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by Jen~
Rated: 13+ · Book · Contest Entry · #2073596
Blog for this groups entries~will probably be rather interesting!~
I am going to try out the Welcome To My Reality contest and this is my blog for all of my entries. Each entry will be based off of a different prompt! I am looking forward to doing this!

This may be interesting!!
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March 11, 2016 at 6:36pm
March 11, 2016 at 6:36pm
13. So many of us struggle with change. Do you see it as an obstacle to be overcome or an opportunity to break out of your comfort zone? How do you deal with change? What is the biggest change you have had to deal with this year?

Change can be so scary but sometimes the it is what has to be done...we all learn to adapt. Losing my dad almost 4 months ago has been beyond hard for me to accept..that sudden change of him just gone forever...never can I call him again when Satan crushes my soul...I am having to be forced to learn to adapt that I am left here with her...he is still here with me but not the same...I lost my grandfather when I was 10 and have never ever gotten over it or gotten closure....now losing Dad...damn...talk about a BIG change and then trying to carry on each day without him is hard to adjust to...sometimes I think of something I want to tell him and realize I can't just call him anymore...I miss him so much and I know that while life will carry on, the adjusting phase will take awhile.

Sometimes change is what you have to do in order to make yourself/family better.....while it may be hard to adjust...it is for the best. Sometimes change is forced on you...sometimes you chose it...either way it is ALWAYS an adjustment and can be scary....but as I said...sometimes you have to look past that and see that it is for the best.

Change is something that we fear yet desire at times...example...you want to change and lose weight...yet the fear of all that you have to change to do that, can feel overwhelming. I say face it, embrace it and know that everything happens in this life for a reason. Change can be BOTH an obstacle and an opportunity...it is how you accept and deal with it.
March 5, 2016 at 12:42am
March 5, 2016 at 12:42am
12. Write about the last time you cried.

The last time I REALLY cried...and had a good, soul cleansing cry...was when my dad died 3 months ago.....3 hours before I was due to come see him....I have never sobbed so hard as when I got the call...I dropped to my knees...screaming and hyperventilating at the same time....unbelieving, in shock....I cried for days..literally...he died on a Saturday morning and was buried on that tuesday before Thanksgiving....I cried from Saturday till Tuesday it seemed nonstop.....then the days following was crying in spurts...random as hell...like a punch in the gut..smell something...see something..hear a song..come across something...ANYTHING can and will trigger your thoughts of that person and it can just break you to pieces...in an instant. Now that it has been 3 months and I am out of actual shock....I find myself able to move forward more without feeling guilty for moving on without him here...but I know that is what he would not only want, but expect from me. So I am doing as he would want me to do...carrying on...and man is that a hard one to do. I will be scrolling though my cell and run across his cell or home number and it truly is....like being punched in the gut...random tears....sometimes I let them fall...sometimes I don't....sometimes I have no control.

Crying is good...it cleanses the soul and refreshes the mind.....it gives us a soulful lesson...letting us know that it is OKAY to let go and have those moments sometimes....I used to hold it all in and as I have gotten older, I am learning that it is very unhealthy to do that...so I try to not hold things in anymore....sometimes you have no control and they just take over....dang emotions...lol

Gift from a wonderful friend!
March 5, 2016 at 12:17am
March 5, 2016 at 12:17am
11. Each year brings numerous holidays and family gatherings. Share something about your favorite one.

I would have to say Christmas I guess would be the one I would pick...only because it brings ALL my kids together, all the family under one roof, eating, laughing, opening gifts.....making memories that last a lifetime......I get that ONE day where I know that we will all be together enjoying one anothers company.....those days are the ones that I will forever treasure no matter what....as life goes on, they will be what keeps me going, keeps me living.....

Christmas is a time where you make your own family traditions that will carry on throughout the years....traditions that your kids will carry over and onto their own kids....and each time, a new one will be added...as we all grow in life...as my babies get married and have babies...traditions will adapt and change with the times...but the most important one...will always happen...us being together for that glorious day of joy and love. Loving each other, sharing stories, adding to the family, new beginnings for us over the years as we grow...

Christmas is my favorite one because I know for that ONE day, everyone will be here....in good moods...everyone getting along lol and keeping the traditions going! Something that I will forever be grateful for and cherish!~ I hope that as the years go by that my mind can keep each and every one of these memories stored so that when I get older and can't remember my own name, perhaps I will be able to recall these...especially if they are strong solid memories..one can hope I suppose! Ha Ha

Gift from a wonderful friend!
March 4, 2016 at 11:06pm
March 4, 2016 at 11:06pm
10. Do you consider yourself a spontaneous person? Why or why not?

Oh my gosh, when I was a teenager and then into my twenties I was more spontaneous then ever...I would load up the kids and go to the creek for the day for critter catching...or a random road trip....

As I have gotten older I have lost that spark...I have let me mental health take over too much control and I am a homebody from hell now. Although I will say during the warmer days I can still be spontaneous..random camping or bonfire...random weekend trip for me and Steve..throw a rent in the car and go type of thing...but in the cold...the most spontaneous thing I do is make dinner! Ha Ha

I have to say though that perhaps doing this Give It 100 may be just the way to spark that spontaneous spark again for me...by pushing myself to break free from what I am used to and normally do....to have one small goal a day....and I find myself doing more and more each day then I had planned to! That to me....is HUGE!!~

Maybe my spontaneous spark will relight again..maybe it won't..but either way I am learning each day more and more about myself...so who knows...Patrece ~ somday I may be spontaneous and show up at your door Ha Ha....hmmm....that DOES sound like a groovy idea...lol...

I know my fiance Steve would be happy if I was more spontaneous...he loves that type of "Hey ets grab the tent and some blankets and take off for the weekend while kids are gone" type of thing!! It would be nice to have THAT spark back as well...not that their isn't a spark...but it can always be brighter!!

Gift from a wonderful friend!
March 3, 2016 at 4:03pm
March 3, 2016 at 4:03pm
9. What is the last new skill you learned? How and why did you learn this new skill and how have you put it to use?

Ha Ha This prompt makes me crack up....so I am a newbie...for like 10 more days lol so I am still learning....slowly it would appear...

Every time I have entered a contest or something that requires word count I never knew it was a tool on here...Sooooooo yes...this dumbass has been literally counting each word on the screen for the past 6 months...Patrece ~ and I just happened to be talking yesterday and I mentioned hating to have to count each word that it made me damn near cross eyed doing it...and she informs me of that little gadget wheel and it has word count on it....Holy Bat Balls.....I laughed like an idiot...all this time...and I have been sitting here counting word for word on the screen...someone would interrupt me and I would lose count and have to start again...OMG...do you realize how much HELP knowing that little handy word count tool is there....I bet my eyes are beyond relieved....I have for sure put it to use with each of my blog entries and stuff so that I know the count...crazy..that handy little tool is just amazing! Ha Ha...Lmao....Oh how funny it was to hear Patrece ~ tell me about it and us laugh over the fact that I am an idiot and have been doing things the VERY slow way Ha Ha!! I am glad that I learned about it....ahhh blog entries are sooo much easier now Ha Ha
March 3, 2016 at 11:20am
March 3, 2016 at 11:20am
8. Make a list of the five to ten most important things to you. Then make a list of the top five to ten things you spend most of your time doing. Compare the lists and see how the match or differ from each other. Discuss what you have learned

This is an interesting prompt....but as ocd as I am I know my list will even out in one way or another!!

Important Things
1.) My kids
2.) Steve
3.) Close friends
4.) Writing
5.) Crafting/Flowers

Thing I Spend Time On
1.) My kids
2.) Steve
3.) Close friends
4.) Writing
5.) Crafting/Flowers

I try to balance out everything in my life....it is hard with my mental health sometime to deal with the kids and Steve and even writing....I can spiral into a depression and just not care about anything...BUT I have been seeking treatment for the past 2 years and it is helping a lot so I think that I am learning to balance things out...learning to spend time with the kids WHILE doing my crafting or writing....Spend time with Steve while writing ot working on crafts/flowers.....

I put the 2 different list as the same because I think that in one way or another I am able to incorporate my important things INTO my things I spend time on...I am ocd so I tend to try to keep things level and even...I am learning that I need to combine the two list even more....for many reasons! And with the help of friends, my therapist, my case manager and my psych doctor....I am learning how to do just that! Learn and grow as a person and be able to combine what is most important and what I spend most time on!! Great plan!~
March 3, 2016 at 10:52am
March 3, 2016 at 10:52am
7. When was the last time you laughed until you cried.

Ahhhh....probably every single time I get together with gardengirl this happens...LoL

We have been friends for almost 19 years now and no matter where we are, distance wise, we always pick up where we left off as if no time has passed! That is a true friendship!!!!

The last time I went there to hang out we had to take her daughter to the dentist...so her daughter goes back and what does that do...leave gardengirl and I all alone and unsupervised in the waiting room....Uh Oh...lol....I felt bad because I got us laughing so hard that we were in tears and then what happens....she gets called back to talk to the dentist...Ha Ha....I was cracking up..we kept saying it was gonna happen and it did..I am sure the dentist staff thought we had escaped from the loony bin LoL...or maybe they thought she was crying over the amount of the bill...lol...either way...We know we looked like a couple of giggling high school girls...like we always are when we get together! LoL Omg the fun, laughs, tears and memories that we have over the years....they will live forever on in my heart.....and hers as well I hope. We have a friendship that has lasted through the good times and the bad times, always here for one another and have a trust and bond that has stayed strong over the years.

I mean...we laugh till we cry...ya know it is a good friendship when that happens! Ha Ha

Gift from a wonderful friend!
March 3, 2016 at 10:37am
March 3, 2016 at 10:37am
6. Since writing your goals down increases your chances of successfully meeting them, what are three goals that you would like to accomplish in 2016?

I am doing the Give It 100 and mine is all about me making ONE small goal a day...so goals are a big thing for me! To push myself to reach something everyday regardless of how big or small it may be!!~

So with that being said...I would say three goals for this year would be:

1.) Push myself each day for that one small goal, because while it may seem like baby steps...it is still steps forward! I need to learn to push myself to do the things that I know I can, but don't...push myself to say things I want to say, but I can't....push myself to be a better me...That is why my Give It 100 is called "Breaking Free"...I am breaking free of my old ways and pushing myself each day to do one small thing....each day is an accomplishment...

2.)I want to lose some weight and get a little healthier.....as healthy as I can be with the crappy health that I have....I would love to lose about 50 pounds...I would be super happy if I lost 25-30 by June....we shall see....

3.) I want to grow and learn more as a writer, I want to start my books, I want to grow here on WDC, be even more involved in the community and try to get promoted to yellow case!!

March 3, 2016 at 10:15am
March 3, 2016 at 10:15am
5. Do you like dolls, toys or stuffed animals, or do you think these are best left behind in childhood?

Well, I do not remember the first eight years of my life so it is hard for me to recall things like this...however I have vague memories of having a Cabbage Patch Doll when they came out...a Rainbow Bright Doll and her Pony...a Teddy Ruxpin Doll and a Barbie Dream House and Barbies that I played with.

I don't remember being attached to any certain one but hell I could be way wrong....the only people that would know are my parents and my Dad just died 3 months ago and my mom can't stand me...SOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo I don't see me finding out much about my past..perhaps it will always be a mystery...who knows...

I know that I have watched as my own children grew out of things that they were attached to...watched as they grew and left them behind yet carried the memories of those things into their life...we still all will recall something and laugh at the memories now as they are older!

I think that it is ok to carry those memories with you in life...if you can remember them that is!!I think that those are the little things in life that we can look back on and reflect...good or bad....a single item can invoke emotions and memories within you that make you reflect back to that time....remember...allow the memory of it to happen, and store it in your heart.
March 3, 2016 at 1:29am
March 3, 2016 at 1:29am
4. Do you have a negative memory of an event which other people found positive or exciting? Or vice versa, a positive memory of an event which other people found negative?

I have sat and read and re-read this prompt for a couple hours now LoL....thinking and thinking of just WHAT exactly it is asking...so my crazy mind came up with this experience that I think fits what the prompt is asking about!~So here it goes....

When I was 8 years old my parents divorced....I do not remember the first 8 years of my life but I remember this for sure. My dad came busting into my room where I was coloring and announced "Your mother and I are divorcing and we are doing it NOW"....then he stormed back out of my room...I remember sitting there thinking...."Bout F&%!#ing time" I mean good grief...all I can remember is thinking that FINALLY things were going to change....I can't remember WHY I was so excited about this considering I can't flipping remember from THAT point back...but I just remember while everyone else was somber and crying about it, I was happily packing and playing in boxes. I was not scared to move out, Mom and I moved to my grandparents house for about a year or so before we moved out on our own and I was then raised by her, brainwashing me, moving from apartment to apartment....I was a latch key kid at 10....ugh..that my friends is a whole other story haha

Anyway....That is the moment I remember that fits this prompt the best....as sick as it sounds I guess...I know my mom was all upset and everything but inside, secretly, I was just so beyond freaking relieved that I couldn't help it. I guess I was just so over whatever had happened up to that point that divorce was the best Christmas present I ever got that year!!

I know, I know....I am totally whacko..but it's ok...my doctor knows Bahaha!!~


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