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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1520912-Student-Bodies/cid/672747-Possess-Mary
by Seuzz
Rated: GC · Interactive · Fantasy · #1520912
An accident leaves a high school student with the power to possess other people.
This choice: Possess Mary.  •  Go Back...
Chapter #6

Possess Mary.

    by: Seuzz
"Let me think about it," you tell her. You then give her a quick peck on the cheek and go back downstairs.

When Joanna gets home, Martha and Mary take her aside and tell her most of the truth about what's going on, and they keep her out of the way until she can put on a brave face around you. Dinner and its aftermath are subdued, and everyone goes their own way and does their own thing. For you, that means some TV and the evening workout. You put a lot of extra effort into it, because it will be your last workout as your father for the foreseeable future, and you've actually gotten to like them quite a bit.

As you get in bed, you wonder if you'll get some more sex, and you lay awake for a while to see what will happen, but Martha just turns over and goes to sleep. You let your father drift off to sleep too. You are awake inside his body, though, and suppress the snores that would otherwise come pouring out of him so that you can listen for the sound of Mary going to bed. When all appears to be still, you quietly let go of your father's mind. In a reverse of what happened when you possessed him, you find yourself sitting inside his mouth, and you cautiously bubble and foam your way out and onto the floor. Then it is on to Mary's room.

She's a much lighter sleeper, and you can hear her tossing and turning as you enter her bedroom. So you sit quietly under her bed until the bedsprings stop squeaking and groaning. Then you snag the edge of her sheets and pull yourself up.

She is laying on her side, mouth tightly closed. Carefully, you thread a tendril up one of her nostrils until it hooks onto soft membranes. The tip penetrates, and you feel yourself being slowly drawn into her. The world never blinks out of existence; instead, you become aware of a distant and indistinct tickling sensation that eventually becomes associated with something that feels like a nostril. You open your eyes, and find yourself looking at a bluish body of goo.

You suppress the jerk that threatens to ripple through you, and instead just energetically snork the remainder of your body up and into your new one. Mary's conscious mind is awake by this point, but her body is completely under your control, and you just lay in the dark. Her mind isn't open to you as your father's was; it is only with difficulty that you can pull up individual memories and bits of knowledge, and there is no "meaning" or "feeling" associated with them. It is almost like reading from an encyclopedia. Your face tightens as you wonder if the female mind is just so different from the male mind that you won't be able to make a go of imitating her.

But eventually her thoughts slip away from you completely, and everything goes dark. Then, to your relief, the same web-like complex you found inside your father during your first night in him springs up around you; and pretty soon a dream starts. Interesting, you think. Apparently I need to let a host fall asleep before I can really get inside them. Greedily, you set about getting to know your sister. It takes the full night.

* * * * *

You wake her up early and take her for a refreshing jog and follow it up with a long and very enjoyable shower. You plan on being her for a little while, at least, so you also indulge your curiosity about the female body and do a little "exploring" of her parts and cavities while the hot, soapy water runs over you. It's a much different experience, of course, than being in your father. Aside from the obvious physical differences, you find yourself looking forward to the fun and autonomy that goes with being a college student; though there will be serious things to handle—like getting Mary's friends involved in your troubles—there is also the promise of a kind of grown-up "play." It's a much more inviting prospect than working in an insurance office, which is where you'd be stuck if you were still playing your father.

Your first stop on campus is a ten o'clock Economics class, and you're in Mary's usual spot early, craning around and looking for some of her friends. You're expecting to see Allison Garner, Mary's best friend—a cheerful, charismatic girl with an athletic build, who is fond of nature and of hiking. Karl Tollefson should also be around. He's one of the "activists": a rangy guy who's usually in cut-offs and sandals, with his long, tightly curled hair pulled back under a bandana. They are exactly the two who Mary would share your story with, and work with to make a stink against the base.

Allison shows up soon enough, greeting you with a mischievous smile as she drops into her chair and begins hauling books out of her bag. Without preface she starts gossiping.

"So Mitchell got really drunk after we dropped him off last night," she says. "He called up Kathy"—that would be Kathy Dutton, a girl Mary sometimes hangs out with—"and started coming on to her over the phone. He was really getting into it, I mean, turning it into phone sex, basically, and he wouldn't stop, even though she was trying to tell him that he was icking her out. Then, in the middle of it," Allison continues, leaning over with a malicious grin, "Carter comes over." Carter White is another friend. "Well, you know how Carter is"—gay, and unashamedly so—"so without telling Mitchell anything, she hands the phone over to him, and Carter starts playing along." Allison throws her head back in a silent laugh. "And Mitchell doesn't even notice. Carter wound up basically giving him oral sex over the phone. He thinks Mitchell even came during the conversation."

"Is this about Thompson?" a voice says from behind you. It's Karl, who has sat down in the row behind.

"Yeah. How did you hear about it?" Allison asks.

"Carter was calling up everyone afterward. How did you know?"

"I was there. It was pretty awful until Carter came in."

"Mitchell's going to kill him," you observe.

"I can't think of a happier cause to die for than the humiliation of Mitchell Thompson," Karl snarks.

"Did he ever catch on?"

"I don't know," says Allison. "Carter says the connection got dropped. Maybe he did and he freaked out. Or he passed out."

"It would be a hell of thing if he doesn't remember," you say.

"That's why Gaia invented alcoholic blackouts," says Karl.

"So, anyway, keep an eye out for Mitchell," says Allison quickly as the professor comes in.

* * * * *

You'd had no time before class to tell Allison and Karl about your family crisis, and the lecture is boring, so you find yourself preoccupied with how to broach the subject with Mary's friends. Allison has apparently noticed your distracted manner, because when the professor dismisses class she gives you a probing look. "Well, you're a girl with something on your mind," she says, clearly prodding you into saying more.

"I'll tell you about it at lunch," you say. Allison and Karl look at you curiously, and willing follow you off to the student union. There, in a corner but not hidden away, you tell Allison all about what's going on. They are, as you'd expected, outraged and sympathetic, but not in a blindly angry manner. They press you for details, spin elaborate conspiracy theories, commisserate with your feelings, and promise to help in any way they can. Despite the serious subject, there is a lot of joking banter and the promise of socializing with a large group of smart and clever friends.

And yet, there are also signs that it won't all be fun. You feel a chill when you spot Allison looking over your shoulder, and you stiffen slightly when you feel the hand drop onto your shoulder and the arm drape around your neck. Still, you smile pleasantly as you turn to Sam Baxter, who has just sat down next to you. "Hey, sweetie," you murmur. He leans in for a kiss, and you suppress a quiet gag as you smooch him on the lips.

"I'm glad you came back early," he smiles. "Did you miss me?"

"I thought about you every night." You grit your teeth a little as you put your arm around his torso and give him a little pinch.

"So what does Sam have to say about David?" You can't be sure, but there seems to be a coolness to Karl's tone as he asks the question.

Sam looks at you curiously. "What's up with David?"

"You haven't told him yet?" says Allison.

"I haven't seen him yet," you reply. You turn to Mary's boyfriend. "David's disappeared. He was out on the military base and there was an accident." You give him a brief rundown of the news. He frowns with concern, but you can tell that it's a perfunctory gesture, that he's really not that interested.

"We're gonna get a protest going," Karl says. "Really make life miserable for those fascists until they come clean. You in?"

"Of course." He sounds sincere, but you're close enough to see the hint of panic in his eyes. "We should talk about it tonight," he adds, rubbing your back.

"What's wrong with now," says Karl with a bit of a challenge in his voice. Out of the corner of your eye you see Allison gently swat his arm.

Sam doesn't notice. "Well, we've got history in twenty minutes," he says. "Unless you wanna skip."

"I got a polysci professor we should talk to," Allison says. "Siletsky knows all about how they bury bodies in places like that. He'll know what to do."

"Take notes for me?" you ask Sam. He stiffens a little, but nods. "Great. I gotta freshen up before we head out." You go off to the bathroom.

* * * * *

You'd been quietly dreading the moment you would run into Baxter. Mary is very sweet on him, and in theory, he's a nice guy. He's very smart and is studying some pretty advanced topics, and has his eye on a lucrative professional career in industry. He's good looking in a "regular" kind of way, and though he's not especially athletic, he knows how to handle a basketball and looks good in shorts. But you yourself have never liked him much. He's only a few years older than you, but because he's a college junior he always seemed to think he could condescend to you. He would call you "sport" when he saw you at the house, and he seemed to go out of his way to raise conversational topics that would baffle you. He would also take someone else's side—usually Joanna's—in any fight or argument that happened to be raging in his presence. It was bad enough when Mary tried being a second "mother" to you; Sam was like he was trying to be a "father."

You meditate on how you will handle Sam as you use the toilet, and afterward, as you brush your hair in a mirror. You're in mid-thought when Allison comes in. She takes up the sink next to you and starts adjusting her own look. "You're real lucky that you'll have Sam to lean on," she chirps without preamble.

"Uh huh," you say dryly. Actually, you are wondering if you can find a way to break up Mary's relationship with Sam. The thought of being inside Mary the next time Sam is inside her—inwardly, you shiver at the memories of some of their sex sessions—revolts you. More than that, you try reassuring yourself, it would be for Mary's own good. Sam is an ass.

"I mean, you shouldn't expect too much from him," she continues. "You've still got a life, and you can't let yourself, you know, go crazy over David and your family. Sam'll be good at helping steady you." You say nothing. "Karl and me and Kathy and all the rest will be there for you too. But any time you just need to go off and take a rest and have some quality time with Sam, don't worry about what we'll think. We'll understand."

Quality time. Again, your stomach heaves a little.

You have the following choices:

1. Stay in Mary.

2. Move into one of Mary's friends

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