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by Mina~
Rated: E · Book · Other · #2027833
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December 7, 2015 at 1:16am
December 7, 2015 at 1:16am
Could terrorism--local, national, or international—have roots in a person’s or a group’s cultural disorientation and psychological instability? What do you think starts this type of crazy behavior?

Yes of course it is psychological instability. People who are in frustration or grievance
may commit terrorism. They may not understand the depth of the religious word. Some crazy people
brain washes the young people and misguided them. I blame the so-called religious
institute teachers. They make their students believed that whatever they should do, they do for the greatest good. They have not actually taught the students by teaching them in a wrong way. In Islam Suicide is one of the greatest sins and The Quran forbids both suicide and the violence.

Islam encourages showing affection and loves towards each other all the time.

smile poem.

Your smile lights up someone Else's day
Smile is the greatest gift in our pathway
So start a day with a beautiful smile
Let the light of the smile come for a while

The power of a smile can do anything
It can change our mind, make us sing
Your smile lights up someone else's day
It wipes one’s tear and pain far way

The smile costs nothing but enriches one's soul and heart
Just give away and a new life may somehow start

November 5, 2015 at 12:53am
November 5, 2015 at 12:53am
Prompt: Like Elsa of "Frozen" sings: Let It Go" What things in your life have you had to let it go?

At first I want to let go my fear, my anger my past mistakes and my negative thoughts. The main culprits of my life are these things. Sometimes my past makes me depressed. So I want to let it go.
Fear is the main obstacle in my life so I want to let it go.
October 15, 2015 at 1:06am
October 15, 2015 at 1:06am
Prompt: Who are your three favorite book characters? What makes them so great?

At this moment the three characters which come up my mind are:

Elizabeth (pride and prejudice)-I like the Character Elizabeth personality.
Anne Frank (Anne Frank Diary)-I like the way she writes all hiding place during World War Two.
Sherlock Homes (Sherlock Holmes)-I wonder how the detective Sherlock Holms solve the problem using logic and observation. Sometimes I would like to solve the problem like Sherlock Holms.*Smile*

What books do you have on your shelf that you haven't read, yet? What books do you hope to reread?

The book on my shelf that I haven’t read yet is Sir Arthur Conan doyle Sherlock Homes (Part II) which I get as a gift by my younger sister on my birthday last year. I would also like to read some wonderful writers book in WDC.
The books I hope to reread are Jane Austin’s- Pride and prejudice, Anne Franks- Anne Frank diary, Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle- The lost world, Charles Dickens- the Christmas Carrol, Jules Verne- Mysterious Island, Journey to the centre of the earth and so on.

October 12, 2015 at 5:36am
October 12, 2015 at 5:36am
Prompt: Where do you think fear of failure comes from? Was there ever something that you had feared you’d fail at but didn’t?

Fear of failure comes from over thinking about something. I remember the first day of my job interview. In today’s world to get a good job is like a dream. I had applied many times but didn’t get a suitable job for me. I was scared and nervous, because I always feared the interviewer might question me in English. I feared that I might fail, but suddenly a voice in my head said “I can do this…I can do this.” This inner guide inside of me gave me self inspiration. To my surprise, I got this job. I answered the entire question, “Tell me about yourself…..and so on” fluently in English confidently.

“Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” - ― Rumi, The Essential Rumi
Prompt: Use this quote to inspire you to write your own myth about your muse from either your view point or that of your muse.

To leave the fear where it belongs
cheer the day by singing songs
My mind on “I can do”
Let the light keep coming through
If my thoughts are filled with fear
My success may never come near
I let the fear go where it may
Let the light come through each day.

September 28, 2015 at 9:46am
September 28, 2015 at 9:46am
DAY 1047: September 28, 2015
Were you able to see the eclipse of the super moon? If so then write a story or poem about it. If you weren't able to see it due to circumstances beyond your control. Write a rant about it.

In my country we are not see the eclipse of the super moon but I tried to wrote a poem about it.

O moon
Where did you get such a beautiful dress?
Who made over your pretty face?
Underneath our earth looks like new
When you glowing with reddish hue

O moon
Please stay just a little more?
Don’t you see we’re humming our tune.
Please stay; don’t disappear so soon.
Let us take some picture of you.
September 23, 2015 at 2:27am
September 23, 2015 at 2:27am
Day 1042: September 23, 2015
Prompt: September 23 is the first day of fall. What is your favorite thing about autumn? Write a story or poem about it.

Autumn is one of my favorite season. I like the color of autumn, its clear sky, rafts like clouds which seen floating in the sky. I wrote a poem about autumn.

Flowers getting white leaves are falling down
Like flocks of butterflies land over the ground
and the grasses getting touches of brown
The touch of autumn floating all around
summer has gone, birds are quieter too
the sun shines bright and air felt new
rafts of white clouds floating in the sky
with them my mind want to fly high
when dusk sky turning shades and hue
makes my heart say I miss you
when the evening star twinkles and smiles
makes my heart say I miss you
the touch of autumn surrounds me everywhere
to have this lively rhythm is just being there

Prompt: When was the last time you wrote something by hand?
I writes everyday by hand before posting anything. I draft then type anything I write.
August 24, 2015 at 6:42am
August 24, 2015 at 6:42am
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
What do you think Emerson means, and what do you take from the above quote?

I think Emerson wanted to say by his quote ““What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” about the mistakes we already done, we will do and we are doing…

We Know the proverb “Too err is human”. There is no person who never did a mistake. We make mistakes and learned from the past. We can correct it along the way but sometimes we did the same again.

We always fear to face our future. In our pathway sometime arrives some new, unknown, unseen problem. To solve this new problem we sometimes did the mistakes. Throughout our life obstacle arrives on our pathway and we have to face these obstacles. To take these as a challenge.

We the human being we lead this world, we the ruler. We rule the water, the land and every creatures. A single wrong decision (mistake) of ours can destroy our world and this will not stop until we take responsibility for our life.
August 11, 2015 at 10:44am
August 11, 2015 at 10:44am
Prompt: Several creative people, such as artists and authors, claim that relaxing and ‘doing nothing’ can be extremely beneficial for the creative process to follow. Do you believe this could work, I mean doing absolutely nothing? Has this been true for you, if ever?

Yes, I agree with it. I think that sometimes doing nothing is beneficial for creativity flow because our brain is always busy whether we do anything or not. Our brain is always used for creative thinking. So we need to give our brain rest because sometimes our creativity is blocked. Our brain needs rest to organize the scattered files on our mind.

Since my childhood painting is one of my hobbies. Though I am not a very good artist,but I like to paint. Because I know that it is very soothing, it is a kind of medication and very relaxing.

Every day after coming back from work, I spend ten minutes sitting on the chair, thinking about the scenery which I saw on my way home, focusing on it, and putting these on the paper. The colors create a wonderful effect on my mind. Slowly, I find that my mind calms down bit by bit. Normally I paint the scenery that I saw on my way home. “the beautiful sunrise” or “the beautiful cloudy sky.”
The color creates something in my mind. It is very soothing. Though I am not following the rules of painting. I like to paint whatever comes to my mind.
June 6, 2015 at 1:48pm
June 6, 2015 at 1:48pm
Prompt: The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and then... Finish this sentence with a story or poem.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing,
and then suddenly birds stopped their song
And I thought what was wrong?
What happen to them? Why they behave strangely?
All of a sudden I saw that my water bottles shaking
my dog came out his kennel; barking continuously,
hens are stopped to hatch their eggs
And I was standing with shaking legs
The pet Parrot flew round a cage in panic
I felt weak but why? Am I sick?

“Go downstairs now” my mom yelled out
It’s a earthquake there is no doubt.
May 5, 2015 at 2:19am
May 5, 2015 at 2:19am
Prompt: Of all the flowers you've ever smelled, which one had the most appealing scent and why? Would you want a whole garden full of these flowers and why?

My favorite scented flower is tuberose. It gives my mind pleasure. When the flowers bloom, it looks very attractive. Every day before I sleep, I put some tuberose in my flower vase and its scent spreads around in the air that takes me to the dreamland.

I want a whole garden full of these flowers so that I can enjoy the scent. I want to commercially grow these flowers and make “essence” of it so that others will get the same advantage and can enjoy the scent.

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