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by rixxie
Rated: 18+ · Book · Cultural · #1373867
This online collection of cultural stories, poems and essays is unique.
*Books3* This book is a collection of cultural Black stories, set in the now and forty years ago. The first set, On A Mission, contains numerous stories: Mother Smith, Annie-May,Clara-Jean,Itty-Bitty-Ol'-Nasty Man, And The Mighty Zay-eusm are the main ones. These are witty sometimes sad characters, that find their way to carry-forth.
The book also contains cultural poems, essays, and prose. Most of the stories are being created, as I post them, it is a raw blog. I am interacting with my readers taking suggestions for stories, finding out about their interests. It is a work in progress, I go through my stories and smooth then out. It's for fun, some of my stories may eventually find their way into it. The blog is casual and conversational, urban musings. I keep a blog, with the book, to keep readers posted. There are, teaser, excerpts chapters, from my book.
Tales & Myths from The Inner city, a work in progress..The Paperback version, of the book is being smooth out, and edited, and marketed. I featured some of the concepts from this book, on T-shirts, mugs and other gifts : http:www.Zazzle.com/qmarpat. Thanks, I look forward to supporting you, too! Stop by my blog, and say,"Hello". We will have fun and laughs! I have included short reviews of some of the stories, thanks, so much for being a reader! Thank you so much, for hanging in there with me, You can also catch up with me, at: www.Hubpages.com/Qmarpat I have wacky veggie creations and few recipes and jokes, I look forward to hearing from you. I want to thank all my fans, that "Liked" me on Facebook. I love my readers! I wish you Happy Holidays and a very prosperous New Year!
Take care-rixxie

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November 18, 2011 at 7:55am
November 18, 2011 at 7:55am
Hi! I'd like to take this time to wish you, joy in the beginning of the holiday season. I hope you will take time, to do one diffrent thing. Send a special note to a love one, far away. You could pick up the phone and and speak to a loved one, you lost contact with. You have a headstart on 2012. You could make it the same ol' same ol', or you can change things round in your life. When you change things about your life, things around you change.

I was thinking about the tech age, how it might change lonely peoples' life. I remember dorky guys, from years ago, who couldn't egt a girl. They would have their cousin, pose in a jacket of their with her back turn. They would be getting into his little car. She might be, cute thin with a ponytail, freckles. He'd find girls that looked like that. He'd stand next to them in restraunts, get a dweeve friend to take a picture of them. He'd have all these pictures and none of them were the same girl He'd even fake phone conversations.
I could imagine a dweeve, telling friends he has a girl. Her name is, "iphonia appl". He probably gets on his iphone asks it things, ask it where a place to eat is, all kinds of things. He asks it to tell him about a good book. He gets on the ebook appl., and says: "Read it to me baby". Somebody standing by, thinks he's got somebody, ha-ha-ha-ha! The electronia age is too-much, I hate to think about certain devices in te hands of dorks.

You take care, rixxie

Have you decided how much you're going to eat this Thanksgiving, and where? I decided three days ago to go on a diet. I know, who am I kidding. It is surprizing to me I'm sticking to it. I was frustrated because most of my pants, don't fit anymore. It's always the jeans fault, right? They went and shrunk on you, they're defective. It was ways the jeans. I found out one thing though, the cancellation sweets method DOES NOT work! It's when I eat a BOX, of slim bars, and a drink a diet Coke, one cancels the other out. I was keeping food diary, until it got mor laughs than my jokes. It reads like a comic book:

"Tueday morning, one boiled egg, half bowl of oatmeal cup of juice
Tuesday afternoon, lunch, one slice turkey on one piece wheat bread, lentil soup
Snacks, two twix bars, one twinkie, one snickers, one jumbo deli burrito, red soda
Dinner, baked chicken, cup spinach, cup brown rice, onr slice wheat bread
Snacks, big grab bag of barbecue potatoe chips, Reese peanut butter cups, Oreos.....

Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

take care rixxie
November 3, 2011 at 10:16am
November 3, 2011 at 10:16am
Hi! I'm back I'm a little under the weather. I didn't get the first lady costume again. I settled for the "leopard lady". It's cute and sassy. I was going to help lead a dance on my camous for halloween. I'm real square, it wouldn't have been any real dirty dancing or nasty costumes. That creeps me out. What did you go as? I was reading on the internet, that the newly wedded princess costume, was hot. They would probably win the contest. Thunder Valley casino in Lincoln, CA. had a ten thousand dollar contest. I didn't make it. I saw that tranformer costumes, monsters, celebrity costumes, and pregnant Beyonce', (okay?), was real hot. If you want to know what was happening Halloween, check out Yahoo, and cick on Shine. You'll get all the gossip and costume dirt.

I remember the Exotic Erotic Ball, in San Francisco, people said they wore REAL dirty costumes there. The prize money was big. A guy I knew told me about it. You know if something makes a grown man blush it must be dirty! What's the funniest costume you ever wore? This guy went as a crazy business man. He had on a nice black jacket, and nice black pacts that were WAY up his leg. He wore black and white keds, and carried a briedcase with pappers sticking all out. The witty conversations he was having with himself was the real laugh!

I just produced my new calendar for 2012. It is called; Urban Tales Stories collection, Calendar/book. It's my new creation, a calendar that features lines from my stories and my art. You can get one at; www.zazzle.com/Qmarpat. You click on new products. You find it there , broght red Urban Tales. Thanks so much for your support. Click on and tell me what you wore this Halloween. Don't forget to check out, my other blog at: http://marqar/blogger.com.

take care, talk to you later
October 4, 2011 at 12:40pm
October 4, 2011 at 12:40pm
It's October already--Halloween will be here real soon. I love a funky soulful Halloween. I had this dance me and a few friends would do in our costumes in front of one their apartments. We'd either use, Funky-Funky Broadway, from about 1965, or I Heard it Through the Grapevine, by Gladys Knight. I'd like to have a dance maybe, at a college. I would set limits, nothing dirty, no nude costumes or vulgar music. It will be, FUNKY-SPOOKALAA!!! I just made that up-ha-ha-ha! I want you tell me about your costume this year! Just click comment below, or you can email me at: rixxie@writing.com

Don't be too- funky-now-I can dig it!
talk to you later---rixxie
What are you going to be for Halloween? I had thought of several costumes. I love thrift stores, you can find all kinds of cute and spooky things. I was thinking about going as a Vamp-pire! I'll have to get those pointy scary teeth, a sexy dress and a wild wig! I've been organizing a dance for the new college I attend. It would be fun, to show up with costumes, and dance to R&B and and rock music. Could you imagine dressed as a funky vampire and dressing to I Heard it Thrugh the Grapevine, by Galdys Knight and the Pimps?

Take care don't eat too much candy
and I'll talk to you later....
September 29, 2011 at 9:32am
September 29, 2011 at 9:32am
I'm really enjoying the sun out here in Northern California. It is oficially fall now, and it still seems like summer. It was so pleasant yesterday, I just wanted to stay outside and soak it up. I cant ake seventy-five degrees, much hotter than that I blister. I talked to a lady who was from Ney York, she said the wheather there was mild and pleasant right now. Get out there and catch some sun, you may end up with some great photos! I was waiting for a bus, one day after a doctors' appointment. I was enjoying the sun and the slight breeze. I took my digital camera out, and shot right through the trees. It's one of my best shots. I was on a run down looking street. The shot made it look like paradise, or an island. Make something good, today try a phot or a poem, about where you are. I turned a lousy day around into somethimg productive without trying. The shot made a really pretty post card and greeting card. You should try something like that, one day.

take care--rixxie
September 22, 2011 at 12:06pm
September 22, 2011 at 12:06pm
What's your favorite place to live? I personally like the Bay Area, but I also like areas of Los Angeles. I haven't been to L.A., visiting in about twenty years. I HATE where I live now, I'm used to diffrent style of people. You get use to people who don't bother you, who can read and write, and pretty much live and let live. I'm in the process of relocating, I would like to meet a whole new set of people I have never seen before. I'm the type of person, that generally considers, people of the past, that I don't wish to be associated with (other than relatives) as, dead. People know, I'm of hat mind set, so when I go to a diffrent area, they know they are part of past. Socialpaths, all the only ones, who don't get you and they don't count. They are in EVERY city unfortunately, maybe they'll eventually kill each other, that would be great.

What's your favorite, why? I had a friend tell me, Oregon, and Arizona, and Huston Texas, and Atlanta, were tops. You know Atlanta, is like a little Hollywood, right now. A lot of stars and athletes, have moved there. Where have you been, what made that city and it's people special. You can click comment, or email me at; rixxie@writing.com.
September 15, 2011 at 3:26pm
September 15, 2011 at 3:26pm
Hi, how's it going? I'm looking for some of YOUR horror stories about you or your kids going back to school I'll share it with my readers. And some of your funny stories-did you take the sack of kitty litter mess, to work instead of the treats? Did your stocking run, you forgot where you put the babys' dirty diaper, when you dropped them off at the daycare center? I know you've got some? I may even tell you about the time, my mother put baby powder in my pants and sent me to school. I was five years, old and I itched all day turns, out it was coment sink cleanser! she was doing too many things at one time. The story of most parents!!
take care--rixxie

September 11, 2011 at 12:05pm
September 11, 2011 at 12:05pm
I want to first of all take time, to send my prayers to families of all the victims of 9-11. Some events are so horrible, that time is forever marked; Before and After, that event and life as you know it is never the same. Please take the time today to read meditate on the writings, of the fallen victims of this site, writing.com. You can find the writings of those who were writers here, but unfortunately loss their lifes' in 9-11. It is called; "The White Case Memorial, just type that in the search box of this site, keep them in your prayers.



When I consider the relvelation I had this week, on the awesome power of the word, "improve", it brings me to tears. I have Memories of all the missionary Baptist pastors who so fervently preached to us, over the years. I see them in my mind and logic similiar to their eloquent words came rushing back. "You all are not at your full potentional; but there is the space to, IMPROVE. You can be your higher self. If you admit you didnot finish your goals it is not a defeat. When you discover the tremendous power of this word, you CAN IMPROVE. You change things and make it better. You add to-take away from-delete-enhance-you can IMPROVE!" This is where there voice becomes like a hoarse mesmerizing song: "Improvement, the act of making better, the action of creating positive change. You CAN improve your life and your works-you can add to exchange, enhance, redefine, improve".

And I have something tremendous to tell you; this writer here, after thirty years of making excuses, of dragging my feet, of dropping the ball, of illness. I have made a solid promise to myself. The over 90 college units I left hanging, when I was 18 and silly, and immature. I went back, and considered; the young mind that took twelve semesters of ballroom dancing when you only get credit for four. I looked at he grades of, "w" and the dropped classes. It had been a result of me being exhausted and sick from working two jobs, and going to school. The same skinny girl, who ate three twinkies a day and, a snickers. I took the good the bad and the ugly-I deleted added to, amended. And finally discovered that powerful magic word: I IMPROVED it! I am applying for my BA, in Business, with a minor in Education.

To GOD be the Glory!!!!!!!!!!!! PASTORS-- I get it!!!

Thank God Almighty for the profound nature of putting the word, into action: IMPROVE!!!!!!!!

rixxie--take care and never underestimate YOUR power to

September 3, 2011 at 11:33am
September 3, 2011 at 11:33am
Hi! What is it that makes you like an urban story? Is it the plot, or the characters? I think for me I would say it is the langauge and interaction of the characters. I like the emotions that are evoked when, charcters interact, around an intense plot about love or sadness. It seems to make you relate to a time period of your life when you may have gone through a crisis, or love drama. I'm sorry I took so long, updating, it won't be this long again. I'm trying to find some nice pictures of places and things that relate to some of my stories.

I'm just wondering-does anyone know what a "em-1", means? I know at one time a stalker, that used the email mailer name of an internet company called his/herself-"Daemon-pop-em-1", sounds crazy what does that mean? I sure home that stalker/hacker, isn't in my blog, I would turn him in in a heartbeat, what a nutjob! I think he convinced himself, does, "work", or he's friends with the people victimizes, what a lunatic! He can get in Internet Explorer, Earthlink, Yahoo, and a lot of other things-be careful1 Hackers are nightmares, I wouldn't have anything to do with anything trashy like that anyway.

If you like mysteries, how would you incorporate them into a urban modern story? I think I may try for a mystery or humor, I'll keep the title a secret. I plan to have my podcast, up and running by the end of September 2011. I will keep you posted,

Take care rixxie
August 14, 2011 at 2:20pm
August 14, 2011 at 2:20pm
That story was fun, I miss it now that it's over. I told you it wouldn't be the same storyline, as "Good Times." I really didn't know at first if i was going to have the girl Joyce go alone, or with Lamont to the prom. I thought the other plot would go on and on. I would like some ideas from you about the next story. In the meantime, you can look around this site, their are some funny writers,andsome pretty poetic ones, it's a lot of choice. I will start my radio show by September 2011, Blogtalkradio.com/marqar, I'll be sure to mention you my favorite readers. I hope to have some chocolate recipes every week to die for!! This is from a TRUE chocoholic!!!

Take care, be well, go out and find YOUR Joy, later,
Hi!!!! I just thought I'd chat with readers for a moment, on the post today. What your favorite tv shows right now? Are you a junkie for some sitcom? Some of them are WAY over the edge! Two and a Half Men, My Name is Earl, The Adventures of Old Christine, oh, man they are so vulgar and rude sometimes! You know if your friends talked to you like that, or family you wouldn't have nothing to. I watch them sometimes, for their moments of humor, but it's hard to get past the bash, and rude parts. A lady emailed me on one of my other blogs and told me, that she liked reality shows, like THe Housewives of this and that. I can't get into it, from the little promo spots I see, they seem to be really rude to each oter. And those talk shows, where they fight right on stage, and maybe rip clothes off, is vulgar and salvage to me. What happened to being nice? I guess that's old fashion along with manners.

If you know some nice web sites that are fun, and mainstream, sorry, nothing naughty-leave me a comment. You can also email me at: rixxie@writing.com.
If anybody got any REALLY good chocolate recipes let me know! I'll share them with my readers and maybe mention that it is YOUR recipe, on my podcast.

Talk to you later, don't take any wodden binkies, or nothing that's not nice!
take care--rixxie
June 14, 2011 at 10:13am
June 14, 2011 at 10:13am
Lorita always knew she'd feel this way going back to see the old projects her four kids called home, twenty years ago. Most of the people she knew had long moved, all except those that were born there and were babies when she moved. They now had their own apartments, that weren't quite as shabby. She was glad to see a lot of the grafitti was gone, they would get into a lot of trouble these days. Sometimes she wished she hadn't divorced, William. She felt as if she was a whole new person, after she reached 45. The kids were grown and she was happy, being a office worker for the county. She had never left Detroit, she had her cousins, and sisters there. She missed the auto plants a lot, their hum seem to be the background music for her part of town, back then.

a thumping latin and soul beat, brought her back to 2010, it was her cellphone, her son. The caller ID, had her number on it. "Boy what is it now, I told you I had some runs to make." "Mama can I get the big, senior picture pack? It's only $45.00, more than the other one." "I told you my money is tight right now honey, get the medium size, and just run some off, on your computer. Work with me on this, I've gotten your ring, your clothes for the party, and that's the short list. You are going to have to take your little ten hours you make at, burger world and put things on lay-a-way" "I'm just excited, Mama, I'm sorry-I'll cook you something, you'll have dinner when you get back." "You better- a maid is cheaper, than you!" They both laugh, and he clicks off. She was just stopping in for her friend who was a caretaker, Juanita she had to go to the clinic. She told lorita to make sure, Mrs. Johnson hadn't fallen, and didn't need anything she'd be there the next day.

Lorita was surprized to find, that Maylene Johnson had been one of her neighbors, thirty years ago. She had lived on the 10th floor, back then, now she was on the 3rd. "Hey, Mattie, how you doing Sweetheart, You don't remember me do you? I'm florita's oldest daughter, you remember 1979?" "Oh, come on in baby, I wouldn't have recognized you at all-you sho' got yo' mama's hips!" Pinto beans, and some type of fried meat filled the air. The apartments had been updated, the walls were painted a very light beige and their the air conditioners. most of the grafitti from the halls, had been removed. The apartmen, had nice black and beige checkered sofas, with pine backings and arms. She would have thought she stepped, back in the past if it wasn't for a computer that set up front on a table in the corner. One of her grandchildren, no doubt trying to finish school. "I promised, juanita I'd peek in on you-if I'd known it was you and your family, I would have stopped by anyway. You doing alright? You've got them pinto beans smelling good in here! I was getting hungry standing in the hall." ""Those beans, are hard as rocks, they won't be ready until, about 4:00 pm. Pour yourself some coffee, Lorita, have a seat. I'll get the monitor so you can check my high blood pressure."

It sure was good, seeing Mrs. Johnson again. It reminded her of sitting with her own mother, she sure did miss her. Maylene, took her cane and shuffled over to the kitchen cabinet. She must have picked up at least thirty pounds. She still had her pleasant grin, and long thinck ponytail, now streaked with grey. She took a pink pastry box, off the cabinet next to the stove. The stove was white, small and gleaming, they had really updated everything, matched. She could tell Juanita, kept it cleaned. The monitor was in a drawer, under the cabinet. Maylene, pushed on a radio she had sitting in the kitchen. Some , smooth urban jazz sounds ; her taste in music was similiar to her own. "Here Lorita, have a donut with that coffee, it's some coffee creamers in the refridgerator, help yourself." A bang, and noise at the door, startled them both.

A tall brown skinned, girl in jeans and a pink t-shirt, and two braids, burst in whimpering. "Joyce, how come you not in school? Did your Mama tell you, you could you could come home girl?" "Yeah, I got a note from the nurse, and called her at work. I'm coming down, with a cold. Mylo said he can't go to the prom, he's got something else to do. The prom is two weeks away, I've spent all my summer job money on a dress, shoes, I got it all out of lay-away, now I can't even go! I hate him!" "Now, baby don't upset yourself, you can go with some your friends, and still have a good time!" The girl, rolled her eyes and started cryibg and went in the room, and closed the door. "Teenagers, Mrs. Johnson, she'll be alright, tomorrow she might be in love again." "Joyce is a honory 17 year old, I hate she won't get to go. I bet all the nice boys got dates by now. We won't let her go with just anybody. I have one granddaughter younger than her, she's twelve. And to think I'll have to do this all over again!" Lorita, put the blood pressure cuff on Maylene, and pumped it up.

The girl marched out the room, again on the phone. "Yeah, and he told me at the last minute, now I can't get NOBODY to go to the prom!" Lorita, looked at ZMaylene and smiled and said, "Oh, I wouldn't be too-sure about that. I'll tell you something in a minute, but I have to talk to him first. I didn't tell you about, MY 17 year old son, that's just been calling me worrying me to death, about school pictures, did I?" A look of amusement, came over Maylene's face and they both smiled. Lorita, took her red cellphone out her purse, and punched one number and waited. "Lorita, I forgot your son is in high school too, maybe he can go."."Sh-h-h! I'm 'bout to find out---Oh, hi baby, you still want to get the big senior picture packet?" "YEAH!" Lamont, said it so loud Maylene, could here it on the other end, and chuckled. "Well, look here baby, I want you to do something for me. You can take my keys, to the ford and come by. You know where the Targard apartments are? I brought you here, a few years ago, it's on the 3rd floor, #312. It's Mrs. Johnson, you remember her? She has some grankids, I'd like you to meet. Stop at the corner and bring four cokes, I'll pay you back when you get here. I'm helping Mrs.Johnson, around the house, she's a little sickly. The car is not running the best so, it's just this time until we get it fixed-okay?' "Sure, Mom, whatever you want, be right there!" Lorita, clicked off, and smiled at Maylene.

Joyce, went flinting through the room again this time she was on Maylene's nerves. "Come here Miss Thang, you can't go walking away from school every time some, silly-tail ol' boy make you mad!" Joyce rolled her eyes slightly, careful that her grandma didn't see the disrespectful gesture. "Okay." "You go in my room, and fold the laundry since you here, and then do your homework. Wash yo' face somebody coming to pick lorita up, and comb your hair. Girl you 17 years old, you looking like a old wash woman, ain't you got a little lip gloss, or something? good Lawd, fix yourself up!" "Yes ma-am, I'll comb my hair." Lorita wanted to laugh, but she just smiled at Maylene, she reminded her of herself, when she was mad at the kids.
The idea of someone coming by, that Joyce hadn't met before, got her out of her sadness enough to fix herself up. She didn't know who it was, proabably the ladys' husband or sister or something.

She washed her face, to get rid of the puffiness from crying all morning. She squirted raspberry shower gel on a face cloth, and washed her face and arms. She daryted in the shower and darted out, she didn't want to get her hair, too wet. She was looking really cute with, with wine gloss and a little foudation. She had put on her, Rock The Night, tee-shirt, she'd gotten at a concert six months back. She comed a little hair out front, and put the rest of her thick wavy hair in a ponytail, it was chin length. It only took her ten minutes, to pull herself together. She grabbed the basket of clothes from her grandmamas' room and stopped in the livingroom. "I'm gonna go ahaead and fold these granny", "okay baby." Lorita looked around, what else can i do for you Maylene, you want me to sweep?" "Oh, that's alright, I'll get Joyce since she's here, if you could take the trash out, before you leave, that'll be nice." "Okay, that's no problem, soon as Lamont gets here, I'll let him run me home, he's got to go to school."

There was music and talking coming from joyces' room, she had turned the radio on a rap station, for background noise. She kept it down, a little was still sniffling a little, but trying not to cry. A series of three rhythmic knocks came at the door preceded, by a click-clacky shoe sound. Lorita knew without opening the door, and smiled and went over to it. Lamont was looking his usual, handsome self, and because he knew it was at least one girl there he was, smelling like after-shave spicy, slash. he had his letters, navy blue and white jacket on, and his clear brown skin had been oiled with baby oil, but not oily. His jeans were crisp, and he was smiling, with a bag of cokes under his arm. He is just so full of himself, Lorita thought, but then knew at 17, that's exactly what she had expected. "Hey boy, you got here fast!, Maylene this is my son Lamont, I was telling you about. He's on his way to school." Lamont walks over to his mother and kisses her on the cheek, 'Here you go Moms, got your Sodas." "Oh I forgot that fast Maylene, you diabetic, I meant to get you a sugar-free." Lamont, stepped up with a cold bottle of water, "would you like a water Mrs. Williams, I have another one?" "Oh thank you son, Lorita, he so sweet, he's agood kid." "Honey don't let that fool you! He does that in front of adults, to get favors." Lamont held his head down and snickered. His deep masculine voice, brought Joyce out the room. She, was a little startled to see, the tall good looking boy in the livingroom, laughing and sipping sodas, her brothers' friends were all in school. Maylene, smiled and to herself when she swa the girls' reaction to Lamont.

"A Lamont, this is Mrs. Williams Granddaugther, Joyce, she's in the 12th grade to." Lamont, took one look at the girl and had to suppress a smile, she was cute, and had a nice slim figure. Joyce, had stopped crying and was trying to react to a whole new set of emotions."Oh, wow-you go to Saint Martins? You're on the team, I like that jacket look better than ours. I'm at at, East Milford High, yep it look way better than ours." "East Milford? Ya'll won the game last time, though?" Lamont noticed the girl, was sniffing a little and her eyes were red. "You got allergies? They brother me sometimes, in the summer. Maylene and Lorita watched the two teens, smiling and talking quietly. Joyce took outher tissue, wiped her eyes and nose. She held her head down a little and then looked at him. "No, I was just a little upset, the guy I was going to the prom with, just told me today in school he's not going. I already had my dress, and it'll be here soon, I was just so disgusted with him." "That WAS, cold waiting 'til the last minute like that." Joyce seemed to feel better and just nodded her head. "But, you know what-that ain't nothing, you want to go? I didn't even go to mine, I had to bring my grades up to stay, on the team, we can go if you want to. Moms? That alright with you?" Lamont was smiling because he knew his mom, had set the whole thing up, he loved her for it. Maylene smiled, "Sure honey, I had gotten you a suit anyway, remember, and you couldn't go? It will just kind of work out, like that." Joyce smiled, "Grandma?" Maylene looked at her, and chuckled, "Yeah girl now quit sniffling!" Joyce smiled at Lamont, and started talking about the prom and she already had the tickets. Lorita spoke up, " Mrs Williams, can I do anything else for you, before Lamont runs me home?" " I need the garbage out, but Joyce is here, I'll let her do it." Lamont, spoke up, "I can do that, I don't mind." Joyce was getting really giddy at this point, the boy had a personality, nothing like the punk who had dumped her. "I'll show you where it is, Lamont-you know the Tigers won that game, but that was a accident.." The kids voices trailed off, as they went down the hall to the garbage shoot. "Well, I certainly have enjoyed your company, Lorita give me your number, I want to stay in contact., I sho' appreciate you coming by. "It was my pleasure, Maylene, and I got a hunch the way thoe kids, are chattering on, I'll be seeing more of you soon." The two ladies laughed, and finished their coffee.


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