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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1989409
My blog part dos
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May 17, 2014 at 11:17pm
May 17, 2014 at 11:17pm
May 17-Opinion Sat. | Autism, ADHD, Mongoloid, Special Child

Prompt: These children are born with special needs. How do you show support and acknowledge them? Are they more of a burden or blessing?

I think children with disabilities or disorders are the same as regular children in that it doesn't matter the disability as much as how you manage it. Sure it can be harder to manage a child with a disability, but there are some children with absolutely no disabilities who are wild, hard to manage, and a hot ass mess. These children grow into terrible rotten adults and there is absolutely nothing that anyone can do about it—there is no diagnosis, no pills, and nobody likes them. So, what’s there excuse?

People with disabilities run the gamut. You’ve got the token disabled person who’s overcome all sorts of obstacles and then you’ve go my friend Hunter’s favorite deaf friend who used sign language as an under cover bitchy way to talk about people behind there backs. So what’s Hunter’s excuse? He’s just a "grade A bonafide asshole" (his words, not mine).

It’s stupid to even ask the question if any type of disabled person is a burden or blessing. The answer is all kinds of people can either be burdens or blessings, and sometimes they can be a little of both. No person is either all one way or another, and that’s true of people who are disabled as well.

So how do we support and acknowledge people with disabilities? It’s not that hard. We treat them like we treat everybody else. If you don’t like them then you don’t like them, so stay away and keep your big moth shut. Take each and every person as they come, make accommodations as they are needed, and get to know the person with the disability—don’t just write a person off because they are ADHD, autistic, 7 years old, gay, green, or just your average dick. There’s good and bad to everyone, people with disabilities included.
May 16, 2014 at 6:43pm
May 16, 2014 at 6:43pm
Prompt: Funny Friday.

I don't have much time as I'm going to go visit my boyfriend and need to take my laptop downstairs for my friend to borrow. I considered having him ghost write, but his spelling is atrocious. Plus, he's the type to spell really bad to piss me off. Barrow instead of Borrow and Bowel instead of Bowl. He might even refer to a shopping cart as a buggey, and I just can't have that. So for funny friday I leave you with a lame joke and then I'll go live my life.

What did the Hungry Sea Monster Say? click for answer

Yeah, I admit that was lame, but I'm in a time crunch here. Happy Friday!
May 15, 2014 at 10:02pm
May 15, 2014 at 10:02pm
Prompt: May 15 - Money, Betrayal, Sex, Power, Fame
Write a story or essay with those words.

I wrote a short story...

I will never apologize for having too many dreams and getting exactly what I wanted. No one will ever hear me whining that my life wasn’t fulfilled or that I could have had it all but I didn’t go after it.

There are two types of people in this world; people who do what is necessary to get what they want and people who get in the way.

Mitchell got in the way, and that’s why Mitchell is dead.

People die every day. Best friends part every day. It doesn’t matter whether or not it was my betrayal that killed him. It doesn’t matter that he wanted me to be a better person but I just couldn’t. Money is how the world works, it is how I work.

I don’t know why I came to his funeral, but I just did. I felt like I owed him something. I looked into his casket, I kissed his sister on the cheek, and then she grabbed my arm, “Johnny I need you to say something nice about him to everyone.”

I opened my mouth to say no, but one look into her deep blue eyes and I found myself nodding even though I didn’t want to. She hugged me, and I could smell the light pear of her perfume. She still smelled the same way she did when we used to have sex. She was the only girlfriend I’ve ever had who I might have been in love with, but that’s a story for a different day.

I should have said no, and I berated myself while the priest spoke and the family cried. I was the one who took him away from them. I was the one who pointed the gun to his head, and said,

“Mitchell, I like you, but you’ve got it all. You’ve got Money, and Fame. You have everything that I ever wanted but could never have.”

“You’re never going to get money or fame by throwing your gun around like you’ve got all the power in the world when you don’t,” Mitch Spat out “God, Johnny that’s what’s wrong with you. You want it all because you don’t know what it’s like to have it.”

I closed my eyes and could hear the sound of the gun. I knew I’d made a mistake as soon as I shot him, but it was too late.


The church was closing in on me. I felt like the 30 people who were at the funeral were too many. I felt like they all knew and they were staring at me. I know I promised Layla that I would speak, but I found that I couldn’t.

I was sweating when the cold air of the parking lot hit my face, and I let my back hit the side of the building. I grabbed a cigarette, and let the nicotine fill my lungs. Seconds later she found me outside. Layla reached into my coat pocket, grabbed a cigarette, and lit it. For a moment it was just us breathing in the nicotine and letting it go. Letting Mitchell go.

“What a waste,” she finally said, “it was like he always thought he’d live forever. Besides he had all that money, and that mob fame.”

I exhaled a cloud of smoke feeling cold and ashamed on the inside.

“You know how all that is though, it’s all got a time limit,” she said standing tall and stiff “and you can’t take none of it with you to the grave.”

Layla flicked the cigarette, a small line of embers followed it to the ground, and then it was gone just like Mitchell. He was gone and I had everything that I ever wanted, only it was nothing like I thought it would be and I didn’t even want it anymore.

May 14, 2014 at 9:55pm
May 14, 2014 at 9:55pm
No Prompt today so far, but it's almost my bedtime. So I'm going to go with Mid Week Reflections like everyone else is

It's the middle of the week, and all I can think about is that tomorrow is Thursday and then it's Friday. I'll finally get to see my boyfriend on Friday, and I'm more excited about seeing him than normal. I'm going to take him to breakfast for his Birthday and then the two of us are going to spend time together. I can never successfully describe what spending time with my boyfriend is like, so I always tell other people that, "he gets me"

Sometimes I think it's crazy that I want to be a writer because I've always been a little terrible at saying exactly what I mean. It's like my brain hunts for the precise words that I intend only to come back with the worst words possible to express my intentions. I'm considering taking a creative writing class at the local community college as I've been suffering a year's worth of writer's block. I think I just need to sit down and write, but it's like every good idea I have I can't seem to stick with before I rule it out and delete,delete,delete. After a year of not writing, I'm incredibly rusty. It's funny how I never thought of writing as a skill that needed to be continually worked on, until I came back to writing after my year long hiatus. I missed writing though, so I'm happy to start again. Hopefully this blogging challenge will get some juices flowing. It just feels good to write because I worry as I get older that I'm not only letting some of dreams die, but forgetting to make the time to do things I actually enjoy.

May 13, 2014 at 8:48pm
May 13, 2014 at 8:48pm
May 13 - Write a story or poem based from this report - Stop Calling Tablets Mobile.
Reference: http://mashable.com/2014/05/13/stop-calling-tablets-mobile/

I really had no clue what to write for this one, but I powered through.

Charles Charleston's Eyes

Charles Charleston’s eyes were bluer than blue and grayer than gray
Deep and True, nothing but blue, the most beautiful eye color made
Everyone loved him, and everyone wanted this Male Model Extraordinare
For ads and looks campaigns and books--he’d win them with just one stare.
Were they grey or were they blue? was the trending topic of May
So everyone texted, emailed, and called at any time of day
He went from cell phone to Nook from tablet to book until it was hard to read.
Then found himself in the Eye Doctor’s seat because he couldn’t see
The old man said, “Well it seems to me that you spend too much time watching TV”
“But I don’t watch TV,” said Charleston, “I haven’t got the time.”
“A screen is a screen,” The doctor said “and that’s what happened to your eyes.”

May 12, 2014 at 7:06pm
May 12, 2014 at 7:06pm
May 12 - Imagine that the person who broke your heart the most came crawling back. How would you react?

If my ex had the nerve to come crawling back to me, the first thing I'd demand is an apology. Six months after our break up, Facebook introduced me to his brand new bouncing beautiful baby girl brought into the world by the girl he swore to me, "wasn't anything important." His Status: We may have our ups and downs but true love never fades. Finding out that he cheated on me was a shocker, but finding out that he decided to date me even though he was in love with someone else; nothing can compare to how much that hurt. Even if he did apologize I'd never be able to take him back. He lied to my face the entire relationship. How can you ever trust someone after being lied to?

After I received my apology I'd thank him for being an awful boyfriend. It allowed room in my life to date someone that I like and who likes me back, treats me with respect, and loves me just as much as I love him. He's the perfect match for me, in ways that the last one wasn't. Sometimes you've got to throw the crappy fish you have back into the sea to get a better bigger fish.

May 11, 2014 at 10:52pm
May 11, 2014 at 10:52pm
There hasn't been an official e-mail with the prompt today. So, I am going to do what we normally do on Sundays, and write my Sunday review.

This week has not been eventful. I zombied my way from Monday through Friday, didn't leave my house on Saturday, and went to Wal~Mart--a necessary evil--today. I'm recovering extremely well from my fall in the shower. My shoulder feels better and I can walk on my foot. The cut has started to fill in, so tomorrow I'm going to start my diet and work out because I need to have the body of Jennifer Aniston. So when my life is getting pretty boring, and I've nothing to talk about. There's only one thing left to do. ( And yes, I did this last year-and loved it)


See if you can survive the week and find out my favorite post.

You wake up Monday morning with a migraine as you've started going through caffeine withdrawl because you haven't had a single cup of coffee all weekend. You've been telling yourself for months that you are not going to let your caffeine addiction get out of hand. After all, you can stop any time that you want, but it's Monday now
So you:
Tough it Out
Pour Yourself a cup of coffee?

Tough it Out
You decide to tough it out, and the migraine only gets worse. You take an Advil, brush your hair and suck it up. Once you're at work you're headache goes away, but you just aren't the same. You're so out of it that you sit at your desk in tears. You're supervisor says that you're in no state to work as you're doing nothing but crying, wearing two completely different shoes, and for some reason your shirt is on backwards. She says to take a personal day. On the way home you discover that it's pancake day in the town square, so you stop and get a pancake. While eating the pancake you are mistaken as the city Mayor and asked to give a speech. As you're walking up the stairs to give you're speech, you trip on the stair and you die.

To start from the beginning click here.

Pour a cup of Coffee
There's nothing like a cup of coffee to get you feeling productive. You head to work with an overly large smile on your face and ready to start the bright beautiful day. You're so happy that you jump in the shower a little too fast, and fall -a second time-in the shower. You can't move your leg, you're completely helpless and completely naked

Do you:

Crawl to a cell phone and call 911

Or scream like a little baby.

The paramedics barrel there way into your apartment, look at your naked body, give you a towel, and some pain medicine. It's really good stuff so you lay back and enjoy the ride. You're leg gets set and eventually you make it home in a lot of pain, but really happy that you're alive. As a joke all of your friends decide to buy you a shower mat basket, but you're afraid of the shower and plan to never ever shower again. You're friend Hunter brings you you're mail. You open the hospital bill see the amount of your 5 second EMS drive and medical care. You have a heart attack at the sight of all of those zeroes and you die.

To start from the beginning click here.
To Make a better choice click here

Scream like a baby.
You scream in frustration. You scream in pain. You even cry a little. You're totally hopeless, and you're probably going to stay in the shower forever because it hurts. It really hurts. The hot cop next door hears your screams, breaks a window, discovers you all helpless and pathetic and totally nude and takes pity on you. He carries you down the stares, takes you to the ER, and waits as your leg is set. You were so pathetic and helpless that the hot cop takes a liking to you, and asks you on a date. The nurse comes in to give you a tetanus shot

Do you:

hold still while the nurse gives you a shot

Or complain and scream like a banshee?

You hate shots, but you hold still. Eventually the hot cop puts you in his car and asks you if you'd like to stop at Denny's. While you're at Denny's the cop gives you a dollar so that you can play the crane machine game that you love. You're super close to winning the Hello Kitty stuffed animal when the crane drops it at the last moment. Frustrated with the game, you punch a whole into the crane machine. As you're with a police officer this erratic behavior cannot be ignored so you find yourself in a jail. You're best friend raises money to bail you out, but had to borrow it from a Drug Dealer. You go to the drug lord to pay back the loan, but he takes a liking to you. He invites you on a trip to Mexico, and you can't say no because he's scary. While you're at the mall shopping for you trip you see a Madness sale. You fight over a pair of ruby red stilletos. During the fight, you're stabbed by a stilleto. You die.

To start from the beginning click here.
To Make a better choice click here

Complain and Scream Like a Banshee

Well the nurse calls you a big baby. So you call her a big baby. You get into a fight, they sedate you, and tie your hands to the bed like a crazy person. The cop comes to visit you and you nearly die of embarrassment, but somehow you've managed to survive the week

You read some amazing blogs during the course of the week. Your favorite being "Invalid Entry which is absolutely hysterical and you consider raising $100 so that you can see if Mitchopolis will actually do your favorites on the list.

May 10, 2014 at 7:06pm
May 10, 2014 at 7:06pm
May 10 Prompt: The Biggest Fraud I Had

Tell or share your readers what biggest fraud you have experienced from others or from close friends. How did you react?

The first time my parents decided to visit my new apartment, it was overdue for a vacuum.1 I hate vacuuming, so before the we’re-just-in-the neighborhood-even-though-we-live-five-hours-away-and-have-no-reason-to-be-here-other-than-we-miss-you-and-we’re-checking-to-see-if-you’re-living-in-a-cesspool-or-running-a-meth-lab-in-your-kitchen-visit I ran to Wal~Mart and bought a vacuum so I didn’t have to hear the nagging voice of my mother, “How do you live in such a den of filth? You weren’t raised this way.”

::SIGH:: Wal~Mart ::SIGH:: one of the only places where you can buy a case of Mike’s Hard Lemonade, a vacuum, and see that one crazy homeless guy who doesn’t know your name but does know you.

Any serial shopper will tell you the best part of getting something new is opening the box and smelling the brand new smell. When I opened my vacuum box, the first whiff I got was the stale smell of cigarettes. I knew something was wrong, but I was desperate to get my house vacuumed before Mom showed up. When I took the vacuum out of the box things only got worse. The vacuum already had vacuum dust in it; like someone had bought the vacuum used it and returned it. I didn’t want to use the foul smelling vacuum with crap already in it, but I was desperate. I went to plug the vacuum into the—wait, there was no plug. Someone had taken scissors and cut the plug off of the cord of the vacuum.

I’m not going to lie, I was PISSED.

At this point of the story there is a lot of four letter words that came out of my mouth. When my mom came, I was so mad she didn’t even mention the carpet even though I saw her giving it the eye. I exchanged the vacuum, and I was proud of myself for biting my tongue because my brain was still full of four letter words.

One week later, I bought rancid pork roast from Wal~Mart, which was left in the slow cooker while I was at work and took a week to get the dead animal smell out of my apartment. Then, I bought bread that had a little whole in the bag where someone had nibbled on it.

I hate Wal~Mart. I just think maybe instead of quantity it could focus a little bit more on the quality of products that they sale and monitoring the hot-mess customers that they sell to.

1  If you don’t know anything about me then you should know that I recently made the transition from living with the support of my parents to supporting myself. The hardest thing about moving out is that I’m always buying new things: spatulas, flatware, cookware sets, rugs, curtains etc. This coupled with my determination to prove to my parents that I’ve got the “being an adult” part of my life handled only leads to me buying a mass amount of new things right before my mother or father decide to visit.

May 9, 2014 at 7:43pm
May 9, 2014 at 7:43pm
I'm not really sure what today's prompt is, so I'll just write it both ways.

Prompt: What if you have only $10 left in your pocket?

I would do everything in my power to make it grow.

I'd take the first first half of my $10 to buy scratch offs, and the second half of my $10 for a little bit gas to drive around my small town BEGGING looking for a job.

If that didn't work, I've always promised myself that if I was ever close to being homeless I would commit some sort of crime to get myself arrested. I could do prison: you get clothes, food, and unlimited reading. Luckily, I have the kind firey personality that left in an institution over a short amount of time would thrive. Yep, I'd run that b****.

May 9 Prompt: For $10 I would...

Stay at home in my bed asleep, and make a sarcastic comment.

Let's face it $10 is the new $5 and if someone was trying to bribe me with $10 then they'd have to add something to make it worth it. They'd need to give me $10 and cook me dinner for at least a week or something equivalent to $20-$50 before I'd even consider the offer.
May 8, 2014 at 7:29pm
May 8, 2014 at 7:29pm
May 8 - You have just recognized the girl or guy in the elevator with you. She/he is the person you loved from afar in high school but never asked out. The elevator stops between floors. You two are alone and stuck for at least an hour. What do you do?

A crush, an elevator, and we're stuck for at least 1 hour.

I bet I could write this blog post in record time. In fact, I could write it with 1 one word and 3 letters, but I'm determined to get my mind out of the gutter this year. 2

I'm not really the type of girl who loves from afar because I've always been the kind of person who stalks a guy on Face book, cleverly bumps into him, and then lays all my feelings out on the table in the most awkward slightly psychotic way possible. This doesn't combine well with the fact that I'm the worst flirt you've ever met.

Once I was at a bar and saw a really cute guy, so I thought I'd be cool and took a few puffs of my friend's cigarette. In my head I looked like Sandy from Grease, but what actually happened is I'm not a smoker and inhaled too deep. When cutie did approach me he brought a glass of water--because I coughed for 5 minutes grabbing at my throat--and I looked like a drowning crazed cat.

If I did bump into a crush on an elevator, I'm sure I'd blurt something weird out "I've loved you for years. Your hair is still spectacular. You smell nice like you've brushed your teeth."

At this point the guy would cram himself into the furthest corner of the elevator and we'd both wait in awkward silence while I play games on my iphone, stalk my newest crush on face book, and find the addresses to celebrity houses on the internet. Then when the elevator finally opened up and he walked away giving me the you're-creepy look, I'd think of all the things I could have said and all of the normal ways I could have said them. I'd laugh about it later and catalogue it for a different day, maybe another chance meeting. I believe that the best romances are destined, so if it is meant to be it will happen.

Luckily, I have a boyfriend who loves me just the way I am, and these days I don't have to worry about my terrible flirting or his; because his flirting is just as bad as mine.

2  I could also write it with a four letter word and a three letter word or 1 number between 1 and 100, but that's just dirty.

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