Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sybaritescribe
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Wow! Does it seem like October has flown by? Only four days left this month to get your entries submitted to the

WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by Polter-JACE: Cruising ...

Remember, it's an OPEN prompt. Do you have any How-To articles lurking somewhere in your Ports? Dust 'em off and send them my way.

Best of luck.
I'm baaaack!

The cruise was fabulous. But the flying there and back left a lot to be desired--lost luggage delivered late, missing a flight due to maintenance delays in leaving an airport, and an eight-hour layover.

Despite our limited language abilities in six Eastern and Central European countries, we found the people accepting and friendly, and some outstanding food and scenery. Pics to follow ... soon.

I'll be out of the net for the next two weeks traveling to Venice and cruising down the Adriatic to Greece. My only WDC contact will be via my phone, which I find difficult to use personally for anything major. But I will try to check in on the Newsfeed with short updates here and there.

By the way, that guy will NOT be me.

Well, probably not me ... I don't even own a shirt like that. *Rolleyes*
Safe Travels!!
After a few drinks we’re all that guy and wondering how we came into possession of such a shirt *Laugh* Safe travels!

My wife's first grandson has gone off to college. I thought I'd give him some words to live by as he approached his first exams.

1st Law of Applied Exams: Every instructor assumes that you have nothing else to do except study for that instructor's course.

2nd Law of Applied Exams: When reviewing your notes before an exam, the most important ones will be illegible.

3rd Law of Applied Exams: Eighty percent of the final exam will be based on that one lecture you missed, or that one book you didn't read.
It's funny how accurate this is, lol.
Can confirm.
WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by Polter-JACE: Cruising ...

It's a new month. This month's prompt is:


Any topic listed in "Writing.Com 101 is welcome. Remember, I'm looking for How-To articles that are written to help members navigate the many features of WDC.
Last day to enter using the prompt:


WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by Polter-JACE: Cruising ...

You can do it!
I read a line from an Opinion article written by for the LA Times that I think sums up the current election cycle--from local to the Presidential election:

"One can't really blame a politician for lying about a fundamental fact, any more than one can punish a dog for drinking out of the toilet. It's what they do."

If you're interested in reading the opinion article, email me for the link.
I expect better. Lying is not good and selfish lying unacceptable.
It's September 23rd. Autumn is here now. Fully!

And with only one week left before the end of the month, it's now time to prepare and submit your entry to ...

WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by Polter-JACE: Cruising ...


Click on the link, and come back with something to help the rest of us.

Pursuant (that's a really neat word, and one I've never had the occasion to use ... until now) to my "Note: A Mini-Newsfeed Contest I've never be...", WakeUpAndLive️🦇Elf'sSpell pushed my CR to the 4-digit mark by awarding me the following MB last night and will receive the prizes listed.

Merit Badge in Spiritual Ganesha
[Click For More Info]

Is this CR 1000? For Luck!

I still remember when only one member had 1000+ CR. (I will refrain from mentioning the name of that member, but only because I remember the WHAT and not the WHO.) Now there are 48 members in that club with more knocking on the door daily.

Though it took me 16 years to achieve that number, I feel honored.

CR is more than just a number after your name. It represents participation and support of Writing.Com, and comradery among the members.

I wish you all continued success on WDC.

(By the way, The StoryWitchress is only ten away from that 1000 CR pillar. Well, nine--I started it off.)
Polter-JACE: Cruising ... - and THANKFUL SONALI in Octo-BOO . Forgot to tell Jace that Ganesha is the remover of obstacles and bringer of good luck; the patron of arts and sciences; and the deva of intellect and wisdom. Ganesha is also invoked during writing sessions as a patron of letters and learning.
WakeUpAndLive️🦇Elf'sSpell - Yes, According to legend, Lord Ganesha was the scribe for the Mahabharata.
My maternal grandparents celebrated his birthday each year, and since I'm the eldest grandchild, I got to perform the ceremony. The whole family gathered and sang the prayer.
WakeUpAndLive️🦇Elf'sSpell -

i love Ganesh. In India Indians used to go the temple to pray for luck on Thursdays then apply for visas in the belief tht Ganesh would favor them on Thursdays which was his day. Visa refusals were higher on those days.
You survived the WDC Birthday festivities and a Friday the 13th. Since things always happen in threes, there's just one more thing for you to do this month.

Enter .............

WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by Polter-JACE: Cruising ...

September's Prompt is COMMUNICATION  

I'm looking forward to reading your submissions.

A Mini-Newsfeed Contest

I've never been over-drawn (if that's such a phrase) to obtaining Community Recognition. At one time long ago, before Achievement MBs, Awardicons and Trinkets provided CR, I actually managed to earn my way into the top 10 of the Most Community Recognition list.

Work and life intervened and for a few years I wasn't on WDC as often. But I returned with a vengeance and now as I approach that magical (well, magical in my own mind) number of 1000 CR, I've become a bit more obsessed with CR.

To that end, I'm announcing a mini-Newsfeed contest, effective immediately and ending when I have a winner:

The Rules

The SM in his WDC infinite wisdom time-stamps everything that happens. Thus, the first CR item I receive that puts me at 1000 CR will receive the following prizes:

*BulletG* A three review mini-raid of that person's Port with a 10K Awardicon to the item of my choice.

*BulletG* A special The File Cabinet merit badge normally only available for a winning entry in "WDC L'il Helper Contest.

*BulletG* In the event a WDC CR item (such as a Consistency Achievement MB) puts me at 1000, the next CR item by a member will win.

Good luck!
If you get CR for trinkets, here are mine in case you (or anyone else) missed one.

tracker - Thanks so much. I found a couple new ones I hadn't collected.
Observation: Many are using the script font. I find it very hard to read.

And we're off to Nashville for four days to visit the sights and friends. I'll be here sparingly. *sigh*

This retirement thing sure keeps me busy.
  •   1 comment
I get the impression that when one is retired you can be busy with the things you WANT to do, which brings a new meaning to the word...
Please help settle a discussion with my wife.

Do you dream in color or black and white?
I tend to get my dreams in color but it depends on what happened in the past. Sometimes, I can dream what's happening currently.
Interesting question. Definitely colour!
Thank you for all the great replies. The majority state COLOR is what makes dreams go around, which makes my wife very happy.

How do you know that you and your wife raised your children right?

You find out your three daughters and son have a group chat in which they share joys and successes, troubles and problems, and just talk with each other on a regular basis. How do I know?

They added me to their group chat to surprise me on my 70th birthday with a video call a few weeks back. What a fun and unexpected gift. Kids and grandkids all talking together just like when we're all together in person.

I've since been removed from the group. After all ... it IS a group for my kids.

And, I know it's still there.

What a cool idea for a gift!
Dr. Jeffyll, or Mr. Hyde? - It really was!
In honor of the 2024 PGA Tour tournament taking place this coming weekend in Atlanta, I'd like to offer a few more Real Rules for the common duffer.

*Bulletg* It you want to hit a 7-iron as far as Rory McElroy does, simply try to lay up just short of a water hazard.

*Bulletg* The game of Golf is 90% mental and 10% mental.

*Bulletg* Never try to keep more than 300 separate thoughts in your mind during your swing.

*Bulletg* When you look up during your swing and cause an awful shot, you will always look down again at exactly the moment you should be watching that ball if you ever want to see it again.

I hope you and your chums had a great time on the links yesterday. Well, maybe the Labor Day BBQ was more successful. After all, you didn't lose any hot dogs, did you?
7 iron was my favorite and I did pretty well with it when I took lessons in my dinosaur era, but I neither really found the time for it nor did the game interest me all that much. As to the mental percentage bit, what difference does it make anyway, as I'm finding out in my old age that the mental(!) percentage has a way of multiplying, anyway. *Rolling*

7 iron is my favorite. *Broom* The broom bristle balance is perfect!
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sybaritescribe