Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1732275-The-day-my-life-changed-forever-part-1
Rated: 13+ · Other · Music · #1732275
The main character ends up getting engaged to a popstar
Last night Gina went for a walk,it was a silent night and a bit creepy.

She kept hearing strange noises.She turned around slowly and saw the
silhouette of a tall man in a trench coat standing just a few feet
behind me.
She started to run but then he called her name,She turned
round and he grabbed her shoulder and for the first time she could see his
face clearly,it was Jake form the band Flyboys..
''I've been watching you for a long time'',he smiled.
Her throat went dry,all the posters and the concerts and now he was here in front of her.
She smiled with delight and he smiled back,her heart was beating so fast,and
out of nowhere he kissed her.It was magical and better than she could have
ever imagined.
He pulled away and apologised,but she pulled him back and kissed him.
'JAKE''called a deep voice behind him.
It was her ex,OFF MY GIRL''.
She karate kicked her ex to the floor and ran off dragging Jake with her,they ran to his car.

He started the car and they zoomed off into the night for a few metres,until
the engine started to struggle and stop,we'd run out of petrol.
Jake took out his phone and called Matt,and asked him to come and pick him and her up.
They ran through the night,leaving the car to find Matt.
Luckily he was out with his girlfriend nearby.
Matt gave her a hug,and her and Jake got into his car and we drove to Jakes house.

They arrived at his house,but as Jake searched around in his pockets he
realised he didnt have his keys,he left them in the car,his car.
Matt offered to give him a lift to his car,Jake accepted the offer.
Until he realised Matt had a spare one cut for when he stopped over,he
opened the door and everyone tumbled inside the big house Gina sat on the
sofa and Jake cuddled upto her,she fell asleep in his arms.
Gina woke up half an hour later and Jake was staring at her with his sexy eyes,so she pulled him close and kissed him.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1732275-The-day-my-life-changed-forever-part-1