Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1335900-Gravitation-Weight-Gain-Story/cid/565951-The-next-week-Yuki-notices-that-Shuichis-g
Rated: 13+ · Interactive · LGBTQ+ · #1335900
Shuichi Shindou begins to pack on the pounds! What will Yuki do? Male WG
This choice: The next week Yuki notices that Shuichi's gained even more weight  •  Go Back...
Chapter #3

The next week Yuki notices that Shuichi's g...

    by: lonergirl
Yuki let out a relieved sigh as he leaned back in his chair, stretching the cramped muscles in his shoulders and back. In big black letters on the screen spelled out the words 'The End'. He had managed to finish his book three months ahead of schedule. With Shuichi home and on vacation for a month, along with all the sex that they had been having since Shuichi had gotten home, he had been overflowing with creativity and had finished his book while Shuichi was out and not distracting him with his delectable rear.

Thoughts of Shuichi made Yuki grin. Sex had been much more frantic since he had come home. They had, had sex on the couch and on the floor. They had, had sex in the kitchen on the counters, on the table, and even against the fridge. They had done it in the hallway, in the bathroom in the shower, on the counter, against the counter, on the tiled floor, against the door, and in the doorway of the bathroom. They had, had wild, passionate sex in the bedroom on the bed, against the dresser, against the closet, and once again, on the floor. They had, had sex everywhere and against everything in the house. Yuki's hands caressed the armrests on his chair. Well, almost everywhere. They hadn't had sex in his study (Yet).

Then there was also the fact that whenever he came into his study to work, Shuichi had found different things to occupy his time. He didn't know what his smaller lover had been up to while he was writing, but it had effectively given him plenty of time to finish his latest book and gave him a nice long vacation that he planned on spending rewarding Shuichi for his good behavior and as a way to tell him just how much he had missed him during his tour.

His thoughts were interrupted when his cellphone started making an annoying racket. That meant that it was Tohma because he had one of Bad Luck's more tolerable songs as Shuichi's ringtone. His facial features contorted into an irritated scowl as he reached for his phone and flipped it open, placing the earpiece next to his ear.


"Hello, Eiri. How's the book coming along?" Tohma asked cheerfully. Yuki quickly lit up a cigarette, knowing full well that he would need the nicotine to help him control his irritation towards his brother.

"Why are you calling?" he demanded, not particularly in the mood to entertain his stupid brother-in-law in his game.

"Now Eiri, that's not very nice. You should be thanking me for getting little Shuichi out of the house for two months." Yuki gritted his fist. Thank him for taking his lover away for two months? Eiri pulled the phone away from his ear and stared at the screen of his phone for a moment. A devilish grin erupted on his face as he calmly hit the 'End' button on his phone, hanging up on his lover's boss. After a moment of consideration of whether or not to turn off his phone before Tohma called back, he recieved his answer when he heard the front door slam and Shuichi calling out that he was home. He turned off his phone before he turned to his computer and hit 'save'. He then got up and went looking for his lover.

He found Shuichi in the kitchen, emptying three bags that were overflowing with take-out from three different places. Yuki leaned against the doorway as he admired his little rockstar who was completely oblivious to the writer in the doorway. Yuki started with Shu's butt as he had been doing since Shuichi had come home. It was even larger since he had come home, stretching his shorts that had been tight before but were now absolutely obscene, leaving nothing to the imagination and even inhancing the sight. The boy might as well of been wearing absolutely nothing with how tightly those clothes clung. Shuichi was also wearing a tight tank top that was also so tight that he might as well have not been wearing it. The bottom of the tank top was riding up a bit, showing off the bottom of his bulging tummy and his lovehandles that his shorts were squeezing in such a way that both stomach and lovehandles were hanging over the sides of the shorts a little. Where his belly button was, was a large hallow, and his rather beefy pecs were beginning to look like boobs. And the straps of the tank top were digging in pretty deeply into his shoulders. In the smaller garments, Shuichi's arms looked much beefier than they were and his thighs were huge, rubbing together every time that he moved. His butt and belly were jiggling as he danced. Yuki's eyes finally found their way to Shuichi's face was a small double chin was forming that he found incredibly adorable for some reason.

Shuichi suddenly turned, getting into the fridge and bending over in order to get something out. Yuki's eyes narrowed in on Shuichi's butt where the pants suddenly having a much harder job at staying intact despite the fact that there was a very small tear right in the middle, Yuki saw. Suddenly his mouth went dry and his pants were feeling much tighter.

Yuki walked briskly towards the bubble gum pink haired boy, grabbed his hips and pulled him back against him. Shuichi shot up, his head smacking against Yuki's chest and his purple eyes looked up in surprise at the blonde man. Yuki bent down and kissed the boy hungrily, letting him know just how he was feeling at the moment. Shuichi moaned, pressing back against the blonde, who had noticed how his fingers were sinking into Shuichi's hips in a rather enticing manner.

Finally Yuki pulled away, one hand sliding from Shuichi's hip to up his shirt (barely up his shirt) and began to caress the bulging tummy. Yuki felt it gurgle and gave Shuichi a cocky grin.

"Hungry?" he purred, still caressing his lover's stomach. Shuichi nodded cheerfully.

"I got dinner for us! And I was just getting your beer for you!" he chirped, holding up a six pack of beer. Yuki bent down and gave Shuichi a small nip on the cheek, loving how much meatier (fatter) it was than it used to be.

"Lets get some food in you." Yuki said firmly, turning around and steering the younger boy towards the living room. He sat Shuichi on the couch and gave him a firm look to stay there. He then turned around and went back to the kitchen, packing all the food back into the three very large bags and two pairs of chop sticks into the living room. He set all the food on the coffee table then plopped down on the couch next to Shuichi. Shuichi instantly began digging in while Yuki popped open a beer and drank half of it before grabbing a box of rice.

He watched Shuichi eat, his chubby cheeks full of food and his lips flecked with some food that hadn't quite made it all the way into his mouth. he was chewing rapidly, his purple eyes glowing with happiness. Suddenly Shuichi's eyes flicked towards him and their eyes locked. Yuki set down his box of rice next to him before he pulled Shuichi over to him and into his lap. He then picked his rice back up and continued to eat. Shu was still for a moment before cuddling back against Yuki, wiggling his more substantial butt a bit, before he began to eat again. Yuki's eyes rolled back into his head, loving how Shuichi's butt was big enough to fill his entire lap. He could also feel Shuichi eating, he could feel his chewing, him swallowing, him reaching for more food, and him absent mindedly pulling his shirt down since it was riding up with all the food that was making his belly swell.

"Here Yuki! Your favorite!" Shu chirped, handing Yuki an unopened box. Yuki blinked in surprise before he reached towards Shuichi, wiped his thumb across his bottom lip, wiping away the remaining food, and offered his food covered thumb for Shuichi to lick. Shu blushed and sucked his thumb into his mouth, laving at the digit with his tongue until it was all clean and Yuki pulled his thumb away. Yuki's hand found it's way to Shuichi's butt, squeezing it as he pulled Shuichi closer. The little rock star blushed, then grinned as he turned around in Yuki's lap until he was facing him, then opened the box and took out a piece of sushi and offered it to Yuki. Yuki obediantly opened his mouth and took the piece of sushi into his mouth, quickly discovering that it was indeed his favorite food, a yellowtail trout hoki roll. Yuki ate it all as Shuichi offered it to him, making quite the intimate scene in their living room.

As the box of sushi was growing empty, there was a soft knock on the door. Shuichi's head jerk towards it and made to go get it but Yuki's hands shot to his hips and held him still in his lap.

"We're enjoying dinner. They can go to hell." he growled as his fingers sunk into the meaty flesh. Shuichi's purple eyes shot towards the door again as another soft knock came.

"But it could be Hiro! Or K-san!" cried Shuichi, biting his lower lip in uncertainty. Yuki growled and pulled the boy towards him, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss.

"If its them, they can go to hell as well." Yuki whispered against his lips before he recaptured them. Shuichi's arms found their way around Yuki's neck, bringing the two of them flush against one another. Neither of them noticed the soft click of a key being turned in the lock of the door nor did they hear the door open.

"Eiri, are you home?" a soft voice called. The man in question as well as the rockstar both pulled away. Yuki sighed in irritation. Why hadn't he realized that hanging up on Tohma would just make the man come over? (Because Shu is rather distracting.) Yuki growled at that thought, knowing full well that it was true. Shuichi tried to move out of his lap, but Yuki held onto him firm.

"Ignore him." he ordered Shuichi. He nodded, knowing that angry look in Yuki's eyes meant that he shouldn't do anything that might turn his wrath from Tohma towards him. He took up the chopsticks and placed another piece of sushi into Yuki's waiting mouth. Yuki chewed happily, ignoring the sound of his brother-in-law's footsteps coming closer. Tohma came into the living room right as Shuichi placed the last piece of sushi in Yuki's waiting mouth. Yuki took his time chewing before turning his angry gaze towards Tohma.

"What the hell are you doing in my house?" he demanded. Tohma stared at the two of them, surprised to have caught them in such an intimate and loving position. Shuichi made to move once again but Yuki grabbed him once again, holding his lover still. He heard Shuichi's stomach rumble again, knowing that his lover was still quite hungry. "Now pick what you want to eat." he whispered softly so only Shuichi could hear him, his angry gaze never leaving Tohma.

"I was worried when you didn't answer your phone." Tohma said softly, that fake smile finding it's way back onto his face. Yuki's look darkened.

"So you invited yourself into my house?" he demanded. "Bullshit."

"Now, Eiri, keep in mind your ulcer." chirped Tohma, daring to take a few more steps into the room.

"Get the hell out of my house." Yuki growled before he turned back towards Shuichi who was holding a box filled with teriyaki chicken noodles. He took the proffered chopsticks, scooping up some and offered the bite to Shuichi who hesitantly took the small bite, his purple eyes glued on his boss who had once again lost his composure and was staring at them open mouthed. Shuichi slurped up on the noodles, chewing them happily and then taking the next bite that Yuki offered them. Tohma watched this sequence until the entire box was finished, still shocked to see Yuki acting like he was, like he cared about the annoying brat.

"Tohma, either you get the hell out of my house or else I'll throw you the hell out." he snapped. Yuki's eyes widened in surprise as Shuichi popped a vegetable into his mouth as he said out. His golden eyes narrowed at Shuichi, who was giving him a wide eyed innocent look as he ate another vegetable. Yuki squeezed Shuichi, a little amused at his antic. Was the brat trying to calm him down?

"Please don't make Yuki get up. I'm comfortable." Shuichi whined, turning towards Tohma. He then turned back to Yuki and offered him another vegetable, which Yuki willingly ate that time. They heard Tohma turn and leave, obviously baffled but the whole situation. Yuki just smiled and ate whatever Shuichi offered him.

When they were done eating (Shuichi eating more than half of the food that he had brought home) Yuki had pulled his pudgy boy against himself and informed him that they were going to go out and get dessert. He told Shuichi to go pull another pair of pants and a shirt since food had gotten on Shuichi's shirt and Yuki had taken the blame for ripping Shuichi's pants when they had finally given up on containing the substantial rear end. Shuichi had come hopping out of the bedroom wearing another tight pair of shorts that he could barely see underneath one of his shirts that Shuichi had stolen that was too big on him.

"Did I give you permission to steal my shirt, brat?" Yuki demanded, pulling the smaller boy against him. Shuichi looked nervous and he shook his head. "Then you better put it back when we get back." he growled, for once not angry that Shuichi had gotten into his stuff. In fact, he found it rather adorable for some reason and he found Shuichi adorable in his baggy shirt, almost as if he was trying to hide how much weight he had gained.

"Okay!" Shuichi chirped, instantly back into his cheerful mood. He clung to Yuki as they put on their shoes and made their way down the hall to the elevator, bugging his taller lover the whole way about where they were going. Yuki put up with the incessant chatter by fondling his chubby lover as they walked along until they got to his car. Once they got in, he reached over and gave Shuichi such a mind blowing kiss that it left his speechless long enough for Yuki to take the two of them to the bakery that he had in mind.

"Oh! I was here once! I came with my mom to pick up my aunt's wedding cake! It was so good!" Shuichi gushed, having apparently snapped out of his lust induced stupor. Yuki reached over and squeezed a meaty thigh.

"Pick what looks good." Yuki informed him. Shuichi couldn't get out of the car fast enough. Before Yuki even had his door open, Shuichi was already inside drooling over all the food.

Yuki ran his fingers through his hair and pulled out his pack of cigarettes that were in his shirt pocket. He pulled out his lighter and paused for a moment, staring at the picture of Shu and him from their first date that he had been forced to go on. He caressed the picture with his thumb before he finally lit his cigarette and put his lighter away. He watched Shuichi through the window, watching as he talked to a painfully thin woman behind the counter. Yuki contented himself with watching the rockstar from outside until he finished his cigarette and went inside where Shuichi was quick to reattach himself to his arm.

"Yuki! Do I only have to pick one?" Shuichi whined. Yuki sighed.

"Alright, you may pick three." he said in a gruff voice. Shuichi squealed happily and ran back to the counter to decide what he wanted. Yuki walked up to the counter as well but pulled the painfully thin woman aside. "Two of everything he wants, three of those things that he's looking at, and double my usual." Yuki informed her. She nodded and set about filling the order.

Yuki watched Shuichi tell the woman all that he wanted, his mouth twitching in amusement occasionally. When Shuichi was finally finished ordering his sweets, he rushed back over to Yuki, hugging the man around the waist.

"Can we also pick up some strawberry pocky on the way home?" he asked, staring up at the blonde with his gorgeous sparkling purple eyes that were filled to the brim with happiness. Yuki didn't know what possessed him but he smiled down at the pink haired boy as he ran his fingers through pink hair before his hands rested comfortably on the rather large bump that was Shuichi's rear end.

"Of course." he murmured. Shuichi smiled again and nuzzled Yuki's chest, his pudgy belly pressing against Yuki's much thinner stomach. Thats how they remained until the woman called out that their order was ready. Yuki went to pay as Shuichi picked up the plain brown boxes, fiddling with the brown string that tied them shut. Yuki waited as the woman swiped his credit card and placed it back into his wallet. He signed the receipt, took his own then nodded for Shuichi to bring the boxes to the car.

Shuichi was surprising silent as they went to the store, got his pocky, then drove home. Once they got into the apartment, he ran into the bedroom and replaced Yuki's shirt from where he had gotten it. He walked out shirtless, making Yuki's mouth go dry once more. Yuki gestured for Shuichi to join him on the couch, the boxes now open and displaying all the lovely treats that they had gotten.

There were 2 Chocolate Decadence Tarts, 2 Rice Tarts, 3 Lilikoi Tartlets, 6 Raspberry Granites, 6 Haupia Cream Puffs, 8 Mini New York Cheesecakes, 10 Rum Balls, 2 Chocolate Mousse Logs, and 20 Chocolate Dipped Strawberries.

Shuichi stared in awe at all the sweets before him that filled up the two large brown boxes that had been tied together and shut with the brown string that Yuki had cut off while he had been replacing the shirt. Yuki reached over and plucked up a Haupia Cream Puff and popped it into Shuichi's open mouth. Shuichi began to instinctively chew and moaned with pleasure as a utopia of flavor exploded on his tongue. Shuichi crawled closer to Yuki as he chewed and swallowed. He pressed himself up against Yuki as he crawled into his lap.

"That was soooo goooood!" Shuichi moaned happily, nuzzling Yuki's face. "You need to try one."

Yuki reached forwards and grabbed one, kissing Shuichi's meaty shoulder at the same time. He felt Shuichi's squishy stomach move against him as he leaned forwards, making him want to just ignore the desserts for a while and take the chubby boy into his room with him. He finally leaned back and handed another Haupia Cream Puff to Shuichi to then fed it to Yuki, who also got a sensery overload from the food.

While he was enjoying the food, Shuichi leaned back and grabbed one box and put it on their right on the couch, then he grabbed the other box and put it on their left on the couch. When Yuki came back to reality on the couch, he found Shuichi undoing the button on his far too tight shorts. As soon as the button was released, his stomach surged forward from it's confines, looking much larger (and more beautiful) than it had just a moment before. Yuki's hands once again found their way to their new favorite place, Shuichi's squishy hips, and gave Shuichi a questioning look.

"They must have shrunk in the wash because they were hurting." he explained with a pout before he looked down at the shorts that were also squeezing his thighs in such a way that Yuki was sure that pretty soon they were going to burst.

"A lot of clothes shrunk in the last few washes." Yuki murmured obligingly before he realized what he was saying. Not wanting to think about what he had just said, he then picked up a Chocolate Dipped Strawberry and fed it to Shuichi who made sure to give his thumb and index finger a good few licks before he pulled away. Yuki was soon greated with a Chocolate Dipped Strawberry of his own which he took as well.

This system continued for a while before all the desserts ran out, and Shuichi was rubbing how now hard tummy, cuddling up to his equally full lover who was rubbing his own with one hand and helping Shuichi rub his tummy with his other. Yuki leaned forwards and began to nibble on Shuichi's neck, shoulders and ear, pressing into his chunkier lover.

"Now it's time for more fun activities." Yuki whispered huskily before he picked Shuichi up and carried him into the bedroom so they could play some more "doctor".
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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