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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/911732-Musing-and-Thinking
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#911732 added May 25, 2017 at 3:13pm
Restrictions: None
Musing and Thinking
Prompt: "Living is like touring through a museum. Not until later do you really start absorbing what you saw, thinking about it, looking it up in a book and remembering because you can't take it all in at once." Audrey Hepburn
Have you felt like this? Write your thoughts on this.


I feel like that now and I ask myself, what was all that about?

Looking back is unexpectedly riveting, although I did all I could. Cynically speaking, I come off to myself as a major piece of weird work and a somewhat crazy one for I keep doggedly pursuing anything that pops up in my way, after a fashion, but that fashion has mostly to do with the arts, all arts. The good thing about it has been that I kept moving, no matter what.

And, no matter what, living is such a complex edifice that in it, we mess up sometimes or even if what we come up with is not a mess, it isn’t exactly what we imagined it could have been, just like the museum pieces. We may not feel close to or appreciate every single piece in a museum and appreciate it, but we may enjoy touring the museum, in general. During such a tour, as we move on, we may not even recall exactly what we have seen and left behind. Still, we continue moving on, smiling with our chin up, and keeping our hands clean because life is, in its essence, a beautiful thing, despite its blunders and absurdities.

Mixed flowers in a basket

Prompt: "Pick the day. Enjoy it to the hilt. The day as it comes, people as they come." Audrey Hepburn
Does this sound like words to live by? Write anything you want about this


This quote seems to be another way of saying carpe diem. The purpose of life is to accept it and taste everything, bitter, sweet, or sour, that pops up on our way. Most of all, we need to be awake to the present to find the joy of eternity in it because there is no other life but this.

As an aside (because I have to get something off my chest) although I like Audrey Hepburn a lot, I resent film people and others who have found fame through their looks and discountable abilities giving advice to the rest of us. I resent it especially when they word it in a command, “do this, do that” sort of thing. If it were a personal opinion or musing I would gladly take to it, such as ‘I pick my day and enjoy it to the hilt…etc.’

So, movie stars should know their place; it is on the movie screen. I do like to read their autobiographies, though. After all, there are things in each life foreign to my experiences. *Smile*

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