Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mesonali
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
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Discovered these a couple of days ago and am enjoying them so much! *Smile*

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Thank you, Sonali! *Delight*
Hey, wanna wish you early. Not sure if you are celebrating, but...


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Elycia Lee ☮ Chap Goh Mei! Author Icon - thanks! I don't personally celebrate, but I have a lot of Tamil friends!
THANKFUL SONALI Love my family Author Icon - I can never tell the difference between a Tamil and Hindu celebration.
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Elycia Lee ☮ Chap Goh Mei! Author Icon - It's pretty complicated. I guess Indians just like to celebrate and meet people and eat good food! So any excuse will do!
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My 100th Reviewing Badge! *BigSmile*

Merit Badge in Reviewing
[Click For More Info]

Ranked # 26   Public Reviewer  for the month of  January 2025 . For more details, please see  [Link To Item #614925] .

I had no idea such a thing was even possible! lol

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Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author Icon - Jody!! YOU happen to have 168 Snail Mail Badges, which is even more *Shock2*!!!!
THANKFUL SONALI Love my family Author Icon - Yeah, but no reviewing was involved. Hahaha
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*Greetl* Congratulations, winners! *Greetr*

"What A Character - December 2024 WinnersOpen in new Window.
  •   1 comment
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CongratMOOlations!!! *Cow**Balloonp**Balloonv*
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"Note: [Image #2104966] The clock is ticking.... ..."
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Hey, people, do me a favour and post here, will you, pretty please?
I can't post twice back-to-back, so I need someone!! (Pretty please)


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I Write in 2025 Open in new Window. (13+)
25 contest entries & 25 reviews is all it takes to be a winner.
#2329770 by Annette Author IconMail Icon

(Needless to say - keeping all the rules - double pretty please! *Smile* )
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Elycia Lee ☮ Chap Goh Mei! Author Icon - Thanks for caring, anyway! *Smile*
I wish it was that easy! I forgot to post the story I had written in January, and I haven't managed to get another contest entry together.
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They tripped while carrying the wedding cake, and it fell on the bride.

She was in tiers.
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Very clever and funny.
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What gives cows a high?

Bo-wine spirits
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Thank you for making me jiggle my haunches with laughter. *Cow**Heartp*
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Happy Republic Day, India! *CountryIN*
Happy Republic Day, Sonali! *Heart*
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Happy Republic Day! *Cow**Hearto**Heartt* *Countryin*
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Please take this poll!

 Parental Problems - (for a Newsletter) Open in new Window. [ASR]
What's the one biggest challenge you face as a parent, or think your parents face?
by THANKFUL SONALI Love my family Author Icon
Kids be expensive *Laugh*
Looking at my god-daughter, who is a mother of a 3yo and 6 month old, I think for new current younger parents (she is 27) is social media, being told so much rubbish about being parents. And the social media landscape is one of comparison. So, if you do something different, or you don't follow "this influencer" or "that blogger" then you are not doing the right thing. She is finding that her support group is becoming judgmental because she is bringing her child up the way she wants.

I can relate to her; almost 20 years ago, when we had kids, we decided not to do the whole "Santa", "Easter Bunny", "Tooth Fairy", "God", "Jesus" myth thing, and be honest with our kids. You'd think that by not having a Santa at Christmas we were abusing them. In fact, one of my fellow teachers accused us of abuse for doing just that. The abuse people, of course, rejected it, but when I called her out, she accused me of harassment... Fortunately, I had a good principal, and this teacher was forced to apologise.

But you are not allowed to bring your kids up the way you want without being accused of being a bad parent.

Still, in the poll, I selected "emotional" because dealing with our kids' changing emotions has been the biggest hurdle.
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*Down* *Bigsmile* *Down*

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The Snail Mail Auction Open in new Window. (13+)
Do you like snail mail? Always wanted a signed story or poem by a WDC author? Come on in!
#2104680 by Kit Author IconMail Icon

*Up* *Delight* *Up*
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Kit  Author Icon
Thank you so much for highlighting the auction, Sonali! *Heartv*
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The site of my first home, 57 years ago, is now a bookshop near the beach.
My sister-in-law gifted me a Harry Potter there.

That's so sweet of her! What a wonderful way to remember. *Heart*

It makes me sad when I go past my grandparents' former address. It was a beautiful home! But the house has been torn down and there's now a fast food restaurant there. Progress...
Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author Icon - My childhood home is now a dive. The yard is junky and the whole thing looks uncared for. It was for sale a few years back and I was able to go through it online. I cried and cried. I have so many memories of my mom before she died at 28, and many good memories, too, playing outside, making forts, our childhood Christmases, and so much more. It's so sad for me to see.

We've been thinking about moving in the next five years. We've raised our children here, planted over 100 trees, watched our grandkids learn to swim in our pond and ice skate in the winter. Sooo many memories and we're still making them. I worry about how sad it will be when we move. Not just for me, but my children and grandchildren, too. Who will buy it...and will they cut down all the trees? Take care of the house? Maybe I should think about something else. *Laugh*

Cubby~On the Road Again! Author Icon - My mom's house isn't being well cared for, either. In fact, it's bad enough that my former neighbors have mentioned it to me a few times without me even asking about the house.

THANKFUL SONALI Love my family - It sounds like your situation, at least for the time being, is the best outcome. I'm glad you had a nice time with your sister-in-law and have a lovely memory to take back.
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Congratulations, winners!
"Journey Through Genres: Official ContestOpen in new Window.
Yes, Congratulations!!!
Thank you and a big congratulations from me as well. *Smile*
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mesonali