Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2258769-Metamorphosis
Rated: E · Poetry · Personal · #2258769
A poem about transition in life. traditional poem.
I, like the Phoenix rising out of the ashes, here I am again 2258769
A rainbow hiding in the clouds after an early morning rain.
A diamond buried underneath tons of useless rock
A new battery buried in an old rusted cloick
An old house being repainted in a bright hue
A tree turning green and budding with flowers in the Spring
A Frisbee in a forgotten closet that you can still fling
A caterpiller in a cocoon waiting to change
Like different types of flowers I need to arrange
I feel like I'm climbing a treacherous mountain, trying to get to the top
Sometimes I feel like a merry-go-round that just won't stop
Ah Life!-It awakens the senses and hardens the heart
And breaks you out of your cocoon gradually devouring each part
It changes you not into the moth you were many years gone by
But emerges you as a beautiful. free butterfly
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2258769-Metamorphosis