Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/trebor
May 12 1945
About Me
Raised in Military Family, Attended Military College, Served in Army for 27 Years, Retired to Family Farm, Married 44 years to same woman
Type of Writer
Most recent novel is Habit of Despair, available on Amazon and Barnes and Nobel
Writing Style
Use dialog extensively to get characters to tell story...use that to create outlines, then do scenes and add exposition.
Facilitator for Exploratory Writing Workshop at New Horizon's Academy. Works on old cars and trucks and builds RC model airplanes.
Favorite Genres
Action Adventure, Romance, Erotica/Romantica
Favorite Books
Captain Blood, Scaramouche, The Three Musketeers, The Scarlet Pimpernel, The Greek Way, Echo's of the Past, Lord of the Rings (Hobbit)
Favorite Authors
Plato, Alexander Dumas, Baroness Orczy, Raphel Sabitini, J R Tolkein, Edith Hamilton, Robert A Heinlein, Janet Evanovich, Ann Bishop
Favorite Poets
Rudyard Kipling, Shel Silverstein, Dr Seuss
Favorite Quote
It's consoling when "...those who trespass against us." appear in the obituaries.
Favorite Music
Country and Western, Ballads, Folk Music
Favorite Movies
Ben Hur, Avitar, Raiders of the Lost Arc, (Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse), Pirates of the Caribbean
Musings on the night I met my wife
Rated: 18+
~611 Words
Erotica, Emotional, Relationship
Type: Assignment
Updated 9 years ago
Transition from reality to the Sublime
Rated: 13+
~427 Words
Romance/Love, Adult, Erotica
Type: Poetry
Updated 14 years ago
A poem about rejection and growing up
Rated: 13+
~214 Words
*Dollar* 75 GPs per review
Biographical, Nonsense, Romance/Love
Type: Poetry
Updated 12 years ago
This is an entry for an erotica contest
Rated: GC
~2,885 Words
*Dollar* 375 GPs per review
Erotica, Contest, Experience
Type: Other
Updated 15 years ago
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/biography/trebor