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Random Rants and Thoughts
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My Completely Random Thoughts

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Sometimes, I'm at a complete loss as to what to write. I mean one huge brain fart with no IQ. I don't get it. Like right now. When I do have something to say, you can't shut me up. Just a friendly warning. *Crazy*

*Cat* *Cat* *Cat* *Paw* *Paw* *Paw* *Cat* *Cat* *Cat*

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The narcissist satisfies his never ending hunger for attention at the expense of anyone naive enough, dependent enough, or willing enough to feed him. He is an addict who will stoop to any level to get his fix. Since he lacks the ability to empathize, he does not have to experience the implications of what he does to others. He may know you are hurting, but he doesn't have the capacity to feel your pain. ~ Randi G. Fine

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November 24, 2016 at 6:22pm
November 24, 2016 at 6:22pm
Cooking two turkey breasts, each in a crockpot. Well, forgot to turn one on! Had an overabundance of sides and barely any turkey left. Nice!

My mind is not on turkey today! I'm flying high, because I'm yellow! Yippee! My mom was here and we actually had a good time; imagine that. If you've read any of my memoir, you'll understand why I say that. I'm overstuffed and tired, but not tired enough to sleep. May just have to work on my memoir. I don't know....I seem to be very indecisive today. I wonder why!

Happy Turkey Day! I'm thankful for WdC family!

Proud member of the *Star* Rising Stars Program *Star* 2016-2017

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Writing is a challenge; getting paid for it is an even greater challenge.

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November 24, 2016 at 10:00am
November 24, 2016 at 10:00am
What can I possibly say to all of you? I woke up this morning to find such a surprise!! You like me, you really like me!! LOL Had to say it. But, seriously, I've said it so many times and I will repeat myself again! You are all my family! We all have something very special in common ~ writing! How awesome is that? I feel so blessed and honored. I honestly don't have the words to express my feelings!

Today, I am thankful for my WdC family! What a Thanksgiving this will be! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Proud member of the *Star* Rising Stars Program *Star* 2016-2017

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Writing is a challenge; getting paid for it is an even greater challenge.

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November 21, 2016 at 11:16am
November 21, 2016 at 11:16am
I blog for myself, not anyone else. Of course, I make it public if anyone cares to read and comment. I don't write so others can comment, however. It's for me to keep track of my progress or disappointments, or obstacles that I encounter. Some people like to read about it, others may not. I always welcome feedback, of course, but I don't expect it.

I wrote this for a new member who is having difficulty understanding what the purpose of their own personal blog should be. ezraheilman this post is for you.

Blogging is also a release. Vent about things that bug the hell out of me, or things that I'm really proud of. There's no template for blogging. It's what you want it to be. It's really very simple! I hope that makes sense!

Proud member of the *Star* Rising Stars Program *Star* 2016-2017

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Writing is a challenge; getting paid for it is an even greater challenge.

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November 11, 2016 at 3:45pm
November 11, 2016 at 3:45pm
I know I'm driving people crazy promoting my new forum. However, I truly believe that we all have a poignant story to tell. Life is not easy. We've all been through very rough times; some that have spanned over years or even decades. Have you ever thought about writing your life experiences down? Your goal doesn't have to be publication. It could just be a release for you; bring closure. Blogging or keeping a journal about your life's difficulties is your memoir. I've been working on my memoir for months; editing, refining, getting it ready for publication. I do feel there's a target audience. I know it can resonate with many people, because what I've been through is all too common for so many.

I'd like to help, support and encourage anyone who is keeping track of their personal experiences. Again, your goal does not have to be publication. It can be an ongoing project that may last for years. It's entirely up to you. I've learned so much through the writing of my memoir, which I'd like to share with others. So many negative emotions can surface as a result. The memories may be too painful. I can help you with that as well! I invite you to check out my very first forum!

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See you there!

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Proud member of the *Star* Rising Star Program *Star* 2016-2017

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November 11, 2016 at 9:46am
November 11, 2016 at 9:46am
I know all of our emotions are raw due to this election, but we, as a community, need to unite. Respect everyone's opinion and views. After all, this is America, and we are all entitled to our own opinions. We're individuals, not drones where we all will agree all the time. I don't like conflict; I never did. We all expressed our views, which is okay, because we have the right to do so. But, as I said yesterday, we need to separate the president elect from his supporters. It's not fair to generalize.

My rants were never directed at anyone but him, but I can see how others would take it that way. We share a beautiful gift in common. Let's focus on that and enjoy the support within the community.

Today is Veterans Day. We have a lot to be thankful for! So, let's move forward and respect each other! You guys are my family!

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Proud member of the *Star* Rising Star Program *Star* 2016-2017

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November 1, 2016 at 11:34pm
November 1, 2016 at 11:34pm
Well, today has been an extremely lucky and blessed day for me on WdC!! Along with all of those surprises I posted previously, I won the PETS CONTEST!! Awardicon and Danger Dog Trinket!! I'm overjoyed. I may sound crazy or sappy, but writing is my passion, and to be recognized for it is an unbelievable feeling. Only one year ago did I decide to embark on a writing career. Looking back, I honestly can't believe how much I've accomplished. In just 4 months here on WdC, my writing has improved dramatically! And to be invited to be a part of the Rising Stars Program is just the icing on the cake.

I really should've played the lottery today!! LOL

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Proud member of the *Star* Rising Star Program *Star* 2016-2017

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November 1, 2016 at 2:17pm
November 1, 2016 at 2:17pm
As I posted in newsfeed, I woke up to several emails that blew me away. I received two merit badges for good deeds cash and for being 3rd place in reviewing for the Angel Army. I received a beautiful plaque that I'm so proud of. I am truly honored. Everyday, I get more and more out of WdC. It has improved my writing tremendously! I just went through my port and reviewed some of my earlier writings. Wow! They were awful compared to my writing today. Being here is truly a blessing. I don't care how much premium membership costs, I will always scrounge up the money to renew. I can't imagine not having this site to come on each day and share significant events with my writing family! Also, I love to see others' accomplishments as well.

Everyone is so supportive and willing to help. Are there some bad apples? Absolutely. I've encountered them. But, they can't compare to everyone else. That 1% is meaningless to me. Thank you to everyone who has been there for me to motivate me and accept me with open arms. I love you guys! My family.

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Proud member of the *Star* Rising Star Program *Star* 2016-2017

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October 16, 2016 at 9:18am
October 16, 2016 at 9:18am
Yes, I posted this in newsfeed, but I have the need to talk about it here. For those who are unaware, The Daily Show came to MY area, literally 10 miles down the road, to see a Trump rally. He interviewed people in the parking lot. O....M.....G This is my area. This is where I live. I'm sorry, but THEY are a basket of scum and deplorable. It embarrasses me beyond. These people do not represent the Wilkes-Barre area. Just those freaks who were there. If you haven't already, please watch the video via the link below. I still can't believe I live with such people!!


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October 13, 2016 at 12:44pm
October 13, 2016 at 12:44pm
Issues with my daughter and my letter to school.

To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is regarding Bethany Sromoski, my daughter. My name is Mary Ann Sromoski, and I have several things to inform you about. I am extremely disturbed with your handling of my daughter's situation. Keep that in mind that no political connection can help you here.

My daughter has severe panic attacks and social anxiety when it comes to school. She is currently seeing a mental health counselor to resolve this dire situation. I will not allow my child into school in such a state nor was I suggested to force her. It's a very fragile situation. Something, I fear that you are not aware of at all. I am a mental health counselor as well, and I'm all too aware of disorders such as these. We're attempting to get her into Cyber School and then homeschooling to keep her away from the vile environment in your school. Should you want to "chew" anyone out regarding my daughter, you call ME, not my husband. My number is . Write it down and don't forget it.

Until this very serious situation regarding my daughter's mental health is resolved, she will not be attending school. My child's health comes before anything. Remember that!

Mary Ann Sromoski

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October 6, 2016 at 2:06pm
October 6, 2016 at 2:06pm
As sample of my poetry attempts.
#1526695 by Oldwarrior

This poem moved me so much. He was a warrior in life and made a legacy for himself. How do you become a warrior? I think it's in your blood. How else could one offer his life as a sacrifice for others? It's completely foreign to me, but that's what made him so special. please rest in peace with your fellow comrades.

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When I see my articles somewhere:
When I see that they didn't credit me:
<,︻╦╤─ ҉ - - ---

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