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by rixxie
Rated: 18+ · Book · Cultural · #1373867
This online collection of cultural stories, poems and essays is unique.
*Books3* This book is a collection of cultural Black stories, set in the now and forty years ago. The first set, On A Mission, contains numerous stories: Mother Smith, Annie-May,Clara-Jean,Itty-Bitty-Ol'-Nasty Man, And The Mighty Zay-eusm are the main ones. These are witty sometimes sad characters, that find their way to carry-forth.
The book also contains cultural poems, essays, and prose. Most of the stories are being created, as I post them, it is a raw blog. I am interacting with my readers taking suggestions for stories, finding out about their interests. It is a work in progress, I go through my stories and smooth then out. It's for fun, some of my stories may eventually find their way into it. The blog is casual and conversational, urban musings. I keep a blog, with the book, to keep readers posted. There are, teaser, excerpts chapters, from my book.
Tales & Myths from The Inner city, a work in progress..The Paperback version, of the book is being smooth out, and edited, and marketed. I featured some of the concepts from this book, on T-shirts, mugs and other gifts : http:www.Zazzle.com/qmarpat. Thanks, I look forward to supporting you, too! Stop by my blog, and say,"Hello". We will have fun and laughs! I have included short reviews of some of the stories, thanks, so much for being a reader! Thank you so much, for hanging in there with me, You can also catch up with me, at: www.Hubpages.com/Qmarpat I have wacky veggie creations and few recipes and jokes, I look forward to hearing from you. I want to thank all my fans, that "Liked" me on Facebook. I love my readers! I wish you Happy Holidays and a very prosperous New Year!
Take care-rixxie

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December 29, 2009 at 4:40pm
December 29, 2009 at 4:40pm
Rhonda, didn't know if she was in a deep stupor, sleep, that wouldn't let go.The room, of her small one bedroom, colorful apartment, seemed, larger. It was as if, she was in the wings, of a large stage, she could hear applauding and yelps. In the middle of it all, she could have heard, Her, it was the sultry voice, the raw soulfullness of it's range. It, may have been she was, praticing too-hard, for the local star competition. She felt, she could belt them out, with the best, until last week. That skinny girl, with octaves, she must have made up, SHOW-OFF!
Rhondas', throat was parched, she heard herself say out loud:" Maybe I can't cut it, as a real singer, I'm too, moody". She heard, a distant, husky, unmistakable voice say:"You know, I've had my off days-too, hang in there, you have raw potential". She, HAD, heard, it, this time. She looked to see if the window was open, maybe a neighbor passing by. She got up, turned on the light, and there it was in the corner, her small tv. She had left, a tape playing. She set, up and it WAS, her-there she was on an episode, of, American Star Maker. She was the judge, all the way to the right. She had on bright blue, and one of her flirty, signature wigs. It was as if, she were there in the room, comforting, Rhonda; Patti, heartfelt jestures and all.
It was only, 4:45, in the morning, she didn't have to be at work until 8:30. She went over to her small, kitchen that seemed like it was sitting in the middle of the living room. She put on her tea kettle, and took out some peppermint tea. It soothed her, cramps and aches, maybe it could calm her nerves. She threw a comfrey tea bag, in the cup for good measure. Looking at her face in the toaster, she could see small bumps, on her, carmel colored oily skin; it was her nerves. She panicked, she forgot to pull out something to wear to work. She fumbled in the closet, and found her old standby exspensive, slacks. She tugged in the bottom, of the closet and found a light blue silk shirt. These were clothes, she playfully dubbed her ; "emergency costume". She saved it, for times like this, she had been too, caught up, in the talent show contest. It didn't help matters, that Jerard, wanted her to give him affection, and attention she just didn't have right now. He was a good guy, as they go, she thought to herself, but she was just so self-asorbed, right now. She had given him, a playful backrub, and massaged his tired feet. And then after dinner, she good as told him to go home. Her cousin, would tell her,"That's why you can't keep a man!" Rhonda, would taunt her, meddling cousin with; "And that's why, you keep TOO, many!" She remembered, the rolling of eyes, and slamming doors, unreturned phonecalls. She talked, too much, anyway, so.
Rhonda, remember, the oldies concert, starring her idol and the Shondettes, and Tyrells. It would be all her favorites, from back in the day. She decided, it was time to make up with Jerard-he was taking her to the concert. She put on her short, silky dress, real fast, and her, sexy wig with the blond streak, from the Patti collection. She felt sexy, when she sat up there like that-sexy and inspired. She knew, Jerard kept, kept his cellphone on. he had to get up anyway, for work. She ran around, and found a piece of chocolate. She put on, her bright red-purple lipstick, and took a bite of the candy, and snapped a picture. She called, Jerard, and said; "Baby-look, I got a big bag, of sees candy, for you tonight-don't be mad!" She made, a note on her PDA, to pick up a big bag of Sees, candy after work. Jerard, yawned and laughed at the same time. "You a nut! If that back rub, hadn't taken the kinks out, my back, I'd still be mad! That is sexy, you ol' crazy, lady! I think I'll share it on my facebook..click--click..oops..oops..ha-ha-ha-ha! Now, were even, I'll talk to your, flakey, quirky, behind, later when I get off work!" Click that was it, Well, Rhonda thought to herself, now I know how the sqeeza, really is.
Rhonda, looked around, up under, her blue checkered sofa sleeper, and under the pillow. She, had thrown her wig off, in a rage and it took flight, out her sight. She ran, through the shower, and dressed in a hurry. She'd, make it up to Jerard, she'd cook him something real nice, and buy his favorite, CD. She cared for Jerard, because he supported her dreams. She helped him do some of his pet projects, too. The old, Pinto, Rhonda drove, chugged it's way to her office. It was a loud reminder, she needed to get a tune-up, and pay attention to the rest of her life.
The office was busy as usual, after slow weekends it was actually, a change of pace. Denise, walked, over to Rhonda, hunched her and offered her a chicken, nugget-and arched, her eyebrows. They both laughed, out loud they had agreed to diet together, and lose ten pounds. "Girl, don't you start, on me early this morning! I'm fighting, and eating chocolates on the phone, to make up with my man. Here you got me with, chicken nuggets, early in the morning!" "That's how you know, it's gonna be, a good, day Rhonda!" They both laughed and went back to their desks. Rhonda, had piled up emails, to answer and she got busy. The one, from her boyfriend caught, her eye, but she figured he'd just be, teasing her again. She called, her other cousin, Sasha to see, if she was still, going to the talent show. The office, was especially, sweet that day, with flowers; none of them for her, and pastry. The light pink, lounge, was live, with gossip, and coffee cups. The aroma, of all the diffrent, sweets, and coffe, made Rhonda, think of all the places she had auditioned. She checked, her Smartphone she wondered if any of the contests, judges wanted to see her again. She looked at her list of videos, of shows and came accross a sexy, flashy one. She was in that fancy black dress and pumps ; she came in second. She suddenly, got an inclination to take off sick for the rest of the day. She called, Jerard, and got his voicemail, he was probably in a meeting. She, thought for a minut and used the most sexy voice, she could come up with. "Hi- Baby, I know I've been acting fussy and, but I'm ready to move my life up. We, can talk about it, I'm taking the rest of the day off . I'll bring you some lunch, I have some things to do and think about". She was just going, to take out all the stops, she would just go for it, or break.
She went back to the videos, again and started watching her audition. She realized she had been, hedging and scared to leap into this thing. What was the name of that web site, where you upload, your performance videos, and get feedback? She forgot-but she remembered the one she had avoid. She clicked, and upload, her audition video to: " Ask Gladys, Patti and Patti". Her insides, kind of churned then she was relieved, and smiled.
The End
December 27, 2009 at 11:31am
December 27, 2009 at 11:31am
Today's the second, day after Christmas-I had to take a break!! I ate, so much, I hurt myself. I said that, That I was not going to do a repeat, of Thanksgiving!!! I just threw, my last chocolates, away!! I kept making execuses, to gobble up one.
You still, have a chance to, get the sale items!! The things you didn't get for Christmas. Today, is the second day of, Kwanzaa-Self-determination, yeaterday, was Umoja-Unity. You get go, on the official Kwanzaa, website and find celebrations in your area.
I'm going to start, a new story tomorrow, called ;"Ask Patti". It will, be the, last story, in the series.I'll, talk to you, tomorrow-take care,
December 27, 2009 at 11:30am
December 27, 2009 at 11:30am
Today's the second, day after Christmas-I had to take a break!! I ate, so much, I hurt myself. I said that, That I was not going to do a repeat, of Thanksgiving!!! I just threw, my last chocolates, away!! I kept making execuses, to gobble up one.
You still, have a chance to, get the sale items!! The things you didn't get for Christmas. Today, is the second day of, Kwanzaa-Self-determination, yeaterday, was Umoja-Unity. You get go, on the official Kwanzaa, website and find celebrations in your area.
I'm going to start, a new story tomorrow, called ;"Ask Patti". It will, be the, last story, in the series.I'll, talk to you, tomorrow-take care,
December 27, 2009 at 11:30am
December 27, 2009 at 11:30am
Today's the second, day after Christmas-I had to take a break!! I ate, so much, I hurt myself. I said that, That I was not going to do a repeat, of Thanksgiving!!! I just threw, my last chocolates, away!! I kept making execuses, to gobble up one.
You still, have a chance to, get the sale items!! The things you didn't get for Christmas. Today, is the second day of, Kwanzaa-Self-determination, yeaterday, was Umoja-Unity. You get go, on the official Kwanzaa, website and find celebrations in your area.
I'm going to start, a new story tomorrow, called ;"Ask Patti". It will, be the, last story, in the series.I'll, talk to you, tomorrow-take care,
December 24, 2009 at 1:53pm
December 24, 2009 at 1:53pm
I hope you get and give everything your heart desires. Don't forget a eat, hearty and think about, how blessed you are. I'll post a new story, in a day or so. I can't wait to stuff my self, and get pretty shiny sweet and tasty goodies.
Take care-rixxie-
Happy Holidays!!!
December 15, 2009 at 8:36am
December 15, 2009 at 8:36am
I usually try to stay, away from media hype. I didn't want to make any stories based on things like that. Sometimes, I think when, someone is too good, at their craft. If they don't have anything, they go through five year old broadcast and edit somethign, until it says what they want. i'm not going to write a story about that. I keep mine fictional, and sometimes funny.
The thing about, rumors and media hype, is it works both ways. I heard, a young rich, Black athelete, was caught cheating on his wife. He's not a politician, sworn in to serve office, didn't kill nobody in their backyards. He'd be quite a catch, rich handsome, if he weren't married with young babies, at home with them-too. I heard, and mind you these are only rumors, he was seen recently, dancing all up on his wife doing the spank or something. It was said, they were laughing wildly, enjoying themselves. It was also, said, that some of the sponsors, who had contracts with him, wanted to cancel. I heard, instead he made a deal, he signed a opt, out, with them, terms not to be disclosed they are not to talk about it again, per the agreement. He also, as part of the agreement, brought them, two new atheletes' one may have been in basketball, and one in football, they have a striking resemblance to him. He called them, and they agreed to endorse all his sponsors, for slightly less money, using their own name and sport. And as for, him, young rich guys with they're own label took him on to wear, their clothes, and after all, he's not a politician, they aren't interested in scandalizing his personal life. It seemed to work out well...like I said these are just rumors......

Take care-rixxie-don't take no wooden binkies
December 15, 2009 at 8:21am
December 15, 2009 at 8:21am
Malicai, was a smooth operator, for a fourth rate angel. You can tell he was quite the ladies man, when he was human. The last story, in this series of five is coming up, in a few days. I want to make it diffrent, from anything in the movies or books. I'll try to take, a subject from films, and do a new take on it.
take care-rixxie
December 15, 2009 at 8:15am
December 15, 2009 at 8:15am
I have to give you, warnings every once in a while. Socialpaths, are very obnoxious animals-they can't stop, nobody locks them up until, it's too late. They seem, to be stupid on top of all that. Intelligent SANE, people know this is MY blog, only a nut, would hack into the system, and mess up the spelling of words and try to trash it. They such, sick pathetic beast. And all ask, is that the powers that be, put them out their mysery. They can't stop stalking, people hate them, they're obnoxious, criminals. And yet they seem, to have, friends in LOW places, that keep them from being arrested. People, may just get tired, and get up and handle it, themselves. Oh-by the way i loved writing the last story.
December 2, 2009 at 9:34am
December 2, 2009 at 9:34am
The storm, Malicai, found himself in didnot please him at all. He'd drawn the short straw, in a matter of speaking. And there he was; watching over this homely,introverted church assistant. He was hoping, he'd pull guardian angel duty,over a newborn. The possibilities, were endless. This, Is, the assignment he got, so he'll do it and like it. He'd follow Barbara, around and whisper: "You're special". He would see her flinch, he'd smile, now if he could get her to comb her hair, it would be a milestone. She was a good lady, a bit square, but who was he to judge? He was a mere fourth rate, angel, on probation. His attitude didn't help, matters and he was here for a lesson in humility. He could at least teach her some social, graces of the twenty-first century. Some things that would put her on par, with other thirty-two year old, average income, black maiden.
Barbara, stepped out of the shower, wringing wet, ear length black hair dripping. She threw her fuzzy purple robe, around her shoulders. The apartment was nice, and warm. This would be a good time, to put the little Sunday school lesson, together. She had made little scenes, and she was going to add church music, with her digital recorder. She wasn't a high tech, kind of lady, she just kind of winged it. She had left her web-cab on, she wanted to get the site, done fast. She was going to work, at eleven. A loud, crash from her little home office, startled her. "OH-God!" She, thought, I hope woosa, her cat, hadn't knocked her hot coffe on the computer, or anything. She was so frantic, she forgot, she just got out the shower with her robe swinging open, and wet. The cat was up on the chair, frantically messing with things, pushing buttons and screeching. "Woosa!" And with that, Barbara leaped up, with one knee on the the desk, grabbing at her stupid cat. The cat, flew between her thighs and hissed loudly at the computer.
Malicai-had this vision, and was hoping, he was dreaming, instead of this nightmare. He said, "Lord-god give me that ten second power to fix, this silly womans' mess!" Suddenly, flowers appeared all out of nowhere and blocked, barbaras', body from view of the camera. Malicai, reached around her, and cut the computer off. "I'm, sorry barbara, I was downstairs in the church, and I heard a loud crash. someone had left, some flowers that needed to be in water. The door to your place was cracked, opened, just wanted to see if you're alright". Babara, couldn't figure, out what just happened, she could have swore, she saw her self on camera, robe open, with the dumb cat running between her legs. All she had seen, before, was Malik, the new church errand guy, run in, was her face peeking out from the flowers? She was stunned, and closed her robe, before turning around. It all seemed so surrealistic. It somehow seemed like he had got there right on time, but she wasn't sure. "Girl-you better be more careful! You know if I hadn't ran in, a million guys, would be googling you, to you know where buy now!" "Oh-I know, thanks! I am a clutz, and computers are my enemy. I was just trying to put together a little sunday, school lesson, for the teens. I think, I should do a more mordern story- can you think, of anything?" Barbara, was actually, cute, with her hair wet and being vunerable, like she was, smooth skin-but I, digress-not here for that. "I can think of one ; Internet Safety!" She smiled, and held her head down, and nodded as to agree. He may just be able, to catch this lady up, and it would be interesting trying.

The End

November 27, 2009 at 6:42pm
November 27, 2009 at 6:42pm
So, did you have a good, turkey-turkey, day? Gawd-I ate so much, I'm still eating. I vote we change the name-to National eat all your carbs and starch intake for the year in one day! I just love it, it's like you can justify pigging out. My hypertension, will show it's ugly face next week-for sure! I'll take you right back, into a story, tomorrow-Eat and be Lazy!
Take care--rixxie

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