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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1411600
The Good Life.
I am a professional musician  , worship leader  , small business owner  , songwriter  , aspiring author   and freelance nonfiction writer   with a chemical engineering degree  .

But that's just my resume.

My profile of qualifications is only one of the ways in which I am unique. Here I chronicle my personal and professional goals and my efforts to achieve them. Occasionally I fail. Mostly, I take daily baby steps toward all my long-term goals. Much like the stories I pen, the songs I compose, and the businesses I run, I am always a work in progress.

Merit Badge in Music
[Click For More Info]

  To a dear friend whose talent for writing music is sensational. May you have a fabulous New Year, (((Brandi)))!!! *^*Kiss*^*

Big hugs,
Sherri *^*Heart*^*  Merit Badge in Organization
[Click For More Info]

I don't know how you do it, but I assume there's magic involved *^*Bigsmile*^*  I have really enjoyed this month of planning and preparation for NaNoWriMo and I love how organized it all is.  Thank you for hosting a great challenge and for your dedication to helping so many of us prepare with confidence and trepidation for National Novel Writing Month (known to sane folks as 'November' *^*Laugh*^*) at your  [Link To Item #1474311] Merit Badge in Leadership
[Click For More Info]

For your hard work, commitment, talent and innovation in running the October NaNoWriMo Preparation each year, which helps many of us get our scattered thoughts together for November's novel-writing. And also because this badge has ducks on it.
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May 15, 2011 at 11:36am
May 15, 2011 at 11:36am
I dropped my house price a week or two ago, but now I have another potential lease situation I'm investigating. This one would be pretty sweet. So we'll see.

Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11.
*Writing* Still hovering in the mid-160's.

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* Almost done with Breaking Dawn. I'll finish it today. I'm thinking I'm spending too much time reading, now.

(1) *Thumbsup* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Goal met.
(2) *Thumbsup* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Not yet. Maybe I'll have time today.

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 169.0, not sure what that's about.
Yesterday's points: 40
May 14, 2011 at 7:21am
May 14, 2011 at 7:21am
Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11.
*Writing* Ask me again in June. *Pthb* Ooh! Ooh! But I've been doing some research on billboards. I know you're dying of curiosity. My initial quote was $700/month with free installation for a six-month commitment. Yeah, so, I have my marketing guy (LOVE him!!) doing some research to see if that's competitive. He doesn't think it is. They never are on the first go-around.

I know what you're thinking, and you're right. Advertising is crazy stupid expensive. You should see what a quarter-page ad in those freebie newspapers they toss in your driveway and those pennysaver circulars in your mailbox cost.

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* Seriously, I read for like five straight hours yesterday. It's all I did all day, besides put the dishes away and wash two loads of laundry. It was almost too much reading, because I felt like I'd wasted the day, except that the book is so damn good. I've mentioned pacing, but you know what else I like about Meyer's style? She is clearly a good planner. *Thumbsup* You know how I feel about planning. SPOILER ALERT: Even though it's no longer possible, I'm still Team Jacob. At this point, I'd rather be Nessie than Bella.

(1) *Thumbsup* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Goal met.
(2) *Thumbsup* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Yeppers. I spent some time capturing inspiration, and I'm starting to get better at it again. Alas, meanwhile, my guitar skills are slipping. Ce la vie. You can't do everything.

More analysis about the Taylor Swift songs: They capture moments in time rather than generic ongoing emotions. Character, plot, setting. Action language. Show, don't tell. It's making me curious. I'd like to analyze a whole bunch of other songwriters for similar trends.

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 165.0
Yesterday's points: 34.5 - Not great, but still in control.
May 13, 2011 at 11:05am
May 13, 2011 at 11:05am
Woo-hoo!! Another day off. I've read for at least two hours today, and it's only 11am. I have so many things I want to do with my free time today... we shall see which I decide to hit. No plans. That wouldn't be a day off.

Although, it would be nice if the sun would peek out.

Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11.
*Writing* Gah. Up. Down. Up. Down. C'mon, May!!! Be done with, already.

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* You know what I like about Meyer's pacing? She moves right into the nitty gritty stuff, the parts that I hem and haw over as an author because I'm not sure how to write it, or how it will even go (yes, I just used two cliches in the same sentence.) I find myself spending more time than necessary on certain segments of plot, just because I'm avoiding writing the next part... the hard part. My poor characters suffer because of my hesitation.

(1) *Thumbsup* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Goal met.
(2) *Thumbsup* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Goal met again. *Check*

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 165.2... 5 down, 20 to go!
Yesterday's points: 25
May 12, 2011 at 8:17am
May 12, 2011 at 8:17am
Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11.
*Writing* I'm getting dizzy with the enrollments and withdrawals. The worst part is, it's a lot of work, but we're not really growing. *Pthb* C'mon, June!!! April and May are killing me.

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* I didn't read last night. I was working on family stuff.

(1) *Thumbsup* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Yep! I compared Taylor Swift to Ally McBeal. And then I polished up the actual blog site and added a picture.
(2) *Thumbsup* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Analysis, which led to blogging. Yippee! And that led to journaling song ideas. I hate to get too excited, but I may be on a roll.

Count points:
Morning weigh-in:
Yesterday's points: 30
May 11, 2011 at 9:59am
May 11, 2011 at 9:59am
Strange. I've found myself with a ton of free time this week. It's sort of nice. I won't get used to it... next weekend we have recitals, and the weekend after that, my parents are visiting. Plus, I'm really supposed to be blogging at MT.com   today.

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* Rolling, rolling. Should have no problem finishing Breaking Dawn by week's end. And I'm still Team Jacob.

(1) *Thumbsup* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Pending.
(2) *Thumbsdown* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Not deliberately, but I've found myself analyzing songs I hear and even taking notes. Hmm... maybe the Titanic is turning.

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 165.4
Yesterday's points: 26
May 10, 2011 at 8:20am
May 10, 2011 at 8:20am
A good friend of mine helps me with marketing now and then. He's smart, a good salesman, has a good business sense, and has a decent chunk of money set aside. He's also currently unemployed. So it crossed my mind to wonder why he doesn't start up his own business. I think the answer is that he doesn't have a product to sell, at least not one that he's passionate about. We (and by "we," I mean all 19 MTMS employees) are passionate about our product.

Are you keeping a running list? You, too, can start your own successful business if you have the right ingredients: Passion, business sense, leadership, planning skills, organization, and, of course, capital. What's your passion? What business would you open if you had all the right ingredients?

Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11:
We've been talking eventual expansion. Chris and I drove around a potential town for about an hour yesterday. We did not find our future retail home, but we did at least find neighborhoods that look promising.

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* She's writing out of a different head now. That's new.

(1) *Thumbsup* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Pending
(2) *Thumbsdown* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: No, no, no. And I have no excuse, because I had time. I'm starting to wonder if I -gasp- want to write.

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 165.2
Yesterday's points: 29
May 9, 2011 at 1:50pm
May 9, 2011 at 1:50pm
Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11:
167. We're still exceeding our goals, but I hate our goals. *Pthb* They're too realistic. We're increasing by 10 students per month, and that seems sooooo slow.

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* Hot and heavy into Breaking Dawn. Heh.

(1) *Thumbsup* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Pending
(2) *Thumbsdown* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Nope... I think I'm out of practice.

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 166.6
Yesterday's points: 33
May 8, 2011 at 9:07am
May 8, 2011 at 9:07am
Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11:
Two new enrollments yesterday, plus a gravy class enrollment (love those.)

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* I set Eldest aside when a copy of Breaking Dawn showed up at praise band practice last night. My friend saw my Facebook post about finishing Eclipse and sent the next book

with her son, my lead guitarist. W00t! I have the bestest friends in the whole entire wide gynormous world.

(1) *Thumbsup* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Goal met.
(2) *Thumbsdown* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Nada.

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 167.0
Yesterday's points: 37
May 7, 2011 at 7:57am
May 7, 2011 at 7:57am
In college, by coincidence, I studied Italian and Dante Alighieri at the same time. Some of you know that my cat is named Dante, which is a tribute to the great poet. I thought it would be way cool to read La Divina Commedia (not just Inferno; only the entire trilogy would do) in Italian. Those of you following my goals over the last several months or years may have noticed that one glaringly absent from my list. I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong. I did not, in fact, complete the goal years ago. Rather, I no longer give a poop about reading Dante in Italian. Someone took the time to translate it into English for me, and I have other things to do with my time than fight a language I barely know... like sing and play guitar, which, it turns out, impresses people much more than my multi-lingual abilities (and sometimes earns me an income.)

Goals are dynamic, people.

Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11:

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* I started reading Eldest, but I wonder where my copy of Eragon is, because I would like to re-read it first.

(1) *Thumbsup* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Goal met.
(2) *Thumbsdown* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Um...

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 165.4
Yesterday's points: 43
May 6, 2011 at 2:56pm
May 6, 2011 at 2:56pm

School Levy Debate  

Seriously. Support your schools.
May 6, 2011 at 10:08am
May 6, 2011 at 10:08am
At Abbott, I used to bring home truckloads of money and spent at least half of my time writing. Now, I bring home next to nothing and don't have time to write at all. It seems backwards until you consider I picked up a time-consuming hobby (specifically, small business ownership.) And even with the apparently negative consequences of my decision, I was happier with my new life until I lost Potbelly.

Here's what I decided about gigging: If I worked hard, I am sure I could land a gig (or several.) I could offer a freebie the first time to hook potential clients, record and distribute CDs, polish my website and YouTube channel. But how hard do I want to work for it? I feel so tired lately, and I think the hiatus has been good for my stress. I'm tired because I'm not running on adrenaline. But if I don't gig, I won't practice... which is why I need to lose weight to gain the energy to work hard to find the gig to practice and keep up my skills, not to mention to supplement my income, visibility, branding, and ego.

I'd like to buy a preposition.

Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11:
Friday is my new day off. I could spend the day in jammies if I wanted. At least until I land a gig.

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* I just finished Eclipse. *Thumbsup* I may check out Seisa-sleepingcatbooks.com 's suggestion (for Kindle... I've been so spoiled by it that I forgot what a pain it is to hold a book open in bed to the right page and at the right angle.) But I do have a queue ahead of it, including more print-and-paper books that I actually invested money it at some point.

On a related note, I could walk from my house to the local public library, and it's crossed my mind that I might enjoy doing that regularly if my schedule ever lightened.

(1) *Thumbsup* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Goal met.
(2) *Thumbsdown* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: I did a little journaling. I'm trying to tackle this one with baby steps... and, yes, Storm Machine , I mean actual baby steps, where you take two steps fall on your face, and then... here's the important part... get right back up and try again. My writing baby steps have involved devising a daily schedule and promptly failing to comply with it; creating lists of ideas without actually writing anything; going through my port with revision intentions, and instead spending hours rearranging and deleting items; and journaling the reasons why I'm not writing. See how systematically I fail at writing? It makes it more of a success, if you think about it.

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 166.0
Yesterday's points: 33
(4) Granola bars
(3) Fiber English muffin with apple butter
(2) Fiber oatmeal
(2) Peanut butter pretzels
(5?) Tortilla chips
(3?) More tortilla chips
(2) Guacamole salad
(4) Beef taco
(8?) Margarita
May 5, 2011 at 12:14pm
May 5, 2011 at 12:14pm
Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11:
I'm a bit bleh (I'm coining adjectives. Sue me after you admit you understood what I meant.) about this today. I spent the last two days moving out of my "office" (originally a lesson room on the floor plan) to open up space for students. Kind of a if-you-build-it-they-will-come philosophy, I suppose.

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* Still rolling. Edward just proposed. Like, formally (big surprise.) I have been enjoying the book a lot, but some things about S.M.'s writing have caught my attention. First, her (or her editor's) comma usage is atrocious. Second, her "newspaper article" read more like just more narrative than an actual newspaper article. Third, her suspense isn't working on me. I've predicted just about every surprise "revelation" so far, and I'm not one of those readers who always figures out what's coming. Still, I'm reading it noticeably faster than I read Jules Verne, and that has to be a good thing. Her pacing is flawless, and her characterizations invoke empathy (although, the whole Bella-and-Edward love story is a bit too fairy-tale unrealistic for my taste... even though I'm well aware how that shit sells.)

(1) *Thumbsup* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Yes, and I SEO-optimized (excuse the redundancy) my last several posts, too. Go, me.
(2) *Thumbsdown* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Bleh.

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: ?
Yesterday's points: 30-ish
May 4, 2011 at 7:59am
May 4, 2011 at 7:59am
I am a smidge on the depressed side this week. I miss my regular gig, and I just dropped the price of my house. Again. After nearly two years on the market, I have dropped the price a total of $30,000.

Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11:
Still quivering around 165. We gained one and lost two yesterday - two of my very first students, whose mom is a friend of mine. She travels from across Columbus to bring her kids, so I understand the problem. Travel is getting expensive. Still, bummer. They're bright and talented kids.

On the plus side, I've seen an uptick in the number of questions about our summer camps. I don't think all our existing students are aware, so clearly, our advertising is not obvious enough. I have a marketing person working on that.

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* About halfway through Eclipse.

(1) *Pencil* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Bleh.
(2) *Thumbsdown* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Bleh.

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 164.4.
Yesterday's points: 30+
I can't seem to stay out of the Easter candy, and yesterday, I had a craving for salt that led me to two different bags of chips in the faculty lounge. *Pthb*
May 3, 2011 at 12:22pm
May 3, 2011 at 12:22pm
My, how my goals change over time. I need a new goal: land a (or several) new recurring gig(s).

Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11:
Mid-160's. We're just happy we left the 150's behind. *Smile*

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* Moving right along in Eclipse... almost to the halfway mark.

(1) *Pencil* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: No.
(2) *Thumbsdown* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: No.

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 165.8
Yesterday's points: 28.5
May 2, 2011 at 7:17am
May 2, 2011 at 7:17am
Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11:
We discussed retention in our strategy meeting. We need goals around bringing people back and / or encouraging them to stay when they get busy.

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* On track. I'm flying through Eclipse.

(1) *Pencil* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Not so much.
(2) *Thumbsdown* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Not yet, but this goal always prompts me to work on port clean-out, which is a big task. Eventually, it may result in revisions or new original works. Or not. *shrug*

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 167.2
Yesterday's points: 25
(1) Coffee
(4) Granola bar

These goals are stupid, because I never touch them:

Compile book inventory:
*Pencil* No activity. I feel like this would have been okay if we had started correctly with it, but now it's such a mess that we'll have

a major clean-up effort on our hands getting it usable.

Pick scheduling database by 7/31/11:
*Pencil* No activity. We just keep expanding the capability of our spreadsheet-based database.
May 1, 2011 at 12:30pm
May 1, 2011 at 12:30pm
Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11:
Not since yesterday. But, then, we're closed on Sundays.

Compile book inventory:
*Pencil* No activity.

Pick scheduling database by 7/31/11:
*Pencil* No activity.

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* I started reading Eclipse last night and have gotten through the first hundred pages. A much quicker read than Jane Austen. I do plan to go back and read Sense and Sensibility in the near future, but probably after A Tale of Two Cities (see below.)

(1) *Pencil* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Not so much.
(2) *Thumbsdown* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Instead, I did 30 minutes of analysis. Check out this list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_books (leave it to Wiki.) Not only is A Tale of Two Cities at the top of the list, but it beats out its second place competitor, The Lord of the Rings, by a 33% margin. I had no idea it was the best of the best, and I'm ashamed to admit I've never read it. It's next on my list, after Eclipse.

Now, here is a list of the top 100 SONGS of all time: http://www.squidoo.com/100songs

With the exception of Johnny B. Goode, didn't see a driving or fast-paced dancing rhythm among the top 10. Even in the top 10, there are only 3 or 4. The majority of them are either ballads or groove rhythms. That's interesting, and good news for me, since the latter are more my style.

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 168.2
Yesterday's points: 28
April 30, 2011 at 7:27am
April 30, 2011 at 7:27am
Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11:
164 and climbing again. We're only 11 away from hiring our first receptionist. Woo-hoo! On a related note, I really, really need to review my tax returns this weekend and get those sent out. I'm getting a refund that would make most normal people drool. Yes, I filed an extension, but I sure would like the cash.

Compile book inventory:
*Pencil* No activity.

Pick scheduling database by 7/31/11:
*Pencil* No activity.

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* I didn't even try. Although, I do have hard copies of "Eclipse" and "Eldest" that I have been wanting to read for awhile. I'm a bit spoiled by my Kindle.

(1) *Thumbsdown* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Nope.
(2) *Thumbsdown* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: See below.

Right now, I am inspired to create a business, not a song or work of fiction. I surprise myself with my lack of creative motivation in the arts, but it is what it is. When a thing you created becomes larger than life, higher than the moon, or more viral than any cliche, it captures your attention. Whether your inspiration was divine, or triggered by some scientifically analyzable firing of the synapses, or strictly born of external influences, one thing is certain: if we remain true to the inspirations which most motivate us, we will always be successful.

Someday soon, I hope that inspiration will lead me back to writing. It may start with an analysis of my own. Why do I want to write something anyway? What do I hope to gain? What can I market, and why? What will earn me the attention, income, and inbound links that would support my career?

Does anyone besides me prefer to journal the old-fashioned way, with pen and paper?

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 167.8
Yesterday's points: 28
(3) Coffee
(4) 1.5 cup cereal w/half cup milk
(9.5) First Watch "Lean Machine" breakfast and half an order of bacon
(2) Easter candy
(9) Pizza (I'm estimating about 3 points per strip, but it's hard to tell since they rarely cut them in slices anymore!)
April 29, 2011 at 2:20pm
April 29, 2011 at 2:20pm
Except for a three-hour strategy meeting over breakfast and email and web research from home, I decided to take the day off. *Smile*

Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11:
We discussed this over breakfast today. We have some ideas to keep up the momentum. Based on my projections, it will be close. Maybe more like 290.

Compile book inventory:
*Pencil* No activity.

Pick scheduling database by 7/31/11:
*Pencil* No activity.

Reading: One book per week.
*Writing* I've tried three times to start "Sense and Sensibility" and haven't gotten past the third page yet.

(1) *Pencil* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Pending. I should talk about Potbelly and gigging in general, but it's a bit of a depressing topic at the moment. I just can't get into it.
(2) *Thumbsdown* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Um... I'll do that now. Maybe after a nap.

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 167.0
Yesterday's points: 25
April 28, 2011 at 6:42am
April 28, 2011 at 6:42am
Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11:
We happily cleared 160, but did realize that we actually cleared 160 about a month ago. We've been processing all the enrollments as we received them, including those for May and June, showing an artificially low number of April students.The overall number is still helpful, because it reflects our sustainable business, and we make business decisions (such as when to hire a receptionist) based on that number.

Compile book inventory:
*Pencil* No activity.

Pick scheduling database by 7/31/11:
*Pencil* No activity.

Reading: One book per week.

(1) *Thumbsdown* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Pending.
(2) *Check* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Not quite 30 minutes, but it was a start. I devised a plan - write a daily hook and mind map - and implemented it. I didn't do anything with the mind map, which is the next step. I'm thinking of imposing a daily plan that includes hook, mind map, write. It might be songwriting or flash fiction. At least I'll get back into the habit. I also have reviews and revisions on my list, but I'm not sure where to fit that in yet. As it is, I did the hook and mind map last night before bed, and I was tired, so I didn't have a lot of creativity. My writing time needs to be in the morning.

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 169.2
Yesterday's points: 33
(3) Coffee
(2) Banana
(3) Two slices swiss cheese
(6) Two bowls Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana
(3) one breadstick
(1) Two Andes mints
(1) Mini KitKit
(4) Bread with butter
(2) Broccoli
(2) Salad
(6) Half a 7-oz steak
April 27, 2011 at 10:53am
April 27, 2011 at 10:53am
Reach 300 students at MTMS   by 12/31/11:
We finally cleared 160, whew. Still more work to do on the business plan to see what funding we have for renovation phases and when, and I'm trying to start planning (yes, that was very non-committal) a scholarship program. I tried to contact the superintendent of the local schools, but was told by his secretary that he's too busy for phone calls. She gave me his email address. I hope I hear back from him, because I could really use his help.

Compile book inventory:
*Pencil* No activity.

Pick scheduling database by 7/31/11:
*Pencil* No activity.

Reading: One book per week.

(1) *Thumbsdown* Blog at WDC daily: Two words: Holy Week.
(2) *Pencil* Blog at MT.com   by the end of Wednesday: Pending.
(3) *Thumbsdown* 30 minutes of daily freestyle writing: Nope.

Count points:
Morning weigh-in: 168.8
Yesterday's points: 23

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