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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
Evolution of Love Part 2
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May 21, 2022 at 9:11am
May 21, 2022 at 9:11am

‘Those who think that the world is of utmost importance are worldly beings. In the world, there is constant movement and the need for correction.

The eternal coming and going is the swing of happiness and misery. Those who only act out different parts do not forget their true being. You people are children of immortality. Your own form is that of truth, auspiciousness and beauty (satyam, shivam, sundaram).

Why do you want to enter the flow of worldly affairs that cause confusion and restlessness?

If you want to flow, flow with the deluge of the highest good.’

May 20, 2022 at 6:48am
May 20, 2022 at 6:48am

Fully conscious and in good health, I am writing today my will:

After my death
Ransack my room
Search each item
That is scattered
Everywhere in my house.

Donate my dreams
To all those women
Who between the confines of
The kitchen and the bedroom
Have lost their world
Have forgotten years ago
What it is to dream.

Scatter my laughter
Among the inmates of old-age homes
Whose children
Are lost
To the glittering cities of America.

There are some colours
Lying on my table
With them dye the sari of the girl
Whose border is edged
With the blood of her man
Who wrapped in the tricolor
Was laid to rest last evening.

Give my tears
To all the poets
Every drop
Will birth a poem
I promise.

Make sure you catch the youth
Of the country, everyone
And inject them
With my indignation
They will need it
Come the revolution.

My ecstasy
Belongs to
That Sufi
Abandoning everything
Has set off in search of God.

What’s left
My envy
My greed
My anger
My lies
My selfishness
These simply Cremate with me...

May 19, 2022 at 4:58am
May 19, 2022 at 4:58am

*The first school in England opened in 1811 . At that time India had 732000 Gurukuls.* 😳

Find out how our Gurukuls got closed. How did Gurukul learning end.
First will tell you what disciplines were taught in Gurukul culture (in the Sanatan culture) !

Most Gurukuls taught the following subjects.

01 Agni Vidya (Metallurgy)
02 Vayu Vidya (Wind)
03 Jal Vidya (Water)
04 Antriksh Vidya (Space Science)
05 Prithvi Vidya (Environment)
06 Surya Vidya (Solar Study)
07 Chandra and Lok Vidya (Lunar Study)
08 Megh Vidya (Weather Forecast)
09 Dhaatu Urja Vidya (Battery energy)
10 Din aur Raat Vidya.
12 Srishti Vidya (Space Research)
13 Khagol Vigyan (Astronomy)
14 Bhugol Vidya (Geography)
15 Kaal Vidya (Time studies)
16 Bhoogarbh Vidya (Geology & Mining)
17 Gemstones and Metals (Gems & Metals)
18 Aakarshan Vidya (Gravity)
19 Prakash Vidya (Energy)
20 Sanchaar Vidya (Communication)
21 Vimaan Vidya (Plane)
22 Jalayan Vidya (Water Vessels)
23 Agneya Astra Vidya (Arms & Ammunition)
24 Jeevavigyaan Vidya (Biology, Zoology, Botany)
25 Yagna Vidya (Material Sic)
* This is the talk of scientific education. Now let's talk about professional and technical disciplines that were covered!*
26 Vyapaar Vidya (Commerce)
27 Krishi Vidya (Agriculture)
28 Pashu Paalan Vidya (Animal Husbandry)
29 Pakshi Paalan (Bird Keeping)
30 Yaan Vidya (Mechanics)
32 Vehicle Designing
33 Ratankar (Gems & Jewellery Designing)
36 Kumhaar vidya (Pottery)
37 Laghu (Metallurgy & Blacksmith)
38 Takkas
39 Rang Vidya (Dyeing)
40 Khatwakar
41 Rajjukar (Logistics)
42 Vaastukaar Vidya (Architecture)
43 Khaana Banane ki Vidya (Cooking)
44 Vaahan Vidya (Driving)
45 Waterways Management
46 Indicators (Data Entry)
47 Gaushala Manager (Animal Husbandry)
48 Baagvaani (Horticulture)
49 Vann Vidya (Forestry)
50 Sahyogee (Covering Paramedics)

All this education was taught in Gurukul, but with time, when Gurukul disappeared, this knowledge was made to disappear by the British! It started with Macaulay. Today, the future of the youth of our country is being destroyed by the Macaulay method.

How did Gurukul culture end in India?
The introduction of Convent education ruined Gurukuls. Indian Education Act was formed in 1835 (revised in 1858). It was drafted by 'Lord Macaulay'.

Macaulay conducted a survey of education system here while many Britishers had given their reports about India's education system. One of the British officer was G.W. Luther and the other was Thomas Munro! Both of them had surveyed different areas at different times. Luther, who surveyed North India (Uttar Bhaarat), wrote that there is 97 % literacy here and Munro, who surveyed South India (Dakshin Bhaarat), wrote that here there is 100% literacy.

Macaulay had clearly said that if India (Bhaarat) is to be enslaved forever, its ′′*indigenous and cultural education system* ′′ must be completely demolished and replaced with ′′ English education system ′′ and only then will Indians be physically Indians, but mentally become English. When they leave the convent schools or English universities, they will work in the interest of British.

Macaulay is using an idiom - ′′ Just as a farm is thoroughly ploughed before a crop is planted, so must it be ploughed and brought in the English education system. ′′ That's why he first declared Gurukuls illegal. Then he declared Sanskrit illegal and set the Gurukuls on fire, beat the teachers in it and put them in jail.
Till 1850 there were ' 7 lakh 32 thousand ' Gurukuls & 7,50,000 villages in India. Meaning almost every village had a Gurukul and all these Gurukuls used to be 'Higher Learning Institutes' in today's language. 18 subjects were taught in all of them and these people of Gurukul Samaj used to run these together, not by the king.
Education was imparted free.
Gurukuls were abolished and English education was legalized and the first convent school opened in Calcutta. That time it was called 'free school'. Under this law, Calcutta University, Bombay University & Madras University were created. These three slavery-era universities are still in the country!
Macaulay had written a letter to his father. It is a very famous letter, in it he writes: ′′ These convent schools will bring out children who look like Indians but are English by brain and they don't know anything about their country. They won't know anything about their culture, they won't have any idea about their traditions, they will not know their idioms, when such children are there in this country, even if the British go away, English will not leave this country.′′ The truth of the letter written at that time is clearly visible in our country even today. See the misery created by this act. We feel inferior of ourselves who are ashamed to speak our own language & recognise our own culture.

A society that is cut off from its mother tongue never flourishes and this was Macaulay’s strategy! Today's youth here knows more about Europe than India. Considers Indian culture not so cool, but imitates Western country.

What a pity. It's high time we all awaken & reclaim our great culture & heritage.

May 18, 2022 at 5:01am
May 18, 2022 at 5:01am

I interviewed my grandmother for part of a research paper I’m working on for my Psychology class. When I asked her to define success in her own words, she said.... *Success is when you look back at your life and the MEMORIES make you smile*

After I watched my dog get run over by a car, I sat on the side of the road holding him and crying. *And just before he died, He licked the tears off my face*

As my father, my three brothers, and two sisters stood around my mother’s hospital bed, my mother uttered her last coherent words before she died. She simply said, *I feel so loved right now. We should have gotten together like this more often*

I kissed my dad on the forehead as he passed away in a small hospital bed. About 5 seconds after he passed, *I realized it was the first time I had given him a kiss since I was a little boy*

When I witnessed a 27-year-old cancer patient laughing hysterically at her 2-year-old daughter’s antics, I suddenly realized that *I need to stop complaining about my life and start celebrating it again*

A boy in a wheelchair saw me desperately struggling on crutches with my broken leg and offered to carry my backpack and books for me. *He helped me all the way across campus to my class and as he was leaving he said, “I hope you feel better soon.*

I was traveling in Kenya and I met a refugee from Zimbabwe. He said he hadn’t eaten anything in over 3 days and looked extremely skinny and unhealthy. Then my friend offered him the rest of the sandwich he was eating. *The first thing the man said was, “WE CAN SHARE IT”*

May 17, 2022 at 9:39am
May 17, 2022 at 9:39am

“Though He is everywhere and everything, still in His play He makes us believe that He is far from us.
Isn’t it wonderful?
Any karma or kriya we do brings a result, but it can never take us to Him. But if He attracts us, then He sweeps us along like the ocean and no one can alter this.

Just as it is the natural result of digging to find water at some stage, just as it is natural that there should be a spark if one goes on rubbing two sticks together, so it is natural that the regular practice of cultivating his ‘abhava’ (state of total emptiness) should take us to Him.
The joy we receive from this contact only emphasizes our awareness of the pain caused by our ultimate separateness and this will inspire us to make even greater efforts to unite completely with Him.

But the result of meditation is still not He as long as it remains within the realm of experience. Only when the experiencer is wholly dissolved in the experience is the supreme Truth revealed. “

May 16, 2022 at 6:13am
May 16, 2022 at 6:13am
"You may die a hundred deaths without a break in the mental turmoil. Or you may keep your body and die only in the mind. The death of the mind is the birth of

"The memory of the past unfulfilled desires traps energy which manifests itself as a person. When its charge gets exhausted the person dies.
Unfulfilled desires are carried over into the next birth.
Self-identification with the body creates ever fresh desires;
and there is no end to them unless this mechanism of bondage is clearly seen.
It is clarity that is liberating,
for you cannot abandon desire unless its causes and effects are clearly seen.
I do not say that the same person is reborn. It dies and dies for good. But its memories remain and their desires and fears. They
supply the energy for a new person. The real takes no part in it, but makes it possible by giving it the light."

May 15, 2022 at 6:51am
May 15, 2022 at 6:51am

This write-up is dedicated to Lieutenant Colonel Vishnu Datta, for his services in the Indo-Pakistan war of 1971 on the Western front.

Lieutenant Colonel Vishnu Datta was commissioned in the Corps of the EME (Electrical and Mechanical), which is responsible for the development, design, upkeep, inspection and refit of weapons, weapon systems and equipment, including repairs and recovery. In 1971, Lieutenant Colonel Datta was commanding the 610 EME Battalion from the summer of that year. He and the Battalion was deployed in the Chhamb-Jaurian sector around Akhnoor in Jammu when war broke out with Pakistan on the 3rd of December, 1971.

The civilians were asked to evacuate the border villages and alongside aiding the villagers, the 610 EME Battalion flooded the fields. Often, Lieutenant Colonel Datta and his boys had to move in to aid the advancing infantry in clearing out stuck equipment right under enemy fire. He and his boys had to take cover and slowly advance to clear out the obstacles alongside aiding the infantry in moving up their equipment. Often, he and his comrades were welcomed by Pakistani artillery barrages.

The Commanding officer of an infantry Battalion and Lieutenant Colonel Datta’s boys were involved in a joint operation. It was here, where the commander offered a ride to Lieutenant Colonel Datta to his headquarters. After reaching the headquarters, Lieutenant Colonel Datta got down and the Battalion commander pulled out his jeep and sat beside the driver’s seat when a Pakistani sniper shot hit him in the head! The jeep was barely out of the gate of the headquarters!

And the seat where Lieutenant Colonel Datta was once sitting still had the corpse of the Battalion commander. He had just said ‘Bye’ to Lieutenant Colonel Datta.

China had adopted a neutral state in the 1971 war but was actually, secretly supplying Pakistan with military hardware. Lieutenant Colonel Datta received intel about abandoned Pakistani tanks in a flooded field, which were actually Chinese Type-54 tanks. He and his boys went there and found Chinese number plates on them. Climbing up, he found the tanks loaded up with ammunition and food, mostly bread and channa. Two of these Chinese tanks were in full working order so after pulling out the tank munitions from them, he and his boys drove away with them. The tank munitions from all the tanks were loaded into these 2 working tanks and then they drove away.

Unfortunately, this didn’t happen smoothly. Pakistani artillery guns and small arms fire targeted this small section of engineers and soldiers. Taking cover and returning fire, they managed to complete all the laborious tasks and drove out with the 2 working tanks. Also, with these 2 tanks, India finally had proof that could be presented to the United Nations about Chinese hardware flooding the warzone even though China’s stance was neutral. These 2 tanks were brought to Delhi as well which were shown to Mrs. Indira Gandhi.

After the war ended, Lieutenant Colonel Datta kept the 2 Chinese license plates, but later, he presented the 2 tanks to the EME Museum in Secunderabad.

My salutes to him.

Jai Hind.
May 14, 2022 at 9:11am
May 14, 2022 at 9:11am
Dear Heavenly Father, You know the times I have been ungrateful, held ill thoughts toward You and my fellow humans.

You know the times I complain and grumble about life and its circumstances, about suffering, going through what seem endless trials and tribulations. Even yielding my members to unholy deeds.

Yet God You are and always will be there with me, even when it seems like I am forever in the wilderness, running further and further from You, You, my God are there guiding me back to Your loving arms.

May 13, 2022 at 3:12am
May 13, 2022 at 3:12am
If money is your hope for independance, you'll never have it.
The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of your knowledge, experience and ability.

The real measure of your wealth is how much you would be if you lost your money.

Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.

Try to save something when your salary is small, it's impossible to save after you began to earn more.

The individual investor should set consistently as an investor and not as an speculator.

I am a great believer in luck and i found the harder I work I have it than luck.

You must have control over your, money or the lack of it will control you forever..

Every time you borrow money, but you don't know you 're robbing your own future.

The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything and value of nothing.

It's not how much money you make, but how much money you keep how hard it work for you and how many generation you keep it for.

The habit of saving is itself an education, it foster every virtue, teaches self denial cultivate the sense of orders trains for forethought and so broaden the mind.

If you don't value your time, neither will others, stop giving your time and talent.
Value what you know and start change it.

Don't tell me what you value, show me your budget, I'll tell you what you value

If you live for having it all, what you have it will never enough.
May 12, 2022 at 6:56am
May 12, 2022 at 6:56am
Be entirely self-determined and
ruled from within,
not from without.

Merely giving up a thing to secure a
better one is not true relinquishment.
Give it up because you see it is valueless. As you keep on giving up,
you will find that you grow spontaneously in intelligence and power and inexhaustible love and joy.

Desires and fears are not natural.
They are entirely mind-made.
You have to give up everything to know
that you need nothing, not even your body.

Your needs are unreal and your efforts are meaningless. You imagine that your possessions protect you.
In reality they make you vulnerable.

Realize yourself as away from all that can be pointed at as "this" or "that." You are unreachable by any sensory experience or verbal construction.
Turn away from them.
Refuse to impersonate.

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