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A modest journal.
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#569501 added February 23, 2008 at 9:25am
Restrictions: None
Friday, February 22, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008

         ...started out much like any other day though it was Friday, the end of the work week.  Friday is usually a good day --- just because it is Friday and the work week is coming to a close.  Yet there was a sense of foreboding.

         I stopped at Starbucks to pickup a coffee for myself and a friend at work, and I was running slightly behind schedule.  I wasn't as lighthearted as I normally am in the morning, but it didn't worry me too much... just a little strange.

         The night before I had gone through some clothing my daughter had given me and selected a few items I wanted, putting everything else back in the bag so I could give them to a friend at work.  I set the bag on the floorboard of the front passenger seat in my car.  Otherwise, I had my purse, my lunch bag and a bag of reading/writing materials including my bible, which I carry back and forth throughout the week. 

         I always grab a "drink carrier" whenever I pickup an extra drink on Fridays --- usually every week, I get a coffee for the receptionist.  (She keeps a Starbucks card refilled to make it easy.)  So, I maneuvered the carrier on the passenger seat so as to keep it level and prevent spilling on the short drive to work. 

         There are always a lot of police patrol cars on 9th Avenue North, which is my normal route to work.  They setup speed traps.  So as to make doubly sure I stay within the limit, I often use my cruise control even though its "stop-and-go" traffic.  That's what I did on Friday.  Of course, whenever you come to a red light and brake, it goes off.  Then once my speed picks back up, I touch the "resume." 

         After the last light and just before entering the parking lot a patrol car pulled out and began following me...  Then he turned on his lights and pulled me over.  He asked if I knew what my speed was and I said yes --- about 37 or 38 mph.  He said, No, you were going 49 in a 35 and we got you on laser.  I said, No, you must have gotten someone else.  I've been using my cruise control all the way in.  He asked for my license and registration and went back to his cruiser.

         I sat patiently, waiting, praying, knowing I wasn't speeding and slightly upset.  My cell phone was at home and I couldn't call the office.  He finally came back to the car and gave me a speeding ticket, which was completely unwarranted and undeserved.  I was angry as he smiled and said, Have a good day.  Somewhat sarcastically, I said, thank you sooo very much and drove into the parking lot to work.

         Look at me sideways and I was ready to cry and did cry off and on all day long.  I felt cursed.  I've been trying to get my bills paid off.  My car insurance recently went up after I bumped a parked car at the gym pulling out of a parking space.  Apparently, if you have three reported collisions in three years, they raise your rates ---- significantly.  I'm paying over $1300 for six months coverage now, even though these were just minor fender-benders.  I bumped someone at a red light --- no marks on either vehicle and I wasn't cited.  I backed into a pole in the alley-way at home and then bumped the car at the gym just before Christmas ---- all within a 3-year period of time.  My insurance company told me after six months my rates will go back down because the first accident will come off. 

         I've been keyed up and a little paranoid for about a month and a half.  I even had a dream that I worked in the Clerk's office and an officer gave me an citation for "reckless endangerment."  I've thought about selling my car and taking the bus, even though I have received no citations in over twenty years. 

         So, yes ---- I've been feeling a little "cursed."  Hopefully things will get better.

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