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by Seffi
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #2010700
For the avoidance of doubt... Yes... I definitely have an opinion...
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Welcome to my Blog!!

         About me:

                   I'm not really a blogger... But I do like to put the world to rights and you can bet I have an opinion on most things.

                   I'm a little Welsh dragon that left the Land of My Fathers far behind me. I've flown far and wide.... and ended up
                    in the land down under

                   This blog is filled with all the stuff that's going on in my life, and in my head, which can be a little cookey on
                   times, so you have been warned!! And let's not forget my opinions and musing - I have a few of those as well.

So pull up a pew, grab a hot, steaming mug of something yummy, and maybe a cake to:
Life is always better with cake don't you think. And read...

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         I just starting blogging with the following groups:

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         I also write a Xmas Blog that kicks off 1st December....
                                                           "Invalid Item
....tag along for elvishness and merriment
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January 6, 2017 at 7:50pm
January 6, 2017 at 7:50pm
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS - Fun Fact Friday On this day in 1994, figure skater Nancy Kerrigan was clubbed on the right leg by an assailant at Cobo Arena in Detroit, MI. Four men were later sentenced to prison for the attack, including rival skater Tonya Harding's ex-husband. If you had to resort to some kind of evil shenanigans or trickery in order to increase your chances of winning this blogging challenge, what would be your plan of attack? Have some fun with this!

OOO a scheming plot of trickery... unfortunately I am awful at these kind of things, so I'm pretty stumped. I mean what can you do increase your chances in an online community? There not much you could do.

I could hack into the WDC severs and alter the clock so that everyone enters their responses late apart from me, although this would only drop a few points... I guess if I'm hacking I may as well change a few entries of my fellow contestants while I'm at it; make them more amusing and less relevant. Of course the problem with that is that I am no computer genius, and that would detract time away from being able to write my own responses... I could just deleted them, but that might be too suspicious....

hmmm what to do, what to do...

I guess I could try and bribe fiversixer with cookies or something for the list of prompts ahead of the challenge; to help make my blogs super interesting, witty, and clever. I'm not convinced that would work though, although I do make excellent cookies.... Maybe the other judges - if there are any this round - could also be bribed... perhaps with cake this time. The airfare for all these couriered treats is going to get expensive though.... hmmm...

I need to think bigger - I know....

(Phase 1) I'll hire a surly, teenage computer boffin to hack into the WCD severs to collect the IP addresses of everyone that is participating in this months' challenge, and see if fiversixer as that list of prompts squirrelled away some where. Then I'll get her to access said IP addresses, bypass their security protocols and plant evidence of substantial pirated film and music, but not before identifying the internet providers used in each home. The hacker, known only as Surlygirl101, will also leave behind a virus that will intermittently prohibit internet explorer; or other browsers, from loading. This will annoy the participants, and they may decide it's not worth the hassle or distracted them as they try and focus on fixing the unexplained problem.

(Phase 2) Surlygirl101 will then access each internet providers in turn and create investigations into each of the participants, red flagging all of them and recommending internet provision be suspended immediately; then she will implement said ban. An embedded worm will corrupted and destroy all records after 21 days - I'm not THAT evil.

(Phase 3) While this is going on I will sporadically drop emails and chat with a few of the participants that manage to sort out connection or use their phones, school network, or library about how weird it all is, I may even suggest that I have been having connection problems to throw suspicious minds off the scent.

(Phase 4) Bake cookies to pay Surlygirl101 and sit down with cup of tea to write fab blog responses and post them to forum... Job done


Oh well - I guess I best just put in the hard work and hope for the best...

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January 5, 2017 at 12:55am
January 5, 2017 at 12:55am
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS - The Wildcard Round! Am I on the road, or safely at home? think about it..

For me this quote is a question of whether someone is content with what they have, or are they still looking for something. And for me I think I'm at home. Don't get me wrong I think that everyone is on a journey until the day we die, it's the same destination, it's just that we each find our own way there - our own world tour so to speak.

I used to always be looking for things to make me happy, to give my life some meaning; job, boyfriend, travelling, whatever. I never seemed to be entirely happy, and nothing seemed to fit perfectly. I guess I was looking for meaning in things I could buy, touch, and see, rather than just looking in the mirror.

My ex used to like a drink, or three... or five. He was never physical violent or abusive, but he could get emotional and psychologically nasty if he wasn't getting his own way after a few - usually me suggesting he called it quits for the night, which was apparently why no one liked me, as I was no fun and boring. There would be tears at night and apologies in the morning. It wasn't a horror story, but it wasn't fun either and ultimately I called time on the relationship.

I found myself adrift. I had moved out into a friend's house while she went travelling around India, I had a good job (all be in contracting and not permanent) so could support myself, but it was the first time I was truly on my own. I didn't really know what I was doing. Of course I found my way. I enjoyed being single. Independent. I eventually moved into a flat that I rented for a number of years. I was happy, but lonely, but ok with that. I wasn't ready.

Then I met Guy. He lived on the other side of the world, so you know there was no way anything was going to come of it. It was just a bit of harmless flirting over the net... Except it wasn't. Not for long. Soon it was a holiday. Then phones calls. Then a visa application. Then he was here in the Uk - in my flat.

It wasn't plain sailing. I had to learn to let someone in, to share my world and flat with someone.... Which was more challenging than you'd first think, especially after two years on your own.

Of course we got engaged, married, wanted to start a family, but we struggled. We struggled for years and then finally decided to try IVF. It worked and we got Theia. A perfectly perfect little baby girl. And I'm content. Finally.

Its not that I think that there is nothing else out there for me, or for me and Guy. There is a whole world of possibilities and adventures for us, but I wouldn't be sad if they just continued to pass us by, at least for a while. It's like I can breath and relax for the first time in an age. I noticed it start to happen when Guy and I first met, and it gradually got more frequent. A feeling that life is good.

I have no doubt that Guy and I will get back on the road again at some point, but for now we're safely at home.

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January 4, 2017 at 7:33pm
January 4, 2017 at 7:33pm
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS - War Chest Wednesday What's one place in the world you have yet to visit, and have absolutely no intention of ever, ever going? Why are you so adamant about never visiting?

Today is, or would have been, my Dad's birthday. He would have been 72. When he was younger he travelled the world as a sailor in the Royal Navy and he got to see lot. He was proud of the fact that he'd been to all seven continents and as a child I was regaled with stories of his (mis)-adventures. When I was in my teens I joked that I'd make it my mission to see more countries than him in my life time, and he'd tell me that that was simply impossible. And he was probably right. But I think it would still be a nice legacy for him - so maybe I try it anyway - not that I remember the number or the countries...

This makes this blog prompt difficult to answer as I don't really have a country that I wouldn't visit. I mean I wouldn't want to go to certain places purely from a safety perspective, but that's not to say that won't change and that in five, ten, or twenty years' times things wouldn't be different - safer. I guess the most I could say is that I have a few countries that would be on the bottom of my list - if I get the opportunity GREAT, if not - oh well..

         1) Most of the Middle East - I lived in Saudi Arabia as a child; I grew up there and went to school there, and I appreciate the experience, but I don't really have a burning desire to see any of Saudi's neighbours or near neighbours. Don't get my wrong, each time I've passed through Dubai on my stopover to Australia I get a little nostalgic - it's the smell as soon as I get off the plane, and the heat.

         2) Ibiza - I'm not a clubbing girl. Never have been. Dance music annoys the crap out of me. I've even been know to walk out of shops because I can't take it. So somewhere like Ibiza has NEVER appealed.

         3) South America - this is purely because of the bad rep it gets from a safety perspective. My friend and her husband were recently held up at gun point, and her handbag and his watch stolen while on holiday in Argentina during 2016. I'm sure the country, and it's neighbours, are beautiful, and when I was younger I really wanted to do the Inca trail and see the temples, but now that I have a child I'm not so sure I want to take the risk. Probably silly and I know I'm missing out.

Maybe I should buy a map of the would and some pins and start the mission - with Theia in tow of course.

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January 3, 2017 at 6:37pm
January 3, 2017 at 6:37pm
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS - Talk Tuesday Does any government have the right to tell someone what they can or cannot do with their body?

My answer is simple - no. A government has no right to dictate what a person does with their body - or at least it shouldn't; nor doesn't anyone else.

For example, the ability for a woman to choose to have, or not to have, an abortion should always be her choice. There are a number of reasons why this decision maybe being considered; there could be medical/psychological grounds which means there is a risk to the mother, or to the embryo/fetus, there have been cases where victims of rape have fallen pregnant, or simply that the child would be unwanted or unloved. The decision is hers, as are the consequences - as there will inevitably be ramifications for her to some degree, even if they are just emotional. Don't get me wrong I appreciate the perspective of those who are "pro-life", but I just have a different outlook. I certainly don't think a government can or should impose a blanket position on such a complex subject.

Medical staff have to accept and respect the decision of certain religions - such as JW who, I believe, cannot accept blood transfusions. And they must respect and carry out a person do not resuscitate wish if it's noted on that patient's charts. If this is the case for medical professionals, it should be the case with the government as well.

In the UK, there is currently a crack down on female genital mutilation or FGM, which seems to be popular in some cultures, and while this is different from the prompt, as its a culture not a government, the principle should be the same. The culture shouldn't have the right to force young girls into this practice - ditto for forced child marriages... I understand that other countries have different laws, cultures, religions that have bearing on these practices, but for me it is just wrong.

On the flip side, I also don't agree with prostitution being illegal and think the fact that it actually endangers a lot of workers. Don't get me wrong, I think there should be regulations and laws around it to promote safety, but other than that I think it's daft.

A government is there to protect its citizens; to uphold the laws that keep order and help keep people safe, not to force its will onto a single individual. Forcing your will onto someone is tantamount to abuse or assualt. Its why we have the Human Rights Act...

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January 2, 2017 at 6:50pm
January 2, 2017 at 6:50pm
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS - Motivational Monday! Isaac Asimov, born on this day in 1920, once said "Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers." What are your thoughts on this quote? Is writing simply a brain-to-hand exercise, or is there more involved?

While I get what he was saying, and appreciate the very ellequent and poetic way he said it, I disagree with him.

Writing is no more thinking through our fingers than painting or drawing is.

Our skill at being able to manipulate our digits allows us to communicate our thoughts in creative ways; whether that's through a sketch, a painted masterpiece, a sheet of music, or a perfectly captured photograph. They are the tools that enable us to get what's inside our head, out for the rest of the world to see and ponder.

Now, I'm sure what he's getting at is that, for him, writing is an extension of his very being, as natural as breathing: when he's writing the words just bleed out through his fingertips. But, I often wonder if people say things like this JUST to be poetic and philosophical.

For me, in my personal experience, this isn't the case. Writing is a lot more effort. Yes, there are times when the ideas seem to flow freely, and I'm able to writing/type paragraphs at a time, but the thinking is definitely happening in my head. My brain is definitely the organ-grinder and my fingers are definitely the monkey... I will refrain from making a glib remark about monkeys throwing their own poo around - though on occasion I have been known to write crap lol... - oops too late.

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January 1, 2017 at 6:51pm
January 1, 2017 at 6:51pm
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS- What is the most fun you've had breaking a New Years resolution? And if you don't make resolutions, imagine making one, and then tell us how you'd most enjoy not keeping it.

Hmm, let me think... To be honest I am awful at resolutions... I'm much better when I just decide to do something out of the blue, like when I gave up smoking in November 200X, or when I joined to gym in September 2014, both were very successful.

For some reason each and every time I try at New Year I slip up. I think it's because there's little to no pressure at any other time of year. Maybe I should make resolutions only in months with 30 days in them...

This year is much the same... I decided to lose the baby weight and get fit again. Cut out the sweet treats and be healthy, but then those damn chocolate biscuits sat on the table and were calling to me... Don't you just hate it when that happens. And then the spiced orange cake I made the other day, sat on the kitchen counter top and cried that it didn't want to be throw away...that it was too yummy... Which it was. My tummy whole heartedly agrees it's too yummy. And of course I didn't want the mini heroes chocolate to feel left out...

My husband is convinced my super power is the ability to inhale food.

So, what to do... What to do... Do I feel like a failure and give up? Give in to the left over Christmas goodies? Or do I try again and vow that no cakepop shall pass my lips again?

There is an alternative of course; accept that resolutions are stupid... Eat the food in the house, as it would be a waste not to, but try not to do it in one sitting. And follow this up by getting my ass back to the gym...

All jokes aside, 2016 was a tough year. It took a lot out of me emotionally, physically and psychologically. 2017 needs to be about healing and grieving, and doing what I need to feel whole again, which will be tough. I don't think I realised how not ok I was until recently. But that's ok because I do now and I know I'm not alone in this. So that's my promise to myself. Its not so much a resolution as a mantra - "time to take care of me."

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November 30, 2016 at 5:53am
November 30, 2016 at 5:53am
Prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS - What was the best (or worst) memory of kitchen mayhem during the holidays? How did it end? by Dragon is hiding

First of all - yippee I've reached the end of the 30 day challenge. Obviously there was some tragic news along the way, which cut short the official contest, but that didn't stop us all banding together. I've had a lot of fun with this and met some very funny and amusing people. I can't wait until next time.

Kitchen mayhem... Now I, personally, do not think there's ever any mayhem in my kitchen, organised chaos maybe, but mayhem...nope, no way. My husband on the other hand would completely disagree. According to him, our kitchen frequently looks like a bomb has gone off in it. In fairness, I am a messy cook, I will admit to that, but our kitchen is very small, with only a few work surfaces. I would argue it is almost impossible NOT to make a mess.... I usually end up covered in flour, and there's batter or sauce on the tiles, maybe the floor too. The dog doesn't mind though.

That being said, I've only ever cooked Christmas dinner in the house once and there wasn't any drama; I had the apple and parsnip, and chorizo and butternut squash soups prepped and cooked on Christmas Eve, along with the potatoes for roasting, peeled and in the fridge. I'd even made the batter for the crumpets the night before. There was no panic. There was only two of us, three if you count the dog, so we didn't need a turkey (which neither of us like anyway), instead we had a lovely crown of lamb. Easy peasy...

Most of the time we go down to my Mum and Dad's. Well, I guess it's just my Mum's now - it feels very weird saying just Mum's. Ah well. And there was/is always a bit of mayhem and drama; there are years' when it reminds me of an episode of Eastenders - not sure if you guys will be familiar with that TV soap - it's basically drama, shouting, drama, arguing... etc.. etc...

My mum is a bit of a control freak and perfectionist - it's where I get it from.... so she gets very stressed and angry with things go wrong... like the time my dad over cooked the sprouts... or burnt the carrots, or when there wasn't enough gravy to go round and we had to use instant granules.... I try and stay as far away from that kitchen as possible... it's safer that way.

There is always a mountain of food. Most of the time it's luke-warm and over-cooked. But it's edible. It usually ends in a crescendo of an argument around the dinning room table. My brother is sitting there drunk/tipsy and finding the whole thing amusing. My dad's sniping at my mum, who has finally had enough and run upstairs to make herself sick - very loudly so we know she is very upset. My sister's just come of night shift and is grumpy and aggressive because she has refused to take a nap, the kids (they are 18/20/27 so hardly kids anymore) are sitting there on there phones, and Guy and I are counting the minutes until we can leave. Merry Christmas.

This year we've decided to have Christmas at our house. It's Theia first - so MAJOR milestone - and we wanted it to be at home. Originally, at the beginning of the year, we asked my mum and dad to come up for it, which they were looking forward to, but with my dad passing the plan has all changed. We are still having Christmas at our house, but my mum is now not coming up. She doesn't want to do Christmas this year, which while I completely get, also really p!$$es me off as well as it Theia first Christmas. I can't not celebrate it. Theia makes me make an effort, to move forward and enjoy life... I just wish my mum saw it the same way. We all grieve differently. I know that. Doesn't make it any less annoying.

My mother-in-law is also coming to visit for a month - yes, I said a month. She is traveling over for Christmas to spent it with Theia. Her and my mum had a falling out - it's quite impressive really, they managed to do it without actually talking to one another... Anyway this has meant that my mum is now refusing the come up to visit until the new year.... again words can not express how not ok I am with this!!!! Grrrr..

This year I'm hoping for a stress free, easy Christmas. I doubt I'm going to get it,but that doesn't stop me wishing for it though.

On a side note - Merry Blogmas starts tomorrow - I'm blogging throughout December - "Invalid Item please swing by for a mince pie, mulled cider and other Christmas treats. !!

November 29, 2016 at 8:57am
November 29, 2016 at 8:57am
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Prompt - Our mental/emotional health is equally, if not more, important compared to our physical well-being. What do you do to keep yourself in a positive state of health mentally and emotionally? by the Wordy Jay

This is something I frequently battle with, and have since I was a teenager. I have periods of feeling low, of being lethargic, and of generally not caring about anything, but I've also learnt to recognise the early stages or trigger points and can now put safeguards in place to help. I'm also lucky in that I have a very supportive husband. He's not the most observant, so sometimes I have to openly tell him when I reach breaking point, but once I do he does everything he can to help me.

I think the most important thing to realise, acknowledge and accept is that depression or feeling low/down happens to everyone at some point in our lives. And that mental and emotional health encompasses a lot. There's no stigma with it, or there shouldn't be. We shouldn't be embarrassed because we are struggling with something. There's no weakness in asking for help, or saying "I need to step away from this and put me first".

I once read that there are three sides/elements to depression or anxiety:
1) Thoughts - worried or negative thoughts and self beliefs.
2) Feelings - generally negative feelings and the physical symptoms and tensions that go with them.
3) Quality of Life - inability to do daily tasks and quality of sleep.

It may seem hard, but the first step in breaking the depressive cycle is to address one of these aspects, even if only in a small way. Here are a few things that I do to help lift and sometime reset my mood:

It's surprising how much diet and vitamins can affect your outlook. It's hard to feel positive when you feel crappy after all. Vitamin B, for example, affects the balance of mood-altering brain chemicals and other brain functions; while omega-3 is a major building block in maintaining optimal brain chemistry. A lack of either can make you feel lethargic and tired.

I always try and include a variety of fish, fruit and vegetable in my diet and if I feel particularly low I'll boost with a course of multivitamins or supplements. It can take up to two/three weeks for your vitamin stores to replenish if they have been depleted, so I always try and take this in account, especially around the winter when the nights are drawing in, and cold and flu are everywhere. I usually start taking one a day in October.

This has been tricky since having Theia; I couldn't do very much for about 6/10 weeks after the C-section and I had to have help getting off the sofa in the beginning. Prior to pregnancy, I was frequently at the gym. I'd swim, run on the treadmill or cross-trainer, and do yoga, Pilates or tai chi. I made time for three weight session a week as well. I really enjoyed it. Of course everyone knows about exercise and endorphins, but I found I like the control and power it gave me. I could see the results on my body. I felt stronger and healthier.

While I'm struggling to get to the gym, I can take the dog on extra long walks, or walk to work. I have to wrap up warm as the weather is pretty chilly at the moment, but it's nice to get out in the fresh air and soak up some vitamin D.

I tend to suffer from insomnia and it's often the first sign that I'm struggling emotionally. Here are a few of things I do to help;
a) exhaust my self as much as possible during the day - exhausted body usually trump a busy mind.
b) stop watching TV (and reading) an hour before I go to bed - anything that stimulates my brain basically. Our brains need time to unwind and unplug before bed.
c) have a hot, relaxing bath with lavender or chamomile oil - this helps to relax me, and if you are relaxed you are more likely to sleep
d) drink a herbal tea - warm drinks are comforting but you don't want caffeine.

If all this fails or I think there's a reason my brain won't switch off I talk to someone or write stuff down.

In short, sometime I just need to get whatever is in my head out, whether that be by talking things through with someone or by writing it down. I think this forces me to face the issues and acknowledge them. I'll talk to my husband or a friend, or I'll write a blog or short-story, anything. It's only once I know what the problem is that I can start to deal with it - in baby steps.

November 28, 2016 at 6:34am
November 28, 2016 at 6:34am
Prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS - What affect Does Music Have on the Christmas Holidays or Holidays that You Celebrate by Apondia

For me personally, music has a huge affect on my life. I can't run at the gym without (I can but it goes twice as slow), and I find it difficult to write without it. Even when I'm on the train or travelling I have to have my trusty iPod on me. I've thought about doing the whole streaming thing, but I just haven't got round to sorting it out yet. Maybe in the new year. I used to go to a lot of live gigs, but since moving further away from London I don't do it much anymore, I doubt it will get any easily now that we have Theia. But I digress...

Music and Christmas... whether it's hymns at midnight mass, carollers in shopping centre (they don't really come knocking on doors in the UK anymore), or good old Christmas songs on the radio in the car or through the speaker while you shop, music has a positive impact on Christmas.

I've never gone to mid-night mass, I'm not religious so I'd feel like a hypercritic if I went, but I used to watch it at home with my mum and my sister on Christmas Eve as we wrapped the last mountain of presents, and snacked on cheese and crackers, chocolate Matchstick fingers and Aftereights, while sipping on some type of tipple. My sister and I would sing along; often like cats.... it's a really fond memory for mine; spending time with them and having fun.

I also used to go to Sunday school and church when I was very little. I was even chosen to sing "Away in a manger" - It was terrifying, I was about six, the church was packed, and I had to stand on the steps at the front. Everyone was staring at me, and I messed up the lines... it was fine, I recovered and carried on... but it's not a favourite memory of mine, but not the worst either!!!

When it comes the Christmas songs, I prefer the oldies... and by oldies I mean the 70/80's lol, the likes of Wizzard, Wham, and Slade, maybe a little bit of Mariah... In December I can often be found rocking around the kitchen...I mean Christmas tree, making mince pies and other treats; but I also love the classic like "White Christmas" and "Have you yourself a merry little Christmas." as well. Whenever any of these come on the airwaves, shopping definitely get more relaxing and enjoyable, I wouldn't go as far as fun, I mean it's Christmas shopping... it's madness, but they help bring a smile to my face; I may even join in and have a little sing-a-long. There have even been occasions when a mass impromptu sing-a-long of Band Aid's "Do they know it's Christmas" has broken out, especially when we get up to "Heal the world ". You catch each other singing and then realise you weren't just humming along or singing in your head... but neither was anyone else. At least you weren't like that little welsh dragon who was dancing in the aisle - yep my husband usually disowns me at that point.

Nearly everyone I know, who celebrates Christmas, has a favourite Christmas song and there is always one song sure to get everyone up at a Christmas party; mine is "I wish it could be Christmas" by Wizzard. |It's sure to get me dancing. It's still not my favourite though. That is reserved for "The Power of Love" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood. It's the ONLY Christmas song to mention Vampires... what's not to love...

In round up; I love music; I love Christmas; therefore I love Christmassy Music.

Music has the power to bring people together, to unit them in a shared feeling, and to instil feelings of peace and hope, and joy and happiness, but it also helps us to reflect on the world around us, which is needed at this time of year; it's not Santa Claus and mince pies for everyone after all.
November 27, 2016 at 6:00pm
November 27, 2016 at 6:00pm
Prompt - My husband is about to run out and secure the Christmas edition of Monopoly (there is only one left at the store... there were phone calls and "can you hold it til I get there" and everything) - it's long story that I'll save for the blog. But this made me think - What is your favourite board game?

A couple of years ago, when my husband and I got together we realised that we both love board games at Christmas, especially Christmas evening and boxing day. In our childhoods it was a great way to pass the time after all the food was consumed. So, that first year we both agreed to get a board game each - unfortunately we didn't put any other stipulations on it and we both bought Monopoly - he got me The Walking Dead addition and I got him the Enterprise version. This made us giggle and has lead to the Great Monopoly collection... which so far stands at five at the moment: Game of Thrones, Star Wars, and now the limited edition Christmas version. People think we're mad... they look in our cupboard and see a stack of them. But we love it. And we are going to get another one each year.

However, Monopoly isn't my favourite board game... it's just the one my husband like to play the most. He is not a fan of anything where we have to answer general knowledge questions... or pop culture questions. One of his absolute hates is Articulate - which I love - he played it once and have vowed never to play it again. Same with cranium. Again, once of my favs. In fact it's a toss up between these two which one I like best, but I think cranium is my favourite of all; its a combination of questions, charades, singing, drawing, and sculpting - what's not to love.

To appease my husband we have a number of other ones that come out of the cupboard as well. A recent addition was Jenga which we are actually pretty good at. I love playing it at the moment. And since we can't really go out at night with the baby in bed, it's a good night in, usually with homemade takeaway - yes I know that's an oxymoron... lol. Last year I thought I'd be cheeky and buy him the family edition of Trivia Pursuits since there are "easy" kids questions we can use instead. I'm not sure he really appreciated it....

I'm also huge fan of the games with popular culture versions: for example I have Walking Dead Risk and a game based on the TV series Firefly. Guy doesn't seem to mind these too much, so we are considering getting The Big Band Cluedo this year - see again NO QUESTIONS.

In the next few years our games collection will have to include games for Theia... I can't wait to investigate these more; I've already seen I bucking kangaroo (like the horse version) that we have to have!! She is a little too young at the moment for most of them, but I am planning on getting her, her first jigsaw this year. We have to start somewhere right. I want her to have fond memories of all of us sitting down together regularly and playing these games, and not just at Christmas.

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