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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2232901
Psalm 90:10, "The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty if we are strong....
Three Score and Ten the Introduction,

Well here we go, After 50 years I am going to take another attempt at writing. The first time was the Palmer writers correspondence school in 1969. The writing will be not a book that will be written with the idea of being published, But will be a writing of thoughts unencumbered by possible publishing and monetary gain. This writing will be a hybrid of Journal and Reminisce. It is important to me that the writings are my true thoughts at the time, not influenced by any factor. The writing will try to explain how a 70 year old white, male USA citizen now relates to today's world. Is every oldest generation lost in their own world, that they aged into? What do I see, and feel as I age farther. I know I am not normal as in what this world today would consider normal. But I hope I am in the ball park writing the thoughts of a 70 year old. I hope for you to learn to know who I am, As I search for Who I am at 70+ This work will carry on until I am no longer able to think or write. This will be done on a nearly daily writing interwoven with a life's reminiscing. This writing has been in the planning for 10 plus years. and I have now made it to this starting point. This writing is dedicated to My Wife The Kitten, My family, My grand children, Lukas, Levi, Luis, Lydia and Sonora Pearl. I thank you God that you have allowed me to have your Three Score and Ten Time.
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May 23, 2021 at 9:40pm
May 23, 2021 at 9:40pm

It is hard come to terms with the fact spring is two thirds done. Maybe some day I will be able to sit back and watch it slowly go by. Now that the last part of spring here get warm with unsettled weather. I set here this evening thinking I am in a good situation for this spring. I should have every thing planted by Memorial day or shortly after. That is what I shoot for.

I am writing this a I watch a Internet Auction that is ending. There is not much I have a bid on. So it should be okay to do both. You can get Play by Play coverage of the auction. I just had to up my bid on four dry measure tins, one peck to one quart nesting set. We shall see how that works out. Some time has now passed and my two bids are holding. my bid on the book I wanted did not hold, I had to get down in the trenches and slug it out. I did win the book. it is a Book On Kaiser Wilhelm II 1880 to 1913. It is rough and will need some TLC, But there are great period photos. It is an over size book. I have always had a great interest in European History. Now on to the Dry measures. Time has again past, I just lost the Dry Measures. It seems that I pick out items that draw a lot of interest. I did bid more then I wanted, but they would have been a good thing to have. I try not to chase another bidder. This was a new bidder that jumped in at the last minutes. I am wound but will live to bid and win another day. I will turn off the auction now to write.
We will be leaving early on Tuesday for the north. The blueberries arrived on Thursday and need to get planted as soon as possible. They are large dormant plugs wrapped in plastic. I put them on the cool humid basement floor, hopefully they will be okay. We will return on Thursday so I can mail if I have too before memorial day. I will write again at that time. I hope you have a Great Blessed Week.
May 20, 2021 at 10:46am
May 20, 2021 at 10:46am

I think it is best if I put some words down before I get the day going outside. We got a bit of rain, about three tenth inch, It all helps. Today I will try to dig some extra perennials to take up north and replant later. I am most concerned with bee balm. I want to try it up there to see if it will survive for the Hummingbirds that are there. Then there is some volunteer self seeded Four O Clocks that are a red variety that I think the hummers will like.

Then later I need to run into the auction and pick up my winnings. Then later do a Bonanza listing. I have been trying to get a new listing up every day. But for me sales have been slow, which is normal for this time of year. I will now be getting ready for our two Flea markets in June.
Yesterday I went and got two new tires for the front of the van. Tires are just nuts expensive. I will get two new ones for the rear in the fall. I will need to sell lots of stuff to match the cost of those tires.

What's that I hear. The wild dogs are barking and it is getting closer. I gotta get moving. They like to catch me sitting down at the computer or reading. Have a great day
May 18, 2021 at 7:23pm
May 18, 2021 at 7:23pm

Today as it rains I am resting a bit. We went shopping this morning. We got some things needed in the Northwoods. The gas line on the riding mower started to leak last time when I was getting it ready to use. And the battery finally died after about ten years so I got replacements this morning. There was no passing thunderstorms as we shopped this morning.
I have gotten tired out from the last couple of days. Yesterday I mowed grass, Roto- Tilled garden and planted tomatoes and hilled potatoes. On Sunday I went out in the kayak fishing. It was very nice out and the crappies were biting. I got enough for us a meal and our next door neighbor also. I am glad to rest some today.
I am not thinking good right now, I am sleepy and there is a fog between my ears. We will be here all this week so I will write again soon. Have a blessed nice evening.
May 14, 2021 at 11:10pm
May 14, 2021 at 11:10pm
Three Score and Ten + Day 270

Hello, Remember Me, We got back here from the north Woods at Mid Day, We left early. Some Fridays I have something to mail out from the listings, Not today though. I try to keep to Four Business days for mailing out a sale. I do not consider Saturday a business day. So shipping is Monday and Tuesday mornings if we go north. Then if I can get back early enough I will ship Friday afternoon.

Today when we got back we went to the garden with the water hose. It is really a bad sign to have to water as much as we are this early in the season. It is dry in the north also. The sweet corn is coming up now when we returned. We only planted a small amount of left over seed from last year. We wanted only enough for fresh sweet corn on the cob this summer. The past two years we planted a large amount so we have enough to carry us a year in the freezer. We do not plant everything we grow every year.

During our week up north we did a lot of getting ready for the spring summer season up there. I needed to get Lawn Mowers ready, the tractor and the Roto Tiller, and the Fishing Boat. The biggest problem is a bad gas line that will need replacing on the riding mower along with a new battery. We bought it used and have had it over ten years now. Maybe it is time to think about a replacement. I am getting too old to fight with a riding lawn mower.

This coming week the six blueberry plants will be received from MA. So I got the planting location marked out and turned the sod by hand. I hope it will be ready to shake out when we return to plant Blueberries. it will also need to be fenced from the states deer herd. We have three plants up there now producing. It takes three years to start harvesting, so I thought I had better not stall to long in planting more. But it should be a easy plant since the Little Dog Biscuit said he would dig the holes. But he has to be payed off in treats.

I did make time one afternoon to drive to the farm. about 23 miles from the house. I wanted to take a walk into the woods and to the creek and see the Marsh Marigolds in bloom. I have not seen the flowering for a number of years. It seems I am always too busy this time of year. The creek behind the old farm buildings is beautiful, It is truly a Holy Place for me. During the summer the creek is hard to get to, So many mosquitos and ticks and a difficult walk with much rock and downed trees. The creek water was very low for this time of year. Then since I was there I continued on to the north east corner of the forty. When I was young and in my prime and I might add foolish. I built a fence across the forty into the elder swamp. I carried everything in to do the fence. That was about 45 years ago and I have not been to that end of the forty ackers since then. There is still some fence there. Maybe I can carry in a maul and at least pound down the steel posts marking the property line. Time will tell. I used to pasture heifers on that parcel and they would of course go to that end where there was very little fence. They would keep going which was the problem and end up on the highway a quarter mile away, Not Fun. The things you do when you are young, But that is what makes the world go round. If you waited for us old people to make it happen it would not happen. We are cautious, experiences have taught us that.
Have Blessed Rest
May 9, 2021 at 11:28am
May 9, 2021 at 11:28am

It is Sunday morning, Mother's Day. The better half has talked to the kids this morning. They all live about two hours away. We do see them at times. But they all work a lot and are busy with there own families. I miss seeing them. I do run out of things to say on the phone, and I do not like to talk on the phone. I avoid it as much as I can. I think it is the lack of seeing the Body language when on the phone. I always feel uncertainty and limitedness when on the telephone.

Yesterday and Thursday I was over at my brothers house and helped him with his garage sale. It is a four hour drive back and forth. I think he did decent with sales. He is blind and his wife is diabetic and has been having small strokes so can not help much. I was glad to help but I am glad it is over. I was beat when I got back here last evening.

Today will be another busy day. I have a long to do list so I am forcing myself to take the time now to sit down and write. I want to get the Celery planted before it starts raining. We did really need the recent rain, but I have to plant also. The farmers paradox It is always to dry or too wet. Then I need to do a bonanza listing, I am trying to do one a day, Notice I said trying. Then I need to start doing some work on perennials and mulching. Then there is Ant granules to put down, maybe the wife can do that. And auction goes off this evening and I have a couple of bids in. and I am sure many fill in as the day goes along.

But God has provided me this nice day and I am determine to use it well. And I can here the wild dogs in the background. But wait, I can't do anything now, Luna just jumped on my lap and will not let me up. I hope you have a Great Day Also.
May 4, 2021 at 10:40pm
May 4, 2021 at 10:40pm

I am just getting home from fishing, had a bit to eat and so know I can take the time to write. Just when I think the days can not go any faster they do. I did not leave here for the lake until near 4:00. We did our early month shopping first and Then I mowed grass and had dinner. I did get a meal of fish this time out. But the water is still cold. Even after our 80+ degree days the water was still only 59.

We did get a inch and a half of rain that was badly needed. I managed to get a small plot of Sweet corn planted just before the rain. On May 1 I did get the Cauliflower, Brussel sprouts and Red Cabbage planted. I tried taking a short cut and did not put the shading up on the plants. Then it really got hot with dry humidity and they wilted down. The good news is they recovered.

We did do the Flea Market on Sunday. It was busy with people. And they did spend some money. But we only have good stuff so sell. We did have a good day. On a another note of goodness there was not any husband, wife fireworks. That is always a plus.
If the blog some has misplaced words, blame Luna the cat. He insisted on lap sitting and helping. How do you tell a big Tomcat he help cannot, You don't.
Tomorrow I will need to unload the van, Then load the van for my brothers garage sale I will help him get ready for on Thursday. [Luna just got off my lap as the wife and dog just left the room. We have a real zoo here]. Then I hope to dig up a spot that needs attention and plant some Lavender plants there after trying to save some coreopsis, potting them up for planting in the north woods. Then I there will be fish to clean at some point.

Do you hear that?. It is the Wild Dogs howling. They are getting ready to chase me tomorrow, They will be at my heels. But I will rest good tonight and I will be ready for them tomorrow. I hope you have a great rest also.
April 29, 2021 at 8:00pm
April 29, 2021 at 8:00pm

Yes, It is me, I am still here. It is a typical April for me, fighting Alligators up to my arm pits, with Wild Dogs nipping at my heels. yes April has been April. We did get back from up north where I did get work on the line fence done. I know I was busy, but right now I can not remember what I all did. It was a lot of small jobs to get ready for the growing season up there.
Back down here I now have the peas and shallots planted. I have been digging and weeding perennials here. We will take some north for planting there. We were going to go up north next week but that has taken a change. I will be helping my brother set up his garage sale. He recently moved to a senior living village. And he has things that have to go. He needs help as he is blind and his wife is not healthy. He lives about 2 hours away from me. The alligators will now be waiting for me when I do get back to the north woods.
I have put some real time into getting ready to do Flea Markets. I am sure glad I do not work by the hour. Our first market is Sunday May 2nd. it looks like the weather will cooperate. I hope the buyers will, My garage needs to clear some space. They, The buyers should cooperate as I only sell good stuff at a cheap prices.
On a lighter note I did get my new Kayak out for the first and second time. It just fits into the van, I had to take the front set arm rests off to get it in. It is that close not fitting. It worked well, But I will have a learning curve with using it. I did not get skunked, but no meal of fish either. The water is still cold. I will not get out again out again soon. The Wild Dogs won't let me.
But I love April and I give God Thanks for every day that I am able to be out and active. I am very fortunate. I will write again as soon as the Wild Dogs let me. Have Blessed Weekend
April 20, 2021 at 12:24pm
April 20, 2021 at 12:24pm
I think it is time I show my face, I mean words around here. It has been seven days since I have written. This time of year for me gets to be a blur. We did go up north last week and I did take care of the berries for now and I did get work done on the Line fence blaze line. No fishing yet. When we returned I planted more potatoes down here along with cilantro. I got the lawn mowed for the first time this season. Now I am hustling to leave for the north again. I will work yet this time on the line fence. Then I will leave it go until fall. The wife picked up a tick when up there, it is very early for them. so I will wait until after the tick and mosquito season is over before working on the fence again. When we return the weather will be better, it is cold right now. It will be time then to plant Peas. Then there is Kayak Fishing. I am chewing the bit anxious to get into and try out the new Kayak, Next week.
When I get back I will set down, take a breath and put some words down. I am always glad for the burst of energy in the spring after a winters rest. That energy is needed, so much to do and so little time. Then my age does not help. My batteries run down easier now and they do not take a charge like they used too. I try to keep a "To Do List" and work at it every day. By another winter I will be ready for a long rest.

Thank you for your reading and your patience, Have a Blessed Week
April 13, 2021 at 8:24pm
April 13, 2021 at 8:24pm

It's a Tuesday evening and we are getting ready to go north tomorrow. I did get the Black Raspberries fertilized today. But it is windy and cold out there. I was not real thrilled to be out there working. I see the Arugala is now up and the set onions first planted are up.
At the house up north it is time to uncover the strawberries and fertilize the blueberries. if we can I want to plant a 4x4 post for hanging hummingbird and other bird feeders where we can see them from the house. then I hope to work on the farm line fence blaze line.
We are going to return on Saturday so we can stop and see my Stepson and Grandson. He just turned seventeen and is looking at joining the Marines after graduating next spring. I worry about him, this is a major, major decision.

I will fill you in on my progress when we return. Have a great blessed week.
April 11, 2021 at 12:08pm
April 11, 2021 at 12:08pm

It is a Sunday morning and the start of a new week. It has been two to three days of showers, Not heavy but wet. We needed it. I am glad though that I planted what I did when I did. We came upon a bag of Red Norland seed potatoes so I will be planting them here as soon as I can. I love those early new potatoes. Since it is an extra bag we will dig them when they are small. We are still using potatoes from last season but they are getting soft, Just about the end for them. At the north location I will plant the main Potato crop, Four bags of seed potatoes. But it is normally mid May before I can do it.

I picked up my stash at the auction house Friday. I won a larger amount of things. So I will be busy in my free time processing the items. There is Repairs, Research, Cleaning, Taking photos, Listing and hopefully selling. Then it is Locating in storage, Paper work, Packing and mailing. By then I hope I have made a dollar. The rate per hour is pretty bad. But we shall see. I sure am glad I Love what I do and see it as curating and preservation for posterity. Everything can not go in the Landfill. Our first Flea Market is three weeks from today. The flea markets serve many purposes, one selling something and supplementing income, Two it is a social experience. We do not have much of a normal social experience, But the wife more then me. I am I think a mild recluse. It is good to talk to some real people that we share an interest with.

The Little Dog Biscuit has had some bad news. He is going on a diet. Those Cairn Terriers have a way of getting to heavy to state it mildly. He loves his food and we like to give him treats. So now he needs to slim down some. I still need to carry him up the stairs and down. The begging is sure to get worse, and it is hard to stay disciplined and say no.

I hope you have Great New Week where ever you are

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