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by Mina~
Rated: E · Book · Other · #2027833
Blog for Blogging Circle of Friends and/or Blog City
Blog for Blogging Circle of Friends and/or Blog City
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September 21, 2017 at 7:13am
September 21, 2017 at 7:13am
Using the words pumpkin, scarecrow, light, knife, and hay write a poem or story

I don’t know how long I have been standing here.
My stuffed body made with leaves and hay
My owner built me himself nicely
engraving my pumpkin head with a knife
and then placed me in the field on the month of May
Yes, it’s me! I am the scarecrow!

I watched the sky changing it's colors, light, shades and hues.
I watched how the mysterious forest whispered against the sky.

I allow the northern wind passing through my ear
telling their story far and near
I love watching pigeons when they fly rhythmically
on a background of blue sky.
September 15, 2017 at 12:48pm
September 15, 2017 at 12:48pm
You strike up a conversation with a stranger in the check-out line at the grocery store who, as it turns
out, is not a stranger at all but..... it's your blog, your quarter, have fun

Hey!! “Wait a minute” Do I know you? I questioned.

He looked confused and suddenly he burst into laughter. “You are Mina right!”

“Yes, I am. Sorry I didn’t recognize you because you have long beard.” my friend said.

“No problem” I am happy to meet with you after many years.
September 8, 2017 at 1:40pm
September 8, 2017 at 1:40pm
Will The First Robot In the Boardroom Be A “Woman”? What's your thoughts on robots coming into business boardrooms. Will they be more efficient than their human counterparts?

Various kinds of robots are being created every month. The new technology has changing our life. I sometimes thought is technology is blessing or threatening. What happen if robots take up all jobs? Surely, millions of us will be jobless in future.

It is true that robots are faster and stronger than us. They can do more accurately then we could do. Robots can move effortlessly some of the place that human couldn’t. The mechanism of our soft human body cannot carry the extra load.

Businessman need better products in quicker turnaround time.. Probably there might come a day when employer choose robots instead of human.

However, we have to get on mind that robots need our help. Robot needs electric motors to move them. For some reason if the battery stops working then the entire business will be shut.

July 7, 2017 at 1:56pm
July 7, 2017 at 1:56pm
Prompt: Different age brackets approach pockets differently, so with that in mind... what's in your pocket? What might be in a 16-year boy's pocket? What might be in a 24-year woman's pocket? Or a 76-year-old man's pocket? Have fun!

Here, there no pockets in women’s clothing. We wore Salwar Kameez (long kurta and payjama) suit. But, when I go out, I always carry a purse with me. I have my cell phone, money bag, cosmetic bag, umbrella, water bottle in my purse.

A 16-year boy's pocket probably carry a video game, a Coca- Cola can, chocolates.

A 24-year woman love to present herself beautifully. So their pockets might have car keys, cosmetics bags, pocket money, and chewing gum. They cannot live without cell phones.. However, sometimes they might carry drugs in their pocket.

A 76-year-old man's pocket might have an inhaler, stop watch, compass, Lens Cleaning Wipes, and tissue paper.
May 22, 2017 at 5:25am
May 22, 2017 at 5:25am
Prompt: “Burnout isn't being overworked or not getting enough rest. Burnout is job-induced depression.”
Eric Barker, Barking up the Wrong Tree
What does job-burnout mean to you? How can a person deal with it?

Job burnout is kind of depression. I have experienced it once. I have been working in a private company about two years as an accountant. At the beginning I enjoyed my job very much. But now I get bored doing same types of data entry. I got board dealing with numeric fonts all day, all week, all month, and years. It seems to me that I was trapped in my job. This feeling was going on for a long time until I came to know how to handle it.
I have described here some of my point of views.

Why is it?
If people work same types of work for a period of time people get bored.
If you asked to cooperate with others work after completed your assigned works.
If you check your mail after office.
If you work at a stretch without a break.

How to deal
Take small breaks and chat with your coworkers.
You can go outside for the lunch instead of the canteen.
Think positive like think about those people who are struggling hard to get a job.
Try not to check any office mail after office.
Try to changes your carrier.
Try to write a blog every day in your break time.

There are many points that I do not remember at the moment
April 26, 2017 at 9:24am
April 26, 2017 at 9:24am
DAY 1623: April 26, 2017
Prompt: The only medicine that needs no prescription, has no unpleasant taste, and costs no money is laughter. ~ Evan Esar Fill this prescription by writing something funny or state your opinion of this quote.

Yes it is true, that laughter is the most expensive medicine. Laughter helps our deep sorrow lighter. Remove frustration and stress. It helps us to think positive. Smile help our mind refresh, cheerful. Most importantly it helps us to release anger.

A good laugh not only makes us happy but our parents, friends and the loved ones too. A smile is like the chain reaction.
A smiling face makes another face smile. I have observed that those who know less or stop taking life too seriously, can smile very easily. If we accept the "no’s" in life then life would be much easier.

I have a friend who laugh to see people in misery. I remember one spring we were sitting on the bench under a tree. We were chatting. Suddenly I feel something landed on my head. By hand, I realized what it was. It was crow drops. She was laughing and laughing; couldn’t stop laughing. It seems to me she never see so funniest thing in her life.

I think laughter is good for our mind but not for our body completely. Yes, smile has many positive side but sometimes laughter is harmful or dangerous. There are many diseases inside our body which cannot mitigate with the laughter only.

February 23, 2017 at 4:21am
February 23, 2017 at 4:21am
What are ten things you are thankful for?

1. First, I am thankful to Neva for today’s prompt.

2. I am thankful to be a member of this blog group. I love read and writing blogs. Even sometimes I got stuck to express myself in English. If I am more comfortable in English maybe I can contribute more in writing. I can share my ideas and thoughts to the members. I'm so thankful to those who accept me.

3. I am thankful that I am educated (science graduated)

4. I am thankful that I have a job.

5. I am thankful to have internet access.

6. I am thankful to those who encourage me, inspiring me every day.

7. I am thankful that I am not born in sick or any physical disorder.

8. I am thankful for being a woman of an independent country. Yes, it’s true that I live in a male dominated country. But here I can work; vote and travel independently. I learned that some other parts of the world women especially in the Middle East may not work or travel without permission of a man of their family.

9. I am thankful that I am alive. I can see, I can talk, walk, and can think clearly and have control of my body.

10. I am incredibly thankful to have parents, siblings, and friends.

I am thankful for each and every day. I am learning every day.

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December 14, 2016 at 4:51am
December 14, 2016 at 4:51am
Prompt: You’ve been hearing the same odd sound in the middle of the night for a few nights now. Finally, you decide to investigate. Tell us what you find.

I was trying to sleep. But I cannot sleep. I begin to read a book. I can’t concentrate. I just hear the sound of the waves pounding the shore.

At last, I feel sleepy then I close the book and put it under my pillow. I awakened by a strange sound. The same odd sound in the middle of the night for a few nights now. It’s like a metallic sound comes out through the darkness.

“Did you hear that sound?” I asked Rafiq
“No” he replied half sleeping.

I decided to investigate it myself.

I saw something moving outside my window.
Suddenly the lightning flashed from the eastern sky.

Who are you, who? Hey, this is you, hey. Who are you? I cannot see your face. Am I seen you before? I questioned. It turned. It was an alien with big bald head, green skin, little mouth and big eyes.

I could smell a strange perfume but I cannot remember. A strange feeling has returned.
Why are you here! I whispered.

I was hypnotized with its eyes. It beckoning me to follow it.


The alien started climbing up the stairs and I followed it. After reaching the top of the stairs I could see the top view of the purple river. The wind was getting wilder and I was feeling the chill to the bone. The last rays of the setting sun shifting its color from mountain to mountains. It feels me that it’s a world of a different dimension.

We arrived in front of an old house. It's roof was made with tiled and its long wall bricks was stuck with mud. Opening the door just a huge bat like bird flew directly into my face.

It was an old laboratory. The test apparatus was placed beautifully nothing was out a place.

Suddenly the alien disappeared. I was scared. I had to leave this place before they could perform any experiment with me. I don’t want to be knocking out with their white light.

October 10, 2016 at 3:52am
October 10, 2016 at 3:52am
Prompt: “It has taken me quite a few years to realize the fact that most of the thoughts in my head are not necessary.”
― Bert McCoy
My question is, how can anyone chase away those unnecessary thoughts? Do you have any ideas?

I think this quote is very true. Thoughts have many branches. One thought give birth to another thought. Then they scattered from branch to branch. One of my friend is always been overly concerned. One day, after an earthquake. She began to speak what would happen to my baby girl if I die. Surely my husband will marry another woman. Indeed, her stepmother will not love her as her child; these thoughts upset her, left her sleepless night. She cannot stop thinking. After that she became ill.

I think to eliminate our unwanted thought at first we have to sleep well. He should read an interesting story book, so that our thinking does not goes bad. Sometimes video games are helping people to remove anxiety.If you have time you can take therapy. Even though it is long process but I think it can help you to eradicate unwanted thoughts. If you can’t it is good for you to accept those thoughts.


O- Orange, red, yellow leaves swaying in the breeze
C- Cotton like white clouds floating by
T- Towards the deep blue autumn sky
O- On this October noon
B- Birds are gone to the distant land
E- Energizing our mind and this season
R- Return to the same place year after year.
September 26, 2016 at 7:01am
September 26, 2016 at 7:01am
Prompt: "Write a thank you note to a friend who gave you onion and garlic-flavored chewing gum."

I am writing you concerning a gift I just received. I’d like to thank you for the onion and garlic-flavored chewing gum you gave me. You know doctors want to remove my two teeth.
You know very well that how much I scared of it. After having your chewing gum I have a very bad breath. When my doctor going to pull my teeth asking me “open your mouth wide”; the smell of the onion and garlic running him away.

All the credit goes to you. Thank you for being such a good friend of mine.

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