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Explanations and instructions of all things Writing.Com.
#699188 added June 21, 2010 at 5:25pm
Restrictions: None
Who's Online
At times it is nice to interact with a member who is currently online. To view a list of members who are logged into Writing.Com and have been active within the past fifteen minutes, click on Writing.Com Tools in the navigation under the Writing.Com logo, then select Who's Online. The list organized by case level and then sorted alphabetically within each category.

The text next to the username comes from their billboard, which is available to Preferred Authors and higher. Your billboard can be edited from your Account. Visit this area by clicking on your username within the navigation, selecting the Options tab and clicking on Personal Display Options. This is a wonderful place to share a favorite quotation, or find and advertise Writing.Com contests and activities!1

Recommended Reading

1  Written by Diane

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/699188