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Rated: 18+ · Book · Food/Cooking · #952447
Journalism/ Hisstory 2005. BLOG revamp Mar '16 Book CLOSED


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Oh yes, greetings darlings, all whom might swim surfable, world wide web.

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Freedom of speech is alive and well on ALL MY blogs --- JUNEBUGS STYLE!!!


Please: Just ignore chip on the shoulder writes. JUNEBUGS IS TEFFs First Bloggeroo< Viva, JUNEBUGS & ELDERBERRY WINE!

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Busy Is As Busy Does
July 3, 2006 at 2:56pm
So the world at large is waiting for Mary Moffett aka TEFF to jump forth like a budding rose. Moving is hell on the nerves. All is well, all is secure as the race to end this rental continues as another venture begins. This happens to us all from time to time as years build into chuncks of decades and we say farewell to old haunts while friends and relatives from all walks of life gather around us with a ring of support worth the marvelous compliment of love and trust. Meanwhile ==== ... [Read more]
Ho Hum, Said Pooh
June 24, 2006 at 4:28am
Actually more like, Fucksakes my arthritus is killing me. Moving boxes, lifting furniture, cleaning house with a vengence meant for those of us amongst us who must move on .... all take a toll these hot, sultry summer days. However, having a little fun with a short story for a contest, here on site. Silly old Teff does Cally. Ah, only in research mode which is on high alert zeroing in on .... what a big state this is Esprit! While Hollywood looms ... like a sharp tongued harlot calli... [Read more]
June 16, 2006 at 8:22am
June 16, 2006 Imagine if you will a three and a half story stone house --- the original building replete with add-on apartments to the rear. Stained glass throughout used in the manner of the fad to collect same and put these art works into additions forty years ago. Imagine if you will 5 acres, lawns, pines, wisteria, Judas tree, lilacs, sycamores & oaks & maples higher than the house itself adjacent to a woods. Then the Moffett garden used in Mix and shake this scene up with a... [Read more]
keybrd a mess
June 14, 2006 at 9:11pm
my keyboard is not working proper off air for now TEFF The above is not what Teffy likes to wake up to yesterday. Stifle, silent is not the way to go for this author. So went to a flea market for corn on the cob, decide to visit a few favorites computer whiz kids on the WED. Wallah replace hardware for a song. Now that's progress although one wonders about the non-typist=writer who has to poke along at a snail's pace. Here's a major suggestion for this foible.... [Read more]
June 12, 2006 at 9:56am
Every once in awhile perhaps become aware of the terms ..."The truth will set you free ..." Although this blog likes to allow for less I inside the writer/ novelist/scapegoat ... Teff. Yet the truth spoken is indeed helpful in these trying times. Last night before falling asleep and throughout the day of cleaning, packing, going thru the precious files which go all the way back to birth certificates, immunization shots, drawings, photos, car titles. (Say do I really need all the... [Read more]
June 6, 2006 at 9:20am
... [Read more]
June 12, 2006 at 10:08am
Got an E, it said: Update your Blog! Well, not good on the home front. This house is being sold, thus a move for all tenants is around the corner --- Yikes! We lost our homes? So, packing to get ready to move ___ ??? This is serious biz. It is true, Teffy must move on! Where === seems to be the latest problem. AND, someone gave me a piece-of-shit truck. An old, old Chevy, 8 cylinder, needs painted, low tire in the front, guzzles gas & tranny juice, AC at the windows. Good gla... [Read more]
The Major Fugue
June 6, 2006 at 9:38am
$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ $$$$$$ The yearly fugue hit Tues, left Thurs. Pain of arthritis blamed, encountered during another fucking week of intense wind. Now the butterfly bush is under wraps, as these incoming blow outs effects its broad grayish leaves. Take no chances. Teff uses satin curtains, leftover tableclothes and clothespins for such sails to cover the young tree, the likes of which Blackbeard only dreamnt about in his lifetime. BTW: Will that former NC gov crest an ent... [Read more]
Same old, same old ===
June 2, 2006 at 7:39am
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& If there was one single thing new around here, how to communicate such details is never easy on the personal side. So lets talk about the writing going on behind the scenes in Odd / varied/ creative/ humor at bay. Although --- Keeping another one under wraps, but decided to move Modesta Gamble into the spotlight awhile. Now when this author thinks of Modesta Gamble, the words, in my mind there goes Modesta Gamble --Boom! Booom! as if th... [Read more]
About Da Da-Doncha Code
May 16, 2006 at 7:46am
Doncha see there's come a time in the week's occupation known as the friction hour. When Dan Brown starts to defend his novel's worth as real, yet maintain the genre as fiction, arising to the right are now an entire week's worth of Decoding on History Channel. Da Da Doncha Code is the Teffomism version of a combination of random mundane things TV tosses in our direction. Me? I like to think that descendants of Mary Magdelen were mermaids. Well Jesus walked on water, so... [Read more]
May 12, 2006 at 1:47am
Pappy Gamble, son of the original founder of Gamble Copper Mining, tosses and turns abed upstairs. Hearing strains of rock & roll ascend the high staircase, he feigns sleep listening to the conversation below with no trouble distinguishing Barry's deep voice from Modesta's shrills. That little one can break the eardrum of a rockstar, he thinks. Pap's never been inundated by worry. Au contraire, he's in line with the planets when it comes to embracing the powerful alterna... [Read more]
A Yr. in the Making: Modesta Rides Again
May 11, 2006 at 10:47pm
Recap .. Moddy at home when a knock comes to the back door ... Character List on --- Blog #25 Modesta reaches in a kitchen drawer for a Colt 45 she balances on the counter. Slinking beside the window, she calls to Pappy. "This is silly, we're acting fools. Call out who is it, Pappy." Modesta Gamble, midget judge knows her wee voice won't carry from the kitchen hall to the foyer and out onto the wooden porch where a guest is about to present himself. Pap hollers, ... [Read more]
May 9, 2006 at 6:56am
EVER NOTICE HIGH WIND? Headline: BETHLEHEM TOURISTS blown over in high gale force winds of 100 knots .... Sorry, that's false. Still don't have your attenciones? Por favor, Teffmiester, senora non garden .... Terra firma here at the house is very dry. Flowers are out of cinch here at the old stone house, the last 100 acres working farm in ____________. Why the Forcythia bloomed late, until the lilacs came out. Stonewall, oaks, sycamores, woods, tigers, doberman... [Read more]
And the readers are
May 5, 2006 at 6:49pm
llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll AND THE READERS ARE ......... According to stats ---- including 104 strong, offsite FOR April, 2006. So, now who are you? And what if anything do you like about this blog? More importantly, uh what the hell if anything do you do with it? Say, its me that needs $$$$$ for publication. Got it? Wiseguys. Oh, goshers, flattery sets in, too. In a way while one encounters off-site guests as readers. That's just swell. We're allowed... [Read more]
May 5, 2006 at 12:00pm
<> <> <> <> <> <> Please don't forget, non-Teff here, totally unplugged. Also, there's a bit of a crisis here at the house, a minor one. It seems, yours truly is handpicked by a team of yard workers to eradicate excessive, twenty year, rust on ... get this an antique push mower. Not to worry someone walked to the store to buy Rustoleum. Ah, Exxon, ye be a-soaring. RESPONSIBILITY DOWN THE DRAIN, ADD WHITEWASH is far from the least o... [Read more]
August 31, 2006 at 6:24am
Phooey, got sidetracked yesterday, but this morning finish RESPONSIBILITY ON THE RUN. HEY, out there, I need a press pass. Wink. Anyways here it is signed, sealed, delivered. Go onto next blog, please. Thanks. ---- TEFF Biblio coming soon for this title. Thanks for your patience. Sidebar: lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Do Remember at all costs the much touted slogan --- BRING EM HOME NOW! We can rest assured, let's concur that the boys & girls, men and women, fathers... [Read more]
May 4, 2006 at 10:48am
MAY 3, 2K6 AHAH! HA HA HA, my pretties. Playing around with writing RESPONSIBILITY ON THE RUN for a few days now. But then Teff, small potatoes that she be, is a Colbert Report watcher. A fan, a laugher, a considerable kidder-arounder, now absolutely astonished at the lengths one may ultimately call in the marker for: desertion of duty. Yes, it is the way of the world these days. From Washington, DC to New York to Hollywood one wonders does their exist a runway for the best comic renditio... [Read more]
Thanks for reading ....
April 23, 2006 at 4:13am
Well, a surprise came my way this morning seeing My Blog now has 1,025 views, way up from the usual twelve hits. SO if some of you are coming back thanks very much for reading, even if you're not staying the course. The last blog, behind this one ... Well it seems to me, this humble non- non-com who never enlisted ... that while men and women serving in Iraq were placed there by an admin and a prez possibly hellbent on losing a war, so it could be prolonged thus more money from Con... [Read more]
Extremely Controversial
April 23, 2006 at 4:38am
<> <> <> <> <> <> <> April 17 and Aprill 21, 2K6 "Extremely controversial .... a liability" Two descriptions (above) by David Gregory, NBC Washington correspondent ... for what's that old guy's real name? Well cheapskate, incompetent comes to mind .... or plain old MUD! DUMP RUMP!!! THERE'S NEW HOPE!!! From this humble reporter ... Praise Jesus! Sure unload Rumpsfield at first convenience, sir ... ... [Read more]
ALSO ++++++++++
April 13, 2006 at 5:22am
April 11, 2006 On this blog, if you are a Teff reader you may find and maybe identify with MY characters from former stories, posting hereon. Refer to the Mission Statement above === Q --- Does Teff or Tofuto or Derby Deringer or Modesta Gamble or Harold Plotsworthy often use third person instead of first person narration. Answer --- YES! IF you were not a former blog reader of the above title: JUNE BUGS & ELDERBERRY WINE or The Modesta Gamble Series (Posts:19, 20, 22, 24, 25, ... [Read more]
Today is the first day of ---
April 11, 2006 at 11:31am
TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF the rest of your life. Suppose you get up early and wish like all the tea in Ireland you did not read what you read this morning on MSNBConline. What do you do? Well, this takes a bit of time to sink in, but CONTENTS appear highly usable. The entire three pager even explains a lot of missing links to understanding, not accepting, understanding. The road to Baha explanation. Answers looming in the English Channell. Asssaulting the levees belonging to the D... [Read more]
In A Certain Small Town Eatery
April 7, 2006 at 6:37pm
April 7, 2006 IN A CERTAIN SMALL TOWN RESTAURANT hangs a picture of gurj bu buying coffee for the house, consisting of the owner in the photo op which hangs on the wall where business is reportedly down now. Not too many patrons announce glorious attributes to share post Nov 2004 after the election, after the so-called royal visit. Yet, the owner of the establishment, lets call this restaurateur, Karl is hard put to voice any come-back arguments. Folks line up day after day, over bacon ... [Read more]
Faye Ray In Dream City
March 28, 2006 at 8:20pm
FAYE RAY IN DREAM CITY Woke up in the middle of the night, returned to bed. On Imus In the Morning things heated up at 8:40 am when Oval Office buffs cantilevered the impeccable credentials of the exiting, Mr Card. So dreams came true for whoever predicted that one. Believe the prediction ran when the ship's going down toss out a few of the first mates, mates. Bye-bye, sweetcakes, loved the dead pan & wide eyes in Sarasota on the morning of Sept 11, 2001. Maybe this humble bigmou... [Read more]
Uh oh
March 26, 2006 at 9:15pm
Always kinda thought blogs were ID-ed as open book on opinion. Journalism has a different meaning. Editorials, letters to the editor, these are opinions. Reviews are reviews, sums of articles etc. Reviews on WC are detailed and fit the bill as edits. Just pointing out definitions do exist both with or without spin. A spin doctor isn't a repug managing GOP blog requirements, rules and regulations. A spin doctor is a disc jockey, kids. Mediawatch.org is a website geared to allowin... [Read more]

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