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Rated: E · Article · Mythology · #2260456
Something I had to release from my writing mind. I know of the power of femininity.
She is so young and full of life. Such a sweet beauty. Just sitting there, playing in the garden. Butterflies, birds and all things nice. The Sun shines down, lighting the way. The green grass smells sweet as it is freshly cut. This young girl is innocent and free. One day she will grow and life will be different. But as she grows, she keeps her beauty, her innocence. The virgin girl will stay a virgin, pleasing the man above. In Gods power he paves the way for this girl to live forever. She plays with flowers and makes mud pies. As time goes by, men will seek her. As time goes by, she will learn of their dirt and dark ways. I recognize the beauty of femininity, be it young, old or needy. I write this body of writing, in understanding of the female form. It is nature that males will chase her. But I know she is smart and one step ahead. She is wise and builds a wall. She is strong and knows best. Women need care, love and understanding, and thats not much to ask for. As the butterflies gather around her, a hero man speaks from his heart and soul. There will be love and care and kisses. For there is one man who cares the most. Romance and love she craves for his heart. He gives it freely for he knows her art. To capture a womans heart, give love, kindness and respect. For the little girl in the garden knows more about life than you know. The little girl in the garden is bright, special and warm. She needs nothing at all from ways of the land. Planting flowers and watching them grow. She is one with nature and all things that glow. Her prince will arrive to take her hand, leading her to the promised land. Only then will she let him in. Only then will he win her heart.
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