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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #1926559
A new book to house this year's (and future years) NationalPoetryMonth's daily poems.
I'm writing once again this year. This book is my special event place for thirty special poems.

Here for National Poetry Month in 2018, I'm participating but life has not been kind in the last 15 months, so I'm not always in writing mode.

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April 1, 2017 at 8:03am
April 1, 2017 at 8:03am
she lays in bed with her full breasted lover under the window, free
to choose a rust-colored duvet and hang no curtains until they are cheap or free

from the balcony I compose dreams, fantasies and verse without rhyme
strangers inspire too many idle hours as I sit waiting to be free

a three-year-old runs back-and-forth along the nine-foot corridor
her mother doesn’t think disrupting peace has a price, rarely free

the doctor, poised and confident, said two words, in remission
I stared believing and not at once, wondering am I free

in the garden, two men labor to plant seeds for the first time
waiting to be amazed when tiny flower buds finally push free

I decide to be a parrot, the wispy white trail of an airplane
a mime reciting a Shakespearean sonnet, today I set myself free

the last page of his memoirs, remembering Berlin in the eighties
a troubadour lay naked in high noon park grass, for the first time free

all things visible, or not
a ghazal
April 30, 2016 at 2:40am
April 30, 2016 at 2:40am
Lists are endless
they haven’t happened yet. Will you read me a happy ending?
Under a lampshade poems hide: a tight-rope walker spurning
balance, a black magic spell occulting youthful visions of peace,
a dubious sensation of the moment’s sublimeness, cemeteries
filled with regret. I, an object for your curiosity, am not an
entertainment. We applaud Greek tragedies pizzazzing on
Main Street. I sly away …

and that teardrop dilutes darkness.
Discard the fear, the hatred, the loneliness, the abandon. Nothing
soothed my inner turmoil. Heroes do not die as the curtain closes.
In a series of strange episodes, it was my first dream: to become
a legend, freshened by rose petals, ocean spray, pine cones.

I often went missing from myself
sitting at a Paris sidewalk café bathed in Technicolor sunlight.
I found proof of life in your smile; together we were fearless.
Strangled by the pathos I wept for days for this God-like love,
every word sculpted into a collection of superlatives. In the space
of everything that keeps us alive we slither away from the wrath of
an obscure God of jealousy and try to break free with toothpicks.
One becomes accustomed to the mundane.

The Zen koan keeps no riddle:
I wondered how love fit into this fluorescent narrative of decades
spent traveling, justly dissatisfied with the humdrum of suburbia. I
got drunk afterwards hoping the song will become a multifaceted
version slow enough to meet on a dance floor and embrace people
you'd never meet standing in line for the premiere.

They will form a path back home.
Remember the chatterbox years? Free your heart, become an ace
at breaking monotony’s cling. The peace of never having to say
words aloud …

few understood my message.
I am an elegy, a commemoration, silent, like melting ice, a soft
feather twitching away the pain since that day my personal geometry
made a complete circle and found you. Love does not exist beyond
dictionary definitions. How to cast these things into daggers: the
monotony of rainfall, beer binges and lingering kisses. Crime and
Punishment was never opened.

Caught in the ether of oldness
let's dance a foxtrot. A not-yet-written etude in solitary— sometimes
the perfect one brings freedom — whirls the outline of its boundaries,
a courtyard room with shaded venetians. It was my private cemetery,
brought a calm to the celebration. I’m not impatient for the surprise, a
whirly-bird in search of a suitable piece of life.

Other people lived there …

The calming power of splashing memories while seating beside a roaring fire
A cento poem
April 29, 2016 at 5:40am
April 29, 2016 at 5:40am
the years we spent together

… counting days hours minutes
pressing roses into 24-set encyclopedias
inventing new words of tenderness
folly rouging at my daring
cooking classes
fine winery haute couture threads
holidays on deserted islands
front row tickets for opera
theatre ( we agreed to forego
stadiums )
private museum screenings
parties in penthouses
walking in the rain tucked
under the same umbrella
arm in arm
millions of smiles
that dim the milky way
closing your book every night
tucking you in a last kiss
dousing the lights
making love in the morning
lists are endless ...

they haven’t happened yet

I am no longer sure about true love and soul mates, but thus is how to pretend


April 28, 2016 at 8:36am
April 28, 2016 at 8:36am
just in case I asked for
magical white ink
for tattoos larger than life
a commemoration
silent, like melting ice
until stalactites fall
and pierce a sorcerer’s heart

you did that once, woke
one July morning
your voice empty of life
said love’s like a light bulb
when it burns out
there’s no going back
on that day too much
of me died
I returned to a no man’s land

rolls and rolls of undeveloped
film made the bonfire blaze
with majestic chemical reactions
my cheeks, rouged and salted for a year
like pretzels, peanuts and popcorn
unattached to circus clowns
I would have preferred
that dagger of ice

under certain lights
the invisible ink patterns
crouch like goose-bumps
difficult to ignore
patient reminders journaling
the years we spent together

if love were translucent, perhaps we could read the future

April 27, 2016 at 8:07am
April 27, 2016 at 8:07am
on a calm lake
never learned how to catch
anything other than sunburn
and a dubious sensation of the moment’s
sublimeness, its sunny emptiness

would killing a fish have changed anything?

decades later I seek this gentle lull
deliberately, a way to Zen
I have a large-brimmed hat
that creates magical shade
though I’m rarely dressed warmly enough
I sly away from these slippery
ideas, you know, the closer-to-the-end
kind and that in the finality so far yonder
the atmosphere may welcome
in one sense, but
I think I’ll need a few fur coats
to keep my blood on the up and up
just in case

to be prepared in any situation
April 26, 2016 at 9:57am
April 26, 2016 at 9:57am
smiles as delicate as porcelain
shatter as easily, glue lines
always show
         an eighteen-inch vase, imitation Ming
         thirty-seven sharp pieces

indeed, I am not
an object for your curiosity
my creases, laugh lines, scowls
of scorn one way or the other
misdirected words
         they are now so damned mismatched
         for the living room harmony

malicious, with bent intent
the pout returns
you cannot tame me
I am not an entertainment
thing for a mundane soirée
         I've told fifteen of my guests
         you enjoy playing Chopin

a pet chimp on a street corner
with a tin cup, fondled by strangers
I too will bite your ugly hands
those that won't share the same delicacies
         sorry darling you have to earn
         the right to foie gras

would you smile, hooked like a fish
on a calm lake, cooked to a crisp
left for the maid's harsh hands
neither of us got thanks

changelings born in the wrong neighborhood

April 25, 2016 at 4:31am
April 25, 2016 at 4:31am
only one giant teardrop
like vapor filling oceans and lakes
connecting us all

         barely freezing, almost May
         scattering rain, Arctic winds
         cemeteries filled with regret
         maternity joy

                             to be linked with Hamlett
                             or not to get shot dead

         so easily
         children wonder
         we age, then wander
         live to love

a solution
global feast, desiring
to preserve life
and that teardrop
dilutes darkness
with the delicacy
of a smile

an explosive cocktail of things learned too late versus as simple as a happy meal ... (or not)
April 24, 2016 at 6:19am
April 24, 2016 at 6:19am
there were none
to coax me further
my back to blackness
where are the beautiful
people with souls
to care
which one of us will
love the most
fall into folly and cheat
all those magicians of life

darkness is a trap door

under a lampshade poems hide
waiting for a different glow
be it the sadness in my eyes
let me shout until I'm hoarse
until I tremble like a storm
until I am

a tight-rope walker spurning balance

and from this silence
you reinvent the art of saying
what hearts quest
mine is ready to conquer starlight
take me with you
from my shadows
only darkness holds me here
I don't want to be a teardrop

are we ready to defy never?

prayer of illusion to a young circus performer

April 23, 2016 at 4:41am
April 23, 2016 at 4:41am
his one callous embrace
was all I had, thirty years after

the blackest Christmas that seared
the first hole in my wholeness

happenstance, making a dinner reservation
a hostess chirped "you're not dad's son?

he’s at the bar,” an unwanted attempt
to unite split families -- we snarled politely

I got drunk afterwards hoping
she’d pity me, later, many years later

I prayed for a message from the hospital
he's dying and he wants

it never came so I never had
to answer, to sound my soul

and discard the fear, the hatred
the loneliness, the abandon

the so many other emotions
and look into his dying eyes

and take the risk of seeing
the last ember of his love

there was none

you can play "what if" long after the day you die
April 22, 2016 at 3:57am
April 22, 2016 at 3:57am
death echoes among us
loud-mouthed and brazen
a black magic spell occulting
youthful visions of peace

its arsenal of zombies
totes its sick kiss
to schools, sidewalk cafés
shopping malls, its twisted
face has pulpits of hate
where we are born from love

my sense of beauty
could not make a difference
but to riposte, I will not avail
myself of his callous embrace

all arms held wide open do not see the light

April 21, 2016 at 10:54am
April 21, 2016 at 10:54am
about that happy ending
the theory of relativity, chimes Einstein
is a bathroom scale after Thanksgiving
a 25-mile marathon later
a place in the middle
is achieved -- that's the principle

         check the box most appropriate
         a) ecstasy-induced euphoria ( go quick to d & e )
         b) planning your wedding
         c) content
         d) "you're fired"
         e) it's time to say goodbye at the hospice

Hollywood spoils people
modulating hope from major
to minor, oceans are filled with
our tears and we applaud
Greek tragedies pizzazzing
on Main Street, the pizza house
the beauty salon
the drugstore overwhelmed by over-the-
countering pills to bring back
la vie en rose
-- it's so easy to forget all the other colors
mix outside of balance
into a no-star night --
the church and its frenzy of prayer
we return, dizzy and
expecting Van Gogh swirliness
to our departure point, a marvelous
Pilgrimage that outlasts a lifetime
we leave echoes often
loud-mouthed and brazen

how can we not believe in reincarnation?

April 20, 2016 at 4:08am
April 20, 2016 at 4:08am
songs of love
need to rhyme with sincerity
and verily, tied with bright ribbons
they need a beat, slow enough
to meet on a dance floor and embrace
notes that soar higher than lower
lift me out of those blues
and take me away in a yellow
submarine that our mood morphs
in to a hot air balloon, higher
than every tomorrow, our hearts
as light as butterflies from sweet melodies
bigger and better, faster and louder
they swell and merge as one
with no escape from this magnetic
pull, from valentine rituals
to vows in church, roses not red
but white for better or worse
although yellow ones made me melt
will you read me a happy ending
before you fade into dreams

scream from that eight-lane freeway how you can’t live without me

April 19, 2016 at 10:34am
April 19, 2016 at 10:34am
logs crackle
hickory scents the air
become one with the trees
for even when they are
dead, they offer
us this

the zen koan keeps no riddle
human ears are not needed
to hear the sound
of a tree falling in the forest
its crash of grief

the big bang must've been marvelous
a symphonic cacophony
a celebration

mankind is still
trying non-collectively
to write its music

if each language offers one word
the song will become a
multifaceted version
of that single word
shared generation to generation
a song of

another song to bend our hearts

April 18, 2016 at 5:49am
April 18, 2016 at 5:49am
why do they want me to smile
standing in front of a sexy billboard featuring a three-day-bearded
stud paid to seduce the world with a new after-shave, how can
one compare, impossible to avoid his Adam-like features
whoa! we need a new reality show depicting Average Joe
city mice and country mice rarely dine
without speaking of heritage
while opposites attract
that truth also storms the home front
I've forgotten Jean De La Fontaine
and this moral, chin in hands admiring
a real-life GIF of a cloudy day
no risk for a busy man's farmer’s tan at his first appearance on a
paradise beach realizing he packed dried-up sun block, it’s Sunday
and even the local shops ten kilometers away are closed
can’t pay in euro dollars? yens?
three strikes against last/minute/vacation dot com
all in all, happiness glues us in place for ten days
squint under a perfect sky
and the smile, like umbrellas in bright cocktails
is automatic, opening up one of Pandora's boxes
the wrath of an obscure God of jealousy
and a new selfie acclaimed by
people you'd never meet standing in line for the premiere
of Steven Spielberg’s umpteenth saga blockbuster when you’d
rather be home playing scrabble, listening to logs crackle
hot cocoa, yes
but frowning, you quip
the eyes are mirrors of the soul
beauty is only skin deep
or some other overrated drivel

a new minimalist opera: a lovely face, idyllic vacations and after shave


April 17, 2016 at 5:24am
April 17, 2016 at 5:24am

my favorite teddy, called Cuddles
had three unmatched brothers
a worn out and ragged quartet
of everything that held me together
even today, they smell of
childhood, happy-go-luckiness
and giddy laughter

I lost most of it

in a hospital room, reeking
of more illness than the one
creeping through my skull
I selected sleep therapy
after a month, I asked
a clown with an out-of-tune
guitar for a sad ballad
he didn’t know one
I kissed the hiss of

I have trouble finding things

a few bones from each hand
right ear, heart, my soul
took them hostage
on your tombstone
when you free them
they will form a path back home

why do they want me to smile

the first time is rarely the hardest

April 16, 2016 at 12:01pm
April 16, 2016 at 12:01pm
"But My Darlings, a bleeding, or broken heart, which is certainly less poetic, is the suffering inborn to the human condition."

My grandmother as always. Dressed in Sunday regalia with a lace hat worthy of the queen of England. We listened with more interested than Sunday mass, respectful of her age, her wisdom, her experience; she outlived three husbands while my mother divorced five. We were all, my sister, myself and my cousin Roger who already had a beard, perched on the powder blue sofa and drank tea from her marvelous collection of Wedgwood China, each a unique piece, as were we, no two cups matched. She stood at the window overlooking the courtyard in its early spring attire, statuesque, her demurely painted lips in perpetual movement, refraining from "inappropriate corporal gesticulation," intoning the afternoon’s speech about the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Coliseum in Rome, the strangeness of neon signs in Tokyo, the wandering canals of both Venice and Amsterdam, the odd juxtaposition of glaciers and volcanos despite the bitter cold in Island. She had plans for India and China. And a third African safari.

I wondered how love fit into this fluorescent narrative of decades spent traveling. She spoke more fondly of the in-between-marriage trips. Still, she incarnated all our dreams. To listen to her reminiscences, it seemed so natural to travel, to be justly dissatisfied with the humdrum of suburbia. She pooh-poohed any negative connotation impinging upon the notion of solitude. She was not an expert on romance.

"It's so much better if you can find a husband who wants mere companionship. They are as rare as black pearls. My dear Christopher, bless his dearly departed heart, was always a perfect gentleman."

Christopher was number three, dead now a month. An exercise in mourning etiquette: gather the favorites and talk of the past while laying out a path to glean how our futures might be as keen. My peers look for sensuality, true soul mates. Sex. Behind-closed-door family speculation had her doing that only twice in her life -- first as a one-time-only lucky strike ending up with my mother, who I'm sure came out screaming and kicking like a demon, and next to honor my first step-grandfather. I too prefer to cuddle before hopping into separate beds.

A few more wise and essential parts of the jigsaw puzzle

April 15, 2016 at 3:38am
April 15, 2016 at 3:38am
I was never fearless
engraved in the marble epitaph
waits for a second date

sitting at a Paris sidewalk café bathed in Technicolor sunlight re-writing
the outskirts of last year's gay pride, I tell myself I’ll participate
in the festivities next year"
old song, sad refrain, I never do

         grandmother loved all my men
         kept our photos on the mantel
         "but don't cry it from the rooftops dear"

         I often went missing from myself
         remembering her words
         my "raison d’être" tumbling on growing pains
         I hate sound advice, said I do
         so many damn times

from the anonymity of a Champs Elysées penthouse, sipping Pouilly
Fuisé from crystal, the shenanigans below embarrass the die-hard peace-
and-lovers among us and we’re too polite to tut-tut
another petit four, as decadent as the rampant
sexuality on the street below

fear is an energetic companion
to wed a bandwagon becomes a lifestyle
throwing a defensive punch puts
"till death do us part" on the line
violence, love’s anti-Christ
has catapulted original sin to interstellar orbit
there is still no cure for a bleeding heart

some random thoughts trying to flee a stereotype

April 14, 2016 at 8:41am
April 14, 2016 at 8:41am
whatever the direction
a turning point sits down
at your table and says "check"
that day I found proof of life
in your smile
it didn’t matter I'd never been
in love, I found
a lucky charm
and other smiles were just
refrigerator magnets

I had tried to be a bad boy
choked on the first cigarette
stupid not to try a puff behind
the backyard fence before showing off
cussin' like a big shot
got my mouth washed out with soap
couldn't even spit
nor shriek a two-finger whistle

I wanted to be legendary

you were brighter than Fifth Avenue
eager to show me back-stage
mysteries of love's floodlights
you tore away my comfort zone
like a barbarian eager to conquer my
thoughts of porn, sex
felt so different
fast and furious, tenderness
a danger towards addiction

with your hands as points
on my compass
I wiggled into my man skin
learning the girth of humility
and how little things connect
like puzzle pieces
letting us see the horizon
together we were fearless
and didn’t need to be bad boys
to rule both sides of the fence

Breaking out of the maze or the birth of a dream team

April 13, 2016 at 2:38am
April 13, 2016 at 2:38am
to survive was to define forever

in the space of everything that keeps us alive
there were forsythias and magnolias, the walkway
to the front door, curving gracefully and lined with so many
dogwood, their blooms the proof of life
and the future

then, I defined love, fidelity and grace

a very small grocery list
April 12, 2016 at 3:20am
April 12, 2016 at 3:20am
yes, it was all your fault

and everyone else's
freedom to choose and we
slither away from godliness
some days pain voids any right

choice … it was mine

         I remember
         the first afternoon you kissed me
         lips softer than moonlight

before I was blind

count on it, life will squeeze us into
tight ugly spitballs that throw us hell
shoving us once, twice
thirty times beyond our limits
we’re handcuffed to routine
and try to break free with toothpicks
so iSad, so iWorried
hidden between parable and melodrama
won’t win at the casino
no new car, computer, telephone, diamond
stud for my ear, or my bed

do you even feel the sunlight?

         how could I forget
         the first time I slept in your arms
         I defined forever

what happened after we saw La Traviata the first time together


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