful thinking modus operandi similar to Christmas Morning. No, sorry the war/occupation in Iraq did not end, not yet ... but Teffy, yours truly received a series of phenomenal presents last week. lllllllllllllllllllll Sidebar: All that after the nemesis ordeal. You remember when 3, three more! of my titillating, yellow case worthy items got weird revs and one stars mid month. And sadly enough nemesis-boy revealed his ornery self by nam... [Read more]
August 28, 2006 at 9:35pm
Reasons for telling stories in flash fic essay mode below ... only result after readers, like yourselves show tolerance for lil old Teffy. Tiffany Teff, Tess Teff, these are simply cousins. Identical cousins, don't you know. However, the news is llllllllllllll Laurencia is underway once more with the best, coveted prize here on WC. So drape yourself in creativity and book on over to -------> llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Great contest fare this... [Read more]
Needles And Pins
September 2, 2006 at 7:46am
Here's what I really want to say. Hold on, forgot something. Excuse me --- Yo, buddy ... Hey you buy the dog ... Not the car! Oh, CHRIST! ATTACK! Fool fuckin dawg. Sick im. Sick him! No, stay in the car! Okay, that about does it. Sell a doberman who eats neighborhood kids, and the buyer steals my pride and joy. Hold on! Give it to me. Give it to me! No not the rifle. The remote. Now, when you entertain thoughts of programming your first Lamborghini you'... [Read more]
Fare Thee Well
August 9, 2006 at 9:48am
Travelling comes with flying, fleeting colors passing quickly by on the jet stream that is the Lamborghini of life. Image just plain old colors: oranges, deep blues, greens. Oh I am surely in love with everything everywhere I go. Happiness invades my heart which looking back over the last month or the moving ordeal, I'm so much better now. Suitcase life is wonderful. Libraires are on the rise, so many new ones here. Selections range out of control for me to fathom citing the d... [Read more]
Check The Files!
August 7, 2006 at 3:16pm
Fun city, seething with sun and surf and sand. Anyways we must applaude Laurnecia today. For this is contest for short stories is indeed back and let's be soo soh glad. Right here, and don't miss this one. The best short story contest on site. As to why TEFF closed most of her stories ala portfolio. Recently entered the other contests and just am blown away with work. So my better work is not all available in its entirety right now, sorry. But on there'... [Read more]
Holy Jesus, Lovely Lord
August 7, 2006 at 3:23pm
Viewed and Pondered ... HOLY JESUS!! YO, GANG, FOUND a brand new find from C-Span Monday, my faith in justice no longer exists. My faith in my own intuitive ventures remains intact. It is just this. I am speechless, utterly and shamelessly speechless here on this blog. Why ??? Oh why, Miz TEFF??? Because I cannnot simply wrap my mind fully around that program, yet. Mindboggling! Flabbergasted about what was on TV, mentioned above. I agree already although advised to further research... [Read more]
Hello out there
July 31, 2006 at 3:17am
Well, hey! Really should use these blog thingys more often. Ho hum ... no not asleep at the wheel. Then there is the Moffett Files! Being silly, still moreorless on the lam. But hey, shrimp in Carolina this time of the year? Excellent! So come on down! TEFF The poor Moffett Files Take 3, as abandoned tonight as a shark in a ten foot wave. Presently reading books of short stories. And actually prefer the longer ones from the days of yore, going back to the Fifties and Sixties w... [Read more]
Ahah .. pissant body?
July 23, 2006 at 8:08pm
The term "pissant body" sails into search status/ mode available by using "June Bugs." This is on Yahoo. I am also, the real me. If you read the intro -- your hint is there is no TEFF. Ah, well the mysterious side of hiding in the public eye. Ahah -- feeling fine, oodles of fun in the sun, vacation begun, hon. Wink! You wiseguys do try this. Latest as of July 23, 2006 entering a short story contest today. No, not here my pretties. Hmm which one? Which story, th... [Read more]
Moving on up, moving on up to a ______ in the sun!!
July 11, 2006 at 2:25pm
Mission Accomplished. Closing the port for awhile, Seems I did not like a bogus rev and got in hot water. Yet, being on the road is so invigorating, amazement comes to mind. Might I say to the contest buffeteters groupee slam ... BITE MY DUST!!! Well, then there's this volume of short stories, found, bought, and now the easy life in the sun ... when one needs one's Irwin Shaw. LATER!!! ALL IS WELL!!!... [Read more]

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