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Rated: GC · Interactive · Other · #2088575
When you were born you were 2 inches, you live with your normal sized siblings and mom.
This choice: The day  •  Go Back...
Chapter #7

The day

    by: AK
You wake up and Tina is still sleeping.
You approach towards to her lips and begins to kiss her.
Tina wakes up.
"Morning brother, seems like you cannot wait."
"Let's go to eat some breakfast."
You are heading to the table.
Your mother had made breakfast.
All of you are eating.
You are standing below Tina's cleavage as you eat.
Your mother is looking at you,suspiciously.
You fantazise being inside Tina's bra.
("My son is being extremely weird.I need to be sure to observe him.")
"So bro, you seems to like Tina's company."
"Yeah,she is my most favourite family member. I truly like her."
"What are you going to do today?"
"Ah, nothing special. Me and Tina, will head out for a walk."
"I will drive of course."
"Make sure, that you drive safe."
"Sure Mom."
You are done and you are both head back to Tina's room.
"I am going to get a shower and then we will leave."
"May I join?"
"Yes. Since if said no, you would come anyway.You saw me naked. Might as well, to come."
She takes her clothes off and brings you to the bathroom.
"I will put you at the side of the bathtub. So you can enjoy the view."
She activates the shower and you are observing her naked body, getting wet.
She closing her eyes, as she is washing her hair,
Tina's crotch is coming towards to you.
Her vagina is in full view.
"Tina, you are such a tease."
You get an erection and your dick is touching Tina's vagina skin.
Someone knocks the door.
"Tina, are you there?"
You got scared and you are failling down the bathtub.
Tina's barefeet comes to hide you.
You are now under her toes.
"Shit, it's mom."
"Yes, Mom."
"Can I come in?"
She comes inside.
"Is your brother somewhere?"
"Ah no."
"Good, I have a weird feeling about him."
"What do you mean?"
"He is extremely nice to you. He was staring at your cleavage and I found it..unsettling."
"Mom, you are overthinking."
"I am here, to tell you, that, you should be careful. I don't like where your brother is going for."
"Sure Mom."
"Alright, I will leave. If you need anything, let me know."
"Of course."
"Sorry to intervene."
"Love you Mom."
She leaves and you are relieved.
"That was close, I could had killed you, with my feet."
"Well. I coudn't find a better spot."
"So now that you are in my bathtub, shall I wash you?"
She crouching and you have her vagina as your view.
Tina is washing you body and she sees your dick getting an erection.
"How much do you enjoy this?"
"Sis, I have been in love with you, ever since you got sexy. I cannot imagine a better woman than you."
She is blushing.
You are staring at her naked nipples.
"I want to suck your nipple."
"They are wet and you will fail down."
"Yeah, you are right."
"But I will let you stare at my vagina. Don't play with it yet."
She continues to shower, until she is done.
You both get out and she takes a piss at the toilet.
You observe her peeing.
Then you are looking at her nipple.
"I really want to lick them."
"Do it, when we be out of the house."
She is done and is heading to dress up.
You are dress up too.
Tina grabs you and you are heading to the car.
"Take care kids."
Tina is driving.
You are looking at Tina's sandals.
You land down to reach the left sandal.
You have reach it.
You are observing Tina's barefeet and you are touching it.
Then you are going to the toes.
You see your reflection, at the big red toe nail.
"Enjoying your reflection, brother?"
"Careful, down there."
You climb and you reach at the top of Tina's feet.
Then you see her leg, which leads to her skirt.
Tina's feet moves and you lose balance.
You land down to the sandal and Tina's barefeet stomps you.
You are not crashed, just enough, to keep you stuck.
"Told you,to be careful. Now, stay there, until, we reach our destination."
You are excited,that you are trapped between Tina's barefeet and sandal.
You get an erection.
"No matter what, brother, you are always getting excited at everything. You sure are a total creep."
You are smelling her feet and begin to rub your face,
10 minutes later, you reach at your destination.
What is your destination?

You have the following choices:

1. a hotel

2. a park

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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