Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/katydmk
February 6 1997
About Me
I love all games. I'm very fast at card games, and I love board games, I love every sport I've ever played except baseball. I like to watch sports, but I hate watching movies because I want to move around, but if I start watching a movie then I can't stop. I love to think and debate, I do it all the time with myself. I love to eat and sleep and read and write. I never hate anything but certain foods all of the time.
Type of Writer
I'm a little sporadic, but I can usually write a good chunk of something if I stare at the paper long enough.
Writing Style
I try to change my style up. Sometimes I try writing the character's tone, but if there's more than 1 main character...
Tennis and ultimate frisbee are my great loves. Ping pong and pool are very fun, I'm addicted to video games, Skyrim is my current favorite x-box, but I love L4D2. I love sudoku and puzzles, stuff that makes you think. Sitting around is good too.
My Blog
Favorite Genres
Fantasy, Science Fiction, Fiction, Action/Adventure, Comedy, Romance
Favorite Books
Eon, Eona, Inheritance, Rick Riordan Book Series, Artemis Fowl Book Series, Five Woman that Changed History Series, The True Confessions of Charolette Doyle, Harry Potter (of course), Leven Thumps Series
Favorite Authors
Rick Riordan, Eon Colfer (honestly I don't usually look at the authors...)
Favorite Quote
A wise man once said, "The trick to living is to not be dead."
Favorite Music
Anything I know the words to.
Favorite Movies
The Rundown, Facing the Giants, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Star Wars (both), Indiana Jones, Inception, The Mummy (1 and 2 only please), Megamind, Robots, Tangled
Favorite Shows
Eureka, Alphas, Elementary, Sue FB eye, Phsyc, Wharehouse 13, NCIS
    Item Cover
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    Rated: E · War · #2128620
    A closer look at the real losers in the war between Palestine and Israel.
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    Rated: E · Opinion · #2128612
    A short essay on what "makes a criminal."
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    Rated: E · Friendship · #1978942
    A little sister innocently teasing, or maybe it's deeper after all?
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    Rated: E · Religious · #1929058
    A simple peom about a walk through Christianity.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/katydmk