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Rated: E · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #2141885
You shrink near girls. (300 Word Minimum.)
This choice: The photoshoot. Wait! What!  •  Go Back...
Chapter #25

Crashing Karlie’s Photoshoot

    by: MrEmeraldDivine
After spending a little time getting to know you, the gorgeous Karlie Kloss got a phone call. You were too mesmerized by her beauty to bother to listen in.

Turns out she was needed somewhere else and lucky little you got to go with her. Albeit you had to travel in her coat pocket.

Once you were nice and secure in her surprisingly comfortable pocket, the massive super model let you know just where you were going.

“Well time to get going.” She said happily with a smile. “I’ll pull you out when I get to my photo shoot!”

Ok that didn’t sound too bad. I’m sure you could have a nice time at...THE PHOTOSHOOT!

“Wait what do you mean your Photoshoot!” You yell from her pocket.

Unfortunately at your tiny one inch size and the layers of thick clothing, Karlie didn’t hear you. Suffice to say it wouldn’t have mattered anyway as the model was in high demand right now. She was host of the popular show “project runway” and was one of the industries most popular models.

Ms Kloss then decided to pack away some of her gear into her purse just in case she fancied using it later. When that was done she turned off the lights and locked up before heading out.

Sticking one hand in her pocket, in order to look casual and keep you secure, Karlie headed off to her Photoshoot. Luckily for her it was only a few blocks away, so she decided to walk there.

Inside her pocket you were surprised when Karlie’s big perfectly manicured hand slipped in and blocked your only exit! Not that you were thinking of escaping, you did want this woman to grow you back eventually!

As she walked Karlie decided to have a little fun. She started stroking your body with her fingers! You were completely taken aback by this, as you instinctively flinched when you felt the long finger touch you for the first time!

Your surprise would vanish as you started to like Karlie touching you! She had such a soft and gentle touch that you couldn’t help but hug her huge fingers. You could hear Karlie giggling outside, she found this extremely cute. Right now you literally where like a little boyfriend in her pocket!

Continuing her walk, Karlie had to deal with the price of pain as several onlookers recognized her and ran to greet her and take pictures with her.

Being the sweetheart she was, she was delighted to interact with her fans! She hugged strangers, took pics with young aspiring models and even had a nice intelligent conversation with a few coders!

After ten minutes she was finally on the move again and arrived at her destination. It was a medium sized studio that she had shot in several times. Once she soaked though the doors a welcome team of all her stylists and photographers swarmed her.

Within minutes she was being brought to her room so she could change and get ready for her makeup. Once she was alone she reached into her pocket and pulled you out.

You were glad for the fresh air as you sat in Karlie’s palm and stared up at the towering goddess. The supermodel smiled down at you brightly.

“Did you enjoy the ride little man?” she asked happily.

“It was the most comfortable pocket I’ve ever rode in.” You said sarcastically.

Karlie let out a laugh at your joke, she loved how funny you were and you loved she thought you were funny! She then placed you down in front of her makeup mirror before heading to her private bathroom where we stylists and prep team were.

“Wait here sweetie, I’ll be back once I’ve got my makeup on!” She said blowing you a kiss.

You mime catching it without thinking, luckily she finds this cute and waves at you before leaving. Left alone you did nothing but sit bored waiting for your goddess to return.

You had nothing to do except sit on a giant pocket makeup mirror, that was more like a small hill to you.

Whilst you were waiting there were a few close calls when her assistants came in the room unannounced. These women all had their hair in ponytails and had headsets on.

Luckily they were all too wrapped up in their work to notice you. Although you did have to dive out of the way and hide behind Karlie’s purse s few times. Hell one time someone actually lifted the purse as you stood there frozen, expecting a scream or for the woman to freak out.

But alas thy hardly noticed you as they went about your business. Finally after an hour the bathroom door opened and in walked Karlie. Your jaw dropped to the ground, she had changed into her outfit for the Photoshoot and she looked amazing!


“Sorry to keep you waiting honey! The hair and makeup process can take forever!” she said as she walked over to you.

You said nothing as the Shadow of this giantess engulfed you. You were stunned by her beauty. Karlie giggled as she lowered her huge hand in front of you and snapped her fingers sharply!

“Eyes forward Chief!”

You were snapped out of your stupor immediately as you shook your head. You went red with embarrassment as you thought you’d looked an idiot in front of Karlie.

However the giantess lot smiled as she reached down and picked you up between her thumb and forefinger. You were brought before her massive pretty face as she smiled at you.

“Awww you’re such a little cutie!” Karlie said lovingly.

She then puckered her lips and leaned in to give you a quick peck. Your face was covered in red lipstick as you took in what just happened. A big goofy grin formed in your face as you hung there gawking at the supermodel.

“Hihihi Oh you are just too cute! Now listen I’ve got to go and do my Photoshoot...but I don’t want to leave you alone...so I guess I’ll keep you in my__________” Karlie said matter of factly.

Where did she put you?

You have the following choices:

1. In her bra

2. In her underwear

3. In her heels

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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