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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2184267
My Heart is Breaking!
What is on your mind? I love all type of topics and will talk about almost anything! So, what is happening with you lately?

The Huntington Japanese Gardens, photo by Seabreeze
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December 9, 2020 at 12:34pm
December 9, 2020 at 12:34pm
Long time since I have been here....lots of good intentions.

Well, good intentions strike again so I hope to make better use of them. Here we go...

Why Do We Like To Reminisce?

One day, as I was reminiscing, I started to analyze why do I like to go there. My answer, it is a place of comfort, a safe haven if you will. With reminiscing, you can pick and choose which memories you want to relive. I love to relive my childhood, because, of course, for me they are very pleasurable. The opposite side is that many have had bad childhoods and would not want to go down that lane again; I understand that. I have those as well but that will remain for a later post.
I was born in 1945 (yes, long time ago). My birth just missed a terrible war period and I thank my heavenly Father that it did. But for a child, the late 40s and mostly the 50s were ideal. I grew up on an eight acre (not a farm) country area in Southern California where I can remember playing all day outside with not a care in the world. I remember at one point in time going down to the end of our property, which had a small creek and seeing gold fish in it. I wondered where they came from. Another time, not so fun was almost stepping on a scorpion as I was coming out of my front porch. Dad was just ahead of me and saw and removed the creature.

Our land was somewhat lacking enough water until my Dad dug a well. Even then, we had plenty of drinking water but we were not ready to farm or grow much. Dad didn't buy the land for that purpose but from what he told me years later, it was so us kids (2 girls, 1 boy) had a place to play. God love him!! We had that and more. We had the outdoors to explore, wonderful summers sleeping out under the stars (and you could see lots and lots of stars), no traffic of much to speak of (maybe a commercial plane or two would go over twice a month). To this day, I do not know how people exist in New York with all the noise and congestion!

Another great memory was seeing the California Poppy and Lupines come to bloom. There was a lot (large) that I remember going to and walking threw these beautiful wild flowers...some of my favorites today.

I feel reminiscing can be such a stress reliever because it can take us back to some joyous moments. We feel young again. We feel we have taken a mini journey, safe and pleasurable time that no one can take away from us. So important in today's world where it seems like so many people want you to think and/or believe like them. During my reminiscing, I don't have to answer to or reject other's thoughts. It is my time, my journey.

So, to recap, reminiscing has these wonderful values:

1. Fun to relive
2. Safe
3. Makes us feel young
4. No interruptions
5. It is free

When was the last time you took a trip down memory lane?

12.9.2020 Seabreeze

January 21, 2020 at 12:41pm
January 21, 2020 at 12:41pm
January 21, 2020

Do you ever hear the word Narcolepsy bantered about and wonder what it means? Well, I can share my experience with you. I lived with with husband who had the sleep disorder for over 20 plus years. It is important that folks know about it just in case they run into a family member or friend who may have it and not realize they do. The sleep disorder itself is not life threatening , but if you drive and have any of the symptoms, it could be fatal.

There are various levels of it; some more severe. Many can acquire the disorder in their teens. My husband was in his 40s when it first showed up. Many people think that it is similar to epilepsy, but it is not. Yes, it is a neurological disorder, can be treated with medications and help with sleep patterns.

I could go into a lot of detail here, however, I have written an article that I would love to share:


I hope you will take the time and give it look. You may find it helpful for yourself, a family member or friend.


January 5, 2020 at 11:53pm
January 5, 2020 at 11:53pm
January 5, 2010


No I did not just curse! I ran into this idea several years ago and thought that I might share with everyone. Flogos float just like clouds...man made clouds that is!

Just when you think you have seen it all something really unique comes along (at least new to me). This genius invention is the creation of Francisco Guerra and Dr. Brian Glover. The name flogos comes from combining the words "flying" and "logos". Trained in making clouds on production sets, these men decided to take it to a new level; shapes! Just think of the attraction at a birthday party or retirement party.

Flogos are a combination of air and helium making tiny bubbles of foam producing various shapes. They can be used to attract people to special events such as a new restaurant opening, banks, or even football games. Flogos can be seen in all 50 states. It is said that Guerra even released one in a special "peace" shape over Gaza Strip. I do believe you can now purchase your own commercial type machine for around 4K.


Thanks for visiting. Hope you enjoyed learning about flogos!

October 14, 2019 at 1:43pm
October 14, 2019 at 1:43pm
October 14, 2019

I would like to share a beautiful poem (a song known in the Christian circles) called He Giveth More Grace. This was written by Annie Johnson Flint. An amazing women who lost both birth parents, also her adopting parents and contacted a severe case of arthritis and became wheelchair-bound. She never stopped living or helping others. Through her writing, her poetry, she inspired so many. Here is her poem:

He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater,
He sendeth more strength when the labors increase;
To added afflictions He addeth His mercy,
To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace.

When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources,
Our Father's full giving is only begun.

His love has no limit, His grace has no measure,
His power no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus,
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

Hope you have enjoyed reading Annie's poem.

October 10, 2019 at 11:24am
October 10, 2019 at 11:24am
October 10, 2019

I am looking at my blessings today. What am I thankful for, wow! Here I go:

breath (I am 74, fair to good health)
being in this century
there is a new day everyday (we get a break)
color, song, birds, sky (cloud formation)
rain (cleanses and the sound)
don't have to wash my clothes on a rock
we have refrigerators
on, and on, and on

Seriously...I have my salvation (praise Him)
my son (who helps me when I need something)
two beautiful granddaughters not to far away
my art, reading, writing (here) and more

So, this morning I cam across a beautiful song regarding blessing that I wanted to share:


I hope you will play it and listen. The lyrics are included on the face of the video, which makes it even more special. Enjoy!

Many blessing for you today.


(Trinkets require an Upgrade to display.)

October 7, 2019 at 6:00pm
October 7, 2019 at 6:00pm
Word Power

I picked up an old pocket book off my shelf - Word Power, to do a little review. This edition published 1981. After perusing the book, I came across a section I just had to share. This one is called Classroom Classics. We have various phrases such as

Cubism is the rules of very young Scouts.
Filet Mignon is a opera by Puccini.
A hamlet is a little pig.
Teetotalers are boys who carry golf clubs. They are generally paid except in Scotland.

The President has the power to appoint and disappoint the members of his Cabinet.
A conservative is a kind of greenhouse where you look at the moon.

Queen Elizabeth was the "Virgin Queen". As a Queen she was a success.

False doctrine means giving people the wrong medicine.

Do you know what a skid-talker is? This was news to me.

A skid-talker is more than a slip of the tongue. It is a slip of the whole mind. So examples:
"It is a great picture. Don't miss it if you can."
"Too many cooks in the soup."
"There I was, left holding the jackpot."
"We miss you almost as much as if you were here."

Compliments of Reader's Digest Word Power, 1981

Thanks for stopping by,

October 5, 2019 at 2:36pm
October 5, 2019 at 2:36pm

October 5, 2019

Many of my fellow believers in our Lord may or may not know of this amazing incite of Genesis 5. I only hope to wet your curiosity with my post; and that you will listen to this less than 15 minute video on the interesting facts of the meaning of the names of patriarchs from Adam thru Noah. The definitions of the names are based on the true origin of the Hebrew given name, and the exact meaning of each letter within the name. Example: Adam means man; Seth means appointed; and Methuselah means his death shall bring.

Our narrator of this video is Charles Missler. For those who do not know of Mr. Missler, a full bio can be obtained by checking out his site at Koinonia House ministry (site below). In addition to holding a ministry, Chuck is a well known author, Bible teacher, engineer, former businessman and more. Unfortunately, Chuck went Home to be with the Lord last year but his videos, books are powerful and will, I believe, remain so for so many years to come.

So, I hope you will enjoy this video and do visit Koinonia House for more of Chuck Missler's inspirations:



Thanks for watching,

October 1, 2019 at 1:32pm
October 1, 2019 at 1:32pm
October 1, 2019

Sometimes, with all that is going on in life, I find it difficult to do reviews and who to review. I have come up with a test for myself in this area. I have decided to pick 4 people who I respect their work and have decided to slot them into my time when visiting Writing.com. I will go over to review their work, or comment on the notebook, on images, whatever they may be doing that week. They don't know that is what I am doing but, I feel it gets me motivated to act and I learn from them. I also threw in one Newbie to track and hopefully encourage.

This is my project and I hope it will benefit both of us.

September 26, 2019 at 12:28pm
September 26, 2019 at 12:28pm
September 26, 2019

This week is Banned Books Week, an annual awareness campaign and a way to celebrate the freedom to read. And, if there is any group of folks who need to be aware of what is still going on in the book banning disgrace, it is us, here at Writing.com!

Think about it! Authors put a lot of time, their being into a story not only to write it but to get it out into the market only for some group to say that your story should be banned! It breaks my hearts just thinking about the ugliness of these people who want to judge creativity as they are doing! There is a new "stupid" among these folks who have the power to do this dirty work. I mean, you know things are bad when Charlotte's Web is on the "hit" list! WTF??

The best I could find on this is that, in Charlotte's Web the story deals with death, the powers to be believe that children under the age of 10 cannot handle processing what death is. I say that an emotionally health child can handle the concept of death and should if they are going to function properly in society! It is part of the life process.

Another child's book I noticed that was attacked is The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. According to Google (if I can trust it anymore), the picture book was banned from a public library in Colorado in 1988 because it was interpreted as being sexist. If you know of the story (it is a cute story with pictures), you say WHY, HOW? Google's explanations continues that some readers believe that the boy takes from the female tree, without giving anything in return. Take about a stretch in over thinking!

So, for those who may want to know more, I have added a few links below for your perusal:


Personally, I think it is part of the dumbing down of our children when you banned children's stories. It seems to be okay to have a drag queen read why Johnny has two daddies and no mommy or try to push alternative life styles on kindergarten children, all for the betterment of the children??? I think not.

Why say you??

September 22, 2019 at 11:14pm
September 22, 2019 at 11:14pm
September 22, 2019

I am amazed in how fall has jumped right in and, on top of that, September is almost gone. This year especially seems to be moving away fast. I believe it may be due to my age...74. However, 73 and 72 didn't seem to come in so fast! Why, I wonder?

So, I have made a decision that I am going to weed out some of the less enjoyed or less participated crafts that are not getting my attention anymore and make sure I put my time into those that I want to contribute to more. I feel, if I get rid of those that take up space or just haunt me (saying, when will you get to me?), I will feel better about my time spent!

I have decided to get rid of crochet...all my completed and uncompleted items (might keep a few), books, needles and yarn. One reason is that, last time I crochet a scarf, I had cramping in my hands; not fun and I just don't enjoy it anymore. My eyes get tired quicker and then I don't feel like reading, which is one of my favorite pastimes.

My major items that I want to pursue more, give more attention to is writing! So, I plan to be spending more time here. I want to spend more time in reviews. I am truly amazed at the number of reviews some members have completed since they have joined...puts me to shame.

Secondly, I want to spend more time in painting. I recently took up oils. I have done some painting in watercolors, acrylics; oils has a new mystique about it; so more time I truly plan to give to it.

And, in my reading, I want to do more study in the Bible. I have enjoyed reading and then doing independent study of the gift our Creator has given us; His Word!

What have you decided to do for yourself lately??

Go for it!


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