Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1618299-depression
Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #1618299
its how im feeling right now
i waited to see you for so long
but you were taken from me.
i couldn't believe you were really gone
it tore my world upside down and hurt me.
i have wanted so long to hear your voice
just so i know things will be fine for me.
i miss what used to be between us
and how strong our love was for each other.
baby you will never know how i truely feel
because you were taken from me so soon.
i have tried so hard to make other guys
be like you because i miss you so much.
no one seems to understand that it has broke
me down since you have left this world.
i dont know what else to do sometimes
and then i start to think about you.
i remember all the good times we had
along with the bad ones that we endured.
i cant express how much i love you
and how i long to be in your arms again.
i want so badly to be with you but i know
that you are in heaven watching down on me.
i just wish you could be here with me right now
and telling me everything will get better.
i cant wait to see you in heaven and to tell
you everything and to be in your arms again.
i long to kiss those soft lips of yours that i love
and to hold you and never let go again.
i have not forgotten about you baby
there has not been a day without thinking of you.
i know you are in a better place and that you are
happy but i wish you werent gone from my world.
things have been alot harder for me since you've
been gone to heaven and i dont know what to do.
i am falling in love with this guy but im scared
that im going to end up hurt in the end of it all.
he's a really good guy but im pushing him away
because i've let my heart come out and its falling.
im falling so hard for this man i am confused
i dont get why i am falling for him so soon.
he says all the right things does all the right things
and makes me happy and feel good about myself.
but because of my past im pushing him so far away
that its hurting me deeply and im spinning in circles.
why cant i just be with someone without having to
fall in love with them and get hurt in the end of it?
why cant i just accept that he just may be the right
one that i have been looking for since you left this world?
but no i have to be selfish about it and push him away
before we even get the chance to really be together.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1618299-depression