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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
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This blog is a doorway into the mind of Percy Goodfellow. Don't be shocked at the lost boys of Namby-Pamby Land and the women they cavort with. Watch as his caricatures blunder about the space between audacious hope and the wake-up calls of tomorrow. Behold their scrawl on the CRT, like graffitti on a subway wall. Examine it through your own lens...Step up my friends, and separate the pepper from the rat poop. Welcome to my abode...the armpit of yesterday, the blinking of an eye and a plank to the edge of Eternity.

Note: This blog is my journal. I've no interest in persuading anyone to adopt my views. What I write is whatever happens to interest me when I start pounding the keys.

May 25, 2020 at 5:38pm
May 25, 2020 at 5:38pm
When I first started writing it was poetry. I really liked Rudyard Kipling. My favorite was Gunga Din.

As my writing began to mature I got into writing Stage Plays. Shakespeare was my guide. I really liked iambic pentameter.

Then my interest shifted to writing novels. I carried over experience in poetry and the stage. Sound resonance remained a part of my writing style. The words obviously needed to show and tell, but they also needed to resonate... you know, sound right.

Sometimes when I dream there is a common theme, which is the rhythmic, metered, rhyming of a poem. I see myself struggle to integrate the three into a compatible string of language symbols. Now days I realize that most poets like free verse. That's fine with me, and if that form and style gives a poet pleasure then I'm all in on it, as long as it's someone else doing the crafting. When I read free verse it's like listening to "Stream of Conscious" prose. It often makes no sense and leaves me non-pulsed. Nothing seems to stir inside when I read it.

Writing poetry that is structured, rhythmic and rhyming is hard to do. The form requires concentration, and the knack for keeping several balls in the air at the same time. It harkens to a primordial past where chants, percussion instruments and dance once performed for the spirit the way that current media focuses on the eyes and our conscious awareness.

Edith Hamilton said that Pindar was the greatest poet who ever lived but gave strong praise to Kipling. Since I can't read Greek I'm left with my old pal Rudyard. Reading his Barrack Room Ballads, one is struck with the beauty as it comes together with a seeming effortless grace. Unfortunately, Kipling wrote in the language of his times and that language is no longer "Politically Correct." Simply stated he used the "N" word and modern educators are taken aghast. They call him a racist and a bigot... but that is absolute bull.

If you read Gunga Din, you'll see what I'm talking about. Within the context is a Non Commissioned Officer (NCO), doing the poetic rendition, and this guy represents a particularly irreverent and down to earth class of soldiers. The poem is about an NCO, shot in battle and tended by an Indian water-boy, from the lowest of India's casts. In the course of events the water boy is shot and killed. In the end the Sergeant makes the claim that this "low life" Gunga Din is a better man than he is. How can that be viewed as "Racist." Sounds like pretty high praise, considering the source. Yet Kipling has been consigned to the dust bin of history for using the language of his times. You won't find his work in any grammar school textbooks in the United States today. I was blessed being raised in more tolerant and enlightened times and thrilled to reading Kipling, who told stories in a poetic form, that is all but lost to us today. I used to go into my favorite pub and recite his work to a hushed and delighted audience. It remains as powerful now as it was then, if you take a bit of license transposing some of the more shocking words into bloodless liberal prose.

So where is this going? I can only speak for myself. Learning from an early age the difficulty of this form forced me to relate ideas while keeping three balls in the air at the same time. I consider myself a poor practitioner but the discipline of the exercise became a valuable asset. Some of my critics have disparagingly called me a wannabe Dr. Seuss. For me this comparison is high honor. What is interesting is that this form requires a poet to twist and convolute the structure of language in a way that is the anthesis of free thought. Free Verse appears to me as the first gobbledegook that comes into a poet's mind. What happens in structured poetry is that the thought can't escape the poet's mind until it meets the criteria of the form. This leads the poet away from an obvious expression and into dimensions they would otherwise never consider. It is almost like relinquishing control of your mind to the influence of cosmic forces beyond ourselves. You can express yourself using your own lens or allow the flow of an outside influence to help guide your narrative.

May 25, 2020 at 9:18am
May 25, 2020 at 9:18am
I believe that someday, when we are smarter, it will be discovered that certain philosophical ideas will be traced to their cosmic origins, and like the Periodic Table of Elements, be understood as elemental.

TRUTH is one of these. For the Socialists and Communists, and Intelligence Agencies, truth is no more than a perception. They feel that if a notion is repeated enough it becomes truth. Their misinformation and propaganda is founded upon this principle. Much of the Media, sometimes referred to as "Fake News" believes this as well. Those editors, who decide what to print, are much more influenced by economic forces than any concern for the truth. The same can be said for "Scientists." There are media whores and there are science whores.

The CIA has made claims like, "We own the Media" or "You will know the full extent of our success when everything you believe is false." For scientists it is the carrot of grants they find so tantalizing and irresistible. The prospect of fame and fortune, will make them sacrifice their core values in a heartbeat. For the media it's all about money. For the scientists it's all about prestige. Look at all the Wuhan Flu experts who let greed overshadow good judgement. It's a disgraceful but sad fact of life.

So where am I going with this? What is the nexus of truth and cosmic equilibrium? The nexus is that truth and untruth balance out. For every truth there is a lie and for every lie a truth. It's like matter and antimatter, or gravity and antigravity. One must eventually cancel the other out. For one to bloom another must decay. For every step forward there's a step backward. One can see the model playing out around us and influencing our daily life.

Take for example President Trump. He has done some good things for this country but it's been a sheer agony. Arrayed against him is an undercurrent of tidal forces that are pulling back. Progress is made but it's only transient. No doubt there are destructive forces inside the man which would probably destroy him if left alone. Ironically it is the counter force of the Left that keeps him upright and prevents him from toppling over. The President gets to choose the moral high ground for his battlefields and the Democrats are stuck with the up hill fight. For them it's unsustainable and untenable. In a figurative sense they're sustaining horrific casualties. Watch what happens in 2020. The nation should be grateful to the progressives because their negativity makes Republican success possible.

Another great example is the ET coverup. I have to hand it to the three letter intelligence agencies. They have kept the secrets of an alien presence from the public for over three quarters of a century. They must be very proud of themselves. There used to be a child's toy with a plastic box where a clown's head popped up. When you pushed down on the head it popped back up from another trapdoor. Equilibrium is the operative word. But there's another.... TRUTH is elemental. IT CAN NEITHER BE CREATED OR DESTROYED. It is what it is. The form can be distorted, blasted with lies, and hammered with misinformation. It can be made to writhe, flop around and contort. Its appearance can be disguised or made to look like something it isn't, but it's still the TRUTH regardless of the "makeup" it wears.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/trebor/day/5-25-2020