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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1989409
My blog part dos
More about me later.
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May 27, 2014 at 11:32pm
May 27, 2014 at 11:32pm
Prompt: Who is your latest acquaintance? How is it?

My latest acquaintance is someone that I met at the gym a long time ago. HIs name is...Well, I don't know his real name,. I call him selfie because whenever we were at the gym he took photos of himself on the elliptical after he had only been on it for less than a minute. I want to add him to my group of friends because he seems like my kind of people. Unfortunately, I have no clue on how to go about it without being creepy. I mean I could be like, "Hi how are you?" but that's so boring. So I just give creepy smiles. Especially because I never took the time to learn his name. Oh, I'll find a way to be his friend. Just you wait selfie. Your new BFF is waiting for you.
May 26, 2014 at 6:14pm
May 26, 2014 at 6:14pm

Prompt:May 26 - Choose any photographs from your album or photo book. If you can upload, the better. Say anything from that photo and include this thought while making a blog about it.

A sight of one faded photograph
Halts my pace at a moment
Asking myself why are you so real
Where are you now, where is our love?

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A sight of one faded photograph halts my pace at a moment. Asking myself why are you so real where are you now, where is our love, Horton the Elephant. One of my favorite stories as a child was Horton Hears a Who by Dr. Seuss, about an elephant determined to save a population of people who lived on a clover. I can't tell you why I liked it as a child, but as an adult I have not stopped loving the story. Anyways, my mom gave me a stuffed elephant when I was younger-it was a Babar. ::sigh:: Didn't she know I wanted Horton? Being a child I had no other option than to use my imagination and turn Babar into the Horton that I wanted. Horton was the head toy of my room. I couldn't sleep without him. I took him to college with me.

My youngest brother and I are 17 years apart in age. When I was a Sophmore in college, my brother was barely 2 years old. He would come to my dorm room and run all over the place because there is nothing for a small child to play with in a college dormitory. The only thing that he would play with is my stuffed animal Horton. I was happy to share my stuffed toy with my brother, but one day he demanded to take my stuffed toy with him because he just had to have him.

My mom said, "Now don't take your sister's toys, even though she could be nice and give you this one thing."

So, I gave my childhood friend away. The only way I can describe giving Horton away was the end of Toy Story 3

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4 weeks later, my brother lost my stuffed elephant at Daycare. I miss my friend. This old photo reminds me of how much I loved him.
May 25, 2014 at 9:31pm
May 25, 2014 at 9:31pm
Prompt: May 25 - How is your relationship with our Deity? Take a closer introspection. Do you have something to say directly to Him, what is it?

I am a Christian but not religious. I don't like the way that religion can make people act; sometimes it breaks up families and makes people feel uncomfortable to be who they are. I don't like anything that claims to bring people together that in all reality is tearing people apart. It's important to have faith, but it's also important to not let religion take over your brain and common sense.

I'm just saying that religion at times can make people do stupid things, like drink the punch or stockpile fire arms and blow up the compound. People like to say that those people are brainwashed, but I like to say they just chose the wrong religion.

I have my own faith, I don't talk about it much but I do believe. I also try to be respectful of people who have beliefs that are different than mine. My relationship is my relationship and it's my path to walk and I try to walk it best that I can. And that's the best anyone can do who has a belief.

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May 24, 2014 at 8:14pm
May 24, 2014 at 8:14pm
Prompt: May 24 - What's your recent negotiation with friends, business associates, or in family circle which you are in full control and edge? How it turns to be? Was it fair enough to both parties?

I'm the oldest child out of my siblings. You would think that my younger siblings would follow my lead and do everything that I say, but they don't and they never have. Before I moved out of my parent's house, I found myself head negotiator of my two younger brothers. We mainly fought over the living room television, because even though everyone had a TV in their room, we all needed to watch TV on the 60inch television in the downstairs living room.

I negotiated well enough that my two siblings hardly ever fought, but terrible enough that all anyone ever watched on the downstairs TV was Spongebob and if there was ever a Power Rangers Marathon, you could forget it. My youngest brother took over the downstairs television with provisions: blanket, capri sun, and his favorite teddy bear. If you got anywhere near the damn remote he'd fight you off with his teddy bear and black mail. If he wasn't at home and their was a Power Rangers Marathon he would set the tv to flip onto Nickelodeon every time an episode came on. So, it would be 11:00 PM and I'd watch Law & Order, just as the jury is about to announce the verdict--POWER RANGERS THEME SONG. Eventually, he lost remote privileges--via my mom, who missed a very important part of Desperate housewives--because he'd come the North Korea of the remote.

I'm a terrible negotiator. I think a key part of negotiation is that you can't negotiate with a 6 year old hyped up on juice and television. Kids these days, they're incorrigible mini-tyrants.
May 23, 2014 at 10:23pm
May 23, 2014 at 10:23pm
Prompt: Funny Friday

Once again I'm stuck in the conundrum of it being a Friday and I have to do something funny in a short amount of time. Once again, all I've got is a lame joke. Only this time it is one that my best friend loves to tell. It's absolutely terrible, but I figure the worse the better when it comes to lame jokes.

Why did the monkey fall out of the tree?-click for answer.

Yeah, it's lame, I know, but it's friday so you're just going to have to put up with it.
May 22, 2014 at 10:11pm
May 22, 2014 at 10:11pm
May 22 Prompt - Thursday prompt is something you figure out to be....

Things I've figure out:

1+1 will always equal 2. It will ALWAYS equal 2.

Of course, if you spoke a different language that you made up, and in that language 2 meant 1 and 1 meant 2, Then I suppose their is an instance when 2+2 could actually equal 1.

Always drink water while you're drinking hard liquor.

That took me forever to figure out. I mean FOREVER, and it was a hard lesson to figure out. But I got there eventually. I've saved my toilet a lot of unnecessary action

It's OK to be weird, just embrace it

I've always thought I was a little bit out of sync with the rest of the world, but I discovered that the more I embrace it, the more other people will embrace it. It's not weird. It's who I am.

Buy a bath mat.

It's $6 at Wal~Mart. It's cheaper and easier than the life lesson of falling in the shower.

You don't loose anything by asking.

Really, you don't. You'd be surprised all the things you learn with just a simple question.

Work out in the gym.

Because gyms have air conditioning and all the hot guys go there.

Don't be afraid to jump all in.

Do something with all your heart and soul. The more you give the more you'll get out.

Snowcones are better mixed with ice cream

Really, they just are.

Sometimes librarians are bitches
The library is this beautiful place that is filled with books, and you want to jump for joy and scream with excitement. Librarians hate that.

A bra is not a pocket

Your phone will fall out of your bra and the screen will crack and you'll loose all of your money too.

Laundry day is not optional

People like you better when you smell nice.

Always hit the save button.
If you don't you'll loose everything you wrote at first. Then you'll end up making a list of things you've figured out. You'll be completely unsatisfied. So it's easier to hit save and loose the headache.

May 21, 2014 at 10:39pm
May 21, 2014 at 10:39pm
May 21 - What is the weirdest film you’ve ever owned?

I don’t own many films because I’ve never been a big believer in buying them. What’s the point of owning tons of DVDs when you own hulu and netflix, there is a redbox in walking distance, and your friends have DVD collections that might put a movie rental store to shame? I have to be in love with a movie to be committed enough to own it.

The weirdest movies I like are:

The The Gods Must be Crazy. It’s about a bushman tribe who receives a present from the “Gods.” The present is a coca-cola bottle that was thrown out of plane. This tribe is accustomed to being able to share everything. Unfortunately, there is only one coca-cola bottle and it can’t be shared. This causes the tribe to fight over it. Sick of all of the trouble this damn present from the “Gods” has caused, the lead bushman embarks on a journey to give the present back.

The movie is an old movie, and it raises some pretty important questions about capitalism and society. I like it because it’s hysterical, but it also makes you think at the same time. I’ve only seen the movie once, but it’s the kind of film you don’t forget because it stays with you.

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Spork. The movie is about a hermaphroditic young girl who wants to win the school dance compeition. It’s an indy flick, and no type of explanation or trailer does it justice. But it’s the only movie I’ve ever seen that features an afro sheen dance accident. Plus, the soundtrack is my favorite genre of music--Old rap. You know, the kind where you can hear the lyrics. Spork has a flavor all its own, and in the end I find myself so happy that this sad pathetic girl has just won the dance off.

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May 20, 2014 at 9:20pm
May 20, 2014 at 9:20pm
May 20 - Going fishing, what's your fish story? Today we will be blogging about fishing or any activities something related to the sea or ocean.

Fish story? I grew up in the city, my parents grew up in the city, and their parents grew up in the city. The only person who has a fish story is my Aunt, and she doesn't make it sound interesting. It just sounds like a lot of unnecessary sitting just to be able to go to Joe's Crab Shack and have someone else cook you a fish.

The closest I've even come to fishing is the time that my friends and I rented a canoe from our university Marina and got trapped in the current. At first we sang songs from Pocahontas, but 3 hours later the singing wasn't fun anymore. We were just fruitlessly paddling, and every single time that we took a break the current carried us further down the river. By the time we FINALLY made it back to the marina our arms were sore, we were dehydrated, and we all vowed to never ever go on a canoe together again.

I think the best fishing is this drink that I'm going to make this weekend. I found it on Facebook.

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The Fish Bowl
6 oz. (180ml) Vodka
6 oz. (180ml) Coconut Rum
4 oz. (120ml) Peach Schnapps
4 oz. (120ml) UV Blue Vodka
2L Sprite
Nerds Candy
Swedish Fish Candy
Orange Slices

May 19, 2014 at 10:44pm
May 19, 2014 at 10:44pm
May 19 Prompt - "We're open to the greatest change when we hit our lowest point."

It’s funny that when I hear the words “domestic violence” and “abuse” I never think of myself as having been a victim of it, even though I was. Being in a domestic violence situation is one of the most emotionally frustrating situations that anyone could ever be in. You keep everything in because: 1) you don’t want anyone to know that something awful like this could happen to you 2) when you do tell people, they tell you everything that you SHOULD DO even though they’ve never been in the situation themselves. 3) You’ve hit your lowest point and you’re just trying to keep it together as you sit in the ER, then some bitch at the front desk treats you like your less than nothing after you’ve been told every terrible thing about yourself. 4) The only thought you can think is that everything is your fault, you should have known better. 5) You know you have to go back to that awful place and make things work because that is your home, and you’ve got nowhere else to go.

It was when I sat in the ER holding my wrist and crying that I knew I couldn’t do it anymore. I just couldn’t. I had to make a change. I didn’t care what it was. I didn’t care where it took me. I just knew that I couldn’t.
I’ve never been a risk-taker, I like paths that are well traveled. I like knowing that when I step there will be ground to catch me, and people that I can fall back on. I like to have everything so-so, and in the right order.

There are times when life will not allow this.

If I can say that I learned anything from my situation it was to always treat people with respect and compassion (you don’t know what they’ve been through), to just sit and listen (sometimes people just want a sounding board, you don’t always have to give advice), and that sometimes the risk is the only way out.

I never would have moved 5 hours away from all friends and family to a city where I’d be alone and knew NO ONE if I hadn’t met my lowest point. I also would have never reaped the rewards of going somewhere new.

Moving has been the most exhilarating adventure of my life, and I am also the happiest I’ve ever been. I used to be so afraid of everything and who I was that I never got the chance to embrace myself or accept the fact that happiness was not just for other people, but for me. I went from my lowest point a year and a half ago, to my highest point. Sometimes, I feel like that’s the way it was supposed to be, because I never would have appreciated my life now if I had not come from where I did.
May 18, 2014 at 7:46pm
May 18, 2014 at 7:46pm
Prompt: The Sunday Review.

I can honestly tell you that there isn’t much that is going on here.

My friend Hunter hosted a great dinner party with his friends from out of state. I fried some pork chops, and they turned out amazingly. Of course, I pigged out on Arby’s before the dinner but those pork chops were delicious. I’m holding my stomach is pain. I’ve eaten too much, but I refuse to throw up.

Work is tomorrow, and I don’t want to go to work. I need money so I have to go, and I’d better quit complaining. Sometimes I feel like all I ever do is work, but I’m so far off from retirement I better get used to the fact that I’ll pretty much be working forever. I imagine that by the time I can retire I will have turned into a typing statue.

My favorite entry of the week was "Invalid Entry because the poem was absolutely hysterical.

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