Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/schnujo
Please follow an ASR rating.*
*Rant* MBs for Sale! *Rant*

(That's me yelling, not "ranting." *Angelic*)

Sharmelle's Expressions is working to earn money for her membership. *Delight*

Sharmelle's Two-Week MB Expressions  (E)
Shamelle's Two-Week MB Expressions Fundraiser
#2323844 by Sharmelle's Expressions

She has a super exclusive one she's selling for 250k. She will only sell 7 this time! *Shock2*

She's got another for 200k. *GoLucky*

Then there is the usual 100k price for some exclusive MBs everyone will want. *Party*

Finally, you can donate 30k (or up to 99k) and get a community MB. *Bigsmile*

Sharmelle's Expressions always guarantees CRs, so your "GPs = CRs" are safe with her! *InLove2*
  •   1 comment
I love those emoticons!*BigSmile*
If you're looking for less competition for this month's

The Contest Challenge  (13+)
Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed!
#2109126 by Schnujo's in Scotland

simply scroll through the forum and see what's been entered more and what's been entered less. It's one of the reasons I have you all title the forum post the same as the contest you entered. *Bigsmile*

WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by JACE - Sightseeing

Shorts in July Contest  (E)
Shorts in July Contest
#2316362 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈

Write from the Heart Poetry Contest  (E)
Write a heartfelt piece based on the prompt provided.
#2093224 by Purple Princess

These are listed in order by the number of entries with the fewest first, so go ahead and be a L'il Helper or write a Short. The odds are ever in your favor with the contests that have fewer entries. *Geek*

Everyone thinks they're a poet (or just want to knock out a quick entry). Do you have what it takes to actually write a story or article? *Smirk2* *Laugh*
Omg, I forgot about this WdC Helper contest… I think I know what I’m working on tonight…
Here's an article about some of the benefits of writing and how to access some of those benefits.

It is a nice article.
I like the point she made about putting pen to paper instead of typing.
Thank you Schnujo!
The style of writing of Dr. Dorothy is truly impressive. Why shouldn't it? She is sufficiently educated and has vast knowledge. I very much agree with her. Thanks to Schnujo's in Scotland for introducing her.
s - you write professionally, right? Do you also journal? In the US the therapists always say "count your blessings, keep a gratitude journal, try to write down three good things that happened each day, etc..."

Admittedly I don't do that myself... Seems awfully trite. But here it is for what it's worth *HeartT*
I'll be in Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland this week. Anyone want to meet up? *Bigsmile*

Then around the 27th or something (I forgot exactly when, even though I just booked the hotel last night lol), I'll be in Cardiff, Wales, if anyone is there.

Around August 1, I'm heading to London until the 10th, for those Brits who want to meet up. *Bigsmile*
Schnujo's in Scotland - Why do not you go for a registered travel agent? They get commissions from hotels, cars etc. You just tell them what you want. They arrange packages. They don't charge any extra money. They will return you a certain percentage from their commissions. All headaches are their.
A lot of places don't have travel agents these days because you can do everything online. I tried to use travel agents for my trip to South America and had them book half the trip before I discovered I could book it all online cheaper. They also didn't tell the airline I have to be gluten-free like I asked them to. *Pthb* And one problem is travel agents have contracts with specific hotels and airlines, so you can only use the ones they have contracts with.

I also have a friend who gets a really good discount on Booking.com becauseshe'sused it so much. They allow you to book for other people so I use her discount. *Bigsmile*
My friend ended up using a travel agent to book her trip to Scotland with me. She said she didn't do it on purpose but accidentally got connected to one online. The good news is they were able to get her a cheaper flight than I got. But she had like 5 hrs more layover than I did and flew on 3 different airlines. I am willing to may $300 more to avoid that and get my frequent flyer miles. *Wink*

Ultimately, her price was better bit when her flight was late and she missed another flight, they said there wasn't an option to rebook her because there weren't any other flights going out any time soon. She ended up rebooking herself. *Pthb* Doesn't seem worth the trouble to me. Lol
If you love MBs, Sharmelle's Expressions is selling her exclusives to fund her membership.

It's a win-win! *Bigsmile*
Who doesn't love to send or receive MBs? I must send some GPs to her. I don't need any MB as a return. If her purpose fulfil that will be cause of my satisfaction.
Is Schnujo attending the British Open at the Royal Toon Scotland golf tournament?
HollisFrances - No, but I sat next to a professional caddie on the way. He is. *Bigsmile*
Where is YOUR July Entry?

The Contest Challenge  (13+)
Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed!
#2109126 by Schnujo's in Scotland

Get started now by choosing a contest from the list below.

Shorts in July Contest  (E)
Shorts in July Contest
#2316362 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈

Write from the Heart Poetry Contest  (E)
Write a heartfelt piece based on the prompt provided.
#2093224 by Purple Princess

WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by JACE - Sightseeing

Enter the contest as usual.

Then come to my challenge forum and post proof that you entered by posting a link to your entry in the contest forum (not directly to your item, but to your forum post) using {post:XXXXXXX}. Title your post in my forum with the name of the contest you entered and BAM! You're on your way to rewards!

Just do that 12 months in a row and you're done! *Party*

You can also finish sooner by doing previous months using the Previously Highlighted Contests dropnotes to find the contests you've missed. Use the CURRENT prompt and enter as usual. Post proof, but be sure you title the forum post in my challenge with the month and year you want credit for, as well as the contest you entered. You can finish 12 consecutive months as fast as you can write if you work on past months. *Bigsmile*

You can jump the New Year, so August 2023 - July 2024 would count as 1 full year, 12 consecutive months. *Geek*

Now, get started! *Idea*
Amethyst Angel🌊🌿🌞 - Ohhh...NOW I get your post. *Rolling* Sorry! Yes. I do owe several people (including you) a Newsfeed Celebration and there are enough to do it (minimum 5 to get max participation). I just need to get my act together and stay in 1 place long enough to do it. *Facepalm*

Okay, I THINK I might not be moving (but will be sightseeing) next weekend in Scotland. Remind me Friday and (hopefully) I can do it Saturday. Though I already know it will be one of the ones where people will likely wait hrs to get their GPs back. *Blush*
Dog ate it.
Brian K Compton: For You, Mike - I hope it was handwritten on paper and not on your laptop. Lol
Have you submitted your July entry for

The Contest Challenge  (13+)
Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed!
#2109126 by Schnujo's in Scotland

Okay, I'm behind on updating the page, but my slackness is no excuse for you to be slack, too! *Rolling*

Go post your entry! *Smirk* *Bigsmile*

Write from the Heart Poetry Contest  (E)
Write a heartfelt piece based on the prompt provided.
#2093224 by Purple Princess

WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by JACE - Sightseeing

Shorts in July Contest  (E)
Shorts in July Contest
#2316362 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈

Still learning how to write an ellegy.
I believe in you! *Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
Here's an interesting article about books authors regretted publishing.

Was Salinger at the top of the list?
He wasn't actually on the list at all, but at the end, it asks who they missed, so you could comment below. *Bigsmile*

It has folks like Leo Tolstoy, Lewis Carrol, Stephen King, Agatha Christie, Ian Fleming, and Arthur Conan Doyle, among others.
That was an interesting article that covered a long time span. I have read a few that I wished had never been published!
July's contests for

The Contest Challenge  (13+)
Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed!
#2109126 by Schnujo's in Scotland

are pretty fantastic!

Check them out!

Write from the Heart Poetry Contest  (E)
Write a heartfelt piece based on the prompt provided.
#2093224 by Purple Princess

WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by JACE - Sightseeing

Shorts in July Contest  (E)
Shorts in July Contest
#2316362 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈

Remember to fan your favorite contests and/or contest hosts! *Delight* Click until you see the gold heart. *Wink*
Amethyst Angel🌊🌿🌞 - Thank you. This helps. I think I am going to write about Karen Carpenters. *Laugh*
In the words of Eeyore, "Thanks for noticing."
JACE - Sightseeing - Eeyore is, and always has been, my hero.
Making sure folks don't miss this...

Happy 1st WdC Anniversary, Amethyst!  (E)
Wish Amethyst a happy anniversary!
#2323389 by Amethyst Angel🌊🌿🌞

It's to celebrate Amethyst Angel🌊🌿🌞 's 1st anniversary. *Smile*

Fun Fact: Allan Charles is pretty awesome, too. *Wink*
Happy Account Anniversary Amethyst Angel🌊🌿🌞
Review of Anatomy of a Murder by Robert Traver

Read for

Book Brothel  (18+)
A hole-in-the wall reading challenge with goals, incentives, and motivating adult banter.
#2233315 by Brooklyn


Rach's Reading Club  (E)
Where all you have to do is read books to receive awesome prizes.
#2261482 by Choconut

ASIN: 0312033567
Product Type: Book
Amazon's Price: $ 9.67

*Heart* *Up* *Heart* Purchasing from the link above helps WdC. *Heart* *Up* *Heart*

Considering this book was written in 1958, I think it's incredible that it's still ranked in the hundreds on the Amazon Best Seller Rankings! *Shock2* WOW! I think most of us would be thrilled if we ever got there at all. And if anyone had asked, I would tell them it was completely unrealistic to expect their book to be still ranked in even the 5-digit range after more than a half century! *Yikes*

Apparently, I would have been wrong. Granted, there are some things that definitely mark the times in this book such as it being okay to slap your secretary on the butt. However, the storyline still holds up well, even after all these years. And if you consider anything offensive simply a marker of it's era, it's an interesting book.

Note that this book is not about anatomy or about how to write a murder scene (as I first thought it was lol) or how to commit murder (sorry / not sorry, folks). It's about a court case and how the murder was picked apart during the trial...at least, I assume that's why it's named as such. *Think*

When it was written, this book became a best seller and later was turned into a movie, which illustrates the power of this book over its readers.

A district attorney just voted out of office takes on a murder case, pitting himself against the man who was voted into his position and the person the new DA hired to help him. A Marine is arrested for murder. There's no doubt he did it. He even turned himself in. But is he guilty or was he caught up in temporary insanity, killing the man who attacked his wife?

This was an interesting and well-written book that I definitely enjoyed. But for anyone easily offended or unable to keep the historical time in mind while reading this book, I wouldn't recommend it. It's not outrageous, but it is obviously not written in the 21st century.

This book is 448 pages and rated 4.4 stars on Amazon. It's 19 hrs and 18 mins on Audible and rated 4.5 stars.

I won't bother with the Amazon Best Seller Rankings because I only note when they are under 100, but to be ranked in the hundreds, as I said, is absolutely amazing to me, after over 70 years! I think that, plus the ratings, speak volumes about the popularity of this book, despite its age.
Cubby - IDK. I thought it was supposed to be the defending attorney. That's the POV it's written from. But I had decided, since it was a different name, it wasn't real. I would assume it's written by the former DA who became a defense attorney since it's 1st person POV from them.
Schnujo's in Scotland - "[...] a novel by attorney John Voelker (who wrote it under the pen name “Robert Traver”). The book itself is based on an actual case in which Voelker secured an acquittal for his client, Coleman Peterson, who shot tavern owner Mike Chenoweth after Peterson’s wife accused the latter man of rape in the sleepy town of Big Bay, in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, in July 1952."

I found the above info at https://www.historictruecrime.com/the-true-story-behind-anatomy-of-a-murder/
Cubby - Wow! Thanks! That's cool! *Delight* I wouldn't have found it because all the names have, apparently, been changed. *Angelic*
Review of Soundtrack of Silence: Love, Loss, and a Playlist for Life by Matt Hay


Book Brothel  (18+)
A hole-in-the wall reading challenge with goals, incentives, and motivating adult banter.
#2233315 by Brooklyn


Rach's Reading Club  (E)
Where all you have to do is read books to receive awesome prizes.
#2261482 by Choconut

Product Type: Audible Books & Originals
Amazon's Price: Price N/A

*Up* Purchasing from the link above helps WdC. *Up*

Well, if you ever find yourself in the middle of a pity party and need to snap yourself out of it, this true book is for you! *Yikes*

Matt was slowly going deaf as he grew up, but had no idea. He just thought the quality of the family's TV speakers was poor and his friends were just messing with him by talking really quietly. It wasn't until he applied for West Point that he discovered his hearing wasn't normal.

While in college, he discovered he was not only hard of hearing, but had tumors and was going to become completely deaf.

On the good side, he meets and eventually marries a hot medical student, though she does quit medical school, not because of him.

He gets surgery to have the tumors removed and wakes up paralyzed from the neck down. He works his way back to not only walk again, but to run a marathon after the doctor told him they hoped he'd be able to walk.

He had another surgery that left him not just paralyzed, but unable to feel things, like whether he was burning himself or if he was falling before his face hit the pavement. This surgery leaves him so paralyzed he literally can't even blink and has to have drops put in his eyes every 1-2 minutes. As a goal, he decides he'll enter an iron man triathlon and he makes it, though with a time of 19+ hrs.

He also has a device implanted to help him hear. It's not a cochlear implant, but I forget the name. Anyway, he spoke to another patient who told him not to get it, but he does anyway and discovers the other patient was right. While he can now "hear," things sound like chainsaws and garbage disposals. The docs said they hoped he would one day be able to recognize things like oven timers and fire alarms.

Matt, a music lover, memorized all his favorite music before going deaf. After he got the implant, he used the songs he'd memorized to train his brain to recognize them, far exceeding doctors' expectations.

While he can't hear normally, he can recognize many words/phrases and music. It's a terrifying/inspirational story.

There's no paperback yet.

Rated 4.7, this audiobook is ranked #32 in Biographies of People with Disabilities (Audible Books & Originals). It's 6 hr 58 min. The hardcover is 272 pgs; 4.7 stars.
Sounds very inspirational! With this detailed review, I don't have to read the book now, lol.
Yeah, I had considered that downside. *Laugh* But I figured most folks don't read the books I post about anyway, so it doesn't matter. *Rolling*
July's Challenge Contests in

The Contest Challenge  (13+)
Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed!
#2109126 by Schnujo's in Scotland

I'd like to remind folks there are 3 contests to choose from this month. *Think* Again, we have a clear favorite, already almost at the 5 entries I like to get for each contest. But the others could use some attention, too... *Wink*

Shorts in July Contest  (E)
Shorts in July Contest
#2316362 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈

*Up* Pick me! Pick me! *Up*

WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by JACE - Sightseeing

*Up* No, pick me! Pick me *Up*

Write from the Heart Poetry Contest  (E)
Write a heartfelt piece based on the prompt provided.
#2093224 by Purple Princess
I'll surely attain those if not impossible.
Thanks for including my contest on your "Billboard". You provide a great service!
I try. *Bigsmile*
For all you who like to listen to music for writing inspiration. Here's what research says works to get the best out of it. *Bigsmile*

jackson - Me, too. *Heart*
Schnujo's in Scotland - It's mostly when I did the math and when I code, that the music is most integral to success. Then again, I've never been someone normal LOL
Rojodi - I can see that. I've read that babies exposed to music in the womb are better at math. *Smile*
A Falkland Islands friend now living in England sent me this.

*Rolling* *Rolling* *Rolling* HILARIOUS!!! *Rolling* *Rolling* *Rolling*

Ugh! It's so small. *Facepalm* It says "Happy Treason Day" at the top and "Ungrateful Colonials" at the bottom. *Laugh*
As someone living in the Falkland Islands since November, I can say I think they are much better rulers than they were in the past. *Wink* Lessons learned well. *Heart*
buddhangela's trying it all on - Germany's not that bad either. True we're crumbling, too, economically and health-wise, but since guns are forbidden and some common sense left... okay, it's a bit like the GDR again: it's not all bad.*Rolling*
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/schnujo