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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1216945
For meandering thoughts, and mindful walks...
The White Board

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For meandering thoughts, and mindful walks...for rants and pouts, and blowing off steam. For happy days and sad days, for crazy adventures and delightful victories! :)
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May 1, 2021 at 8:15am
May 1, 2021 at 8:15am
Been five years since I updated my blog. Wow. I've totally missed out on writing about - hmmm - three great-grandchildren, hitting a dozen years of being married (to still the greatest hubby ever), at least one book, a nasty little bug called covid and one of my favorite books ever being taken out of publication. So what brought me here today then?

I was feeling strange because I wasn't writing a poem. I did NaPoWriMo and instead of 30 poems, I wrote almost 60. That is in addition to several short stories. Altogether, I've written more this year than I have in the last three! And you know what? God, but it feels SO good to be writing again.I'm on a roll and I do not intend to stop!

December 12, 2015 at 9:25am
December 12, 2015 at 9:25am
7 years ago today, I finally married Ken Moyer. (Our wedding cake from the kids said, "It's about time!") We first met, went out, back in '87. Timing was NOT good for either of us and, although still excellent friends, went our separate ways. Fast forward some 18 years. I was back in Michigan for an extended visit. We connected by phone after a bit. 3 hour phone call later, he said to come on over to his house...the rest is history.

Funny, the things you learn in life. First time round, would we have 'made it?' I honestly do not know. There was a lot I'd learned in those years in between that I hadn't in the beginning. One of which was an appreciation for little things. Doesn't sound like much, but it is HUGE! Communication is key! Ask me about 'lasagna moments' sometime. Short of it is that we try very hard NOT to have 'drama on Rose Street'. We don't fight, rarely raise our voices (except in laughter or song) and have each other's backs. Always.

We've been together now, way longer than that first time 'round. Long enough that 'before' feels like ancient history. But, it was the root of what we have now. And the now is a full-blown tree. It's made of roots, a staunch trunk and gazillions of branches, twigs and 'sticks.' (Another 'us' thing, that. The 'sticks.' It says 'stick' inside my wedding band.) We do. We are: firmly stuck in the very best sense of the word. And we will stay 'stuck' because we work at it.

Ken's one of those 'truly GOOD guys.' The kind that if he was a character in a book, he would be kind of unbelievable because no one is 'that' good. Except he is! He'll help out darned near anyone, give the shirt and boots off his feet in a raging blizzard to help out a friend, and doesn't think he's anything special. "I'm just me," he says humbly, and even after 63 years of his being that way, still doesn't get it that he's the exception, not the rule, people-wise. He's wise, kind, loving, talented, honest, giving, and the best hubby ever! I am so blessed!!!! He's made me a better person. (He'd probably disagree with that, but this is my posting so, since it is true, I'm saying it!) *smile*

Our life is not perfect. We muddle through many a week. We get side-tracked. We lose things. We screw up. BUT! We never, ever, go to sleep at the end of our day with out a kiss goodnight, giggles and an 'I love you.' We laugh. A lot. More, we make each other laugh. We have fun with puns and rarely a day goes by that one or the other of us doesn't unleash a good one...the kind that are 'pillow-thwap' worthy. And then we laugh some more. Humor is a major ingredient in the sap, the glue that holds our tree, the us, the we, firmly together. 99% of the time, we are on the same page. When we aren't, we chalk it up to being in different boxes. Or Mars/Venus. Or the other one's crazy. We get over it, and go back to the giggles. We don't 'click' the anger button. Life is way too flipping short for that nonsense. We 'get' each other.

He cooks amazing breakfasts. I do killer stew. And roasts. And lasagna too, for that matter, but we will not go there! smile emoticon I am clever with words, he is clever with wood...or patios or any project he sets his mind to. He takes time to mull things over. I come to conclusions very quickly. Amazingly, we usually get to the same place. Or, agree on the way-station compromise. Short of our getting a cat, there's next to nothing he wouldn't do for me, get me (within reason, of course) or do for me to make me happy. Same goes in his direction. (Which is why I've never brought a cat home! Because I know he'd give in, cuz he loves me.) I don't have 'honey-do' list additions in the fall. That's his time of year. Hunting time. When I'm writing, he no longer interrupts me except to (quietly) bring me coffee. We read each other well.

We do 'silly' a lot. We get joy out of our crazy routines and sayings - as well as each other. I've been in the same place, with the same person for 10 years. I've done that ...like...ah...never! But with him, I have. People are finally writing my address and phone number in ink! (I can think of several folks giggling at that...and you know who you are!)

I've had a couple 'grand and glorious' loves in my life. The flash, and fire and you 'know' it won't/can't/shouldn't last kind that are marvelous while they last. This kind of love is so different. It is deeper, more consuming, more complete. The trust levels are utter. Niggling fears of , well, all those little things that creep out of the darkness to scare you, don't exist. He makes me feel totally safe. (For me, this is immense.) We appreciate each other. We don't take each other for granted. He makes my heart smile.
Best part about being married to my hubby is that, after many, many years...I am home. We did that. He did that. But then, he is...home.
April 25, 2015 at 9:37pm
April 25, 2015 at 9:37pm
So, been a while since I've added to this! Jukai's been published and is doing well. The news is that today I finished the follow up book, "From a Gathering of Glass." I am soooo excited! Of course, even though I habitually edit as I write, now comes the revision phase and then off to one of my editors. Can't wait until I 'see' the cover although I can 'see' it in my head.
May 8, 2014 at 10:46pm
May 8, 2014 at 10:46pm
Wow...hard to believe I am going to be 60 years old on May 9th. Wasn't it just yesterday that I was a kid and my grandmother turned 60? And she was OLD! (That was 1960 and I was 6!) I don't feel 60, whatever 60 is supposed to feel like. But then, some days, I look in the mirror and see my mother looking back at me. Just one of those flashes, for an instant. I have a married granddaughter...one of 11 grandkids. I don't know...sometimes it just feels creepy!!! I refuse to be 'old.' I'm gonna be Peter Pan and never grow up! Then I hear the song in the back of my mind..."You ain't as young as you once was...man, that's the cold, hard truth." Sigh.

Tomorrow I will do something totally goofy. Don't know what, just yet...but something! Something just for me! Happy Birthday, Me! :)
October 15, 2013 at 9:22am
October 15, 2013 at 9:22am
Been a while since i wrote anything in here...guess it just goes to show that I've been really busy! One of the side effects of owning your own business, and a small press at that, is I've been so busy being a publisher which means lots of reading, editing, headaches, joy and craziness...is very little time to write for me. But I am a little over halfway through my novel and last night I can honestly say that I wrote one of my best chapters EVER! What a feeling!!! Got to love it when something that wasn't even planned just all comes together perfectly. My character grabbed my fingers and away we went. SUPER cool feeling!

I've written 4 chapter books for kids and lots of short stories and tons of poetry, but this is my first novel that I've stuck with and will finish. Usually about a third of the way through, I get side-tracked or (gasp!!!) bored with it...not this time. It won't let go, It went from simmer to boil and it is pouring out. Sleep is so over-rated! LOL. I'm really proud of myself for doing this, for finding time when there isn't any and for just the sheer pleasure of writing. That, and if I go too long without writing, I go a little nutzoid! Gotta, gotta, GOTTA write.


Graphic i can use as winner of the Construct Cup designed by Kiasama!

designed by kiyasama

September 23, 2011 at 6:52am
September 23, 2011 at 6:52am
This is the cover for my book, Alyndoria, which will be coming out in October!

Cover of my book Alyndoria
May 21, 2011 at 7:47am
May 21, 2011 at 7:47am
Some say that today the world as we know it will end. What is on our schedule today? Hubby is playing golf with his best friend. They will compete, haggle, spar, tease, and coach each other on, share a beer at the 19th hole and have a blast. I am going to the college graduation of a dear friend, Kayla Sullivan who, despite the odds, has accomplished something very important to her. I will talk to most of my kids, do some writing and probably some laundry. Tonight, Hubby and I will cook out on the grill, he'll play horseshoes and friends will drop by. We will laugh, enjoy our incredibly close neighbors on our little dead-end street, and go to sleep tonight wrapped in love.

A normal. happy day full of us being us. If, indeed, tis the 'day of days' what better way to spend it than this?
March 16, 2011 at 10:33pm
March 16, 2011 at 10:33pm
In the midst of earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan, my world here, in my own little nook has been thoroughly rocked. On Sunday, I lost a mentor, a friend, a second mom and the woman I have looked up to for over 40 years. Just before Christmas, she was moved into a Hospice House. At Christmas, she sent me a pair of gold earrings with a diamond chip in them. (Never ostentatious, this woman epitomized classic elegance, style and class.) I've been wearing them ever since. I wrote something back by email that I will share, in part, here. Still trying to write that poem, but I can't. Yet.....

The poet in me wanted to write you a poem, but the thoughts
flowed too fast, and not poetically. I tried, but then decided to just write.

We've known each other for forty years
and in that time you've been a treasured friend, more, a second mom.
I don't pass a flower garden or see roses blooming without thinking of you. The same for whenever
I smell Giorgio perfume or taste maple syrup! Or buy Girl Scout cookies!
Or polish brass. Then again, sometimes I polish the silver just because, I feel
closer to you!

I like to think I've passed on to my kids and grands a bit of the work ethic you instilled,
I know I've succeeded with Cara at least! You've always listened to me and
given me grand advice. Although, some times, I know I haven't quite lived lived up
to your expectations of me, I have always tried because, just as with my mom, I never,
ever wanted to disappoint you.

I love you so deeply, but I know you already know this.

I will treasure the earrings forever. Cara will too when they go to her some day
in the future. Thank you for them and for being my friend.
I want, so badly, to give you a hug right now. Please know I am reaching
out in my heart and giving you the grandest hug ever......

She passed quietly, surrounded by love and family....I am missing her, but I can 'hear' her saying 'get on with stuff....' One very special lady who has and will continue to enrich my life. She is one of those raindrops, tinted golden with light and joy. Raindrops, teardrops....I am awash in both.

my friend, mentor and second mom.....

March 16, 2011 at 10:33pm
March 16, 2011 at 10:33pm
In the midst of earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan, my world here, in my own little nook has been thoroughly rocked. On Sunday, I lost a mentor, a friend, a second mom and the woman I have looked up to for over 40 years. Just before Christmas, she was moved into a Hospice House. At Christmas, she sent me a pair of gold earrings with a diamond chip in them. (Never ostentatious, this woman epitomized classic elegance, style and class.) I've been wearing them ever since. I wrote something back by email that I will share, in part, here. Still trying to write that poem, but I can't. Yet.....

The poet in me wanted to write you a poem, but the thoughts
flowed too fast, and not poetically. I tried, but then decided to just write.

We've known each other for forty years
and in that time you've been a treasured friend, more, a second mom.
I don't pass a flower garden or see roses blooming without thinking of you. The same for whenever
I smell Giorgio perfume or taste maple syrup! Or buy Girl Scout cookies!
Or polish brass. Then again, sometimes I polish the silver just because, I feel
closer to you!

I like to think I've passed on to my kids and grands a bit of the work ethic you instilled,
I know I've succeeded with Cara at least! You've always listened to me and
given me grand advice. Although, some times, I know I haven't quite lived lived up
to your expectations of me, I have always tried because, just as with my mom, I never,
ever wanted to disappoint you.

I love you so deeply, but I know you already know this.

I will treasure the earrings forever. Cara will too when they go to her some day
in the future. Thank you for them and for being my friend.
I want, so badly, to give you a hug right now. Please know I am reaching
out in my heart and giving you the grandest hug ever......

She passed quietly, surrounded by love and family....I am missing her, but I can 'hear' her saying 'get on with stuff....' One very special lady who has and will continue to enrich my life.

my friend, mentor and second mom.....

March 8, 2011 at 7:33pm
March 8, 2011 at 7:33pm
So we missed the space station, but we were able to see the Space Shuttle Discovery for a moment or three. Kind of a cool feeling...last time to see it fly...end of an era approaching. A shame, really.
February 7, 2011 at 3:43pm
February 7, 2011 at 3:43pm
During a rare visit from the geandkids, they were down in the basement, 'exploring.' A couple of hours later, the youngest came up for a drink and I asked her what they were doing down there.

"We're in the museum, Grand."

"Museum?" I asked.

"Yes, the one with the old trunks and, you know, museum stuff."

No. I really didn't know. Downstairs we went and thus i was transported to the dark ages of 'oldness.'

"What's that? asked Nathan, pointing at a 45 record player.

"And these?" asks Audry holding a stack of 45s. "Old Frisbees?"

"Let's find a plug and I'll show you."

"It doesn't work on batteries? I couldn't find a usb cord," offered Max.

I showed them what all the kids in the fifties and sixties played their music on. Suffice to say they were unimpressed.

"The music is terrible!"

I didn't ask if they were thinking the music itself or the semi-scratchy old Davy Jones 45.


They saw (and knew not to touch unless an adult was there) Grampa's 1966 Ludwigs drum set. "See, grand? That's really old!"

"It is from 1966."

"That's OLD!"

"Look at the old-fashioned rocking horse, Aud!" says Max.

"Wow! It doesn't even look like a horse, much!"

"Ken's great-grandfather carved that," I say, "Look, here's the date -1823."

"I told ya, Grand. You have a museum in the basement!"
May 24, 2010 at 8:15am
May 24, 2010 at 8:15am
Finally I have a job! The 'enforced' break was fine for a while, but it was getting old. But I have a job!!! Yay! AND, I'm working for a small press publisher. Life is good!
August 26, 2009 at 10:11pm
August 26, 2009 at 10:11pm
Just got back from having dinner in Ann Arbor with tadpole1 who was over in the states from France dropping her son off at college. We had dinner and oh! we laughed and swapped tales and just had a marvelous time. She is such a super lady and I immediately felt as if I had known her forever just forgot a lot along the way! Wonderful time with her, her friend and two of her children. I so wish we had more time to spend together!
August 20, 2009 at 5:22pm
August 20, 2009 at 5:22pm
Ken's sister and I surprised Ken when he returned from up north. He thought we were painting the living room in greens to match the old green couches and to clash with (NOTHING would match it anyway) dead-pumpkin orange rug. We did the whole HGTV reveal as he had no clue about color, different furniture, the new tv etc!

Check out the video!

July 14, 2009 at 7:47pm
July 14, 2009 at 7:47pm
July 13, 2009 at 12:28pm
July 13, 2009 at 12:28pm
Ken and I are proud to announce the birth of our newest granddaughter, Cali, born at 11:03 this morning, 7lbs, 8 oz. Mom and baby doing fine!
May 21, 2009 at 1:26pm
May 21, 2009 at 1:26pm
We are home!!!!! It is beautifully clean, but boxes are stacked on top of boxes and the cleaners are attacking the rugs. Cleaners are delivering the 'rush' stuff today and tonight we get to sleep in our own bed again! (Gonna seem small as we have a full and the hotel bed was a king! lol) but I can't wait!

Next comes the guys to tear out the drywall and redo the heater vents. Then painting every room, ceiling, molding etc. All new colors..yehaaaaa. We are painting ourselves....ah but the end of the tunnel is in sight.

So many folks have emailed me about their drier fires and how they lost their homes. We, clearly, we were most fortunate. But still, our lives have been turned upside down and inside out. Even our minor fire caused emotional upheaval. So glad it is almost over and we are HOME!

My heart goes out to anyone who has had to go through this or worse. Certainly builds character!!!!
May 11, 2009 at 12:43pm
May 11, 2009 at 12:43pm
looks like we'll have to be out of the house for a week or so...with only sporadic internet access. The fire wasn't bad...but the smoke damage was a huge mess.....is a huge mess....feel like my whole life has turned upside down and inside out. Funny the reactions one has when something like this happens. Over all really isn't bad...we could have lost the house or worse and we didn't...but sitting in a hotel worrying over all the clean up still feels so overwhelming.....i could just cry. But I don't have time...sigh....
May 10, 2009 at 4:32pm
May 10, 2009 at 4:32pm
Won't be at the house for a few days at least...fire in the dryer....what a horrendous mess. Whole house full of toxic, greasy smoke. YUCK. House cleaners, special LOUD fans, Out ta here....sigh

May 9, 2009 at 10:53am
May 9, 2009 at 10:53am

5:37 pm
I wrote the part below this morning...and it got worse from there...so I decided to take a nap and hopefully wake in a better mood. Well, I was awakened by my daughter's unexpected arrival with a bird of paradise flower and a cool candle oder and a movie. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Yup...much better mood!

!0:30 am
Pity alert....

It's my birthday today...sigh...fifty-five seems to be bothering me. I look in the mirror and wonder what happened to the me I used to see...some stranger is lurking within that mirror...sigh.

Haven't heard from the kids...we are too broke to do anything...I always make sure that there are special things for those around me on their birthdays ....yet all I hear is 'we're too broke to do anything...sorry...' sheeeeze. doesn't anyone plan ahead anymore? Maybe i shouldn't bother....yeah sure....wouldn't be me.


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