Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2100212-Hydrogen-Fuel-of-the-Future
Rated: E · Article · Scientific · #2100212
This article is about how hydrogen can become the fuel of the future.
Hydrogen has a great promise to be the fuel of the future. As coal, natural gas and oil deposits may diminish in the future, hydrogen can take up the lead to be the life giver for the next generation. Hydrogen cells are being used in buildings, factories and homes to power energy needs. Hydrogen fuel cells are being used in cars, buses and trucks to make cleaner and more robust automobiles. Hydrogen power plants can be the trend of the future as setting this up can create electricity that is cheaper and cleaner. Big energy corporations can eventually rest their heels as hydrogen power plants come into the picture. Public corporations and non profit institutions will have to take the initiative to create hydrogen based networks and resources.
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