To find out more, please visit "Game of Thrones" - the yearly activity which has everyone frazzled. 
This is nothing but an inspiration for others to share their experience of the game in the only fashion there is... The G.o.T way!
We have poems and stories and all sorts of things - pertaining directly to the game itself. If you feel inspired to write a comment in the old fashioned way, please do so below. Anything which inspires a lot of likes or my attention, will be posted directly to this page with the credit where credit is due.
The Great Wasteland of WdC ▼
Brought to you by: Matt Bird MSci (Hons) AMRSC
The worst thing that could happen is to log on one day and find that everyone has left for no reason and you're left wandering the vast lonliness of an empty WdC wilderness with no one to talk to. Soon you go mad and start hallucinating members and you see a contest just at the horizon and you trek for days trying to find it, only to realise it was a mirage, a cruel taunt at just how lonely you are in this barren memberless wasteland.
After days and weeks and months of searching for someone to review your work or for someone you can review, you give up realising you search is hopeless and turn around to leave. Only in your dazed and confused state you cannot find a way out. Your brain shouts that you must continue your search for a companion, but no one is there.
A white feather drifts down. You pick it up and realise it is a Quill Award. Does that mean Andrew might still be around? Could you run to the pre-Quill ceremony and find members once again. You hurry toward where you think the Quill came from but only find an empty in/out stage all prepared for a ceremony but with no one around to give out awards. No one to accept them.
You collapse into the dust and scream so loud that someone must be able to hear you. But no one comes. You are utterly alone. The WdC Apocalypse has come and you were spared. But what good are you on in a land for writers with no other writers? You cannot assist, you cannot chat and laugh and play. There is no one here. Everyone is gone.
But, surely you can't be the only one? Where could everyone be? You scramble along the dusty ground until you reach a throne of melted down swords. This place, once a hub of activity is deathly silent. You are completely and utterly alone.
That, my friend, is the worst thing that could happen on WdC...
But, wait. A thought crosses your mind. You scan the desolate wasteland for life and see none. You turn back to the throne. A terrible idea begins to form. Could you possibly do this horrific thing you contemplate? You consider a moment the treachery such a act would be. But can you betray those who are no longer there?
You place a dry and desparate hand on the cold metal of the throne. You pull yourself up and close your eyes. You decide you will do it. It is your only chance. The only glimmer of hope in this hell you find yourself in. You sit down on the throne. You stare out at the lands that are now yours to rule...
'Get of my throne, you filfthy Targaryen,' Hannah says.
House Stark Inspiration ▼
Cunning Canine
Running swiftly, silent, unseen.
Massive muscles, mighty and mean,
clever, cunning, killing machine.
The wolf is keen, the wolf is keen.
Ever stalking, staying on track,
closing quickly, joined by the pack.
Hunching shoulders, lips curling back.
Now they attack, now they attack!
Fur is flying, fangs are flashing,
growling, howling, blood is splashing!
Ripping, tearing, teeth are gnashing!.
Prey is thrashing, prey is thrashing.
Written by Hannah ♫♥♫
House Martell Inspiration ▼
Unbowed, unbent, unbroken 
We are the Martell!
Light spears of the sun
We call on all to join as One
Breath of Air, Water of blood,
Body the Earth and Fire of spirit
Martell sun shines on everyone. 
"Dark moons, vast tightness and bound,
cloudy visions, ebony castings on walls around,
Our hearts spread light in abundance here.
The Sunspear beacons, bright and near.
These walls will with protection glow,
Vanquished moons, our lightness show."
Need the link for the writer!
House Baratheon Inspiration ▼
House Baratheon
Baratheon, a House of infamy,
now seated on the throne at Kings Landing,
yet still it proudly shines in history
neath a rampant stag with crown, commanding.
Formed as reward for capturing Storms End,
the final blow that felled the arrogant
King Argilac, who would not bow or bend;
he stood alone and bore the final brunt.
Now comes the day when Robert holds the throne.
Through marriage, Lannisters have sealed their claim.
The heir, Joffery, though wrought from evils own,
ascends the throne and so begins the game.
Baratheon, a house split into three,
must now unite and rightfully demand
the Iron Throne. Together, they agree
no divisive house can make a stand.
Our claim, by blood, not subject to jury
but only by sword for "Ours Is The Fury!"
Need the link for the writer!
House Targaryen Inspiration ▼
O, ye cruel, heartless world,
That takes dreams and futures
And turns them gray and cold --
Return to me the Fantasies of old!
For the Game of Thrones plays on
Through the passing of the ages,
And the lingering Houses battle
To claim the winner's mantle.
Behold: Stark, Florent, Martell,
Targaryen, Greyjoy, Tyrell --
Ev'n White Walkers, I hear tell --
All strive to claim the prize
That lingers so far beyond.
How could the Targaryen few
Rise victorious among the slew?
Deliver a gift of Magic, O Keeper,
Or perhaps a Dragon or two --
We'd be forever grateful,
And promise ourselves to you. 
~ Written by Dream ~★~ Justly ~