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by rixxie
Rated: 18+ · Book · Cultural · #1373867
This online collection of cultural stories, poems and essays is unique.
*Books3* This book is a collection of cultural Black stories, set in the now and forty years ago. The first set, On A Mission, contains numerous stories: Mother Smith, Annie-May,Clara-Jean,Itty-Bitty-Ol'-Nasty Man, And The Mighty Zay-eusm are the main ones. These are witty sometimes sad characters, that find their way to carry-forth.
The book also contains cultural poems, essays, and prose. Most of the stories are being created, as I post them, it is a raw blog. I am interacting with my readers taking suggestions for stories, finding out about their interests. It is a work in progress, I go through my stories and smooth then out. It's for fun, some of my stories may eventually find their way into it. The blog is casual and conversational, urban musings. I keep a blog, with the book, to keep readers posted. There are, teaser, excerpts chapters, from my book.
Tales & Myths from The Inner city, a work in progress..The Paperback version, of the book is being smooth out, and edited, and marketed. I featured some of the concepts from this book, on T-shirts, mugs and other gifts : http:www.Zazzle.com/qmarpat. Thanks, I look forward to supporting you, too! Stop by my blog, and say,"Hello". We will have fun and laughs! I have included short reviews of some of the stories, thanks, so much for being a reader! Thank you so much, for hanging in there with me, You can also catch up with me, at: www.Hubpages.com/Qmarpat I have wacky veggie creations and few recipes and jokes, I look forward to hearing from you. I want to thank all my fans, that "Liked" me on Facebook. I love my readers! I wish you Happy Holidays and a very prosperous New Year!
Take care-rixxie

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August 7, 2009 at 7:28pm
August 7, 2009 at 7:28pm
Hi!! How you livin'? It's really hot, but now there is a breeze-real nice!! I told you last year, I was entering the homemade contest. I was too late, but this year is the year!! I want one of the first three prizes for home wine or beer. They have both professional, and amatuer divisions. My wine will tear you off!! I'm going to put e-ver-rything in it!! I had sipped this old mans' wine twenty -five years ago. It was RAW-W!! It had, floating raisins, and a KIC-ick!! l also, applied for my band I just created that doesn't have members yet, to-JAMM!!!
I'll see you there!! It's Sac.CA., Cal-Expo., August 21-September 6th. BIGFUN.org, see you there!!!
Take care--rixxie-8/08/09
August 2, 2009 at 2:01pm
August 2, 2009 at 2:01pm
How you living, are you doing good/ Are you just holding on? If you have a web page that's, G-rated, all folks allowed, or a facebook, you want people to visit, let me know. I'll put a word out to everybody. Networking, is great you can get yourself all connected, with a facebook, or youtube, account, and a main blog, it's great fun, you don't have to do anything wild, you can be mainstream, and still be popular. Click comment and let me know what's going on in your world. You can use just your first name and your city.
Take care-Enjoy your Sunday--rixxie
July 24, 2009 at 1:16pm
July 24, 2009 at 1:16pm
I told you if, you didn't start talking, I was going to keep writing!! It's been real hot out here, in northern, California-105!! Nice days-but that's stupid hot!! I was thinking about new stories to do. I've talked about love, and hard times. I'm going to do a story, about taking your young child to daycare. I've been on both sides of the fence. I've been the teacher, patting the nervous mother going back, to work on the arm. I'd try to comfort her, knowing how it felt.

I've been a young mother taking my two babies, Myisha and Somari, to Booth Memorial Daycare, in Oakland,California. It was April, 1977, and I was so nervous. The children, would have too-many fall accidents, it had staff problems. And to add to all, my anxiety, their were rumors, flying around, that some staff were doing bad things. It was said, they were taking some of the babies, and toddlers off, the grounds, unarthorized, and not watching them. I was trying to go to school. I hope to God that wasn't true, 'cause here, thirty-two years later, I'd be mad. Me and their father, would be their worst nightmare! It's not easy being, a daycare provider, either, it can be hard, but rewarding work.

It's not easy, parenting and trying to finish your education or work. If you have any story, ideas, please, click comment and let me know. I promise to have something funny-tomorrow!!
Take-care-don't take any wooden Binkies!! -rixxie
July 23, 2009 at 2:04pm
July 23, 2009 at 2:04pm
Hi! I had so much fun, just talking to readers. I'm going to start a new story next month. If you have any,ideas let me know.
July 18, 2009 at 5:09pm
July 18, 2009 at 5:09pm
Hi! it's saturday, i'm just relaxing, and celebrating a little. My new childrens' fictional cultural book, was published last night. It's entitled: "Little trakita Latisha Jones, and the Safety zone". It's available on Amazon.com, on Kindle, or your ipod or iphone, and some other ebook devices. It's geared toward three to five year olds. It's only $5.99, I had fun doing the illustrations.
I like doing, some my own illustrations, and being able to put them on t-shirts, and gift items. it gives me a way to work, creativly from home. A lady was asking me about the little logo, I use on most of my web sites. It's a painting, of a little Black lady, in blue. It represents me, it didn't come from a photo. I'm not that skilled at computers yet. I painted it, it's watercolors, and markers. The hair, texture, was made by just dabbing the tip of my brush, on the paper. And no, I've never been in a magazine, I'm into painting, art and my writing.
I want to take time to wish, my younger brother, of whom I haven't to in a few years, Marvin, a happy belated birthday and fathers day.
Take care-rixxie
July 8, 2009 at 4:42pm
July 8, 2009 at 4:42pm
I told you, I'll just keep talking, and telling you silly things, until you log on and tell me about you! Don't worry i'll get back to stories in Augst. this is part of the format, i promised. Some short stories, some prose, [this that I'm doing now.]. And sprinkled in here and there will be poetry, and some images. Enjoy your summer-2009, Northern California is, beau-ti-ful today!! I'm going to start back selling, some products at the fleamarket, and enjoy this lovely summer!!
Take care-rixxie-7/08/09
July 5, 2009 at 5:19pm
July 5, 2009 at 5:19pm
Hi- readers! Happy 4th of july! Did you burst from eating too much, barbecue? I think I want to rent a whole bunch of 4th of July, movies. Do you know any? I thought fireworks were illegal, in calif. I heard things, that sounded like rapid fire bombs. What is your most memorable 4th? Mine is when I was twelve, buying a long prom dress from the thrift store and prancing around in it all day. Have a safe holiday weekend! And remember, what they use to say in ads, in the sixties: "He who brings forth on the fourth, with a fifth, may not bring forth on the fifth". Be safe!! Talk to you tomorrow.
June 18, 2009 at 12:52pm
June 18, 2009 at 12:52pm
Hi- today, June 18, 2009, starts a new chapter. It will be a little interactive, I just want to see how regular people around the US, are getting along. I only want you to use your initials, or your username, and the city and state you live in. I just want you to tell us, a little about how you are doing right now-{This is a family chapter keep it clean-please!] You just click the the comment button, and let us know what's going on in your world. I will pass it on, to my readers. I want to travel next year, i will probably, have to send someone else, due to my health.
I want to compile it all, by next Janurary 31, in a documentary, entitled; How you' livin'. So go ahead America tell us how you livin'. I will just post, running short stories, based loosely on past events. Take care!! rixxie
So-how you living? Got the recession blues? Don't worry, I remember 1981, people were doggone, near bankrupt. things will turn around. I have a bad heart, I had massive heart surgery in 2007, I was,put on bed rest, ever since. I work from home I like runing my zazzle.com/qmarpat* store, and my other online stores. I can't wait for them and my book sales to turn a reasonable profit. I like finding other people jobs, it does my heart good. I was reading a AARP, publication the other day. It was about people who were trying to cope, after losing their job. I was more than glad to send some job info., their way. I looked up their city and state on, Monster.com, and CareerBuilder.com, both ecellent fre job web sites.
They send alot of fine, jobs my way if I ever get where I can walk around, and stand for a day without pain, i'll take one. In the meantime, i'll keep working online, I can rest when i need, too. You know if you don't start, leaving me comments, about how, YOU, livin' I'll just run of at the mouth!!
Take care-Later, rixxie
Hi! So-you're not talking, huh? I warned you, I will run off at the mouth. Let's see- did anyboy see that tv, interview, of president Obama with that important contact. I think the media is losing its mind! A fly flew on the presidents arm, and he batted it away. SO-O-O-O! The nutheads did a whole segment about the-FLY, that's right the, flinging buzzin, stinkin' dead-tail-FLY! GAWD!!! They didn't even tell us what the conference was about, they continued, the whole news story about the FLY!! It made matters worst, when a nutjob, called up frotesting the death of the fly, from something like the league of protection of flys; 'cause their animals too!!! GAWD!! Isn't that crazy, does that make any since at all?
It's summertime tel me about summer vacations good and bad. This wasn't exactly, a summer vacation. I was in college and, I was in San Gregorio, California teaching arts & crafts for the summer. One hot eveing the farm near by, was live with the sound of moooing, howling cows. I asked one of the other counselors, who had been raised on farm, what was going on. She said, "Their mating". I still didn't understand all the noise. She broke it down to me, in nasty street, lingo. I just said;'O-o-oh!".
Take care-later-rixxie
HI!! I'd like to take this moment, before I proceed, to express my sadness, and sympathy for the passing of, Michael Jackson, yesterday. Yesterday, June 25, 2009, music world will never be the same. If he had not developed his talent, in the huge way he did, I'm not sure some of our other stars, would be the same. May he always, rest in Divine Peace. You can share your thoughts & prayers, at: Michael Jackson.com.
Hi!! Today, I was thinking about, some silly backyard barbecue. it was years ago, actually it wasn't silly, it was fun. Did you see the scene in the movie, The Diary Of A Mad Black Woman? When, the crowd was eating, and doing the Electric Slide? Man-that brought back memories! I played it over and over. I did it, partially, to see how he could, be Madea, Uncle Joe, and himself the lawyer, all in the same scene. I figured it out, after, about the 12th, time of playing the movie. I could tell you but, I don't want to spoil the surprize!

I told, I told you, If you don't log on and tell us, "How You Livin'", so I can document you and let the world know, I'm gonna keep talkin'. You can just click; comment, and leave your first intial, and last name, and city and and state. And i'll let the readers know. The best will make it in my book or documentary next year.
Here I go, You, know, I was daydreaming about that old saying, "Life Immitates art". I love, to watch movies at home or the theater. I mostly like funny things. I decided that I was going to decorate, my new little house when I move in a few months, based on movies. You remeber that scene in, Waiting to Exhale, when they showed Whitney hustons', characters' house. It was this beautiful, livingroom, I loved me some purple anyway. I'm a artist, and the masks stuck, in my mind and scared me! I'm going to paint my livingroom, to match hers. I'm going to make, FRIENDLY, faces, probably sculptures. I liked a little of, The Preachers Wife, house, I'll use a little of that livingroom. I'm going to also use a little of the house in, Made in America, minus the nasty, Whoopee and Ted did!! She was funny in that. I'm going to use some of the bedroom in, Diary of a Mad Black woman. It will be minus, the silly, evil Black man. You quiet, as it's kept, I'd a left his triflin' behind, first, okay? When him and Horina, got back, there wouldn't be lightbulbs, in the socket, or carpet on the floor!!!
It's been Fun-n-n, gotta run-later! rixxie
Hi! I was watching some old shows, a couple of days ago, and guees what!! I saw, Blacula!!!!! Yes!! You remember don't you, with that actress, that played, Cleopatra jones? Freaky-scary-Black Dracula!!!! Ha-ha-ha-ha!!! It was, terrible!! Ugly!!! That scence in the middle with her, and Blacua, sweatin, 'spose to be, evil spirits, all roused up!!! It, looked like something ELSE!!! I'm not even, going down, THAT-road!!! And they had, Cotton Comes to Harlem!! They showed, a slew of what you, call, "Blacksploitation" movies of the seventies. I think that's how they, spell it. I laughed, until I howled!! Bad-bad-bad,terrible!! All those movies, crack me up. Hey-if somebody, knows where I can find, a copy, of-the movie, Revend Jessie Jackson, made in the seventies. I think it was called, "I am Somebody", or Jessie Jackson, and operation push. It was about 1972, Michael Jackson, was about 14, years old, Diana Ross, a slew of stars. And he said that he found, this family of fourteen, kids, and a pregnant mother, he put on stage, hiding in the bushes. They had no place to, go. it would be interesting, to see what the children, became. Let me know, where I can find a copy. That would be a collectors, item.
Take care--rixxie
Hi! How you livin'? You're not letting the economy get you down, are you? Don't forget about fleamarkets, and yardsales. about twenty years ago, I loved to take my kids and merchandise to sell to the Berkeley flea market, the Alameda fleamarket. Sometimes i'd mak sixty or more in a few hours. You'll pull through it, things have a way of swinging back in your favor, if you hang in there.
Today, for some reason, I went into laughing spasms, about a old movie. Do you remember-"Play Misty for Me?" I thought it was a bad movie. Was that Kirk Douglas the played the lead role? He plays, a popular, Dee-jay, this crazy woman, calls him everyday, and requests the same song, over and over. She called him, at least three times a day, and said; "Play misty for me", whispering, real low. She went, from that to stalking. I was thinking, of my version of that movie. A sexy woman, would call, Peabro Bryson, and whisper,"Sing, Forever mine, for me".
I'll holler at you, later-take care,rixxie
HI! Thanks to the reader who cleared, that up for me! I think you're right! I think it was, Clint Eastwood, and not Kirk Douglas-thanks! I now know, I have live people reading! If you want to tell, me something, too-just click comments. I'm still trying to find that movie, by Rev. Jessie Jackson, from 1972. It had Michael Jackson, and several other stars. Rev. Jackson, had presented this family, it was, I think a mother who was pregnant, and twelve kids. I wanted to see, the movie again, and see what happen, to some of the people. I think it, was called;"Save The Children". I'm kind of a popular history buff, I look at old movies and trace kid stars to their present, roles.

Speaking of urban stories, I had mentioned to you, in August I'll start another set of urban tales. If you have ideas let me know. I make some of them up as I write, It even surprises me sometimes. I was thinking about, my own personal, urban story the other day. I was trying to come up with something, about parenthood. I started thinking, about when, I was twenty-three years old. I bringing my newborn baby, Maisha, home from the hospital, to my little apartment. I remember I paid $95.00, a month furnished all utilities paid, believe it or not. It reminded me of how the cost of living, had changed and everything changes. And it reminded me of how becoming, a parent can grow you up real fast. You suddenly have to get maturity, you didn't know you had.
Be Cool Enjoy life-later-rixxie
Hello-little itty bitty rosebuds!! I just like saying that-I think it came from a Popeye cartoon. You know that silly guy that plays, the Jack-in-the-box, man? He's crazy! He cracks me up, he is so-o-o, obnoxious, in a silly way. I heard a rumor that, he was the same guy, that yells ; Ya-aa-hoo-oo!! The yeller, for Yahoo internet services. He used to play the, "Unknown Comic", with a bag over his head, on the Gong Show! No-o-o!! So-what have you been up to? I want to know if it's a hot typical summer, where you are. Have you ever seen the award ceremonies, for commercials? It is funny, and just stupid!! It's real amusing, I look forward to it, every year. I was waiting, for someone to tell me what restruant, in what city has the best barbecue. This lady was telling me, hands down-Chicago. I like the ones, in Oakland, California, like Flints.
Take Care-talk to you soon-rixxie
Hey! I'm so excited today is the last day to submit a bid, in my county, for surplus cars, office equipment, you name it! They have that service in every county, in the US, you have to contact your countys' auction dept. I'm excited, also because I started, a new book yesterday-a childrens' book! It comes from my years, and years as a preschool teacher. I was also making amends, for silly young years, of making fun of some black girls names. As if mine, were any better, I shortened mine, at least theirs was musical, and kind of rhymed. I like my name now, too, Aw-Maturity! It can be the thing that saves you or- Bites You in the Rear!

Hence-I present to you; "Tranita Laquisha jones & the Safety Zone", the book is entitled something like that! It's one of five in a series, each book, the little bugger will be somewhere else. I figure if people can write demonic scary things, and make a go at it, I can try for funny. You just have to do make the best, of whatever talents, you have and make it work for you. I wanted to tell, you some news about Kindle, Amazons.com, wonderful reading device. It's exspensive, I have my book; Tales & Myths of the Innercity", on it. You can have your choice of hundreds of thousands of reading material, instantly! If you wanted the New York Times, you put in the info., in about one minute it's in your lap in the device.

You DON'T, have to buy the Kindle, if you have a ipod or a iphone!! You just get on amazon.com, and request the info., so your ipod, will act like a kindle or your iphone-it's free!! Please do! I can use all the customers, I can get! Have a lovely day!
Take Care-rixxie
Well-HELLO, little itty bitty rosebuds!! Have you been good? Did you see, my post on this site, about the day I hid, in the Bulls locker room? I pretended to be, one of their cheerleaders--had on one of those shiny red dresses the girls where, on Bulls.com. Looke go-o-o-od in it too--how ya' like now!!! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, oh I just crack me up! And what about, that email I got from GOD? You can see it in my portfolio, on this site, a poem called,"Email from above". He sent me another one, but that one's personal. I just, hear all kind of important people!!! Aw-w-w-Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!! I had you going didn't I-Oh me!! Did you see an old movie called, once bitten? That was terrible and nasty!! It's from the nineties, gr-r-r-ross!!

I love chocolate, I love chocolate it buzzes me up-big time, and then it makes me itch and bump. SOMEBODY-want to get on my good side? Send me some giftcards good for chocolate, at Walmart or something, I would say Sees candy, but it's a recession and all. I'll talk to you later, don't take no wooden, Binkies....
BYE- I'm Ou-u-t!! rixxie
******************************************************************************************************I'm really happy to be moving to the bay area, I was born and raised there. I hate the city I live in, to me it is corrupt, and very biased. I look forward to the kind of, cloudy days, where the sun comes out, late afternoon. I know a lot of people there, and were more on the same page. I want to resume, my poetry readings, I enjoyed the small following I had there. it's been a while since, I released a work of poetry, other than this blog. I miss the excitement, and it's nice to have people who are glad to see you. I'm not sure, but I think some of these very strange people are going to fly back to their home -planet, any day! I've seen people tell,them,"Hi-how's it going?" And they would do some idiotic gesture, or come to you and look you up and down, all the while stinking. I hate them!! People I've talked to, who are from the same planet Iam despise the. It's no getting away from, the thug/creeps, they run the hospitals, in the stores, everywhere. I can't wait to get out of, "hicksville". People have asked me-"What is wrong with these people?", I told them, they are crazy they run things and their thugs. You ever seen anybody, who had fifty jobs in one month? The butcher, the baker, the doctor, the store clerk--YIKES NUTS!!!
I hope you're doing well, where you are. Is it hot there? It was a hundred and five this week-followed, ahundred threes!! I kid you not. I tell you some funny things, tomorrow.
Be Well-Take Care--rixxie
Have you ever gone to the PTAs', parent potluck, looked at the endless rows of hot dishes? Did you puzzle your mind, as to the contents? You wondered what the, l-o-o-ong, streams of pink meat were? Did it kind of remind you, of a Stephen King novel? Long, rectangle, pieces of meat-how did they do that? Did you wonder, if the long redbean, and macaroni, casserole, was in the food chart. If the long redbeans, had been knitted, by the mother-do they grow those things themselves? They were huge!! It would be one of those dishes, that remained on the table.
There, usually would be some, sweet dish, you couldn't define, but was very tastey.There would, be fried chicken, of various, doneness. It would always be some that was cooked the way I liked it. I always, made me a plate of things, I could easily, identify. Happy, potlucking! There are good potlucks. Some of the best Christmas, parties I've been, invited to were potluck. I'm kind of leary, of office potlucks, it's a chance, for enemies to get even.
I was teaching, at this elementary school, and every friday, they had GOOD, potluck. These women knew what they, were doing in the kitchen! It was like a twenty dollar lunch, buffet. I kid you not. You just have to take your fork, and pick through things, at most potlucks. If it moves-make a bee-line for the door.
Take care--rixxie
******************************************************************************************************Hi! To tell you the truth, I'm sick of Bluetooth!! I'm so sick of those rude nuts, with somethign stuck in there ear!! I hope it gets lodged in there and it has to, be surgically removed. I had this dumb, cab driver that was talking to me in the cab, and some streetwalker, on the phone, Irritating!! Talk to horrena, on your own time! I swear, to gawd,I don't want to hear it! Creeps!! Is that obnoxious, or what/ like they got some brain surgery to do-Gawd!! Sickening!! Sickening, or what? I hate the nutjobs, that go in the bank, like that-STUPID!! The clerk is trying to figure out if they're talking to them, or the nut on the phone. You got to wonder, who is, dumb enough to hang on all that time, why thay do that rude thing. I don't think, either one of them has a brain. I'm still taking, suggestions, for stories, I'm starting a new story, in the, On A Mission, series. I've talked about love, jobs, family, I'll ponder something to write about.
Stay cool-it's 100 degrees, in this part of Northern, California---Bye-rixxie
HI!! What are you doing readers? this is fun, writing for people you never, get to see. I was just wondering, whatever happened to common sense? Old fashion good sense, just 'cause somebody tells you something-you go off on a limb. I can't believe someone the, Doofs, that are popping up. Some lunatics, invented something, called, Number one Mary in", something Deeve like that. I don't know what it means, the skangs, have imposters for real people. They do something, vulgar and sexist and racist. That's to be expected. People, know they're nuts, what's the let down, is the morons who play into it. I'm like, "Don't you have a brain?" Their life must be so bad, they had nothing and itelligent and nice to do. I'm going to stick to my writing, and online sales. I have to stay on the real planet. people who lose their mind have alot of power. They can convince dumbies to do anything. I've seen them sign several government documents, with the same black marker. You think that would be a dead give away, or the stalking, or lying. They've created their own, lunatic world, 'cause they were too, crazy to handle the real one.
If it seems, far fetched it probably is, use your own senses. We seem to live in the age, of con artists, loonies, and criminals. they convince some people, to risk their life, their families lifes' everything. Don't let that happen to you, don't take no wooden "Binkies".
******************************************************************************************************I just want to take this this time, to send out love, to my father. John W. Patton, wherever you are in the universe. He died, August 9, 1962, at the house our family, was living in on Estepa drive, in E. Oakland,CA. Say a prayer about 8:00,p.m. 8/09/09, thank you!! You'll be in my prayers too!!
Take care--talk to you later-rixxie-8/05/09
Hi!! itty bitty little rosebuds!! I-Ba-c-ck, Honey, I H-o-ome!! How's everybody doing? Time for something lighthearted. I was thinking about old and new inventions, and how art imitate life, and vice versa. I remember in the seventies before, cell phones, they had, CB, radios. You remember that? Everybody had a, "handle", a name they used on the airways. They were, "Honeybear", and "SweetBaby", remember? And then in 1979, the cell phone. This enormous thing-I thought it was that phone the linemen use when they go up, telephone poles. I could swear, that a flip cell phone was a copy, of the communicator, from Startrek. You have to remember, that was 1969. In the 1950s, they had a movie, called,"i Robot", and you know they have the vacuum, with that name.

I saw a documentary made in the fifties, they were discussing computers of the future. The pictures, they drew looked like desktops. They had, the little vacuum robot like the new, irobot, just invented, only their version, was square.
I'm still taking suggestions, for the next story, you just click, comment. Thanks!! I'm going on a working trip, in about two weeks. I'm going to capture, some lovely digital images, of flowers and birds, and landscapes. I'll, put up some of my best posts, and let them run, I'll be back!!
Don't take no wooden Binkies! -take care-rixxie

June 16, 2009 at 10:23am
June 16, 2009 at 10:23am
Hi!! That was fun- doing the chapter, about things that get on your nerves. In a few days I'm going to start a: "How you livin'?'", Post, I want to travel, or send someone, to make a documentary- about how regular people are getting by.
Readers!! I need to inform you, that in the production, of two versions of my book; Tales & Myths of the Innercity, there were production, technical errors. Some of the bad proofs, may have slipped through. IF you get a bad copy produced by; WordClay or CreateSpace, let amazon.com know, if you bought through them, tell them you want a good copy, numbers on the page, and structured correctly, or you want your money back. Or you can contact WordClay.com directly, thats the copy with the blue cover and the freeway scene. They are both the same book, Createspace.com, is the one to contact and ask for a good copy of the book, or your money back, if you bought that one. It's got a rainbow cover, and a clothesline scene. The one on Kindle is okay. Thanks, for your support, amd please let them know if you get a bad, bad copy by mistake. Thank you so much!!
May 30, 2009 at 3:09pm
May 30, 2009 at 3:09pm
Hi there! I took a break for a minute, after, the story, Romantic vaction for a tired man. I decied to write about, crazy things and things, that make you go-GAWD!! We all, know people like that, and crazy things.

I once knew this woman, that would go all over the neighborhood, bragging about,the good paying job she got. The thing was, she was totally skitz-insane, and a outlaw. She was bragging, to a woman, whose first born, childs' identity, she had stolen-nuttz!! I told you! She was almost 300 pounds, ad looked like the black version, of Bigfoot! She was real, real- nuts, she go around calling people, "number 1's", what ever the devil that means! She was highly connected, and was able to avoid arrest for a long time. She'd brag, she had to drive 61/2, hours to and from work! As if she got points for that-federal identity theft and fraud-what a nut!! People were like-"Trick- 61/2, hours drive for work? Gawd-you're crazy you could been in New York, by then, and ran your crazy huge behind away, to avoid-arrest!! Somebody finally turned her in, I heard and she's suppose to doing, twenty to life in the federal facility for the criminally insane-GAWD!!!!

Talk-to you later! rixxie
I remember, being somewhere in the outskirts, of the valley somewhere in nothern, Calif., in the 1970's. My little sister, brother and mom went, into a little old, Ma and Pa, store, they came out laughing out loud. I asked my brothe what happen, and he whispered he'd tell me later. When, we got home, he called me over to the side, where nobody could hear. He said" when we, put our things on the counter, we saw a real old lady in the back. She had, only a few teeth and was, was sucking on a long raw, pork, hot link" GAWD!!!!

Talk, to you later, rixxie
I remember, when I was in Jr. high school, all us skinny girls, wanted to be like the popular girls. They had big, ones, some stuffed socks and tissue, in their chest. most of us tried to descreet, except for this one day, this silly 14 year old was leaping up and down. She was showing off in shorts, and a low- cut t-shirt. You guessed it! The socks came popping out on the trampoline, then the tissue jumped out! I remember, I was so skinny, I had nothing upstairs. One day, after school, I needed to ask the teacher something. When I walked up to him, two buttons, jumped off my blouse, and my stomach, started talking louder than me!. It was like, G-r-r-r-o-O-w-l-lw-a-a-a-a!! I was hungry! GAWD!!!
Tell you some more silliness-don't take any wooden donuts!!!
BYE!! rixxie

TV,makes me go, yuck-GAWD!! Did you see that, "ninety year old fetus", a sick woman gave birth to on the floor, of the show fringe? It creeps me out I had mentioned that, in my, Hey what are you watching on, tv blog. I remember the time, one of our neighborhood friends, was in the local market, flirting. The woman was in her thirties, she was switching past these real cute guys. She walked clean out her shoes, and had to go back, to the end of the isle and get them! Ha-ha-ha-ha! I was in San Francisco in the late eighties, when that armored truck dropped all that money up and down Market street. i had just, got on BART, two minutes earlier. You know they never found all that money? A few minutes later, I'd been crusin' around, Spain in a red Jaguar! OKAY? Oh-Well! Talk to you later, stay cool-rixxie
Hey! I was telling you about events, that irritate you. You know, i understand when kids do dumb, things but grown people? Oh-come on, now! Two years ago i was completing the fostercare process,[yes, despite raising two children of my own, motherhood was tugging at me.] There was a ten minute break, since it was alot of people I waited before heading to the restroom. As I walked in, this large woman comes out the stall, and hands the other fat woman a camera phone she had on in the stall. She passed it, right by my face rude, scatch, and ther one goes okay she's, through! GAWD!! I ain't, speculating, 'bout that trash!!
I was walking past these two women down the street about, twenty years ago, and one lady stoodstill. The other woman, was in an obvious hurry, and told her friend to walk on. There was a older, gentleman, searching for something, and the woman just stood there. She whispered to her friend to wait. The old man gave up, and went home, the lady that was standing there lifted her foot finally. There was a wad of bills, under it! Trashy! Trashy! I tell you!! Be Well-talk to you later-rixxie
This is the last installment in this post, I don't think,you could stand anymore-I know I can't! I was walking, out my apartment the other day, and this huge female I suppose], bike hooker, came rushing down the street. The thing had hardly nothing on, the biggest neners, hanging their ugly huge selves out. I was so, shocked all I could yell was.......You know!
Take care-rixxie

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