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The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues
#894485 added October 14, 2016 at 1:07pm
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Fiction Friday: Halloween Flash Fiction and Thoughts
Friday, October 14, 2016

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."
Edgar Allan Poe

The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise prompt for DAY 949
If you went on a date with Edgar Allen Poe, how would it go? What would you do? Did the raven join you and Edgar? Would it end in joy or despair?

I've always wanted to date a famous author. Edgar Allen Poe is one of those on that list. Two other authors on that list are Howard Phillips Lovecraft and John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. I enjoy reading each one of these authors and I know we could have a good conversation about their muse. I've always wonder about what inspired each one of them to write. I'd also like to know how they each treat a woman on a date.

A Date with Edgar Allen Poe

I went on a date with Edgar Allen Poe. We took a picnic basket and a chaperone. I didn't mind the chaperone because it was The Raven accompanied us. We went to the beach on a cool October day, spread a blanket on the sand so that we could watch the waves carry drift wood and debris onto the land.

I brought a basket full of fruit and vegetable sandwiches while Mr. Poe brought a Cask of fine Amontillado. I placed the food for us to eat while Edgar (he said I should call him Edgar rather them Mr. Poe) pour us each a glass of Amontillado. I nibbled at my cucumber sandwich and then picked up the glass of wine. I inhaled its bouquet (I don't drink wine, but I know, from watching movies, that you are supposed to inhale the wine before sipping it). Before I could take a sip, The Raven said, "Nevermore!" Then knocked the glass from my hand.

Edgar shook his head and said, "That's the last time I bring that raven on a date with a beautiful woman."

The "Blogging Circle of Friends prompts for DAY 1429
Write from the perspective of a KitKat bar on Halloween ?
Or if you are in the mood for a bit of horror. Which tool do you prefer? The hammer or the knife? The knife is classic but not as brutal as the hammer. It's your blog and your horror story. Have fun!

A KitKat Bar on Halloween

I hear them coming for me! They are the little monsters of All Hallows Even who stalk the streets, lanes, and alleys of every city in the nation and perhaps the world. They are zombies waiting to eat my sweet brains. Werewolves longing to hear the crunch of my wafer bones between their slobbering sharp canine teeth. I know that I was created to be consumed by chocoholics, but this yearly massacre of KitKat candy bars is becoming almost too much for my kinsman and myself to bear. Every year it's the same ritual. On October 31, well meaning adults pass out sugar highs to the little monsters going from door to door.

Knife or Hammer

I don't like either a knife or a hammer. I prefer my horror to be a bit less bloody, but more scary. I prefer the build up of the plot and the suspense. I want to see the fear on the faces of the characters knowing that something is stalking them, but they aren't sure what. I like the glowing red eyes watching from the forest or the back seat of the car while the characters a fleeing from the unknown and blood thirsty monster. I prefer the build up to the climax of the story.

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