Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2141885-Shrunk-Near-Your-Favorite-Girl-X/cid/3254646-To-Fly-With-Dragons-in-a-Land-Apart
Rated: E · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #2141885
You shrink near girls. (300 Word Minimum.)
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Chapter #6

To Fly With Dragons in a Land Apart

    by: irven
One day, during a walk in the woods, you noticed something glowing off the trail. You went over, curious to see what it was, and tracked the source to something inside a bush. You reached in cautiously and felt something smooth and hard. You took it out and saw it was some sort of large reptile scale, as big as the palm of your hand, glowing with blue and purple light.

“What’s this?” you muttered, examining the scale. “It’s really big, and it’s got a weird glow... what animal did this come from?”

As you looked at the scale, you noticed there were some small marks etched into the surface on one side. You held it close to your face and realized they were words.

“I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart...” you said, reading the words out loud. “What does that mean?”

Suddenly, the scale began to glow brighter and brighter, and it let out a blinding flash. You shouted and fell back in surprise, dropping the scale. Everything was white for a bit, but your vision slowly returned, and you looked around in a daze.

You gasped as you realized something was wrong. You were still in some sort of forest, but everything was huge now! Trees loomed over you like skyscrapers, and bushes, grass, and flowers were massively oversized. It seemed as if you shrunk. Either that, or you somehow teleported into a world where everything was huge compared to you.

Either way, this was frightening and confusing. How did this happen? Was that scale magical? That sounded crazy, but you couldn’t think of any other explanation for this.

You still had your clothes, fortunately. Also, you could see the scale on the ground nearby, and it was still the same size as your palm. You picked up the scale and held on to it, then just sat there for a while, stunned by this turn of events. What happened to you, and how could you undo this?

Soon, your fear deepened as you began to feel vibrations. Something big was approaching.

You gulped and looked around, trying to quickly decide what to do. You could run away, try to hide, or stay here in the hopes that the approaching thing would be friendly.

You have the following choices:

1. Run

2. Hide

3. Stay

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2141885-Shrunk-Near-Your-Favorite-Girl-X/cid/3254646-To-Fly-With-Dragons-in-a-Land-Apart