Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/portfolio/view/craighenders
craighenders's Portfolio!
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Since July 21, 2017
New (as of July 2017) to this site, sharing my writings and enjoying others. Doing so to put my "manic mind" to a state of useful focus, creativity, learning, understanding and meeting other minds. I've seen enough of the outsides of people; I want to look in deeper. I may at times be ignorant and unknowing, I will admit when I am, so I can learn. I may find things "weird"/"strange", but I cannot "judge". I have never been to law school. ;) Always open to a grammar/writing lesson; just don't get too mad. I write like I make music; it's often a burst of improvisation, a thought or feeling that want's to rapidly escape. (think solar flares)
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/portfolio/view/craighenders