Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wexian
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Happy Teacher's Day, belated. Miss you around here. Will it quiet down in the summer or do you teach year round?
Big thank you to all for 'teacher's day.'

Speaking of which it was a damn long day and I have a mountain of essays to mark *Pthb*

Oh and a big thank you to Elycia Lee for the merit badge *Heart*
Hey there, StoneHeart !

*Flowerr* Happy Teacher's Day! *Flowerr*

Well, I did it. I finished the grim rather dark first book of my "Never Verse" arc "A Memory of Empire." It all comes in at 157,705 words. Feel a bit shell shocked to be honest but it is done.
I started this for NaNo last year with this line:

"Lost in thought, Jessica absently watched the water pass beyond the stonework carrying little leaves and flotsam to an uncertain destiny. "

I had no idea who this person was or why she was watching leaves and flotsam, but it ballooned into a space and time spanning epic. *Delight*

Having finished the first part at around 50,000 words I had some people beta read after a rough edit and the feedback was very positive but all said it was not long enough... well I think it is now hahahaha.
Either way it is done... Now, edit, Beta read, revise, Beta read etc, etc.

So if any of you were wondering where I got to, it was that and hammering through book three of the Raven Queen along with working is where *Pthb*

PS: Book two has around 50,000 words already down so well on my way.
I know how hard you have been working on top of a full-time job. Congratulations! We are so proud of you! *Heart*
Elycia Lee ☮ - thank you Elycia, missed chatting with you but life really took over for a while there. *Care*
StoneHeart - It's okay. You are doing all the important things. *Laugh* I should learn to be more like you.
Hope things slow down so you can drop in.
Pssst. I am one step closer to the Red Queen.
Funny the things you take from history to write a story. Climbing a garderobe to take a fortress has to be one of the funnier ones... yes it actually happened during the siege of Château Gaillard. Phillip's men climbed up a toilet to gain access to the place...
Let us not forget King Edmund II of England and his, shall we say, embarrassing death...
s - When ya gotta go, ya gotta go...
"Get to da crapper!"
Its a newsfeed, its words, its a blog entry!

Morning all, coffee is not working *Frown* but I am awake, I think? Either that or my nightmares have become a little to vivid.

Anyway, link to blog below and a little link in that to some Raven Queen work.

Peace and have a great day, night or just time all.

"Why did the coffee not work?
Elycia Lee ☮ - I suspect so, the damn book has taken over my sleep and waking hours. But one day I will finish it.

At the advice of some of my local writer friends I am going to write the whole arc out before I try and get the work publish in some fashion. Help avoid continuity problems and I can really make sure the flow from one book to the next works well. Either way it will be no less than four novels by the time I am done.

Looking forward to spending some time reading your book.
tracker - Having worked out where to do the first split I should have a Beta read ready soon, and the second half of the Never-Verse for you to read as well Vicki *Smile*
Hello there *Smile*

Yes I know a long time and no blog... Life took over and work got in the way sadly, but all explained in here.

Missed you lovely people while I was absent.

"Its alive!
  •   1 comment
You were? I just met you like yesterday. *Laugh*
Ah another day's worth of writing......
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy

Not sure this hotel is helping my creative flow ... *Ax*
s - *Smile*
Great name for a muse - Creative Flo.
Maybe not so creative but it would have been a great entry for "February - SHORT MONTH, SHORT BLOGS - Blog Event"   over at "Invalid Item
Oh, look a blog! well who would have thought *Pthb* .... Yes 'The Queen of Ravens' is finished, in the sense that I have written the story out. Still work to do but hey the main work is done.

Yes it is a blog *Smile* ... Well Cats, love them but oh boy can they be costly when they get sick or hurt. Also a little on the Raven Queen.

"Cats , cars, and vets are expensive.
In the blog today is a little bit of the Raven Queen. Raw from my mind and still in development but I enjoyed writing this section for book one. Simply an insert as I tidy up a character's arc and motivations.

"A little bit of the Raven Queen
It's a Blog!!! ... Indeed, that is just what it is *Smile*

So, a happy new year to you all as we end out 2023 and stumble into 2024. In the blog today some lines from my character Zirana you may or may not like that is up to you, but I have posted some I thought were cool for what they were.

Really enjoying rendering this character out on paper, she is ruthless, witty, and very, very dangerous.

"A very Happy New Year and other stuff

A very merry Christmas to you all... Drink a little much, eat a little much, and laugh a little much today *Smile*
Merry Christmas. I am going to do the laughing a lot.
Merry Christmas!


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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/wexian