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3,224 Public Reviews Given
3,263 Total Reviews Given
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Template most of the time, covering setting/plot/characters/conflict/resolution if applicable. For shorter works, I concentrate more on feelings evoked.
I'm good at...
Short story, chapter reviews and in-depth reviews.
Favorite Genres
Sci-fi, Romance, mystery, children's
Least Favorite Genres
Favorite Item Types
Short stories, novel chapters
Least Favorite Item Types
essay, editorial, non-fiction, somebody's homework assignment
I will not review...
XGC, poems, prose. I am an animal activist and vegan, so cruelty or violent, unnecessary, death due to negligence is overwhelming. I am unable to review any pieces involving abuse of any kind to anyone. I like to keep my corner or the world happy, because I grew beyond my "challenges" of childhood and don't want to look back.
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Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi jackiesmuse Nixie here. I found your work via the read and review option.

Well, this is rather sad. The story isn't marked as non-fiction, but it does read that way. And the character's name is the same as yours. Anyhow, I'm playing it safe and treating this as if there were a protagonist.

Interesting title. A title within a title, marking two surprises. Nicely done.

How awful to be thinking of a birthday party, or remembrance, at several points during the day, only to be let down. And then all she found was a cold dinner? My mom has her ways that sting, but she's in her 90's now, so her venomous behavior is over.

There's no setting here, or character description. The plot relied mostly on the dialogue. One cool part was the description of the car and the way it 'sputtered' up the block.

The prompt fit right in with the story. Good job. I liked the positive conclusion. The 'fast forward' felt exactly right. I have never forgotten to make the birthday call, or to buy a cake for my younger daughter who lives near me.

At my age, I prefer it if everyone forgets. *Laugh* But, yes, birthdays are important. If this is non-fiction, I wonder if the mom ever changed. Thanks for the read. Keep writing.

Dr Who and his Tardis

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Mouse Code  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Ned Nixie here. I found your item via 'read and review'.

First response? *Laugh*

The cover art and the title drew me in. I liked the clever take on the words, and how it tied in with the conclusion.

The story was a smooth read, and I kept trying to guess what the possible conclusion could be. You caught me totally unawares, even though the answer was right there in the brief description.

I liked the dialogue between the two scientists, smooth and easy. They had an easy rapport and it felt as if they were friends. I don't like the thought of experimenting on the rats, even though the critters terrify me. Once my cat dropped a huge, still warm rat in front of me while I was sitting in the living room. Ugh.

I appreciated the generous spacing and font size. I skip reading stories if I have to squint.

Fantastic job writing for this contest.

Plot/characters/setting/conflict were all in place.

Somehow, I think this story will stick in my head because I have other more disturbing rat experiences. *Sick*

The story ran so smoothly, I could see myself 'watching' the scientists. *Checkg* Thanks for the read. *Smile*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Rules  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi QueenNormaJeanGreeneggs&vegham Nixie here. I found your story using the read and review link.

Oh no, that poor dog. How did it survive the tumbling? I wondered how old Michelle was; she sounds like a five-year-old or maybe a bit older since she's the older sister.

Because I was worried about the dog, I felt rather mortified as I read. As a mom myself, I would have explained to the child exactly why the dog shouldn't be in the dryer. Good grief, didn't Michelle hear the thumping?

Rather than the 'grounding' choice the mom made, I would have taken the child to an animal shelter where she would volunteer to gain an understanding of animals. (Of course that requires time spent for the mom, but still...

*Right* Since Michelle is using (mommy) as a first name, the 'M' should be capitalized.

The conclusion was meant to be funny, and I smiled. My strong upset reaction is due to the fact that I was mortified by Michelle's actions. So rating your work based on my feelings doesn't seem fair. The only error I found was the missed capitalized (M).

I want to ask, why was the title "Rules"? It seems there were no rules for this occasion. Just asking.

Thanks for the read, and congratulations on the win. *Smile*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Apple Jacks  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Grace Kween Nixie here. I found your work via the read and review option.

In only a few short words you've captured the essence of showing not telling. But more than that, you've brought a pang to my heart. Many sensations can return a person to a moment in their lives. One such is taste. Most go for the smell sensation; the taste is more nuanced and unique.

I like the simple title that tells everything and nothing at the same time. The brief description is vague enough so as not to spoil the read.

I learned quite a bit about you by reading your comments expressed on your portfolio tab. The words gave me a broader understanding of your talents. You really are quite the poet, and you're very much in tune with sensations.

Writing.com is a unique writing website. Many of us consider this to be our second home. The owners have created a safe place to share. I hope you find the same love and joy as so many others.

Some of us post our writings on the Newsfeed. It's also a social gathering place where we can meet new members and comment on others' posts.

Dr Who and his Tardis

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi elizjohn Nixie here. I found your work via the read and review option.

Ouch. Your poem touched me in a painful way, striking like lightning to my heart. The impact of those words brought to mind deaths I have experienced.

I liked the bit of 'misdirection' if I can label lines eight and nine. The words 'gone', 'forgotten', and 'don't remember' distressed me, thinking that no one would remember the person who died.

I was carried along on a sad but smooth journey. The pacing was even and 'felt' right for the emotions it provoked.

And then, wham. You hit me heart-center with the last line. This is a beautifully composed poem (prose-no rhyme scheme). I would suggest adding a period after the last word, but that's the author's stylistic choice.

I thought this prose was non-fiction, but it's not marked as such. Now I'm recalling my dad's burial, and I would also like to forget that winter.

Thank you for the read. Keep writing!

Dr Who and his Tardis

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of ANGER  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Naomi Nixie here. In thanks for sending me a review, I'm sending one to you. This forum encourages reciprocation. "Review Your Reviewer

Your words are easily relatable. Anger, resentment, or any other negative emotion is capable of ruling our lives. Forgive and forget is a lesson to be learned. I'm capable of forgiving, but not forgetting. Forgiving myself is something I struggle with.

The second sentence in line four is my absolute favorite. I also say, if someone upsets you because they are negative, don't dwell on it. A person on the receiving end only has to tolerate the mean one for a bit. The negative person has to live with themselves forever. That's not a universal statement. If said person is in our lives permanently (as in coworkers, for example) one needs to develop additional skills, or practice avoidance. For the reasons I mentioned above, that one line is profound.

A few oopses.
Like any emotions, you can learn from it... (them)
Emotions are plural.

Line 5
understanding between people and encourage(s) intimacy.

I noticed all your titles are in full caps. Is there a reason for that? I found it distracting. The brief description also has unexpected capital letters. I don't understand why.

One more issue. I'd like to see that first sentence without anger written in full caps. If it's important for you to emphasize it, try italics. Oh, one more thing on the use of ellipses. They are used to represent an omission of words. (for example, a person's sentence is cut off.) Think of an ellipse as a three letter word with spaces. Like this: . . . My sister taught me to count to seven when using them. That works for me.

Consider using a period after (love) instead.

Thank you for the thought-provoking essay. In a mere four lines, you've expressed a powerful lesson. Keep writing. *Smile*

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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Running  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Dagmar Nixie here. In thanks for sending me a review, I'm sending one to you. This forum encourages reciprocation. "Review Your Reviewer

I like the psychology expressed here. Exercise clears the mind and, hopefully, releases the toxins in one's body that build up from intense emotions. So I have rather a different take on what she is running from. It's more like 'what's she running for', if that makes sense.

If something doesn't enhance the plot, it has no place in the story. I understood the purpose, but was confused by the conclusion. The appearance of the deer seemed unrelated.

The reader doesn't know precisely who 'my Dave' is. If Dave was her son, then the appearance of the deer with her doe would tie right in.

I couldn't help but notice the abundance of sentences beginning with 'she'. In the first paragraph, the narrator is identified by name. Peppering that name in exchange for some of the 'she's or her's would help. Also, consider switching up sentence structure to avoid this hiccup.

I'm not a fan of seeing words fully capitalized followed by an exclamation mark. It's been drilled into me to show the emotion. Why did Jessica freeze? Was she afraid of dogs? That can't be true because the family owns a dog.

I enjoyed the read, but can see another way to present this. Keep writing. *Smile*

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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of What now?  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Sumojo Nixie here. I found your work via the read and review option.

*ZodiacTaurus* The title is weak, especially for the strength of the story. You probably wrote the brief description for your own benefit, otherwise, I know you can dream up something more inviting. (Next time, maybe.) Who goes back to their old works to edit after receiving a review. Not me. I carry the advice forward.

Although the line spacing is off, this was a well told story, condensed to fit a word count. The setting is simple and clear. Without anything explicitly said, I knew the two girls were best friends.

When I began the story, I never expected the conclusion. As, the plot progressed, no story elements seemed particularly related to the other. From Justine's sentence alone, I may have guessed.

My brother knew someone who purposely drove their new car into the water to avoid that sickening feeling of the first scratch. I think he made that up.

The scene segue from the girls being outside and then inside without their actions being spelled out impressed me. I have trouble with scene transitions.

You're clever. The scene with the fortune teller began and ended so swiftly, I believed the old man when he claimed exhaustion. Letting the girls express their wonderment still didn't prepare me for the conclusion. *Star* Good job!

Without giving away the conclusion, does the word at the end describe the sound? If the results were fatal, I'd choose 'darkness' as a closing. Right now, I can't think of a better word because I'm freaking thinking about that sound. 'scrunch'?

I rated this 4 stars because the flow of the plot was disrupted by the formatting. The title was weak, and the brief description wasn't a brief description. *Laugh*

Overall, a fun read. Keep writing!

Dr Who and his Tardis

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Louis Williams Nixie here. I found your prose via random review.

Your choice of title is vivid and inviting. The brief description prepares the reader for what's to come. I always hesitate over that part. Do I want to tell the reader? Or do I want them to find out?

I've lived through many hurricanes and the damage is sometimes devastating. I've seen roofs ripped from houses, trees fallen on vehicles, power lines down, which, one time, meant I had no power for four days. Many go weeks without power.

I have a few questions.
"Castles crumbled all around, with stone wall kicked in"
Do you mean that phrase literally? I wonder where a place like
this could be. A place with hurricanes and castles. Hmm.

"kids with lego blocks smashed to the ground"
Kids are smashed to the ground? That's disturbing.

You might want to consider breaking this up into stanzas for an easier read. BTW-this is prose, not poetry. Poetry has a rhyming scheme. That's awfully picky of me.

You absolutely cinched the work in the final two lines. The personification of the hurricane caught me off guard, in a delightful way.

Thanks for the read.

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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Whirring  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Isedora Klopper Nixie here. I found your item via random review.

*Baretree3*A few thoughts popped instantly into my mind, so here's how it goes. I need to get them out of my head. First, it's no big deal, but what you've written is 'prose' not poetry. Next, this presents as a huge block of text that all runs together.

I definitely would not use 'nonsense' as a genre. There is nothing nonsensical about this. Your prose sounds personal, so there's always the choice of 'nonfiction', but that's obvious.

Okay, now my head is clear of distractions. My takeaway is that your thoughts are probably universal. I know they rang true for me. I'm already wishing this day were over.

Your 'philosophy' is expressed in a way that draws in the reader. It's too sad that the words are all jumbled together and the succession of thoughts is confusing due to punctuation.

A suggestion - break this up into natural-flowing stanzas. If a line is carried to the next as one thought, there's no need to capitalize the first letter. Revising that small issue will also help.

You have so much to give. Keep writing!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The smile  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Benjamin Nixie here. I landed on your poem via random review.

These stout words of yours demand a round of applause. You've deeply probed the foundation of society and our place within the chaos. The message of self-empowerment and determination to remain true to ourselves rings with authenticity. At times, no kidding, my heart clenched. The victorious last line neatly and movingly summed up the poem.

Commas can be a bane to our writing existence. This is an area where a writer can improve. The flow of this prose would be maintained without those dang commas interrupting the overall rhythm.

Some editing would strengthen weak phrasing. This one bothered me the most.
"Society's judgment, we don't have to be swayed by their wrath"

I don't rewrite others' work to show as a suggestion, but this line can be tightened up, perhaps by rephrasing 'we don't have'. (passive verb)

What is the title you chose? The one in the title space, or the one at the top of the poem? My vote is for the title. I liked the brief description. It concisely introduced the theme.

Rather than 'other' choose 'prose'.

I didn't check the line count, but here's a contest where you can possibly submit your poem. "Shadows and Light Poetry Contest

Thanks for the opportunity to read and review your work. Keep writing!

A personal review sig
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of A Place I Go  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Spiritual Dawning Nixie here. I'm sending you a return review as thanks for yours.

Well, here I am, after reading the fifth stanza, tears in my eyes. The relief I felt reading your words was profound. I can see myself shrugging off a large boulder that's been riding on my back.

It seems we're in some sort of alignment. Are the stars connecting people of similar observations?

I like the centering of the poem. Not everyone does it, so when I see one the impact of the words is stronger. The lines are even throughout, which also is appealing to me.

I've read this five times now, yet still can't find adequate words to express myself. You've captured the essence of living. Sometimes stumbling along, believing that will always be a person's way. And then turning around (okay, I can't resist the rhyme) to see a brighter day.

The last few weeks have been particularly difficult for me. Your poem evidently came my way at the exact time I needed to hear this message. Thank you.

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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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Review of Music Notes  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Amethyst Angel🌸📝🪽 Nixie here, again, reviewing this item for "I Write in 2024

What a beautiful piece you've written. Even though the material is nothing I'm acquainted with, I had no trouble tuning in for the music and connecting with your words. The flow was majestic, with nary a hiccup. I appreciated the spacing and larger font. Your thoughts are expressed with frankness, and your willingness to share is admirable.

The image we 'see' looking in seems perfect but is often distorted, especially with celebrities. And that's true for everyone. What we often envy/admire is only frosting. So that whole paragraph (...seemed like the perfect couple) is universal to all. That's why I mentioned it here.

I listened to the video while I was stressed out over something silly, and the melody soaked into me, soothing and calm.

Your word choices elicited an unexpected read, and nothing was repeated. Well done, and thanks for the read!

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for entry "Friendship
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Angelica- Happy May 5th! Nixie here, reviewing this item for "I Write in 2024

I liked your poem, even with the simplified rhymes. I wish my life experiences were reflected here. Other than online friends here, I have none. Long ago, my mom told me not to have friends, because when the friendship broke up, the person would tell everyone else what I'd confided.

When I lived in Maine, I had one friend, and all these years later, I still think of her. We worked in the same place, we both had awful husbands and wonderful kids. That's one friendship I could call true blue.

The message ran deeper than the rhyming, and it sounds quite profound. Unfortunately, I couldn't make sense of it. The second stanza means that friendship, like any relationship, has bumps in the road? And the next stanza means being away from each other never dilutes the friendship?

I feel clumsy, loafing around here, thinking. I do like challenges, and the time spent was well worth the effort.


"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

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for entry "Today's World
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi Kenzie Nixie here. This is a thank you review. "Review Your Reviewer

"Today's World

I was fascinated by this entry. Science fiction, even stories I wrote years ago, have become real. What is real? Everyone's perception is different. Sorry, OT. But you prompted my thought, which is a wonderful achievement for a writer.

You packed a ton of thoughts to speculate upon in only a few words. In high school, we needed a permission slip from our parents to watch the movie Big Brother. Compared to the social media we have today, that movie was a mild version of what has come to pass.

We actually 'help' the modern day big brother by answering polls that give away personal information, posting on said social media, and so much more.

*Starp* People actually believe what they read, when often the article is merely a gathering of other 'news' on the internet.

I consider my parents (WW2 era) the last greatest generation. They had class and elegance. We are de-evolving.

Your final sentence reminded me of the song The Sound of Silence, this line in particular. "People hearing without listening".

It's natural for language to evolve, even if it sounds weird to us. Remember our parents being worried about the influence of rock and roll?

Will the younger generations miss baby boomers. I doubt we even exist in their collective minds. And I've already fallen far behind on the new tech race. My grandsons will have to teach me.

*Starp* At any rate, reading this was my pleasure. I actually have to stop typing lest you receive a 2000 c/c review. Thanks for your thought-provoking words.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi jackiesmuse Nixie here. I found your item viz the random review option.

Two years later, I came upon your brief story. I can't imagine making any changes, but here it is. Now that's it's no longer a contest entry, you could change to 'art' for a genre.

Excellent title choice, considering the plot. W/c in the title always looks weird to me, but maybe it was a requirement.

I absolutely love both characters, and have been in similar situations, by misinterpreting a picture. Moms can't ask, 'what is it, honey?' because that can crush a child's spirit.

I'm still grinning after reading this. That last line was funny, yet precious. Oh, that could be the second genre, and then children.

Both characters felt real to me. The mom obviously cares deeply and found a way to diffuse a situation.

What I didn't understand was the exclamation point after the sentence (Thanks, Mom!) Remember, if possible to show feelings through actions, not dialogue.

If you had enough room, a bit more setting would be nice. As I said in the beginning, what's the point of editing the work now? I wouldn't. However, the comments are something to keep in mind for future writing adventures. Keep writing!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Safety Concerns  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Amethyst Angel🌸📝🪽 Nixie here, again, participating in "Review Your Reviewer

First, I have to say, you are one prolific writer! I completed a review of your wolf story, and now I found a steampunk story.

I wasn't crazy about the title, maybe because it only embraced one of the themes, and I didn't think anything in the plot was 'haunting'. Mysterious might be a better word.

The formality of the language caught my attention and piqued my curiosity. As I continued and unwrapped the steampunk elements that drove the story, everything made sense. I never would have guessed the invention was for making bread.

Again, your descriptions were vivid and compelling. The dialogue between the siblings flowed smoothly, despite the stilted language required for this theme.

Along with the invention theme, societal observations were included. Same as Marie Curie, unable to publish under her own name in a man's world, I fear nothing has changed. Sure, maybe women have careers, but on the inside of corporate workings it's still a boys club.

The plot was multi-layered. The conflict arose regarding the missing objects. I was astonished by how well you included the father's actions and then his motivation behind the sabotage. Well done. And sweet little Melody was able to ally all his fears.

This line, spoken by the father confused me.
"If I had only been honest with us."

I wasn't sure what to expect when Julian received the ribbon. I wanted him to hand it over to Melody. The fact that he did demonstrated both his sound character, and the love for his sister.

On top of everything, you've woven a story about a loving family.
Fantastic write!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Wolf Speaks  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Amethyst Angel🌸📝🪽 Nixie here. I'm returning a review favor by participating in this forum. "Review Your Reviewer

The cover art fits the story like a twin. The first sentence is glorious in description. (frosted moon)

The sensory details, sight, sound, and the visuals drew me right into this story. Adding smell and letting the reader know what the weather was would enhance the experience.

I pictured winter, mostly because it made sense to me that the child would be alone and shivering, because the moon was (frosted). That set a tone for cold. The final scene showed the weather, so maybe introduce it sooner?

I'm fascinated by wolf-lore, and imagined the wolves in this story as being hip-high to a human, while seated. I thought the plot would run with the traditional but unrealistic theme of wolves raising a child. All the drawbacks were covered here, conveyed in the child's reasoning on how to exist in the wild. I liked the reality being shown.

I can see that cottage in my mind, with the woman gardening. The sensory delights in the last few paragraphs were entrancing. I had already guessed the conclusion, but that didn't detract from my enjoyment. Beautifully executed. Thanks for the read. *Smile*

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for entry "February
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Sue. Nixie here, reviewing this item for "I Write in 2024

Overall Impression
Dang, I have to admit to being confused. I've only lived in the states, so googling antipode for a definition was fun. The first two lines made sense, but the third line seemed to be missing a word. And I puzzled over the need for a comma.

"A summer, that really (is)? a bummer"

I'm chalking this up to a cultural difference.

The second stanza warmed my heart. When my dad was alive, every Valentine's Day he'd show up with a heart-shaped box of candies.

After reading the last line, I looked like this *Right* *Laugh*
and I have to add this: *Thumbsup* for cleverness.

The quote from the Farmer's Almanac punched up the level of enjoyment. Because I'm not a member, is it possible this was the prompt?

I appreciated the enlarged, bold font.

Because I was confused, I checked the comments for this entry. Both were positive, indicating something slipped past that would have made the first stanza transparent to me.

So, congrats on completing a successful entry. In Florida, February can still be hot, but this year we've had temps in the 40s. That is winter here. I'm wary of hitting 'submit' because sometimes I 'get' the poem or story hours later.

I'm struggling trying not to overthink this review, so I'll close with "Thanks for the read."

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"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Pernell Rogers Nixie here. I saw this contest entry for "SCREAMS!!! and was impressed.

Overall impression
I was amazed when I reached the end of the story. Everything flowed so smoothly, I was barely aware of the time passing. The premise was well established, and I knew what might be coming, but couldn't be certain.

Fantastic job balancing narration, description, and dialogue. I wrote this for an image prompt, and the way you described the Air bnb, if that's what it was, captured the creepy mood and the beauty. I especially liked the sentence about the Christmas lights in the tree.

Considering the length of this piece, the mistakes were relatively inconsequential.

But that (that's) totally up to you."

I have an aversion to repetition.
*Right* "I don't know. I don't know anyone who's stayed here."

"I don't know about this, Hector." Her worried expression caused him concern.

And again:
"I don't like this, Hector," Daphne said.
"I don't know. Maybe they're trying to scare us," he replied.
they took their drinks out to the courtyard and took a...

He hoped it would be outside so she could show him where she saw the shadow." (no closing quotation mark is needed)

Even the manager as (has) heard it

A door slam (ed) shut.

Emotions evoked
Was I properly frightened? I felt anxiety more than anything, as the plot flowed. The conclusion caught me off-guard and left me suitably horrified.

I never want to return to a place where I've been before. Well, only one place, the first house I owned ever. It was in Maine, built in 1901. And the history of the building (no hauntings) was incredible. Thanks for poking my mind and restoring that old memory.

A closed book=a lasting impression
I don't expect you'll return to this piece and make corrections. That wouldn't make sense. But I did point out the oops because sometimes that creates awareness for the writer. For example, it's possible a writer would now notice repetition.

Thanks for the read!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Grumpy Beginnings  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi AmyJo- only 2 steps behind - Nixie here. I found your poem using the random review tab.

The Hook
Who can resist a grumpy smurf? It wasn't so long ago when that cartoon was popular. Or was it? Cover art makes a difference, and since I am inspired by images, that cover art is eye candy.

A closer look
I liked the formatting that made this an easy read. Evenly spaced lines, plenty of white space, and an enlarged font. Woo-hoo.
The rhyming scheme flowed easily and evenly. The emoticons were not overpowering. They added just the right amount of snazz to draw interest.

My favorite line was the 'murder' one because of the way it was phrased.

Emotions evoked
I enjoyed the lighthearted mood, which lifted my spirits. I can't imagine life without coffee. Although, one might argue it's milkshake coffee due to the amount of creamer I use.

A closed book=a lasting impression
Yours was the first item I reviewed today, which gave me almost as much fuel as coffee. Thanks!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "~ Play The Hand ~
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi ruwth Nixie here, reviewing this item for "I Write in 2024

Overall Impression
This entry is so relatable. Through using specific quotes you expounded on the meaning of them for you. This gave me a sense of closeness to you.

As the narration goes
Trials and tribulations. I'm sad to hear of this upset in your relationship with your child and the other people in your life also involved. There were no specifics (I respect that) yet you were still able to draw me in. The anonymity contributed to the closeness I expressed before.

It's natural to slump into a state of inaction when the brain can't process a problem. The mind tends to run in circles, and sometimes that means a person is 'frozen' in time.

The simple stuff
The formatting was much appreciated. The large font and generous spacing made this an easy read. Not everyone thinks to do this. Those of us who have to squint (I'll speak for everyone) will be relieved.

I've read many articles about this topic and liked what you said, (sad though it was). Often I resent this type of advice (not from your writing). I keep to myself to avoid conflicts. I'm a person unable to communicate clearly. Also, forgiveness is a big step forward, but I've suffered the consequences of being too forgiving.

All in all
Because I shy away from everyone, I'm afraid I live in a bubble, and do not have the opportunity to grow by wading through difficulties.

The entry name, Play the Hand, reminded me of what I have learned. Life is what it is. You're a strong person and I know you'll find your way back to the light. And you're already on your way! Thank you for your frankness, and your willingness to share your experiences. Strong and brave. *Heart*

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Xander. Nixie here. I found your item via random review

*BoothB* Initial reaction
I wondered where the title would take me. When I saw all the stanzas I wondered how everything would play out.

*Boothb*Overall Impression
As far as presentation. I liked the even lines creating symmetry. I often think about the stanzas you wrote. At first, I thought of the humdrum days you covered. Is this what life adds up to? The rhyming. None of it felt forced. Rhyming (mood) and (attitude) was clever and original.

The beginning of every line doesn't always need to be capitalized, especially if it's an ongoing thought.

Every time I say goodbye to someone 'I love you' is my last statement, because this could very well be the last time you see or talk to them.

The concluding stanzas were dark and caught me off guard. But again, I liked the originality. Most interesting that the bad guy had consequences to face. They would always be looking over their shoulder, unless they're smart enough to make themselves scarce.

We are gifted when we wake up, but it's easy to forget that.

When my dad was dying, his last words were 'is this all there is?' He lived a full life, making every day count. He was involved in the community. He built his own business. He gave to charities. I mean, that sounds like a satisfying life. More than many of us have.

*Boothb*That's a wrap

The encapsulation of a person's entire day drove the point home. It was easy to relate because all humans have this in common.

Dr Who and his Tardis

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of six Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Writer_Mike Nixie here. I found your item via random review

*Vine1* Initial reaction
I was clicking through 4 or 5 stories when I found this gem. The title caught my attention.

*Vine2* Overall Impression
I noticed 'teenage love' in the brief description, after I puzzled through the first paragraph. What a weird thing to say. It sounded 'off-tune' and out of place. From there, the story took flight.

In the second paragraph, she kissed you, and from there, your mind filled in all the blanks with your imaginings. I think I've been in that place a time or two for summer romances.

The fourth paragraph highlights your unique writing voice. I'm trying not to highlight too much, the 'weighty stuff...' *Laugh* Oh, how embarrassing.

I probably would have tripped over that prompt, but you took it on like a pro. I liked the equal formatting, same size paragraphs, enlarged font and plenty of white space. All these combined made the story even more of joy to read.

*Vine1* Favorite line *Heart*
'I might be fairly good at "Clue", but I sure didn't have one.'

*Vine1* That's a wrap
The last paragraph surprised me. If that song came on the radio, I would immediately switch stations. Maybe the pain was easier to work through by repeated exposure? She sure did build you up. So wrong. I don't even know her, and I don't like her. *Laugh* Thanks for the read.

image for when I feel dark

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of six Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Nature's Beauty  
Review by Nixie
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi TheBusmanPoet Nixie here. I found your poem using the read and review option.

The Hook
The title drew me in, as I'm partial to reading anything about nature. The brief description is insightful.

A closer look
I like poems that are centered and have more or less equally even lines. The poem doesn't need any punctuation, the period at the end serves the purpose of the poem. It's one smooth read from beginning to end.

Emotions evoked
I wanted to cry when I finished reading this. The poem appears simplistic. It's anything but. I'm not observant, but one of my brothers is. When he's on his mountain hikes he calls me to share the beauty he sees. He seems to be so in touch with nature that it takes special care to show him something marvelous. The more he sees, the more fantastic happenings appear. Even deer he comes across simply stare at him before moving on.

A closed book=lasting impression
Regarding the last line. I'm not sure my summary exactly matches the sentiment. I'm left here pondering, wishing I knew what to say. The words hit home. The description is often applied to love (for those who believe in love) in that we must love and honor ourselves if we want to share ourselves with another.

It was my pleasure to read your work and take the time to slow down and relax.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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