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Rated: 13+ · Book · Adult · #948720
Whew! Life! It's time to get down and let her rip!
It's time to get SERIOUS. I haven't been writing due to life but I know now if I let life stand in the way of my talent I will loose it. I have to write or read about writing. I have to hand write in journals. I have to be active on this sight. I need to read the literature I want to write! We all have to get with the program or get off the speed boat of life.
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March 9, 2007 at 8:48am
March 9, 2007 at 8:48am
Boy, after turning 50, now 52...the days just fly by. I've decided I'd better use these days to be happy. I have a friend, my soul mate, my best friend. She told me one day how she would go to her Mom's house and just hate the fact that her father would argue and make the homelife feel unpleasant. She ask her Mom one day how she stood living with him and listen to his antics day in and day out. He had taken a fall down some basement stairs because he had an a problem with drinking. She said, "Dear, I don't hear any of that, I search for my happiness within. I just go on with my quilting and making beautiful things with my hands and my days are fulfilled. Little Susie, you can't go through life looking for someone else to make you happy." Oh how wise, Susie's Mom was. Susie was wise in telling me the story. I saw a quote the other days that was so much about our friendship....
A friend is a second self, so that our consciousness of a friend's existence...makes us more fully conscious of our own existence."_Aristotle

As always the lunatic, housewife on menopause, with ADHD....but a psycho could come up with such deep meaning BLOGS. I should be making money with these thingys.

February 16, 2007 at 12:14am
February 16, 2007 at 12:14am
remember the old Frank Sinatra song "One day your riding high, then you fall up and up and pick yourself up from the ground." Guess that's my life. I'm pretty sick of it but I don't try to change it. Guess I don't like change as much as I thought.

I take solance in my new John Mayer C.D. Knowing that there are still music people that can rock my world at 52 kinda makes life worthwild!

Signing off but not for good...Diane
January 27, 2007 at 6:53am
January 27, 2007 at 6:53am
I can't believe it has been 28 days, 3 hours, and 41 minutes since I've Blogged. This is so important to my creativity. If anyone of you has read the book: The Creative Way by Julia Cameron, it states how important it is for the creative side of us to write. The time is important as well. Morning is the best time when your writing just flows. I have a hard time in my writing just flowing out. Sometimes it comes out with a struggle much like having a bowel*Angry* movement then sometimes it comes out like I should have Depends on. Oh well there's never a dull moment in this BLOG when I show up.

Well, if I didn't have a long enough resume I've added to it a job renting out storage buildings, Uhauls, with an attached flea market. I can say I've about done it all. Let's try and see if I can write down every job I've had and post it right here on my Blog. I'm going to do that but Mama didn't raise no fool I'm going to put it in Word so I'll always have the list. Oh, you raise food not kids you rear kids.
December 29, 2006 at 8:24pm
December 29, 2006 at 8:24pm
This is the first year in a very long time that I am excited about it! I'm ready to take on some challendge's and suceed! Power comes in numbers and I've got a partner on writing.com to start writing a page a day until I have 365 at the end of the year. I have a partner in exercising that I met at the gym today. So I have my exercising and my writing taken care of...yes. Things are looking up. Just wait 10 minutes from now though! LOL...Diane
December 21, 2006 at 1:54am
December 21, 2006 at 1:54am
Well, I got a job offer but talked to a friend who had a sister who worked there and not to my surprise I was told, if you can stay home, do it! I do have a Mom to take care of and an estate to sell. I have my writing to do. My Menopause to deal with as well as my depression. I have two grown kids that are just that..kids. I have 3 dogs if you count the 1 dog my child, who's 24 now, brought home with her. I have a 27 year old that is living with my Mother and that son just got out of jail. He was in there, this time, a little over 140 days and still hasn't learned a lesson. Now that I think about it I don't have the time for another job nor the energy. My job is a headache, my life a series of ups and downs, if granted a new life I wonder if I would do any better?
December 16, 2006 at 3:56pm
December 16, 2006 at 3:56pm
Oh, just one night without dreaming. How does one do it? Do you use them in your writing? Tell me how you could write a story about a woman going to a hospital topless? Stopping and bending down at the operator's window to beg for a top? Seeing someone you knew who had a father to die and tell her that it was okay to be angry about it; that although I loved my Aunt when she died I really didn't like her. The whole dream was so weird. I also keep dreaming that my husband has sold our house and done a little trading. We live in a small house trailer about a 10x60. Just crazy dreaming. Then I had to try and get our home back. The person who bought it made me talk to his parents and I met them while riding on their lawnmower! Am I beserko or what?
December 16, 2006 at 2:37am
December 16, 2006 at 2:37am
I would like to spend one night without some weird dream taking place where I believe I am living in some other life. It is ridiculous! I dreamed I was in this resort/vacation area which wasn't a vacation area at all but I was assured that there were tons of people that I knew and would be so satified I would bring my elderly Mom along. I was taken on some kind of tour. There were cambels, snakes, and a breed of people that had been rather made up by me. There hair was very long, black, and wavey as women wore it extremly long. They had to have something specific in their diet for it to be that way and if they did anything that was out of line of the vacation policy their hair would be chopped off and they were expelled from being tour guides. This stuff went on and on. Crazy!
November 17, 2006 at 11:10pm
November 17, 2006 at 11:10pm
I wonder sometimes why anyone gets married. Does anyone take this kind of commitment really seriously? Do you really listen to those vows when you hear them? Do you realize what it is in sickness and in health? For richer or poorer? Until death do you part? What if it is in complete sickness which in turn makes you really poor? Then you live with them until death do you part? What about the person you married, a handsome young man, dancing so wonderful with you, your bodies just seeming to match like pieces of a puzzle, then that man goes from 150 to 240 pounds? He can't dance! His health is failing, not only due to an accident at work but a car accident caused by drugs because you should not drive and oporate machinery when taking the medicine? Listen young women, listen very well because when you take those vows it isn't just for a short time. There are children. You are married not only to him but his family! You become one and sometimes loose your own identity. Are you sure? Listen to my words. If you feel like you can live up to this by all means do but if you have any doubt at all: DON'T DO IT!
Diane ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
November 12, 2006 at 6:18pm
November 12, 2006 at 6:18pm
Oh, but for a wonderful all knowing all powerful husband. How would I know when the house needs cleaning, the laundry needs washing, or the animals need fed? This man knows to tell me everything and in addition, I get medical advice, as well as other things that he knows and thinks I know not. Like my Mother said, he saved me like the Prince Charming did Cinderella. Before him I had nothing. Just an old car, let's see, one of the classics, a 1969 Chevy! I loved the car. He called it a gas guzzling old piece of crap. I should have a new 1978 Honda Accord like he did and a good job in the coalmines. I was going to school and then got a job with the telephone company. Not a bad job at all. Now I am without my good salary job because I had to leave my employment because he had a car accident. Then he totaled another car a year later. But I cost him alot of money all of the time. I had a flat last month! I wasted about a thousand dollars last month because of that flat! Oh, another thing this is a famous quote via him: 80% of my sickness is brought on by me! Gosh, I don't even know what is wrong with me. On top of the mental sickness is this fibromyagia or what? Why do I ache? Why don't I want to get out? Who ? What Where When How? One fine day, I'll be a sucessful writer, I'll have a book out and be writing the second one. Then I'll have a last laugh. If I don't write for the one reason to show him that I can that's good enough. I'm tired of being the one that hangs on to something that probably left a long time ago.

Well, isn't this a wonderful BLOG. I read in my creative writing book something all of us should know. A journal is so important no matter where you keep it..be it on little post it notes, in a file, on idex cards, computer, or a notebook. You have to have it to go back and look and use. A perfect example was this one: Earnest Hemmingway had a journal. In it he put an entry about a fisherman he had overheard at a bar. He wrote it in his journal. Much later he went back and took the entry and wrote The Old Man and the Sea. A pultizer Prize for that one. So folks we need those entries everyday. I don't put my entries in this one alot but I have journals everywhere! You do the same and hey, keep writing....*Bigsmile*
October 31, 2006 at 3:57pm
October 31, 2006 at 3:57pm
Why do we get married and continuely have to exhast ourselves in maintaining a relationship that was wrong in the first place? Why do I feel that because I have lived, or should I say survived, this relationship for 28 years next March that I still need to stay and suffer? I leave, stay with my Mother for awhile, who is living in my Aunt, who passed away in April, house which is the house my Aunt left me. A wonderful house with a step down den, kitchen, living room, 3 bedrooms, and 1 bathroom. I could have a wonderful second half of life in that home. Doing what ever I like without considering anyone else. I could paint the walls purple if I wanted to! I could not brush my hair all day and not a word would be said! My husband wants me to sell the house so that we can remodel the house we are living in and I don't think that's a good idea. I need to hang on to that house in case. After all the time I spent with him I am so afraid I would loose my health insurance which at this time I need because of my theapy...by the way that he caused by his behavior. Lost my job because of a car accident he caused from overdoing his pain medication. Nearly lost my son and dog too! Why do we stay in these situations? I have to research that...maybe Jeeves, the butler has my answer.
Oh, to vent in my BLOG. Gotta go take something for the hot flashes. I think if I threw ice water in my husband's face it would really help them.

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