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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #2123453
GI100 Book #2...random attempts at poetry.
A second attempt at "Give It 100!, since the first one ("100) turned out pretty well even though I didn't complete it within 100 days.

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*^*Salute*^**^*Balloonb*^*  YAY!!Congratulations on your fabulous challenge of writing 100 poems is less than your 100 days!! An amazing feat so you deserve a trip to Mount Olympus for a treat! You can walk in the hall of champions. *^*Trophyg*^* Wonderful expressions! Keep on shining. *^*Starstruck*^*

These are just rough sketches and ideas that are barely a little more rounded-out...they're not perfect but they're gonna be good enough to share here at least. Your comments, support, and words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated!

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June 21, 2017 at 7:39pm
June 21, 2017 at 7:39pm

30-Day Image Prompt.

There's an alternate universe where
cable news stations are alerting
viewers that Jesus Christ is
coming, and- you won't wanna
miss this- he's a robot. His
prep work on us is almost over...
he's been reading all the Harlequin
classics at the Hopedale Memorial
Public Library And Ladies
Auxiliary Landfill For The Almost
Homeless, and he likes what he sees.
Thinks he'll fit in. Maybe get laid, even.
Assuming, of course, our lord and
lotharial savior isn't deported first.
But the real story- the one
the news doesn't tell you- is
that Robot Jesus is made of
Lego brick knock-offs, and
running a magnet over his
circuit board causes him to
question his sexual preference.
Meaning: all his book-learnin'
is doin' is he could be lovin' you
while thinkin' about someone else.
And in this alternate universe,
that one sin is greater
than all the rest combined,
but that's not concerning
to the loyal news patriots
or moral zealots who
think they have a chance.
June 21, 2017 at 7:43pm
June 21, 2017 at 7:43pm

30-Day Image Prompt.

You're a picture that needs to be extended
in every direction but the one you're facing.
Walks aren't there just for taking;
are you making plans or merely exercising?
Control is useless on small courses
with slow speeds and little wherewithal.
You're not thinking big enough by jumping off;
sometimes you've gotta step on.

When everything is instead, nothing is growing.
Get loose. Get stretched. Make moves. Start showing.
June 22, 2017 at 7:54pm
June 22, 2017 at 7:54pm

30-Day Image Prompt.

Which side of the road
do you walk down
when there is no sidewalk?
And don't say "left" or "right".
I'm sure some internet genius
has devised a quiz
that tells you all about your
according to your preference.
Maybe the answers are
loosely based around
your proximity to the
oncoming traffic,
or the curb, or the
center stripe. I know
my response, as is per usual
with these things,
wouldn't make the
multiple choice format
of selections. I
would simply state:
"the section that I'm
working on getting paved".
June 23, 2017 at 7:55pm
June 23, 2017 at 7:55pm

30-Day Image Prompt.

Everyone's got an opinion when things've gone to hell.
The woodwork is full of people waiting to remind you
that everything is your fault and you fucked it up.
You could write a bible's worth of good deeds
and all that's ever gonna come up at the mention
of your name is the one minor sin that broke
the backs of the world you were kind enough to share.
The stone on your grave won't even bear more
than just an etching of an anchor through the bottom
of a boat that sank a practically fictional community
housing adulterers, drunks, felons, priests, and politicians,
who care only about themselves and what you could give them.
But you're not them. You're an afterthought
until somebody needs someone else to blame.
The villains always win in the end, even when all is lost.
June 25, 2017 at 1:44pm
June 25, 2017 at 1:44pm

30-Day Image Prompt.

Flowers don't apologize
or make blue skies brighter.
They won't prevent or get
a sunburn (though
some will soothe one).
How many dozens have
preceded a divorce
or celebrated death?
Nothing says "I <blank> you"
more than
this thing
I pulled from the ground.

Cut out the middleman.
Always give cash, or
at least a gift card.
Flowers are for suckers.
June 25, 2017 at 1:56pm
June 25, 2017 at 1:56pm

30-Day Image Prompt.

The beauty that comes from
getting older
is knowing I don't have to try
to push myself up so many mountains
just to prove a point.
Aging removes some of the
most physically demanding
options anyway, allowing me
to wisely be
cautiously selective. And don't
think I don't take
advantage of that, or
I must be unaware of
how thankful my body
expresses its relief.
The race of life belongs
to the youth;
the strategy
lies in knowing it's time
to stop.
June 25, 2017 at 8:21pm
June 25, 2017 at 8:21pm

30-Day Image Prompt.

Remember when we were kids
and "The floor is lava!"
meant something? I only ask
because I can see it
leeching into you and
I'm not sure if I'm
fixed enough to save you
without getting sucked in
         again myself.
And I swear to god right now
it's not selfish enough of me
to wonder or ask you
how broken do you have to be
         to send life?
         To spend life?
         To enjoy your freedom
         without it killing you?
Because I'm telling you
it's half past the time
it started to kill me too.
June 26, 2017 at 7:32pm
June 26, 2017 at 7:32pm

30-Day Image Prompt.

The truth is, I never know
anymore if we're at war
or not. The skyline
always seems like a plain statement
either way; one you don't get
from where you think you should.
Instead it's like we're all happier
getting tortured for our needs
and bleeding faith for relief
that comes as illusion. We're
only gonna wind up
seeing what we see through,
if there's anything at all
to believe.
June 27, 2017 at 7:10pm
June 27, 2017 at 7:10pm

30-Day Image Prompt.

It was math- no,
sciences of earth-
or that guy after gym class, ya know,
with the laser-cut tris1.
Yeah!          I think...
And it was 1 o'clock,
or was it Monday morning?
Feels like night, but
there's no way it would've been.

All the commitments are piling high;
why am I sinking farther below?

Everything's looking up but my
The only time I can breathe
is when I'm three hours deep in sleep
and the pressures release;
I'm a thousand pounds of
I'm everything, and
I don't know who I am
but I'll do it          flawlessly,
like you had no idea
I didn't know how to begin.

1  triceps

June 28, 2017 at 7:37pm
June 28, 2017 at 7:37pm

30-Day Image Prompt.

You called it your "voodoo doll selfie"
and looked the look of mimicked distress
hiding in plain sight, so
never more alive.
I could only sigh a hint
of something I think you said
was a something-sickness and
how I never pay attention,
because I wasn't paying attention.
Were you difficult or subtle?
I wasn't able to spot the
difference, but you were
adamant it wouldn't make a
difference; we're so
hysterically incompatible
so we're both right. Right?
I feel like there should be
more, but I've seen enough
and that won't give us
what's necessary, and
what's more when
nothing will always be
good enough...if
nothing's ever good enough.

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