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by rixxie
Rated: 18+ · Book · Cultural · #1373867
This online collection of cultural stories, poems and essays is unique.
*Books3* This book is a collection of cultural Black stories, set in the now and forty years ago. The first set, On A Mission, contains numerous stories: Mother Smith, Annie-May,Clara-Jean,Itty-Bitty-Ol'-Nasty Man, And The Mighty Zay-eusm are the main ones. These are witty sometimes sad characters, that find their way to carry-forth.
The book also contains cultural poems, essays, and prose. Most of the stories are being created, as I post them, it is a raw blog. I am interacting with my readers taking suggestions for stories, finding out about their interests. It is a work in progress, I go through my stories and smooth then out. It's for fun, some of my stories may eventually find their way into it. The blog is casual and conversational, urban musings. I keep a blog, with the book, to keep readers posted. There are, teaser, excerpts chapters, from my book.
Tales & Myths from The Inner city, a work in progress..The Paperback version, of the book is being smooth out, and edited, and marketed. I featured some of the concepts from this book, on T-shirts, mugs and other gifts : http:www.Zazzle.com/qmarpat. Thanks, I look forward to supporting you, too! Stop by my blog, and say,"Hello". We will have fun and laughs! I have included short reviews of some of the stories, thanks, so much for being a reader! Thank you so much, for hanging in there with me, You can also catch up with me, at: www.Hubpages.com/Qmarpat I have wacky veggie creations and few recipes and jokes, I look forward to hearing from you. I want to thank all my fans, that "Liked" me on Facebook. I love my readers! I wish you Happy Holidays and a very prosperous New Year!
Take care-rixxie

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May 7, 2014 at 1:52pm
May 7, 2014 at 1:52pm
Hi! I've been a busy old lady! I'm putting a dance group together of five women over sixty. As some of you may know I've survived a very difficult heart surgery and heart disease. I love to dance, and hopefully we can bring some more awareness to heart disease and women. There can be life after heart surgery! We plan to dance the state fair, some base ball games, etc. I'll post a video on Youtube with a link!

Take care rixxie
Wish me good luck! I'm getting nervous as the time draws near.Let me know if it's a song you'd like us to dance too.

Hi check YouTube soon for a funny video of me dancing! The "Old Lady" loves to dance-you'll see!! Tell me some of your favorite oldies.

Take care-See Ya! rixxie
April 12, 2014 at 2:25pm
April 12, 2014 at 2:25pm
*Mic* *Shock* Hi-told you I'd be back. I'm not a big watcher or fan of Housewives of this and that. Could somebody please tell me what happened? Can you please tell what The Housewives of the NBA, did to cause THIRTY THOUSAND fans to file a petition to stop them? As I understand it they wanted the show be more classy? Please tell me what the _____did they do? If you just click comment at the end of this post you can tell us. Lawd Have mercy! I really do want to know.

I'll talk to you later, I know you have things to see and people to do, ( In your world it might be
it might be the other way around!)

I decided to do a post about, "What The Devil Just Happened?" I've checked out shows like that one and can't figure out what happened. Some of these reality shows are crazy to me. Does anybody else find those talk shows where they do paternity testing real crazy? You know grown men can be be so dumb-azz. Them running around with those little planters nature gave them planting them everywhere. If a dumb want-to-be player runs all around planting thousands of seeds of life, why does the punk get angry when one grows ? I thought they were ADH and ABC and the rest of the alphabet, ok? A grown six foot tall man leaping around a stage, doing a limping, lame punk dance. He's yelling,;"The baby not mines-the baby not mines!!" That just goes to show there is a Higher Power! If I were a woman on the stage was talking to, I'd be doing my own Holy-Ghost wild dance. It would go like this: "The baby not his thank you-Lord, thank you Lord, I knew he could make no baby!! He isn't man enough to sire a seed here! Thank you father-God is good!! Now I can go out and get a REAL man! I'll bring him back so you can see what one looks like!" They are like DUFUS macks.

AMANN!!!!!!! Talk to you later,

Hi!! Has anybody been watching the,"Thin Man" craze from Youtube? Those of us raised in the church would NOT go seeking the DEVIL, OKAY? Oh - excuse me!! It's "The Slender man". You can look this ghoul up on Youtube.com. Now, repeat after me: "Rebuke the devil, rebuke Satan, rebuke him!!! Lord Gawd-d-d-d Save US!!!!!


Talk to you real soon-rixxie

Hi! Do you remember I told you I was reading, Jimmie Izraels' book, The Denzel Principle? I put it down, the language was a little too much for me. I decided to check it out again. I think African American women about my age would have a hard time dealing with the first disc. He's very funny in his own way, but the blatant sexist anger, from his first two marriages is hard to take. I'm like :"Brotha-man!! Chill! Most Black men I know would have NEVER let another man, his soon to be ex-wife, enter his house and take NUTTIN! T told them to leave if they wanted to leave, but don't never bring a man they fool'n with to his house! And leave the kids at Moms. We make a list of what you taking, you can ge5t your cousins or friends, but not some man you messing with. This was very firm, I'm from East Oakland, men have been shot for less! And if you neglected to get the prenub and lay down the ground rules you just have to suck it up. Buy a car, find some friends of like mind and a church might be helpful. This is what I told guys going through the same.

Take care--rixxie

January 22, 2014 at 2:16pm
January 22, 2014 at 2:16pm
Do you still make new years resolutions? I know, I know you're going over the list that starts with; "KEEP THE DIET THIS TIME!" This is while you're munching that week old, half snicks you folded up and put back in your purse. You patted yourself on the back for stopping yourself. I know, I'm guilty of sneaking candy, brownies are becoming my guilty pleasure. I want to lose a little this year, and finish my book, etc.,etc. I'm off to a good start. I found out woith the sweet thing, if I trick myself, i can stick to my meal plans. I realize with me it's mostly flavor, that gets me. I now, take a tiny bite of a corner of a candybar, and follow up with water. I satisfy the rest of my sugar cravings with sweet fruit. It's been working. I have to choose carefully that could backfire.I was listening to one of my favorite audiobooks, Little Green, by Walter Mosely and got hungry when they were eating. I eat before I listen to, or read out loud any of my favorite books--that's a mess! I have to work on that. I have some new books to share, next time.

Take care, talk to you later
Hello, little rosebuds. I got caught up doing that bad dance, from the 1988 movie- School Daze. I don't know if you grown enough for that! Freakay!!! I'm just now checking out the sequel to, Waiting to Exhale. I don't know why I was a little disappointed. I guess it follows in suit with the first novel. I've been reading some more Walter Mosely books. He has about twelve, I think. I was so taken by the painting on Terris' new book, Getting to Happy, I kind of daydreamed about it. You're probably aware that I'm an artist. I love to paint, mostly acryllics and watercolors. I'm toying with the idea, of creating covers for new works of fiction. You can see some of my paitings at: www.Redbubble.com/Qmarpat.

I will talk to you later, rixxie

Hi! I think I need to get out and walk more. I'm becoming too much of a home body-I'm so into reading I take my books everywhere. I've just been reading Walter Moselys' Gone Fish'n. I had been reading his books out of order. I read Little Green and it blew my mind, I wanted to know what came next. I found ound Blond Faith, was the previous book. I guess it explains how Easy got in the river, and almost died. I promise to update real soon and more often. Please let me know what movies you're watching and which good books peek your interest.
December 21, 2013 at 3:23pm
December 21, 2013 at 3:23pm
Hey!!! I LOVE Christmas, I just love the holidays! It's gives me an execuse to be my happy, sweet and silly self. I hope you eat all the goodies, cake assorted meats, and other delights that you can stand. What is it about the holidays, that makes you think you have an extra stomach-or something. I did some bad things with that giant coloful can of popcorn, everybody tries to unload on you. It's caramael, and buttered and cheese what's not to loke? I did such foolish bad things with that popcorn, I was sick for a week. And me with my sickly, foolish self. You know how little kids eat all the cookies and candy they can eat--and then try to find new places to put it? I was a nursing school teacher for a while. They try sticking it in their ears, their nose, etc.etc.,etc. Don't NOBODY come through my door with no more cans of popcorn, they're pretty and they tempt me. I mean I acted, SO BAD with that popcorn, I thought about going to confessional--and I even Cathtolic. I am just so embarassed about about it, I feel like I'm four years old, at last I have found my guilty pleasures--that and designer candybars. Don't get me started on that!

Take care--rixxie
November 15, 2013 at 5:34pm
November 15, 2013 at 5:34pm
{ e:Glass5 } Hey- I'm working on updating on a regular basis again, if you only knew the socialpaths I have to avoid. I was watching a ER, DVD of the 12th season of that tv show. I liked it--kind of intense for my liking. I can't get the rap out my head, though-Gold Diggah. The economy being what it is, would that really be such a bad thing? Ha-ha-ha-! I digress,the song was played while one of the characters, Neela newlywed husband was in Iraq. They were in a truck, on a mission going back to the base, when they were blown-up. It blew my mind. I would be on the next plane still trying to find hind. He was this fine young brother, married to one of the doctors of ER. It was too tragic! I've been walking around allday rapping about me being a goldigger and all' "I don't mess with a broke- broke biggah!" Hardly ever! I'll hollah at ya'll later.

Take care, rixxie

*Music2* I'm done procrastinating--I know if you only had a dollar everytime you heard that. I'm FINALLY going to get Mother Church, up and running. That's the title of my other blog on this same site. It's also the name of the musical I've been working on. Look for it on YouTube, in Janurary 2014. I do what I plan, I just don't plan to take so long, anyway, I get the job done. I have another short video coming out on Youtube, called If I Were A Diva. It pays tribute to some of my favorite, AfricanAmerican RB, and blues divas. I just can't wait. I just love playing dress up, I never get to play lijke I'm somebody else---( Well-hardly ever)
holla at ya'll later! rixxie
November 5, 2013 at 4:12pm
November 5, 2013 at 4:12pm
Okay-okay, Halloween update I know for three years, I've been saying I was going to be Michelle Obama, for Halloween. 2013, was the magic year! I was at Thunder Valley casino, in Lincoln,California, with my best costume. You can check the Sinners & Saints party out on Facebook and Youtube--That's what they called the party. I had a BALL!!!!!

Talk to you later--BYE

Oh, and did you see the video of those fools in those costumes?! If anybody knows who won the big money let us know. You can see the party if you go to thunder Valleys' Facebook page, and look up Saints & Sinners ball 2013. You can look it up on Youtube too1 I'm the lady dressed like Michelle, in a red blazer, black silk dress. Yes Mama was in the house that night!

Take care rixxie!
August 28, 2013 at 1:42pm
August 28, 2013 at 1:42pm
I promise to udate you more often! I've been looking through old movies in discount stores, I found a few good laughs. Do you remember Spaceballs? It's a spoof on Starwars, Startrek, and several other movies. It makes me howl! I howl at the part where the little ghoul, looking like a shining gut with eyes leeps out the guys chest, and starts singing. You remember THAT don't you? If you have any good book or stories, let me know.

talk to you later....rixxie
Hi! I promise to update on a regular basis! That's what happens when you delay evrything for the last minute. Did anybody see Premonition? Was it good. A woman keeps waking up to find her husband dead and then alive. Tell me what you think about it. I just watched it VERY interesting, but too sad for me. I like Spidey-2, though

Take care rixxie
Hey, what's going on? Did anyone figure out who Germaine Jackson was pushing in the stroller, at the 1970 Motown picnic? I'm going to ask him, and get back to you. Tell me about some of the movies you're watching now--I'm want to here about books took. I like alot of the books, in Patricks' Picks from Essence magazine. Let me know which ones you've read.

I finally was able to get an audiobook from author Walter Mosely. I just got through Little Green. I liked it--he's raw!! The author, the reader and the characters-whew--ww!! I wish I HAD some of dat' "Gators' Blood!! That stuff must be kickin, sho-nuff though. I wonder if it's anthing like, Funky Cold Madina,ha-ha-ha-ha!!

Hi- I've been listening to several audiobooks. I really got into Walter Moselys' Little Green was exciting. That freaking guy Mouse is scary-bad!! I think Mosely should stick to urban books. He wrote this science fiction, that was so NASTY and scary they can't give it a title. I liked the book, All I Did Was Shoot My Man, too. It starred a new detective.

Take care, holler at me tell which books make you scared or give you thrills,

April 22, 2013 at 6:03pm
April 22, 2013 at 6:03pm
*Mic* Hey, what's going on? I was out of commission it seems like forever. That's what I get for having a a bad ticker AND a BAD attitude! Hospitals are not my favorite, places- some of the staff there NEED to be strapped in the basement. I really enjoyed, talking about the celebrity bikes. I wish ya'll stop acting like you shy, and click on comments instead of just emailing me.

I know audio books are something, you may relate to as a hobby for the eighty and up crowd--not anymore! I love them! I can get my mood, and attitude and damn and rebuke everthing and everybody and still get a book in. I love browsing the library for the newest select of urban, Black fiction one of my favorites. I'm not much for the "Mack and hussling", game books, but I like gutsy bold stories, fiction is my favorite. Some non-fiction is cool too. I love the audio book, The Game, by Myers. It's read with alot of attitude and in-your-faceness. It's about urban youth trying out for basketball. I've checked it out more than once. I don't like the ones with too much cussing, that gets on my nerves.

I have just been listening to: The Denzel Principle, by Jimmy Israel. I'm trying to hang with brothaman, but he's got so much atitude shouted thru the, F's & P's, I keep cutting it off. He's funny and amusing, very, in-yo-face. The guy who read it was funny too, I wouldn't want to mess with either of those cats. I think when his analogies about women, mature to the level of his concepts, he'll be a ba-a-d __ . I would love him to publish a PG, version of the same book. One in which he isn't comparing womens' private parts with metaphors, for little furry animals. I wonder if he and his friends gonna go get a little skunk, or beaver, or squirrel. If you shout those names, with gusto it doesn't have the same impact. They may go get a some ferret, if they like l-o-o-o-ng furry little animals, depending on how they swing. I being the, grown over 55, Black woman I am that was born and raised in east Oakland, CA., don't need such elaborations. When I was at a night club or a party, and a slightly drunk brother, or Brothas yelled out: "We going to get a little bit!" I was never in the dark about what they were talking about. And knew they had no problem, finding their equally as low-down, counter part. And the two of them would do just that. I love audio books, but a "hell", or a "damn",and a few choice words is enough for me. I still find it amusing, though.

Holla at me, and let me know what audio books you have checked out

I was TRYING to listen to, Gonna Lay My Burdens Down. It is a interesting book, but I can't deal with the rawness of it. I know urban fiction can be raw. I'd really like the GP version. The girl Carmen that's featured, has a history of people getting dead around her. Holla at me and tell me what books you're into.

Take care rixx

Hey! Sorry for the long delay in updating, been out discovering America-sort of. I saw a really, really bad movie, Mystery Train, it had a guest appearance by Rufs Thomas. You remember him? Do you remember, "Do the funky chicken-ah-ah-ah!" Yeah, Mr.. Funky-mann himself. He only said hi to a couple of dumb teens, from Japan. They were looking for all the Memphis torist spots- like Graceland. The one scene of their nasty little love-making, in a sleazy hotel spiked a small bit of interest, and a fast forward on my part. Tell me about the WORST movies you've ever seen!

Talk to you later-rixxie

Hi! I decided to check out some of my Christmas dvd's, my family gave me. I save them for a rainy day, when I'm in a bad mood I break them out. Those of you who are tried and true Jackson 5 fans, will love this. It is a collectors item. And cute and colorful your kids will love!. You may not know it, but in the 1970's they had their own cartoon. It's called, Jackson 5ive the Complete Animated series. It was produced in 1971, there are 23 episodes and 46 songs. Amazon.com, most likely has it. It is cute, quirky and the kids do their own voices. Michael was was around age 11 and 12 when they produced it. The cute hawking of their group, won't even bother you. I think they wrote a lot of their own lines. It's a real collectors item, real colorful. You can see what may have been the roots of thriller. I think the drawings are Michaels', they are colorful and cute. It makes a real cool gift for the collector in your family. It was produced in 2012 by West Coast Media.

I'll talk to you later little rose buds--P-s-s-t! keep an eye out for my silly, rixxie dancing and cooking videos----be cool

Hi! I was telling you about the cool Jackson 5 cartoon series from the 1970s'. It has cool extra features including Motown 50. It was a Motown picnic, circa 1970, of Motown stars and employees. The Temptations, Marvin Gaye, Smokey PRobinson, the whole Jackson clan, including teenage Michael were there.

A little trivia for you. Can anybody tell me who the baby girl was in the stroller, Germaine was pushing? It may not be who you think! You can ask him on his myspace, or Facebook page or any of his brothers and sisters. When you find out click on comment here and let us know! i think I guessed wrong. I will try to update more often-been real busy. If you know of anymore historical music dvds let us know. The best of Marvin Gaye 1964-1981, is real cool. He does a song called, Ego Tripping Out, that gives me the same kind of theme as MIB3. The MIB3 soundtrack, by the very funky rapper Pitbull. Girls stay away from guys like that they'll put the, "Hoo-doo' on you you won't know what you're doing! Did anybody ever figure out who the baby was? I'll let you know. I'm going to log-on to Germaines' page.

Take care, rixxie

Hey!! I'm getting hooked on Easy Rawlins! Yeah I know he's just a figment of Walter Moselys imagination. I'm reading the book, Black Betty right now. He is very sexy, my lack of involving myself in a love life it starting to be obvious. Don't read the book out loud, your friends will tell you,"you read the part about him kissing the girl twice already". Mind your damn business! You get your thrills your way! The books don't come over needing space and demanding things... Ha-ha-ha-ha, oh-me!!! I'll update you more often.Please click comment, and let us know what movies and books you're into. Meanwhile-there's things to see and people to do, or is that the other way around?

Take care---rixxie

January 28, 2013 at 8:40am
January 28, 2013 at 8:40am
Hey! As you know we started to shift gears a little last week. We are talking about who you think has the Baddest most hyped, slammin' motorcycle of all times. It could be a celebrity from a movie role, or an athelete, or TV. I gave a little bit of my list of all time kickin' celebrity bikes, and to recap:

Baddest Celeb Motorcycles

1.) Usher- His new motorcycle he calls his "Chariot" ( on his web site- and so true!)

2.) Prince- His bike in Purple Rain

3.) Janet Jackson- The motorcycle, she was sitting on on her 18th birthday, (on the cover of Jet magazine)

4.) Catwoman- Her motorcycle on the 1960's 1970's TV show

5.) Dennis Rodman- His motorcycle on the cover of his book in 1997; Bad As I Wanna Be,
(He wasn't wearing nothing but a basketball)

6.) Pam Grier- For her tricked-out stunt bike,, in her movie Cleopatra Jones

7.) Duane Martin- His bike from the TV show All of Us, he went thru a mid-life crisis

Give me your top five or ten baddest celeb motorcycle of all times. One of my readers, Jania, emailed me and said Shaft, you know from the movie Shaft had a bad bike. I don't remember, maybe you remember. He just faught and fooled around, I don't think there was a bike. Click comment if you know, or if you have a top 5 or 10 list of celeb bikes. Click comment, and leasve your list, I'll let the raeders know. Remember this is a soulful, urban blog - I want to know about hyped, funky or cool bikes. I'm not into the skull or flag, scene, but I'll tell the readers-YOU like them! Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Take care rixie--
Hey-have you seen this hyped up chrome motorcycle called a Falcon? Wow - what does that bike cost $20,000? Does anybody know a celebrity that has one? I'm going to arrange it soon so I can post some of the photos, you won't believe some of these bikes! Somebody list a couple more.
Stay cool---rixxie
January 10, 2013 at 6:24am
January 10, 2013 at 6:24am
*Clapper* *Music2* *Man* I love movies especially funny movies and the animated dance type. I just finished watching several hip-hop and dance moves, movies. I was watching, Roll Bounce it's set in 1978. It's centered around five friends coming of age, during the big disco skating era. It featured he young rapper, little Bow Wow and several others you'll recognize from TV. I think I will never stop laughing! Those kids are crazy! And Wesley Jonathan, Oh-Gawd, when you see his Mack/Player/Prettyboy, persona: SWEETNESSS! You will die laughing. I think he stayed up nights watching old Player movies like Superfly. He must have went online and watched old episodes on Starsky and Hutch, the "Rooster", character, the mackiest player ever to be seen. You can not forget about the ULTIMATE Player: SweetDaddy Williams, from Good times! That show is still running in syndication. You remember those characters if your my age. Richard Pryor played a pool hustler, like that once.
Wesley, can't be that old. And the rest of the gang former sitcom stars, like the singer, Brandys' show - Moeshas', little brother. Wesley, who played the prettyBoy skater, Sweetness could actually skate his behind off. I don't know if you're ready for the show-down, him and "X", Little Bow-Wows' character had. I laughed the pain right out my body, and a knot into my chest. I don't think you're grown enough for THIS, it will make you howl. Please find out who, Wesley studies to become that player. His theme music was, The Superman lover, by Johnny Guitar-Watson. Is he still around, haven't heard anything recently. The last number the character, skates, dances, and Freaks to is - Get OFF. He is a Hot nut. I saw that the first time, I yelled at the screen; "Get over yourself!" It makes me laugh so hard, I've watched it over and over. I wonder what his film, Crossover is like. It seems like a serious intense role. If you've seen it let me know.
The other movies I watched had excellent dancing, You Got Served, Stomp the Yard, I had a hard time, watching Stomp the Yard. I liked the fancy steps but , hate youth violence, the kids are so talented. I know it exists -I've lived in it. All the actors were very talented. I couldn't get too into, How She Moves. They had some steps too, though. It starts with the lead character, just losing her sister to drugs. A freaky, angry Black female, keeps getting in the grils' face. It turns out she was dumb and the girl had to tutor her. I think the skeezer put a negative edge on the movie. She gets right up in the camera and does something stupid, at the end of the movie. I thought some of the guys were excellent actors and dancers, and hopefully will get featured in other movies. Do you have some favorite character types? Like preachers, or players, crooks, etc. I have a friend who had a whole list of favorite cop roles and gangsters.
Click on, and tell me who your favorite, coloful all time player or character is, from either tv or the movies. I'll feature your response and share it with my readers.
Take care --rixxie, be good

Hey, I heard from Wesley Jonathan, I was really thrilled and appreciated him respomdimg. I had said I thought he watched old episodes of, Good Times, on reruns. And maybe he had copied the smoothness, of Sweet Daddy Williams. He said, he grew up in the 1980's and is a fan of that time period. He patterned his character, after Morris Days' performance in Purple Rain-----Yes-sss! He was also influenced by the movie Shogun. I found that so interesting. I didn't see tha movie, but I'm curious. I thouhgt it was something like, Enter the Dragon, I guess not. I'm going to order it on Amazon.com, that's where I find all my hard to find movies. I had forgot to mention last time, the skating in Roll Bounce was fantastic, and skilled. There were beautiful skating angles, very exciting.

This week, I'm shifting gears a little and talking about which celebrity you think has the baddest bike. We'll be talking about celebrity hyped, bad-bad motorcycles. You can pick your top five from, the movies real life, or a fictional character. Speaking of bad bikes, did you see Ushers, BIKE? It's on his facebook page you can link with it. He calls it his, "Chariot" true that, oww! And so he makes my top ten list of all time baddest celebrity bikes. Here's a little tease of my list:
*Ribbon* *CarR* *CarB* *Car*

Baddest Most Kickin' Celebrity Bikes of All Times
Motorcycles that Rock the World

1.) Usher - For his "Chariot"

2.) Prince - His bike in Purple Rain

3.) Janet Jackson - Her bike on her 18th birthday on the cover of Jet magazine

4.) Catwoman - Her motorcycle in the Batman tv series

5.) Dennis Rodman - His bike on the cover of his book in 1997 ( He was only wearing a basketball) The book - Bad as I Wanna Be

6.) Cleopatra Jones- This movie was the 1970's, featured a hyped, bike for doing stunts

7.) All of Us- The TV show about five years ago, Duane Martin character went through a mid-life crisis, and wnet and got a bad bike-to kill himself on

In the meantime you can check out these bad celeb bikes on these web sites:


Come on guys help me out on number 9&10!! For the baddest bikes on TV and the Movies, I want your list. Give me at least five of the baddest bikes.

Okay-okay, one of my readers Jania emailed me. She seems to think, Shaft- you know the movie John Shaft, (They say he's a Bad Mutha-shut yo' mouth!) Had a motorcyle in one one his movies,I just can't remember. Everybody feel free, to get in on this. Just click comment. I'm going to check my lists again, maybe Jania is right; The Bad ____ Had a BAD bike?

I checked a couple of them out, one I haven't seen. Some have really colorful bike wallpaper, for your computer and screensavers, they're free. I'll talk to you soon, get YOUR lists ready!

Talk to you later---rixxie

Hey, readers! I'm continuing this discussion on the next post. Look online, in magazines, TV and wherever. We want to know about the BAD-dest motorcycles, you can find in Hollywood and beyond.

(continued on the next post)

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