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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1476306-The-Changing-Remote/cid/994703-16-19
Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1476306
You find a remote that can change almost anything...
This choice: 16-19  •  Go Back...
         Our story centers around you, Alyssa, a 17-year old girl in her senior year. Her dimensions, 5' 7", 117 lbs., green eyes, long red hair down to her just below her butt, E-cup breasts, perfect figure that can ingest anything and never get fat (Her mom thinks it goes straight to her boobs, her goth oldest sister Callie thinks she made a pact with Satan), would incline you to think she was a cheerleader, drama queen, aspiring suprmodel, or maybe even school skank, but nope, despite her anime supermodel bod, she is a modest ultra-geek otaku, and seems to have an irrational hatred of skirts and dresses.

         She's the president of the chess club and a member of the A/V club and computer club. While other girls were into Twilight, she was into Gurren Lagann (Even dressing as Yoko one Halloween). She has every Green Lantern comic made in the last ten years and can name all the Green Lanterns by heart. Other girls have posters of Justin Bieber. She has posters of Michio Kaku, Gustav Holst, and Alucard from Hellsing adorning hers. Her dresser is full of catgirl figurines and statues, some she even made herself. She even won a vicious four day bidding war on eBay for an original G1 Optimus Prime using an entire summer's worth of saved cash. Case in point - Body of a goddess, mind of an otaku.

         She has a love/hate relationship with one boy, Nathaniel, currently in hate because of a knockdown drag-out argument over who could kick who's ass: Superman or Son Goku (She supports Son Goku, if you were wondering).

Anyway, enough, on to the story!!

         It was late on a Tuesday afternoon, and you are walking home with three of her friends. In front was Bobby, her 13-year old neighbor, prodigy, and ultimate chess rival, whom is irate from being trounced by you for the 178th time, is a 5' tall boy that was so wiry it looked like a good sneeze would snap him in half, skin so pale you'd swear he was a vampire, and medium length brown hair, wearing a dress shirt and jeans.
         Just behind Bobby is Carlie, one of the only only non-geek you are friends with (but hopes to convert to the nerd side), is a tomboy standing 6' tall, with very short (not crew cut short, but close) spiky blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, a toned body from participating in any school sport she can, and EE-cup breasts (Which she has a love/hate relationship with), wearing a tubetop, crew socks & sneakers, and (in seeming contradiction to her tough, almost masculine personality) a pleated miniskirt, which annoyed you to no end (Carlie is both a tough tomboy and a skirt fanatic. Weird, huh?).
         Next to you walks your best friend, Kotomi. She is, in terms of looks, Alyssa Lite. She has medium length black hair, brown eyes, dark mocha skin, breasts on the perilous border between B and C cup, perfect complexion, and petite nose, standing in at 5' 5" and 128 lbs., wearing jean shorts, sandals, a rainbow scarf, a necklace with a replica Core Drill on it, and a baby doll shirt with the Konami Code printed on it.

         As Bobby seemingly rants about his recent loss to seemingly thin air, Alyssa, Carlie, and Kotomi are discussing their plans. "I was hoping I could over by your house today, Alyssa. If I don't ace the algebra midterm they're going to kick me off the softball team... and the soccer team... and the volleyball team... and the basketball team... and the kendo team..." Carlie utters, trailing off as she lists off sports.
         You answer, "Sure. I can help you. Just drop by after supper. Kotomi and I were planning to power-grind some on the The Old Republic when we get to my house."
         "How is it you're in so many sports anyway? You better not have a secret time machine or cloning lab... Wait, our school has a kendo team?!" Kotomi interjects.
Carlie makes a snide look and answers, "If I had a time machine or a cloning lab, would you think I'd be a C+ student?"
         "Walked into that one." Kotomi jests.

         Just then, your shoe becomes untied. You kneel down to tie it, when your purse falls off your shoulder and spills out. You smiles foolishly, telling the others to go on while you clean up. As you get ready to get up, a black car drives by. Inside in the back seat is a spindly female with a complexion and extremities that weren't quite human. In her long twiggy hand is a box. "Call my inventions unethical, they said. Say I shouldn't violate the laws of thermodynamics, they say. Say I can't ethically and unbiasly test my newest invention and no one should have this kind of power. Tell me it could pose a danger to reality, they say. Won't validate my parking, they say. Closed minded conservative asses... Just who the hell do they think I am?!" the alien lady speaks... to herself. She sees you and grins. "I have an idea." As you look up, you are greeted with the sight of a small plastic-like box flying out the car window... and striking you right in the face!! The alien says to the driver, "Have an intern watch this human. I want to see how she uses it." He nods in acknowledgement, and she continues, "This planet is SO backwater the Science Council will never notice some ape goofing around with the fabric of reality, unless of course, you know, they blow up the universe or something. Then they'd notice, but I doubt that."
         Reeling from her blow, you get up off the ground and notices the box open, inside holding a remote and a hardback manual labeled, "The Changing Remote." Curious, you thumb through it and see instructions on how to transmute people and objects, and even manipulate bodies, save for their mouths. It even had buttons to control your TV, just like any other remote. "Well, either this must be a joke, or I've just been handed the ultimate cheat code in remote form. Either way, free remote!!" You pack it into your backpack and catch up to your friends.

         Once at your house, as Kotomi is getting out her laptop in your room, you, in your kitchen, decide to take another gander at the remote. "Well, I might as well test this thing out." After reading essentially the cliff notes version of the instructions you get how the remote would work, in theory. You thumb through the LED menu on it, and decide to test on the telephone. "Let's try something simple, like change some properties." You set up the remote and points it, and in the course of a minute, the remote changes the plastic cordless phone into a chrome plated rotary phone. "OMG... You know what this means?!" She says in her head. "I could end world hunger. I could always have the most state of the art gaming rig. I could punish my enemies. I could have a never ending supply of pickles... mmm, pickles... I could even... my greatest dream!!" You look slyly in your room, at the dresser, more exactly, the figurines on the dresser. "I can even become a superpowered nekomimi!!" You blurt out loud. Quickly you open the 'Person' menu and set up the instructions necessary to facilitate this dream, turn the remote on yourself, and zap away, just as Kotomi comes to the door wondering about your outburst.

         You feel a pulse radiate through you as a strange sensation fills your ears and spine. Kotomi nearly freaks as she sees a four foot tail rupture out the back of your jeans, the jeans mending themselves and forming a tail hole around the base. After it reaches full length, a tickling sensation heralded the growth of orange fur down its length. Kotomi drooled in disbelief as your ears move up your head forming two giant orange cat ears. The sensation goes to your hands as you find you can tense your still human nails and make them extend, transforming into bestial claws when extended and revert back when retracted. You look in the door of your chrome refrigerator (Your parents like chrome appliances) and see your reflection. "Yatta!!" You scream. Kotomi blinks hard, then yells, "Just what the hell did I just see? Why are you you a friggin' catgirl?! How?" You show her the remote and explain your coming across it, and what it can do. She tells you, grinning as she thumbs the manual, "You know, we can have a lot of fun with this." You nod, bearing a mischievous smile. Thinking long and hard, Kotomi says to you, "You know, I've always wondered what it'd be like to ______, and making afterwards we try it out on _______."
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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